HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1930-05-29, Page 8• PAG ^T TRT T FIE STORE WITH THE STOCK ecials in usefurnishin s g Il::r.ilD LINOLEUM, 2 YDS WIDE AT YD. 8.., f 4 YD. WIDE LINOLEUM, D QUALITY AT 3 "ARD WIDE CONGOLEUM AT YD. 2 r'. WIDE CONGOLEUM, AT YD. .. C ? eaOLEUM RUGS 9x1312, REG. $14.25 NOW $2.50 $3.95 $1.90 85c .$12.75 9x15, REG. $15.75, NOW $13.50 $16.50 $19.00 $9.00 $6.50 15c LI:JOLEUM RUG, 1 ONLY 12x12, REG. $19.50, FOR.... 2 ONLY 12x133i, REG $21.50, FOR F .:7 -TOL RUG, 1 ONLY 9x12, FOR 1 ONLY 9x9 FOR FI :..TOL MATS 18x36 IN., AT WALLPAPERS WE STILL HAVE A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF WALL PAPERS TO CHOOSE FROM, AND OFFER YOU SPECIAL REDUCTION IN PRICES TO CLEAR MEN'S WEAR A NEW SHIPMENT OF FORSYTII'S FINE SHIRTS FOR MEN BOYS, MADE IN FINEST BROADCLOTHS, PLAIN AND COLORED IN SEASON'S BEST PATTERNS. I-7,'RYTHING IN OVERALLS, UNDERWEAR, WORK SHIRTS, SOX, ETC. SEE OUR MEN'S EXTRA WEIGHT PLAIN BLUE WORK SHIRTS, SPECIAL AT 95c. EACH SEEDS SEEDS SELL SEED CORN, MANGEL AND TURNIP SEED. EVERY- TW'IG IN GARDEN SEEDS, CHICK FEED, CHICK.STARTER, POTATOES, TOMATOE PLANTS, AT LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. J. G x SCHO & SON F='ODUCE WANTED PHONE 59 11 Your Money is Safe When invested in HUP_ON and ERIE DEBENTURES INTEREST IS PMD REGULARILY TWICE A YEAR AND YOUR PRINCIPAL PAID IN FULL WHEN DEBENTURE FALLS DUE. NO PREMIUM OR EXPENSES PAYABLE ON RENEWALS OR NEW INVESTMENTS: WHY NOT SECURE THE GOOD RATE OF; 5 % PER ANNUM ON YOUR MONEY. ;ANY AMOUNT OVER $100 CAN BE INVESTED FROM 1 TO 5 YEARS. INTEREST STARTS ON DAY YOUR CHEQUE IS RECEIVED AT LONDON CANADIANS HAVE OVER $22,000,000 INVESTED IN HURON HURON & ERIE DEBENTURES Applications received at any time by: Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO—SERVICE AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? 1111.1111. 11 1 i ZURICH ' H E R,i!k;'1 Q- A New Shipment Of the Newest hadc of Plain and Printed Canton Crepe, Satin faced Crepe FLAT CREPE, CREPE.DE-CH NE,. PRINTED, RAYON CREPE, PRINTED VOILE, DIMITY AND BATISTE, AND PIQUE. THESE PRINTED CLOTHS ARE ALL. FAST COLOR AND WILL BE REPLACED IF THEY FADE. WE ALSO HAVE THE NEW SIMPLICITY PRINT AT 45c. PER YARD, WHICH IS GUARiAN- TEED FAST COLOR. PLAIN AND PRINTED DIMITYFOR LINGERIE AT 25c. PER: YARD; A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S HOS— IERY AND UNDERWEAR. J. W. MERNER PHONE 140 PHONE _ Thursdap, 11.14$ 2iiiiil. ,p ''• +++4.4�M'q.4.44+I"'i".y.,I4 �t'.4 4.4 b !fi'�E4 .4.4 Seasonable Hardware z: it WE CAN SUPPLY THE PUBLIC WITH SEASON ABLE HARDWARE AT MODERATE PRICES Let Us Show You I OUR FULL LINE OF GRANITEWARE AT LOWEST PREVAILING PRICES. ,.. i + Good Supply Of Krauser Smoke Cure on Hand I + + 4. FURNITURE + ..., Full Line of Furniture, in Lives Room Suites, Dining I + Room Suites, Bed Room Suites, Kitchen Cabienets. + + _ t We also have the Famous SimmonsBed S rtii : and • P� g, Mattresses,. a Guaranteed Article. Best on the Market 140 g is WE ALSO HAVE SOME USED FURNITURE FOR SALE VERY CHEAP. 1 Joht Kalbfieisch Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 I. +.++dr+✓s+ +++++ + k" 1"++++nt+dKA++'III' 'F'•1 +++SII ++++++++++++++44+4 To Day. ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Mr. Arthur Pigeon Motored to London on Wednesday last. Dr. and Mrs. P. J. O'Dwyer, and 1 Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Weido motored Ito London on Wednesday Iast. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Smith of De- troit were recent visitors with relati- ves around Zurich. Mr. Dan Ort of Detroit, spent a week with his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. A. Melick. Messrs. Cameron and Ronald Bock, Floyd Sherk, and Misses Marjorie Bock and Margaret Stoltz, all of New Dundee were week -end visitors at the homes of C. L. and C. 0. Smith. Mr.. Russell Sreenan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sreenan, of the town line, Hay, left for Detroit, last, Sunday, where he has secured a job on a boat. Mr. Robert Williams and two sis- ters, Misses Ethel and Eva, and Mr.. Elgin Snider, motored to London, OA Wednesday last. Mr. Newell Geiger, who is attend- ing Toronto University, returned 1» his home here on Friday, for tle sum- mer vacation months. A number of delegates are attend- ing the District S. S. Convention at South. East Hope, near Shakespeare, on Thursday of this week. Mr. and Mrs: John Wilhelm, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Wilhelm of Baden and New Hamburg respectively, were Sunday visitors at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. C. 0. Smith of the Blue Water Highway, and other relatives. S. S. No. 9, Blake, will hold in the school grounds on Wednesday, June lith. A Reunion Picnic of all the former pupils and teachers ever at- tending that school. Please bring your lunch and come and enjoy a pleasant afternoon renewing old friendships with your former play- mates. Saturday, May 24th passed off rather quiet in the village, as there were no special attractions in town. A number tried to amuse themselves at the lake, but it was rather cool at that place, some went to Mitchell to attend the races, and some we think spent the day quietly at home be- side the warm kitchen stove, which was probably as comfortable a place as any. A few from the village attended the evangelistic meetings being con- ducted by Rev. R. Whitesides, of Toronto, meeting being held in the Bayfield United Church, and have now been on for two weeks, and have closed on Sunday evening. Mr. Whitesides, who is well known in Zurich, is accompanied by the popu- lar singer, Mr. Leonard, who looks after the musical part of the meet- ings. Their campaign at Bayfield was very successful.. Mr. Henry Eicher, of Bad Axe, Mich., was 'a Sunday visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John E Gascho Mr. Eicher, who was a former resi- dent of Hay Township, having lived with his parents, on the farm now oc- cupied by Mr. Oscar Klapp, is at present a most beautiful singer, hay- ing rendered two very inspiring solos in the Evangelical church on Sunday morning, which were well received. He also does considerable singing on the radio. and his 'friends in Zurich and vicinity Were pleased to see and hear him. : The fine new garage being erected by Mr. Harry Rose is progressing quite favorably, the rafters of the roof are being put up, and if the sun will shine for a few days the roof will be soon completed. , Other im- pi'ovements are also being made a- round this irletv Service station, '' twe • NOW! 1 Is the Best Time 8 To Plan Your Summer's Program of Work, Repairs, And Improvements O • Let Us show You the best kinds . of Fencing for the $ Field or the Home Lawn Fences. We h Money the best can Buy. If you decide todo some Roofing or Eve-Troixghing this year, we invite you to call and see us and get our estimates, as well as show you our goods. A Nice New Piece of Furniture in the Home well be always appreciated. We can supply anything In this line, and the prices are very Attractive. If in need of new furniture, don't forget; we have it! -:r STARE &WEID ZURICH ONT. aaR IINI,N.Ns..B‘11. .. -.. LOCAL 11/11ARKETS- (Correeted every Wednesday) Elm 0-23,2fi Wheat .......................... 1.3.5 Oats ........ ................. 5.5 Barley ......... 65 Buckwheat .-..... _ _ . 80 Flour cwt. ...... _ _ . _ 3.50 4.75 Bran, ton .,....... _ ... , ....... 3 6; p0 Dried apples ......._ — .._ 9 Dutch sett onions ,....,_ .._ .. 8 Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co OF WOODSTOCK The Largest Business of any Canadian Company doing .Business in Ontario- Amount of Insurance a Risk on Dee. 81st, 1928, $22,206,2'15. Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $160,378.74 Rates --$4.50 per $1,000 for 9 years, E. F. Klopp—Zurich Agent, Also Dealer in Li¢htnin¢ Rods and all kinds of Fire Insurance large double filling pumps are now installed which will greatly help to serve the public rapidly. This flrnt has been doing a good business since opening up, as they now have their third carload of gasoline on order. No Sunday Fishing Fishing on Sunday is prohibited by the Lord's Day Act, and local fisher- men are going to find themserves be- fore the bench if they do not observe this law it is Learned. Many persons apparently have been laboring under the delusion that it is quite all right to fish on Sunday, and CoI. Enuner- ton of the Department of Game and Fisheries, states that it is not prohib- ited by provincial statute. The Lord's Day Act, however covers specifically Sabbath Day fishing, he said.—Lon- don Advertiser. N. Huron Liberal Candidate. At the Liberal Convention at Win- gham on Tuesday, the candidateship fell to itr. W. H. Robertson, Editor of ,the Goderich Signal, and veteran Huron County journalist, for the riding of North Huron in the forth- coming general election. Mr Rob- ertson's name has been several times previous been before the liberal con- ventions, but this is the first time he succeeded in carrying the conven- tion, but will meet with lots of op- position, as the old fighter George Spotton, who has been the M. P. the past year, will represent the Conser- vative party, and the Progressives also may put a man in the field. HALF HOLIDAY SEASON 1930 We, the undersigned business men of the Village of Zurich, agree to close our places of business every Wednesday afternoon during the months of June, July, August and; Seltteniber during the season, of 1930. A. F. Hess;. • L. Schilbe & Son; Stade & Weido; J. Gascho & Son; Vera Siebert; Louis Prang; Wm. Brown;' E. Oesch; Chas. Fritz & Son; J. W Merner; Johnston & I; alb flefsch; W. G. Hess & Son;' L. W. Hoffman; Wm. O'Brein & dSon; Geo. Mess; Harb • Krueger; Hairy Hess:, Edward W elltin; 1111ilJialns Bros; Willllillldsl11111III111111111 Ntlli(I',111N1W111%11111Ill11111119lIIOHIlph111Li9iglii[+,!}tglli lilliillilll1111131 INIIIHNIItIliINillii'iia E lIIIIIIIU111111100:21411iliad11111V N ICE! Auto Tops Buggy Tops Wa 3/1 Repairing, Poi ting; Etc. Second Handed Buggies HESS - ZIJRICll 111M1i N1113NN11I1111111111I1Nliiii$iNii4(NIIIINIIfi'iP>w4E iMNWEIRHh141`.i1H1S9'rL'NE'14°"d$ 1.1N19RELL!1NNINNNI1i9B .T"JNINIfNtiN91illidr`. Is ever at your service with the best of 1 attention for your sick or ailing Auto EXPERT WORKMANSHIP ON REPAIR WORK, AND OVER - MAUL JOBS ON ALL MAKES OF CARS WITH CHARGES VERY ♦ REASONABLE. 1 4. 4. WE CARRY A NULL LINE OF AUTOMOBILE A.CCESSORIES,. TIRES, BATTERIES, ETC. ALSO DO ACEYTLENE WELDING. GAS OILS GRE LSE S 1.44+44.44444. -444.4.4-444444.4.44444.44+44.4.4444.44.4. } H. Mousseau Zurich "4" 4.4.44 r*p 4 . - 4.44.4MMi444* 8 46 HERALD OFFICE Do You Kvow?q THAT WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE FOR FIRST CLASS JOB PRINTING! THAT WE SUPPLY AND PRINT WEDDING INVITATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS, ALSO CALLING CARDS, BUSINESS CARDS, ETC. THAT WE CARRY 1N STOCK, AND ALSO PRINT, STATION- ERY SUCH AS BUSINESS LETTER HEADS, ENVELOPES. STATEMENTS, BILL HEADS, MEMORIAM CARDS, SHIPPING TAGS, ETC. THAT WE CARRY IN STOCK GOOD WRITING PAPERS CUT TO ANY SIZE, ENVELOPES 1I4• MOST CALLED FOR SIZES, CA*tD PAPER, BRISTOLS, CARBON OR TRACING PAPER, BUTTER PAPER, MEMORIAL ENVELOPES AND MEMORIAL WRITING PAPER. T AT WE FILL YOUR ORDINARY SIZE INK BOTTLE WITH A GOOD WRITING INK FOR S CENTS. LARGER WAN. TITLES AT SIMILAR REDUCTIONS. TfIAT WE PRINT POSTING BILLS, AUCTION .SMILE POSTERS ML!BCA.NTILE POSTERS AND ALL ,GENERAL PRINTING Oto sI olt:M T . T1 4 4 4• • 4. 8 4- 4' 4 *44+++* 4-4 8 4" 4 8 fi