HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1930-06-05, Page 1Vol. XXX No..47 RIC .......... ERAL ZURICH, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 51930, Chester- L. Smith naltifolioate $1.25 a year, U.S. $'1.501 int lid: $Z'l� 1N &RRLr tRS,t2 MAY BE OEA*egrf Let the Ads. in the heraldguideyou �n BuyingandSellin •.•••••••••••.•••••••••+•.••••••••••,,.,.....• • • ♦ •• s ♦• Special • 0• ♦ ♦ ♦ 10 -11 • 1 Sheriock-Manning .♦ ♦ • P1ANO r► Practical New �4t• r► ♦ •♦ • • Mr. and Mrs. C, Fritz were Sund e • visitors at Listowell. Dr. P. J. O'Dwyer returned on F • play evening after attending the m • ical convention at Toronto. • Reeve Gordon Turnbull of • town of Parkhill, called in the villa • on Monday. • !Mr. and Mrs. John T. Mitchell a • son, Mr. and. Mrs. Stanley of n • Hensall, spent Sunday at the home •Mr. and Mrs. C. Eilber. • Mr. Douglas Greb, of Stratford, • at present spending a week- with • uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Jo • Brenner. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Stelck and s Mervin; visited at the home of • Robert McBride, Stanley on Sund • evening. Owing to our heavy volume advertising this week, we are oblig to hold some interesting articles ov for publication. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Greb and fam of Detroit, were week -end visitors the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Bre ner. The weather man has at last fav- ored us with better growing and more apprecative weather than the past week, when we were visited by a frost nearly every evening. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wickens Left for their home in Ingersoll lest Fri- day after spending a three week's pleasant visit with relatives and fri- ends in and around Zurich. Mr. E. Oesch made a business trip to Hensel] and Exeter, the beginning of the week, representing the fam- ous Kelvinator refrigerator, which in deed is a great convenience in a home especially in this warm weather. • ay ri- ed- the ge nd ear of it his hn on NIr. ay 44 • with Bench to • Match A BARGAIN! For Quick Sale • • •• 4 • • • e • • • • • • • • FRED THIEL .� ZURICH• { • PHONE i •• I. E • 44114•4444444,44444444.444.444444444444444444144444H041•• 1 :_ MOkill 411 AD401 • 2 THE FAMOUS HIDDEN Alm .B111DGE 'TAKES STRAIN OFF THE. JUICIEADERtFROTECIS THE. ,FOOTS.0EA'T- EST BEAUTE THE Y RSY;CURVE OF ;EPEE INSTEP A CROWNING TOMEI OF 'S RTNESE !iS DT - W- MIME BARD Si3A> = JP 'HIER LNG :IN :SPRING ;0 ,'S. SHIM OF .GOOD "SIPIQES" ••••i••••••• •• • • 4 • 2 • Arch -Help Shoes Amazingly Comfortably Authentically .Styled AIX 'THE 's} RJ MAINING NEATLY,DONQE limes Bost Shop •••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• IEXTRA Wt Chid i oR t miss dais dance" ; all.in r' Spring Snit One Day' Only: Friday, June eth ad 24. • 1 • 4 4 •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Z • e • • • • 4 • • Tailored to Measure OFF lN'S BLOCK i`&JCK IL It 8s Gan 4 «I • 4 • ♦ • 4 i1 4 • • • • • •• ••• • s, IDROCROIRS • • • 114•144100444444400401101140114440044..****4044404/444•4 Mr. .Wm. Brown made a business trip to London, on Wednesday last. Mr. Calvin Williams of Buffalo visited with his brothers and sisters here ever Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Levy of CIin- ton, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Wurm of town, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. Oswald of or the Bronson Line., Miss Pearl ?file and Miss Jane er Lamont, Mr, W. H. Edighoffer and Mr. J. E. Gascho are attending the ily at n - S. School Convention at South Eeast- Hope. Mr. and Ivlrs. E. R. Siebert and On the 29th day of May, the chil- dren and grandchildren of Mr, and Mrs. John Hey, Sr., celebrated IVer. Hey's 79th birthday. A very pleas - .ant time was spent with a bounteous .Lunch, singing, music, and horseshoe ,games, a special ,feature of the even- ing was the singing of Mr. Samuel Hey's little quartette girls. Mr. and Mrs. Hey's children being all present. His children and friends ail wish to celebrate many more happy birthdays Mr. Bey was also presented with many nice birthday gifts. Presentation O.n Friday evening the members of the Junior League of the Evangelical church and their Superintendent, Mrs Chester L. Smith, and pastor, Rev. W. Y. Dreier enjoyed a beautiful motor ride in the new truck owned .and driven by Mr. Thomas Meyers, and presented Miss Edith Greb, of the Babylon line, and who has been assistant superintendent for the past few years with a beautiful vase, with flowers decorated with handkerchiefs sr1, was very suitable for the oc- casion. The address was read by Grace Meyers and presented by Reta b Fleischauer. The address: Dear Miss Greb We as members and o officials of the Junior League of the Evangelical Church, in this way wish a to '.press our high appreciation for w your cervices rendered in our organ- in izdtian and for your influence upon the our 'lives. And with this token of o our ]love goes our heartiest congratu- di let ons for future joy and happiness. n Signed. The Junior League. c p li br family, William and Frank Siebert, w home of their parents, 3[1r. and Mrs. W. L. Siebert. all of Detroit ere visiting at the Mr. David Wilson, a former resi- dent of the Blue Water Highway, vis- ited at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Wm.• S. Ruby and Mr. and Mrs. D.- Oswald, Bronson Line, for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. David Gingerich of town, Mr. and. Mrs. Jacob Gingerich and family of the Goshen Line, south, 'spent a pleasant week -end with fn - ends at Emily City, Pigeon, and Elk- ton, Mich. The Zurich Branch of the Worn - ens' Institute held their monthly me- eting •['Jthe Council Chambers on Monday*'evening with a good attend- ance. The meeting opened by song with Mrs. S. Witmer in the chair. Father L. Power gave a very inter- esting talk on Education, which was very much appreciated by those pres- ent. Mrs. E. F. Klopp responded, thanking Father Power for his good will and for the well chosen subject.. Miss Pearl Wurtz and Mrs. Harry G. Hess gave very good readings. Dur- ing the evening program after the business part the Iadies in charge of the meeting served lunch, the meet- ing then adjourned. There will be no meeting during the months of July and August. Love—Greb A very happy marriage toot; place at the Evangelical Parsonage, Zurich on June 3rd, at 11 a.m. when Miss Edith Greb, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Simon Greb, was happily wedded to Mr. Hugh T. Love, second son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Love, of near Grand Bend. Rev. W. Y. Dreier pastor of the bride, officiating. The ridai party were accompanied by Miss Margery Jennison, cousin of the groom, and Mr. Oscar Greb, brother f the bride. The bride was gowned in dahlia silk crepe, with hat, hose nd shoes to match. The bridesmaid as attired in peach,georgette and a ohair hat. Following the ceremony bridal party repaired to the home f the bride, where a sumptuous wed - ng dinner was served to a large umber of guests. This happy oc- asion was also the twenty-seventh marriage anniversary of the bride's arents.The `groom's gift to the ride was a gold mesh bag, to the idesm$id, a white gold ,necklace set with emerald, and to, the best man, white gold cuff links. The bride was e reciepient of many beautiful and stly gifts including a number of eques, all showing the high esteem which she is held by her many fri- ds. The choir and Sunday school ss, of which she was a member, asantly surprised her With. a .mis- laneous shower. The Junior Lea - e, of which she was assistant sup- ntendent, came to her home with beautiful vase and a handkerchief uquet. The newly weds left amid wers of confetti on an extended eymoontrip to Port Huron, Kinde Clemens, Detroit and Petrolea. e bride's going away attire being aupe satinfaeed crepe with hat, e and shoes, purse and gloves to tch. Upon their return they will de on the groom's farm on the t concession of Stephen 'Township. it many friends jean la extending . gratulatie • , �«+ Progressives ANNUAL MEETING th ' Of the 'co POLITICAL PROGRESSIVE ch in ASSOCIATION en SOUTH HURON cla pie Will be held in cel TOWN HALL, HENSALL On THURSDAY, JUNE 5th At 2 p.tn. Also a Convention to select a Can: didate far the forthcoming Federal Election, .will be held at same time and place. The 'meeting will be addressed by W. G,':lkl veld, M. P. P., Wm. ]1i11adk, President, Seaforth, Jon. Pennest, 1EZ,Ii.8 Seaforth, Secy: „:.. Treas.• gu eri a bo sho hon Mt. Th at hos ma” resi 21s The eon $10.00 COAL 193G New Low Price Now in Effect WHEN BUYING YOUR FUEL. WHY NOT HAVE THE RES. GENUINE D. L. 4 W. SC7;;A1 •Ti.ei COAL "The Standard Anthracite"' WE ARE OFFERING AN IDEAL. EGG„ STOVE, NUT AND SMALL, WORKMAN, 17 WATCH FOR A PEA. SIZES,. SEMET. SOL,I3. . EWEL, 18 SIZE, STRONG COKE.A discount of 50c per ton allowre&rear. CASH on all fuel, NICKEL CASES REGULAR PRICE $15.00 ONLY A FEW LEFT Hess, The Jeweller'Olece Phone lOw House iP1h,r�,Pe HEN SAL own, llfl�: • MEN'S TAN OXFORDS •j MFG. BY SCOTT McH_ALE • GENUINE $7.00 VALUE Y $4.85 WOMENS' PATENT STRAPS • WITH BUILT IN ARCHES • Reg. $5.00, At $2.95 ,....++++++++,++++++++++....,++++,...4444444.41. Every Day is getting better and better. People are getting Value -Wise. Thats why they come here for Shoes & Cam + + + + + + MISSES PAT. SLIPPERS SIZES 11 to 2 Reg. $3.00, At $2.o0 SHOE REPAIRING No. I SOLES .j Men's Half Soles $1.00 Ladies' half Soles ....,- . 75c + + + aTWO 1930 BRAND NEW +I. MODEL A. COACHES, AT A • SACRIFICE WOMEN'S 'PUMPS MURRAY MAKE" BLACK, TAN OE WHITEC Genuine $5.95, At $5.2s ARCH SUPPORTS Dr.. SCHOOL' REGULAR $5.001 Now $3.00 Pair. RUNNING SHOES BOYS AND GIRLS' 65c 90c. $1.15 MEN'S WORK SHOES You Can't Beat Ern; at an. Price.. Theyre Wonderful at This Price $3.2.5' USED CAR DEPT. + + + + + + 0 FRITZ & SON * Shoe Merchants - Ne W and Used Gar'.Beaee �4 Phone 82 or 115 - Zur : tfi+++++++++'I F+'F+ ! i i" -afif • 1925 FORD COUPE BALOONS NEW DUCO FINISH 1927 FORD COACH' ORIGINAL TIKES AND: PL ISH, RUNS .LIKE NEW 2929 MODEL A, COUPE: 1923 FORD TOURING NEW GOODS Don't miss seeing nd getting o ur prices on our New .Spring and Summer Dry Goods 'of all ,kinds ALSO SHOES; HARNESS R.EFA1RS, HARDWARE, P OILS, AND OTHER STAPLE LINES, 1100 iN1,ll.V1iERJ USMENTION. 1930 E.AT 1ON- 1930 GARDEN AND ROOT SEEDS JUST OPEN*D EDW. T GET YOUR SUPPLY NOW,. R. N. [JOU' 0EIVF AL 11101406014 ANT Pi -HONE 11 97 BLAKE.. • r'n N M