HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1930-05-22, Page 8IsA(,t, 11T11.*Pr'1f' THE STORE WITH THE STOCK Specials in Housefurnishings Itr.AID LINOLEUM, 2 YDS WIDE AT YD..... FEST 4 YD. WIDE LINOLEUM, D QUALITY AT 3 `.'ARD WIDE CONGOLEUM AT YD. 52.50 $3.95 $1.90 2 Ys.',. WIDE CONGOLEUM, AT YD. 85e CONGOLEUM RUG$ 9x1332, REG. $14.25 NOW $12.75 9x15, REG. $15.75, NOW $13.50 $19.50, FOR $16.50$19.00 $9.00 $615.50c LINOLEUM RUG, 1 ONLY 12x12, REG. 2 ONLY 12x133, REG $21.50, FOR F EL 'TOL RUG, 1 ONLY 9x12, FOR 1 ONLY 9x9 FOR FELTOL MATS 18x36 IN., AT WALLPAPERS WE STILL HAVE A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF WALL PAPERS TO CHOOSE e OM, AND OFFER YOU SPECIAL REDUCTION IN PRICES TO CLEAR MEN'S WEAR A NEW SHIPMENT OF FORSYTH'S FINE SHIRTS FOR MEN AND BOYS, MADE IN FINEST BROADCLOTHS, PLAIN AND COLORED IN SEASON'S BEST PATTERNS. "'-ERYTHING IN OVERALLS, UNDERWEAR, WORK SHIRTS, OX, ETC. SEE OUR MEN'S EXTRA WEIGHT PLAIN BLUE WORK SHIRTS, SPECIAL AT 95c. EACH SEEDS SEEDS WE SELL SEED CORN,MANGEL AND TURNIP SEED. EVERY- THING IN GARDEN SEEDS, CHICK FEED, CHICK. STARTER, POTATOES, TOMATOE PLANTS, AT LOWEST •POSSIBLE PRICES. J. GASCHO SON PRODUCE WANTED PHONE 59 11 i BEFORE YOU Drive Your Car 1. HAVE YOU ENOUGH GAS? 2. HAVE YOU ENOUGH OIL? S. HAVE YOU ENOUGH WATER? 4. HAVE YOU ENOUGH "INSURANCE"? , A FEW DOLLARS INVESTED IN ~INSURANCE WILL IMMED- IATELY RELIEVE YOU OF GRAVE RESPONSIBILITY TO THE PUBLIC AND WILL SAFEGUARD YOUR BANK AC- COUNT. FULL PARTICULARS CHEERFULLY GIVEN ON PUBLIC LIABILITY, PROPERTY DAMAGE, COLLISION, FIRE AND THEFT COVERAGES DO IT NOW! Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO -SERVICE AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? 40•••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • NOW! Is the Best Time To Plan Your Summer's Program of Work, Repairs, And Improvements Let Us show You the best kinds of Fencing for the Field or the Home Lawn Fences. We handle the best Money can Buy. If you decide todo some Roofing or Eve -Troughing this year, we invite you to call and see us and get our estimates, as well as show you our goods.: A Nice New Piece of Furniture in the Home will be always appreciated. We can supply anything in this line, and the prices are very Attractive. If in need of new furniture, dot,t forget; we have it! STADE 01,, WEI ZURICH - ONT. ZuR C •. It* *At I ■ lgormonml . A New Shipment Of the Newest Shades of Plain and Printed Canton Crepe, Satin faced Crepe FLAT CREPE, CREPE -DE -CHINE., PRINTED RAYON CREPE, PRINTED VOILE, DIMITY AND BATISTE, AND PIQUE. THESE PRINTED CLOTHS ARE ALL FAST COLOR AND WILL BE REPLACED IF THEY FADE. WE ALSO HAVE THE NEW SIMPLICITY PRINT AT 45c. PER YARD, WHICH IS GUARAN- TEED FAST COLOR. PLAIN AND PRINTED DIMITY FOR LINGERIE AT 25e. PER YARD. A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S HOS- IERY AND UNDERWEAR. J. W. MERNER PHONE 140 PHONE 140 ■ ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Mrs. Chas. Weber and daughter. Miss Flossie and Miss Inez Yungblut and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Thiel spent Friday last in London. Miss Dinsmore of London, spent the week -end at the home of her bro- ther, Mr. Thomas Dinsmore. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Schilbe of Z1iir- ich, announce the engagement of their daughter Greta Katherine, to 11r. George E. Kerswell of Detroit, Mich. The marriage to take place early in June. About 40 young people of Main St. United Church, Exeter, visited the County Home at Clinton the oth- er evening. The program was in ch- arge of the president F. Wildfong and consisted of interesting numbers. Among the numbers were: Mr. Beav- ers spoke; solo by Miss M. Folliek; solo, F. Wildfong. The pastor spoke a few words of greetings. A treat was taken for the old people and a very pleasant evening spent. Bayfield Man Fell F. Baker, F. Geminhard, P. Weston and Walter McLellan have been shin- gling the town hall, shortly after be• ginning on. Monday, McLellan slipped and fell tothe ground, a distance of about 25 feet, a bunch of shingles falling at the same time. Dr. Newton - Brady was called and took him to Clinton Hospital, where under X-ray it was found his shoulder was broken and his leg injured. His father, who was a framer, met with a similar ac- cident some 30 years ago and was so badly injured he did not recover. HALF HOLIDAY SEASON 1930 We, the undersigned business men. of the Village of Zurich, agree to close our places of business every Wednesday afternoon during the months of June, July, August and September during the season of 1930. A. F. Hess; L. Schilbe & Son; Stade & Weido; Y. Gascho & Son; Vera Siebert; Louis Prang; W;n. Brown; E. Oesch; Chas. Fritz. & Son; J. W. Merner; Johnston & Kalb- fleisch; W. G. Hess & Son; L. W. Hoffman; Wm. O'Brein & Son; Geo. Hess; Harb Krueger; Harry Hess: Edward Weltin; Williams Bros. Mr. Jul Block, Constable, has been instructed by the Hay Council to in - force the by-law passed last year re- garding the shooting off of fire crack. ers, etc., on any streets or public highways, which is strictly forbidden according to law, and the local con- stable warns those who are expos- ing themselves to this violation, as an example will be made of some of these who disregard the law and the local officials. The safest place to shoot of these rather disagreeable things is probably down on the Fair Grounds, or there is a very quiet place up on the old flax mill grounds where ther would not disturb so many people. The local telephone central was obliged to discontinue to give service until the police were called to command order. We challenge any citizen to point out to us where fair play or British justice comes in on such actions. Then there might also be sickness in some homes that might be endangered With life through the unnecessary explosions of these -,so called fun makers. True enough thr youth must have their time for play and fun, but in future please do not abuse your privileges, and oblige thy local" authorities to take actions and have your names dragged before the police magistrate, and published Irl a mutter r►f' papers. LOCAL MARKETS. (Corrected every Wednesday) Butter, lb. -. ...... ... ... . 40 Eggs, dozen ....., ......� 30,, 36, 40 Oats ........... ....» ... 55 Barley ............. ........ 65 Buckwheat ..................... 80 Flour cwt. ...... ..... 3.50 4.75 Bran, ton ..................... 36.00 Shorts ton .... _..-...... •.., 36.00 Dutch sett onions ... , .» ........... 8 Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co OF WOODSTOCK The Largest Business of any Cana tan Company doing [Inness in Ontario- Amoun;t,;of Insurance at Risk on Dee. 81st, 1928, $22,206,276. Total Cash in Bank and Bonds • 060,378.74 Ratee--$4.50 por $1,000 Eos! $ years. E. F. Klopp-Zurich Agent, Also Dealer in Lidhtnin¢ Rods and all kinds of Fire Insurance 4 Thursdky, M . 22nd, OD 44++ + ++(+f.4.+•'14**4fi +.1,-t44$444,4414.•144044144 + I SeasonableSeasonableHardware WE CAN SUPPLY THE PUBLIC WITH SEASON- f I • ABLE HARDWARE AT MODERATE PRICES fi 1 4. 4f Good Supply Of Krauser Smoke Cure on Hand • PIJRNITIJBB Full Line of Furniture, in Living Room Suites, Dining Room Suites, Bed Room Suites, Kitchen Cabienets t' t • We also have the Famous Simmons Bed Springs and • Mattresses, a Guaranteed Article. Best on the Market + Let Us Show You OUR FULL LINE OF GRANITEWARE AT LOWEST PREVAILING PRICES., • WE ALSO HAVE SOME USED FURNITURE FOR SALE VERY CHEAP.: To Day. i* Johnston & Kalbfieisch z Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 N!I!(Hngpllulill(I{ffiIDfggNffiUft{HHi'�Wl�llllllfl�lLOiitlll4"I�.Ull�ltYqtI11llW11111{!tl!d'ilfllfUllllh8k9111UNH'I�' lll{!11ll�flNlilnfll!{IIP�I(111'4iklUl4nlflUllffiI9iH11ffilil}Iwlflll� NOTICE! Auto Tops Buggy Tops Wagon Repairing, Painting, Etc. Second Handed Buggies m. HESS - ZURICH .,_____ m._ .7-.. NAllpillllllt 114i'il iliR� +l.LligltljHlt1 !IlilHlilit}FJfI#I.line [Il111tl111lNikl!fl{!}NI#...... 'fI11G i(IIIBllIl1G.ffiilll[IlI'i ,++*++4 4 +.++++,*± F+++++.**++++ ++++++++ ++++moi Z 44 Bora-Oesch--At Blake, on May 3rd, to Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Oesch, a daughter. S. S. No. 9, Blake, will hold in the school grounds on Wednesday, June llth. A Reunion Picnic of all the former pupils and teachers ever at- tending that school. Please bring your lunch and come and enjoy a. pleasant afternoon renewing old friendships with your former gay - mates. The Liberals of South Huron ht- tend itend holding their annual meeting and a convention to nominate a can- didate for the coming election, in Hensall on May 28th. Mi. Thomas McMillan, the popular M.P., for S. Huronwill be the principal speaker and will, undoubtedly again take the nomination as candidate. Horticulture Lectures Rev. H. W. Tabbs, of Burlington, past president of the Ont. Horticult- ural Association, will address four meeting during May in Huron Coun- ty. The first at Seaforth on May 19: On May 20th at Brucefield, on the 21 at Kippen, and at Blyth' on the 22nd. Rev. Tabbs is a speaker of, well kn- own ability and one of the foremost horticultural men in the province, and no one should miss him. . Won Gold Medal Miss Alice Hoffman, of Dashwood pupil. of Mr, W R. Goulding, is to be congratulated upon winning the gold medal as mezzo .soprano soloist' ( at the musical spring festival held in Stratford during the past week. On Thursday Miss Hoffman competed in the 7,pen class for Western Ontario and was successful in carrying off the honors against keen competition sec- uring 80 per cent. A Stratford lady was second and a Hamilton lady third. Mr• Goulding accompanied her. Mr. Sam. Rennie, of Hensel), another pupil of Mr. Goulding's also took part in the contest competing as a baritone soloist Wednesday after- noon. lie made very trcditab1e n ark but was not successful in winning any of the prizes. -Exeter ZURICH GARAGE! Is ever at your service with the best of attention for your sick or ailing Auto EXPERT. WORKMANSHIP ON REPAIR WORK, AND OVER- HAUL JOBS ON ALL MAKES OF CARS WLTH CHARGES VERY REASONABLE. WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF AUTOMOBILE ACCESSO TIRES, BATTERIES, ETC. ,:ALSO DO ACEYTLENE WELDING. GAS OILS GREASES 41. Ha ` ou.sseau Zurioli 14• 4+1444i"14444444' 11.+4 f g t.+01444+44++++++++++++/+++++ pro l+Mww►*+e+e,* Z 1 41.-4 HERALD OFFICE if Do You Know? 4. THAT WE ARE ALWAYS, AT YOUR SERVICE FOR FIRST 4'•,, 'ss, CLASS JOB PRINTING!►{ THAT WE SUPPLY AND PRINT WEDDING INVITATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS, ALSO CALLING CARDS,, ,,. ..„•..,�..... EtJSI.NESS CARDS[ ETC. .4.. THAT WE CARR! IN STOCK, AND ALSO PRINT, f''TATION E.ItY SUCH AS BUSINESS LETTER HEADS, ENVELOPES 4+STATEMENTS, BILL HEADS, .,MEMORIAM CARDS, SHIPPING TAGS, ETC. ▪ . THAT WE CARRY IN STOCK GOOD WRITING PAPERS CUT TO ANY SIZE, ENVELOPES IN MOST CALLED • FOR 4 SIZES, CARD PAPER, BRISTOLS, CARBON OR TRACING PAPER, BUTTER PAPER, MEMORIAL ENVELOPES 4. AND MEMORIAL WRITING PAPER. '' 4. THAT WE FILL YOUR ORDINARY SIDLE INK BOTTLE W1Tit ,' A COOP) WRITING INK FOR 5 CENTS. LARGER QUAN + TITIES AT .SIMILAR REDUCTIONS. • R 4. t'HA.T WE PRINT POSTING BILLS, AUCTION SALE POSTERS MERCANTILE POSTERS AND ALL GENERAL PRINTING. SPECOLLTY.. Advocate.• r