HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1930-05-22, Page 1R CH Vol. XXX No 45 ZURICH. THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 22 (930a Chester L. Smith,, Pablisiliatak $1.25 a year, U.S. $1.50 fix Adman** 11.60 DT ARREARS, $2 MAY ,BM OI MP Let the Herald renew all your Daily papers and Magazines ••••4,404.444, 4'4491+"041.6*** .......04.400.0.0.6•416400404 / • ♦ e• • • • SpeciaI • ♦ . 1 Sheriock-Manning 4f ♦ e P1ANO1 ♦ Practically New with Bench to 1 -• •�e "• • 2 • .e • Match A BARGAIN! •� 4•� • • • • • • e • • • • • • • • • 4 • • •• • Q • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • For Quick Sale • e • -e • "e •A • FRED THIEL - ZURICH ••• PHONE 1O • • • • • • ••••••••••••••••44►®•'4ID+9 • 44•••••••••.94.•••••••••(>•• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••g • W MORE• it • • .. • i • THAN IRJST. • • • �•• S • ELL SHOES •• • e • • 2 • • 2 0 •• •• • •• • • • S • THE STORE OF REAL SERVICE 'GIVES YOU NOT ONLY THE FINEST OF SHOES. BUT €NSISTS ',UPON A. MOST CAREFUL FITTING. HUNDREDS OF MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN HAVE LEARNED THAI TO PURCHASE 'T.H'E]R. SHOES 'HERE INSURE. PROFESSIONAL. SHOE FIT:13NG ASE134 GRADUATED FOOT c.ALL'S.T 19LT x14..REALLY :MODERATE CDST IREIPADMIIIG NEATLY sow Broweilest Shop BRE OCR WINDOW' DISPLAY M••t••••••••••••••e••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 4 ti Wit+ T p• 1 MJ� ' N • ROF MAN'S BLOCK CK • • R 4 �7 t .�t ?Bonr eF XL ICOR$ 444 ••••*** irlk's•••••lir, At Guelph Dairy School. Prof. H. H. Dean in announcing the ,results of the Dairy School Ex- aminations at the Ontario Agricult- ural College, says: "The advance of any industry may be measured by the educational facilities provided for, and made use of by those interested in the welfare of the business. The dairy business is passing through an. era of depression, but it will recover if dairy farmers and manufacturers are able to hang on until the clouds roll by. That young men have faith in the dairying is seen by the fact that attendance at the various cours- es reached .a total registration of 207' The proficiency list for the three month's course is; 1st J. L. Ramsbot- tom, Lanark, Ont.; 2nd, R. Frank McClinchey of Zurich, Ont., and son of Mr. Robt. McClinchey of Stanley Township and 65 others. Mr._ Mc- Clinchey also was up well in the com- petitions for about $200.00 cash -Priz- es as follows: In buttermaking scor- ing 3rd; First in best students in Dairy Chemistry; Second in Student taking highest marks in both written and practical exams. The Herald joins with Mr. McClinchey's many friends in Zurich and vicinity in ex- tending congratulations on this fine and popular showing., FOOT TROUBLES Readily Solved William H. Brown Offers Splendid Service When grandad was a boy or even in his more mature days, people suf- fered to a greater extent with their .feet, than they do in the present • Dr. and Mrs. A. J. MacKinnon made. a business trip to London, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gruenn family of Sebwaing, Mich., were iiors at the home of her sister, and Mrs. John E. Gascho. May 24th, Saturday is Victoria Day and a public holiday in Zurich. All places of business will be open on Friday evening for convenience of the buying public. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Hoffman, Mr. Wm. Lamont, and daughter Jane of town, and Miss Margaret McKinley of Stanley, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr.,and Mrs, Wm. F, -wirq!y' Braun, Forest. on and vis - Mr. WE ARE OFFERING AN IDEAL WATCH FOR A WORKMAN, 17 EWEL, 18 SIZE, STRONG NICKEL CASES REGULAR PRICE $15.00 ONLY A FEW LEFT Mr. George Kerswell, Miss Louise Kerswell, and Mr. Kerswell Sr., all of Detroit, spent Saturday and Sun- day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Schilbe, Sorry to report that Mr. Moses Erb of the Bronson Line, was sudden- ly taken ill with an acute attack of appendicitis on Tuesday, and Dr. A. J. Mackinnon was called on the case, who recommended an immed- Mr. Wm. Sauve of Toronto, was a week -end visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gascho. Mrs. Sauve and her sister Miss Daisy Jessup who had been visiting in Zurich for two weeks, returning with him to their home in that city, modern age. Grandad . usually for;;' ' This year's Confirmation Class of cast weather conditions by the feel'" t. 'Peter's Lutheran Church will be of his feet, but not so the present, youth. Though few people realize, it is now nevertheless true that there are more than 275,000 different sizes styles and designs of footwear. r v- ery individual has feet which can scarcely be matched with those of any other person. It is for this rea- son that the service which is given by William H. Brown, eminent Grad• noted Foot Specialist, has been ac- cepted as the only real solution to correct shoes. Mr. Brown through his special training honestly diagnos- es your foot ailments. Treats in- grown nails, bunions, swollen Ankles, cramps in the toes, corrects weak ankles, runover heels, hot 'inspiring feet, crowded toes, shoes going out of shape, and adjusts the bones of fallen arches by natural methods. Brown's Boot Shop is the only shoe store this side of London that has a. Graduated Foot Specialist in attend- ance to serve you. You are invited to bring your feet and have them examined, diagnosed and scientific- ally fitted with stylish, comfortable shoes.—Brown's Boot Shop.—Adv... FOR SALE 65 White Leghorn Pullets for sale 10 weeks old. Price 60c. for May. Ferd Haberer, Zurich. Convention • Of the LIBERAL CONSERVATIVES OF SOUTH HURON Will b h ld i TOWN HALL, HENSALL On. 'THURSDAY, MAY 29th, .1930 At 2 p.m. To Nominate a Candidate to contest the Tiding of South Huron at the coming Federal Election. Officers for the.coming year will be elected at this meeting. Several Prominent Speakers will be present. and Address the Convention Three a'Delegates will vote from' each Poll. Ladies are especially invited to at- tend. :xutive meeting at 1 o'clock 'GOD SAVE THE I .ING Robert Biggins, Secretary 'Col. H. B. Combe; President, publicly examined during the evening service, Sunday, May 25th. June lst will be the date of their Confirmation Four girls and eleven boys belong to this class. The public is cordially in- vited to both events. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wolper of the Parr Line have moved to Mrs. M. Dietrich's farm, south of Zurich. We are pleased to report that Mr. Moses Erb, who went to London on Tuesday for an operation for appen- dicitis, withstood the operation fine and is doing as well as could be pos- sibly hoped for. Dr. and Mrs. H. H. Cowen, and little Meriam; Mrs. C. Fritz and Miss Pearl Wurtz, all of town accom- panied by Mrs. 5. Kellerman, of Dashwood, were Sunday visitors at Fergus and Guelph, and are spending the fore part of this week at Toronto where the Doctor is attending the annual Dental Convention. A goodly number of villagers at- tended the big concerts at Goderich a few evenings last week, put on in connection with the Lions Club of that place who are putting on a cam- paign' to haise money in aid of the uncared for crippled children of Hur- on County. The show was in ever.' way a decided success and very ent- ertaining. Mr. and Mrs•. Dan Utzie of Tav- istock, Mr. and Mrs. Christ Schultz) Mr. and Mrs. Allan Sshultz and fam- ily from Poole, spent the Week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Schwartzentruber, Bronson Line. The Messrs Yutzie and Schultz conduct- ing devine services in the Amish Men- nonite church on Sunday, when the sacred rite of baptism was also per- formed. The members of the famous Zur- ich Jubilee Band hay decided to dis- continue playing for this season. The reason given for such a move is in- sufficient local support and difficulty in procuring new members. The Band was organized in 1892, mid on- ly for a few years, has been active since that time. But some of the older members would appreciate a year's rest for a change, and then by another year, new enthusiasm and new determination will probably put things running again. The financial end to run a band is also quite an item, and a lot of. money has to b^ gathered during the year, before any• thing is left for local equipment. An effort is however being made to have the -boys continue the Saturday even- ing open air band concerts, which have become so p(mular and helped to provide' entertainment during the summer maltths, COAL 1930 New Low Price% Now in Effect WHEN BUYING YOUR FUSE, WHY NOT HAVE THE RESIT' GENUINE D. L. & W. SCI iTO.i , COAL "The Standard Ant!wacct'e''' EGG„ STOVE, NUT AND S.3-1.41416 PEA. SIZES,. SEMET_ SOLVAY . COKE. A discount of 50c per ton allowedfis CASH on all fueL 1H E N SALL n' T cmcg11hon.e 1¢w Inse P. # i + +++++++++++++++++++++++.14+++++++++++++•A44•1944•• New and Used Car Brokers • Phone 82 C FRITZ & SON 4. 4. 1- ;.p. WHY YOU SHOULD SEE AND RIDE IN ANY OF THE ABOVE CARS BEFORE PURCHASING A USED OR NEW CAR OF ANY MAKE: 1. Each Car listed is purchased direct from private 'owner + Z. The above used cars were not dealt in on nevi cars,. &strc were • disposed of on account of financial difficulties by owner= 3. The upholstering, fenders, PSa sb, are original and compare E.. ourably with new cars. 4. The'inajority of these Cara are fully equipped •aeith Elcarapetss Speedometers and the latest Accessories. Zurich 1929 FORD COACH WITH TRUNK RACK AND FENDER WEL 1927 Chevrolet Coach 1925 Ford Coupe, Baloons. 1928 Chevrolet Coach .. 3928 Pontiac Sedan 1923 Ford Sedan 1927 Ford Coach 1926 Ford Fourd'cor Seam: 1926.Ford Coar>!' 1927 Ford Coupe 1925 Forth C'haes'i 3' 1930 Brand New Ford A. Coach , 1927 Esser Com:* 1930 CHEVROLET COACH,, NEW SIX GOOD REASONS 4 • 5. The best assortment of Nags Class Used. Cars to Choose fin +. in Huron County. 6. LONG EASY, TERMS + + PHONE AND WE WILL BE GLAD TO DEMONSTRATE ANY «i + + + + +1. ++++++++++•••••14•4444•91.44•4444+•••••••44444#4.4.44*. TIIE .ABOVE CARS. NEW GOODS D►on't miss seeing and getting our prices on our New Spring aud Summer Dry Goods of all kind ALSO SHOES, HARNESS R.EFA:H,t.S, HA1R.,DW PAINT d OILS, AND OTHER STAID; LY,NES, TOO NUMEROUS "Ili MENTION. 1930 GARDEN AND ROOT SEEDS JUST OP iED Ula.. GET - GET YOUR SUPPLY NOW. R. NDOUGLAS GENERA. MERCHANT PHONE ll 97' BLA,KE