HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1930-05-15, Page 7RHEUMATIC VICTIM FOR SIXTEEN YEARS Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Restored Her Health Rheumatism is a disorder of the blood. Wet, cold weather may aggra-: vete It but that is not the cause. Bad blood charged with uric acid is the reason. Re -build the blood and rheu- matism will disappear. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills enrich and purify the blood and that makes good health. Mrs. Jahn C. McPherson, St. Mary's, Ont, writes "For sixteen years T was a victim of rheumatism, For eleven years I was unable to walk. Massage and chiropractic treatment failed. I was utterly discouraged till T heard how strongly Dr. Wiliam' Pink Pills were recommended for cases like mine. I began their use and in a few weeks the pain lessened, MY appetite and color improved, and now I am able to do light housework. It is wonderful what these pills have done for me." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills do one thing but they do it well—they enrich and purify the blood. This rich blood banishes rheumatism, sciatica, neural- gia and neuritis and promotes health and strength, The Pills are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Jew and Arab in Palestine Major H. L. Nathan, M.P., in the Nation and Athenaeum (London): The report of the Palestine Commit- tee of Inquiry is not a satisfactory document.. . The whole report has a pro -Arab tendency. ... It may be the British genius for understanding Eastern peoples tht,t gives the Com- mittee's whole report its Arab tinge. They understand the Arabs in a way they do not and cannot understand the Jews. They have great sympathy with the Arab demands for self-gov- ernment.. But it must not come by way of surrender to murder. ONSTl PATION COMPLETELY GONE4 writes Mrs. W. Walker. Thousands say constipation, indigestion, gas end overnight w,th "Fruit.a-tees . Complexion cleats like magic. Nerves, heart quiet. Get"bruit-a-fives"fromdruggiettoday. The Trucks Driver's A.B,C, Always Be Careful Accidents won't happen—if all drivers are careful! The ABC of accident prevention—"Always Be Careful"—has been learned so well by drivers of over 860 Bell Telephone trucks and cars in Ontario and Quebec that accidents to these vehicles rarely occur, The telephone truck driver whom you see along street or highway knows and follows carefully all the rules he his instruction book. One of these is shown plainly .on the back of his truck to warn others—he always stops at railroad crossings. And no Bbii Telephone truck has ever been involved in a level crossing accident! In fact, any mishaps of the road are so scarce in Bell Telephone circles that other vehicle -operating organizations are studying and adopting the same successful safety -first principles, _ Song How I loved to lean above you, Laughing at you, Swearing that I did not love you— God knows I do! Sorry now and quite relenting, Heartsick with fear, I regret all my tormenting When you were here. Had I sworn that I adored you Now I'd be glad; But perhaps I might have bored you If I had. —Aline Kilmer, in The Washington Carillon, "Let every man ask himself," said Goethe, "with which of his faculties he can and will somehow influence his age." Plan Now For This Summer's Good Times! LIUNT1NG, fishing, pic. nicing, swimming and cruising on lake, river, sound or bay add to the zest of living, happiness, contentment and enioy men of Cruisabout owners. This double cabin Cruisabout, 29' long, 8' 10" wide and 2' 4" draft is a completely equipped summer home and is priced at $4,135 at. fan - tory, Sleeps six, four in forward cabin and two in stern cabin. Excellent design, perfect balance and staunch, quality con- struction make C r u i s - abouts sound and sea- worthy for any water. 6 -cylinder, 60-;1,P. Gray Marine motor gives cruis- ing speed of thirteen miles. Write for a cata- logue. Rich ardson 1930 01is0o2(ts Sales and Service by T. B. F. BENSON, N.A. 371 Bay Street Toronto, Ont. \ 1. PROTECT THEIR HEALTH AND YOURS • BUY ONLY STERILIZED (ccs eco ),)!_a% TISSUE "NAVY" «it 700 sheets of soft, safe, �sw ° Sterilized r = paper. - Finest SEeriliz- ru edTissue.Served from dustproof cabinet, nickel or porcelain finish. JOU may select any one of these I Sterilized Eddy Rolls, assured of its purity—its safety, and knowing that if measures up to the high qualify that pro. tection of the children's health demands • The price ensures the biggest value fur your money ® Ask for it by name, THE E. B. EDDY COMPANY LIMITED HULL - - CANADA "WHITE SWAN" Snowy white. In wropped, Sferi. lized Rolls of 750 sheets, "DREAD -I NOUGHT" A big value Eddy line. Seven oun- ces of Steriliz. ed Tissue. Su .� c J k` ES CANADA'S FINEST "COTTAGE" The aristocrat of Sterilized sues, Completely wrapped Rolls. 3,000 sheets, fyll count, - 65 KEEPING BABY LOVELY AND WELL Some babies thrive from the hour of their birth while others make so little progress as to be the cause of much anxiety. As a rule it is the di- gestion that is at fault with these backward ones and they start to go ahead directly Baby's Own Tablets are made the corrective of their stom- ach and bowel troubles. Baby's Own Tablets are specially designed for the use of babies and little children. They are absolutely safe and the mother can feel perfectly secure in . giving them to even the most delicate child. They are a mild but thorough laxative which banish constipation and indigestion; break up colds and simple fevers and allay the pains which accompany the cut- ting of teeth. They are sold by medi- cine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. ,Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. A Leader for India Stephen Gwynn in the Fortnightly Review (London) : Whatever India may be, and it is certainly not a na- tion, nor a race, Great Britain has made it a community, and the com- munity is becoming politically self- conscious. It has an unassuaged pride, and nothing is most explosive. Beyond all reasonable doubt, India does not need democracy, nor, one may be sure, does it want freedom in any sense that we in this island give to word.. But a community in that stage needs leadership, and feels the need of it. It needs leadership of its own. The weakness of Lord Irwin"s position is that neither he nor any Englishman can give such leadership to India; and though it is argued plausibly, and cogently, that no Indian can hope to be accepted as the leader of all India, whereas the alien, stand- ing aloof from all jealousies of race or caste or religion, can be the impartial governor, that argunment denies at once the whole possibility of native leadership, and thwarts the craving which Mr. Gandhi's assumption of command th some extent must satisfy, even among Moslems. The Dignity of Labor Sir J. A. R. Marriott in the Hibbert Tourual (London) : To banish the tri- vial task, the sordid occupation, is •impossible, save perhaps in Utopia, and even in Utopia you can do it—if at all—only by strict limitation of population. But it is not impossible to idealize the lower occupations; to help the. scavenger to perceive that in the scrupulous performance of his allotted task he Is performing a ser- vice to the community as important as the trained skill of the great sur- geon. Few dairymen, perhaps, are idealists; nor are all artists. •But it should not be impossible to convince the former that the health of the com- munity is not less, but more, import- ant than its appreciation of color and form. Stich a conviction—the sense of service, whether the service be "honorable" or "menial," can alone give dignity to labor, TRUEL,i E A man is simple where his chief care is the wish to be what he ought to be; that is honestly and naturally human. We may compare existence to raw material, What it is matters less than what it is made of; as the value of a work of art lies in the flowering of a workman's skill. True life Is possible in social conditions the most diverse and with natural gifts the most unequal, It is not forttine or personal advantage, but our train- ing them to account, that constitutes thevalue life,Fame n more than floes length of days; duality 19 the thing. ---Charles Wagner. Dampers Carry Minard's. Owl Laffs There are many nervous break- downs, but some folks never experi- ence a breakdown of their nerve. The chronic cusser works for the devil for nothing and pays his own expenses. Some persons are so contentious that they are ready to argue with a thermometer. Heaven If men would love each other more, And 'curse each other less, If all would pledge their hearts to help The fellows in distress, If Hiudoo, Indian, Chinee, And Christians ali would love, They'd find a taste of what they hope To find somewhere "above." The hearts that Iove, God's secrets have Of all that's going to be, This world, well filled with faith and love, Is heaven enough for me. —J. W. Holland. that there are 360 interest bearing slays in a year, The :bard,, teaehee that there are 365 snob, days and every four years 366. The greatest screen triumph we have .experienee:d this spring was put- ting them up without knocking a hole .in Wake up, if you want your dreams to come true. The difference between theory and practice is: The school books teach FOR SALE FIVE D.C. MOTORS %4, 1, 1%2, 4 and 8 Horsepower, all In good condition. Cheap for immediate sale. H. Watkins, 73 Adelaide Street West, Toronto. A Short, Short Poem Susie Choosie No rice and Oid Shoesie, Neither college nor clothes can make something out 'of nothing. Charles—"May I kiss you?" Anne—"What do you think I've been waiting for --a street car?" When a man goes to the dogs, many of his friends bark at him. Keep your tongue and your temper will keep itself. The most precious thing anyone— man or store—anybody or anything— can have is the goodwill of others. It is something as fragile as an orchid —and as beautiful. .As precious as a gold nugget—and as hard to find. As powerful as a great turbine—and as hard to build. As wonderful as youth —and as hard to keep. Some folks really have "virgin minds." They never give birth to a thought. Our Answer to the 'Scientists Love is only a disease, To which we're all adicted; Then heav'n be praised for granting such Nice way to be afflicted. Henry—"That's what I call tough luck." Card—"Whats' that?" Henry -"I've got a cheque for $40 and the only man in town who can identify me is the one I owe $50. Many a man who has "gone over the top" would shrink from acting as judge of a baby show, Heal the Sprain with Minard's. To of TOTAL 7C FARES , to CANADA ADVANCED BRITISHERS in Canada may now bring forward their Families, Relatives and Friends on Easy Terms. For full details apply:— J. D. CAMERON, Dist. Supt. Colonization Canadian Pacific Railway, Doronto BRITISH RE -UNION ASSOCIATION ..sree7C—trieva ASTORIA FOR QUICK, HARMLESS COMFORT 'No wonder Sraar'Srfowerg are ,so popular! They cut so easily' asu1 wish such little"quint''. • Makniol and wict.kmonwp Guoram'e5tt" AT EVERY; HARDWARE STORE • JAMES SMART PLANT. BROCKVILLEONT:. ChildrenCry forJt VL CONSTIPATPOtiDIARRHEA,FEYERISHMESS WHY SUFFER FROM YOUR LIVER? Why be handicapped with unsightly blotches on the face, eyes with yellow tinge and that tired and languid feel - in ? This indicates a torpid liver eadache, Dizziness and Biliousness surely follow. You must stimulate your lazy liver, start the bile flowing with Carter's Little Liver Pills. They also act as a mild laxative, purely vegetable, free from calomel and poisonous drugs, small, easy to swallow, and not habit forming. They are not a purgative that cramps or pains, unpleasant after effect follow- ing, on the contrary a good tonic, All Druggists 25c and 75c red pkgs. a�NU'NS o� t•IAow� For'1 odes dire to decd INDIG5 ION ACD STOMACH HEARTBURN R �g aggES"HEAH CHSirA What most people call indigestion is usually excess acid in the stomach. The food has soured. The instant remedy is an alkali which neutralizes acids. But don't use crude helps, Ilse what your doctor would advise, The bast help is Philips' Milk of Magnesla, For the 50 years since its Invention it has remained standard with physicians. You will find noth- ing else so quick in its effect, so harm• less, so efficient. 51100 One tasteless spoonful in water neu- tralizes many times its volume in acid. The results are immediate, with no bad after-effects. Once you, learn this fact, you will never Ileal with excess acid in the crude ways, Go learn now—why this method is supreme. Be sure to get the genuine Philips' Milk of Magnesia prescribed by physi clans for 50 years in correcting excess acids, Each bottle contains full direc- ions--`any drugstore. Classified ,A,t vertising qaa 15$;TF — ilea.BABY clliltfliS*-•WI0 laA'i'Ukl16 Write fe00 l' tree catalogue,in , Valle. Switzer. Granton, Ont. Breeds free .chink information 7Mscm1,/inejaryau W'r -CHICKS 0 Famous Send for "valuable chicks. Bos 2Ot? to ehoose from. catalog; ft has on brooding r" Fis8sst, Qpt.. in BO YD' S.. DICTCLES 1 AT LOWER rumsI.„� fires, Coaster Brakes, Wheels AloerTubes, Lamps, OABells, G'tyclometers, Saddles, O c ��t` Equipment and pelts of 1311. I +Y t{� eyeles. Prom can atywh to yousur • prices. Catalogue free. T. Ili, Lawnp*76NRt•W tUW qL owMONTREAL Ends "Ended In 1 minute L. T. soon. Get instant in Z Minute burn itch and pain of piles with'Sootha-SaivaV” writes Sears. "Bleeding stopped. Piles vanished. Avoided operation." resuitato4ay. All druggists, I Sick Animals Welcome Minard's. • It is an ideal first aid about the stable. Get a bottle to -day. JNARD'S\ "KING OF PAIN" LINIMENT:. "I Was Skinny and Tired. Now Peppy. Gal ed 11 LbsegY "Had tired feeling, no pep. But Ironized Yeast gave me pep; s "a much stronger. Gained 11 lbs. Boils and pim- a, < wz? pies disappeared." — Mack Lattoria. Amazing new Ironized Yeast acids 5 to 15 lbs. in 3 weeks. Changes "skinny," weak body to strong, well- -developed form all admire. Blotchy, skin gets clear and rosy like magic. Nervousness, indigestion, ' constipa- tion disappear overnight. Sound sleep. New pep from very first day. Two great tonics in one—special weight -building Malt Yeast and strengthening Iron. Pleasant little tablets. Far stronger than unmedi- cated yeast. Results in ei time. No yeasty taste. No gas. Dont' be "skinny," weak, unattrao- tice. Get Ironized Yeast from drug- gist today. Feel great tomorrow. Money back from manufacturer if not delighted with quick results. �• el p- 76 Read this 76 who is thanks to Salts. AS a subject just over I have found Eruschen Snits. have their .Hrusehen Salts or more of no counter -effect active than 40 Sruschen department A bottle contains months --good x+ Vf a y RX beats 36 wonderful letter from a man of " more active than 40 years ago," the "daily dimeful " of Rruschent of bothpout and rheumatismfor 50 years, I wish to acknowledge that nothing so absolutely certain as Epsom arnei other things alt virtues, but also their dratabacks I have so far found, after 5 years using them, have no drawbacks and whatever, I am 76 arai more years apo." Original lotto on ale tar Ingleetioa. Salts is obtainable at drug and stores in Canada at 75c. a bottle. enough to last for 4 or 8 health for half -a -cent a day; FROM Read. Cardston, years old OF OTHER EHTEE,.. - - 1 - I on he How This Medicine Helps Her . Alberta and the --"I am fifty-eight mother of eighteen 1r living children.We live on a farm and I am a very heal thy mother con shirring that have such a big • family to work fon The drugglet first told me about Lydia E. ?ink ham's Vegetable Compound and have depended it for malty. years. picture taken, the telling nue about his after I told hies Compound store and bought. her 13tcierit<1 SALil:N- AIberta. 4 . \ `� V. `u ,, ::si ' ` �, a,, y `When I had this photographer was wife's ailments and about the Vegetable went tho drug t':wa bottles,"•—Mlts. nAcls, Ste., Cardston, ISSUE Nb, 19--'30