HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1930-05-29, Page 1Vol. XXX No. 46 ZURICHI, THURSDAY MORNING. MAY 291930. Chester L. Smith, Pu.b/i.•104. $1.25 a year, U.S, $1.50 in Advancoa 1.N RTEARS. $2 DIAZ BE 01E14,ROXID Let the Ads. in the Herald guide you in Buying and Selling ***********4110.40.41.10444.0,00** 0+44 +41.0441,443.4 40.4,4,44.0 • ,0, 4 • • • -•• 4 --• - • -• • 40 -• • • • • - - • • • • 40 • • - • • • - • - • -• ••• • • • -4 • • • 4 • ••• -• tial 1 Sherlock -Manning PIANO 4 • 0 • • 0 • • • • • 9 • 41 • 51, 9 6 Practically New with Bench to • • • Match • • • • A rARGAIN! 4, • • For Quick Sale FRED THIEL - ZU PHONE M. • 4 • •••••9••••••••••4'4•409G0404>' 40 ft° • ersoeseoeseseteceectee eceeeseesieseseeoeeesesoseeseso • Arc H1p Shoes Amazingly Comitrta ly 1 • • . e THE FAMOUS HIDDEN ARCH BRIDGE TAKES ALL TI -IL • STRAIN OFF THE ARCH AND. PROTECTS THE FOOT'S •GREkT- 0 EST BEAUTY -THE LOVELY CURVE OF THE INSTEP • • • A CROWNING TOUCH OP SMARTNESS IS T.HE.-NEW.TRFIE • • • • • 4'• • • • 04) 9 .0 • 0 • • a 4 8 8 • • • •• 4 2 BARE SHADE -NOW SHOWING IN SPRING .11.10DRLS. • •• Authentically Styled • "THE HOME .OF ,.GOOD .SHOES'" • • 0 ,... ... al. REPAIRING NEATLY DONE • ,0 .0 1 Brown's Boot Shop WINDOW DISPLAY SHE OUR • 3 111.104114111111410011•110641•4•611141140••••••••4•00modveeettimesefe: 44..444'..404114.0.4044,00000110 04'0******* 0000 'le *0 0 • 44000. 0 if EXTRA PANTS • .410 Without Charge! Don't miss this clance to get super .• •* value in your Spring Suit •• • • • : 1 . e uay '., nyz 4+.1 • 4 SI4.1 4 ; • m• . Friday, JUO eth . 1 1 4 I 4. . ., $24. 1,431 .1i 41 6.1 4. 4. .4„ 4 44 4 .Tailored to Measure • 0 *IP . • 5 : N 4,11, 4 . 3 Will a n. 0: f e 1 1.11 a X L. - , a q 0) 1 t 4. . ' • 0 4 * 4k, :4114.44••••••041~,~4050•50#411010•44,400440., 4 Mr. and Mrs. Herb Mousseau made a motor trip to London on Tuesday. Mr, and Mrs. Dan. Koehler and daughter Beulah and Miss Lindsay of Kitchener, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Well. Johnston at ; the Dominion House. Confirmation Services will be hel in St. Peter's Lutheran Church, o Sunday evening, June 1st, at 7.30. Rev. and Mrs, C. Schrag, Mr..an Mrs. David Gingerich attended th Bission Board Conference at. Kitc ever over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. .Zinkahn an Mr. and Mrs. SPalinger of Kitchene spent the week -end with IVIE Her and Henry Krueger's. ••• Mrs. McCallum, Miss Jessie McCa lum, and Mr. George McCallum • o Ingersoll, visited with Mr. and Mr Wm. Reith on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Gascho, Mr. an Mrs. Norman Gascho and Mr. Jo Gascho were visitors at the home .o Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Gascho a Harriston, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Daters Sr.„ M and Mrs. Milford Schilbe and famil visited with Rev. Albert Daters at hi home in Desboro over the week -end Mr. Ed. Brenner of Kitchedel Miss Ruth Brenner of Elmira, an Mr. Floyd Cook of Conestoga, spen the week -end at the home of Mr. an Mrs. John Brenner. Mr. and Mrs. Eimer Oesch, Mr Norman Gascho and Miss Vera Sieb ert were in London on Monday an visited the former's sister, Mrs. Wm McGreggor at the Victoria Hospital Mrs. MeGreggor, who underwent serious operation last week -end is re ported as doing as well as can b expected. The Zurich Branch of the Won en's Institute will hold their monthl meeting on Monday evening, June 2 4 8 o'clock.,,The committee in charge are: Miss Jane Lamont, Mrs. C. Eil- ber, Mrs. S. Witmer and Miss Pearl Pfile. Father Power. will .deliver an address at this meeting and we would invite every woman in the commun- ity to be present. Also other inter- esting items will be taken up. Let every member be present and bring others with you! Don't forget the date, Monday evening, June 2nd. Canada's pension war veterans number 58,044, and in addition 19,- 932 depeadents of soldiers are draw - d cI e r f 5. d el f r. y t d a. d a e y '-'1V.fited with her brother, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Wagner, and other frien- ds in the vicinity. / - • , • Lri Oesch was a business visitor and Mrs. Gid. Koehler were Sunday visitors at Bayfield. to 'Stratford on Friday. Mr. Erwin Schilbe of Toronto, vis- ited over the holiday with his parents Mr. and Mrs. L. Schilbe. 'Prof. Alvin Surerus of Toronto University is visiting with his mother On the Bronson Line, Mr. C. M. Walker and son Fred of Grand Bend, were business visitors, in town on Tuesday evening. Mr. Ev. Haist and Mr. Clarence Daters motored to Detroit on. Wed- nesday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kellerman and Harold and Czar Kellerman of Dash- wood, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Fritz. $10.00 no.. COAL 1930 WE ARE OFFERING AN IDEAL WATCH FOR A WORKMAN, 37 EWEL, 1$ SIZE, STRONG NICKEL CASES REGULAR PRICE $15.00 ONLY A FEW LEFT New Low Prices Now in Effect WHEN BUYING YOUR FUEL, WHY NOT HAVE THE BEST? GENUINE D. L. & W. SCRANTON. COAL "The Standard Anthracite"' EGG„ STOVE, NUT AND M•eTALL. PEA. SIZES„ SEMET. aorivAv-_. COTP.le A 'discount ot 50c per ton alkeme,r1IrEae CASH on all fuel_ catrItelcxm Hess, The Jeweller HENSALL N Tv/ Office Phone 1.0w House Mona EU- .. -I-,+++++ +++++++++++++++++++.24++++++++++++++.146••a* ./. Mr. Chas. Meyers has purchased a new Choy. Six. truck which he will t .13., use 111 in iii,.4 produce business. 4••• C FRITZ & ,.. Mr. Wm. Brenner, of Stratford, .. .7. visited with his sister, Mr. and Mrs. H. Flaxbard, on Tuesday. New and Used Cal. Brokers Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy O'Brein and Mr. Harry Weber, were Saturday visitors at Kitchener and Galt. RC.V. and Mrs. W. Y. Dreier are spending the week with friends at Waterloo, also taking in the Com en- tiOn at S. Easthope on Thursday. Mrs. D. McClinchey of Detroit, St. Boniface parish is at present observing their 40 hour's special de- votion, and the gatherings are being well attended. The big Liberal Convention is be- ing held in Hensel]. on Wednesday 'af- ternoon of this week, at which a large number of citizens are attending. Mr. and Mrs. A. Moritz of Guelph, Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Oliver of mg allowances from the Government Kitchener, were week -end visitors at Over three. million dollars a month is the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Fritz. paid in pensions alone from the pub- lic treasury, and nearly forty per About 112 Sunday School teachers cent. of.Canada's national expendit- from Brodhagen, Stratford, Paris- ure each year is directly due to the tock, New Hamburg, Wellesley and war. To say nothing of the miseries other places attended the Stratford and heartbreaks that it causes, war District Sunday School Teachers' is a terrible costly. business. Convention of the Evangelical Luth- eran Synod of Canada, held at the St. Peter's Lutheran Church in Zur- ich. Both sessions were opened with devotional services, the one in the morning being in charge of Rev. J. Alberti of Brodhagen, and Rev. R. Mosig of New Hamburg officiated in the afternoon. -Papers were given by Rev. Sode of Wellesley, and Rev. E. Turkheim., Zurich. The ladies of St. Peter's church served both dinner and supper in the church basement, which was beautifully decorated for the occasion and which was enjoyed by all. A hearty vote of thanks was extended to the ladies by the visitors. •DRYSDALE .Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Ducharme and family of Detroit, spent the we- ek -end with the former's parents, Mr and Mrs. Jos. Ducharme. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Denomme of Windsor, were visitors with the -Miss Denomme over the holidays. Mr. Arthur Gelinas of Chatham, i6 spending a week with his parents, Mr and Mrs. Jos. Gelinas, Sr. Mr. Peter Corriveau, painter, is now putting a fresh coat of paint on Mr, J. S. Bedard's house. Forty Hour's Devotion took place at the Catholeque church here, be- ginning Sunday morning. The ser- mon was delivered by Rev. Father Goetz, of Seaforth in the evening, while Father Rondot of Prairie Sid - :frig, ;occupied the pulpit Monday ev- ening and Father Sullivan of Clinton I preached Tuesday night, which was closing night. The services were well :attended, the church being filled to capacity. Obituary 'Liven in Huron for 74 years, Miss Rose Durand, age 86 years, died at 'her 'home one and one half miles t mnitlh of Drysdale on the Blue Water L Highway, on Thursday, May 22nd. Miss Durand was born at St. Eliza- w bcia near Montreal, Quebec, and h came here with her parents, the late a Mr. and Mrs. Bazil Durand at the a age of 12 years. The family settling •s in Huron County on the farm where b the deceased passed away on Thurs- Z day morning. Interment took place a n St. Peter's Cemetery, Drysdale, to li which parish deceased•was practically H a life-long member. After a Re- si in B E F ur Henry Faust Passes Death claimed at his home in Carlo Michigan, on Thursday, May 22nd, a highly respected resident of that city in the person of Mr. Henry Faust, in his 77th year, after a somewhat ingering illness. Deceased was known to many in Zurich, having been a former Zurich boy, and was beloved by all who knew him, as he was of uch a fine christian character, and ad a high standing in the Michigan Conference of the Evangelical church A goodly number of years Mr. Faust ook a trip to Palest[' -,o or the Holy and, and was indeed. interesting to talk to about these hills and valleys here Jesus had trod about nineteen undred years ago. He was a kind nd loving father to his family and good example of a life that all hould endeavour to live. Was a rother to Miss Lydia E. Faust of urich, and also to the late Daniel nd Adam Faust who departed this fe some years ago. The late Mr. Henry Faust's surviving family con- sts oft Mts, IL Faust, his sorrow - g widow; one daughter, Mrs. 0. lough, of Detroit, two sons, Rev, dgar Faust of Detroit, and Mr. El- aust of Urband, Ind. The remains ere laid to rest in Detroit, on Sat - day, May 24th. HOFFMAN'S BLOCK EMINALMIEKIN AND gRILINERilil. ° nem, Holy Mass was celebrated by he parish priest, Father Marchand. The pall bearers were: six nephews: Messrs. Jos. and Arthur Gelinas, L Duravtd, C. Laporte, P. Denomene, and Jeffrey., • * 0 I Phone 82 t., 0, a :t. . . Zuridl r-, e, 4. 1929 FORD COACH WITH TRUNK .1: 1927 Chevrolet Coach 1925 Ford Coupe, Baloons. + 1928 Chevrolet Coach .. + 1928 Pontiac Sedan 1923 Ford Sedan + 31930 Brand New Ford A. Coach. 1930 CHEVROLET 4. RACK AND FENDER WELD. 3: 1927 Ford Goath ?1,6 1926 Ford Fourdoor &da 4,4,;• 1926 Ford Coach 1927 Ford Coupe 1925 Ford Cloaca. ft'• 1927 Essex Comer 1E COACH NEW 4' + + SIX GOOD REASONS + + + WHY YOU SHOULD SEE AND RIDE IN ANY OF THE ARM'S: 3: 4.' .a.. CARS BEFORE PURCHASING A USED OR NEW CAR OF ANT :t • -Z.. e,, + MAKE: t1.. 1. Each Car listed is purchased direct from private owner. .A. 4. 2. The above used cars were not dealt in on new cars, but spew.. 4- * 4. disposed of on account of financial difficulties by owners,. * 3. The upholstering, fenders, finish, are original and compare fan-- + i• ourably with new cars. ..1.6. + • + + 4. The majority of these Cars are fully equipped with. blonmperrs .1.sla• 4. Speedometers and the latest Accessories. • ..t., 5. The best assortment of High Class Used Cars to Choose fronts 4. •• in Huron County. + a- 6. LONG EAST TERMS 4, + + + + + + + + „:. .i. • PHONE AND WE WILL BE GLAD TD DEMONSTRATE ADM THE ABOVE CARS. NEW 0 OD S eksauftegatiak Don't miss seeing and getting our prices on our New Spring a Summer Dry Goods of all kinds ALSO SHOES, HARNESS REPAIRS, HARDWARE. PAINTSt., OILS, AND OTHER STAPLE LINES. 'WO NUMEROUS TO) MENTION. 1930 GARDEN AND Roar sEE us JUST OPENED FLIP. car GET TOUR SUPPLY NOW. R. N. DOUGLAS GENERAL iffERPHA497 PHONE 1! -97 BLAKE° 4101.11.1111.••••11111•01101•111.1,11111111.Mplbeeso...wrimano.••••mmOMMINAIP •