HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1930-05-15, Page 4Ag *Kt DASHWO `M1ies Alc1c Itoffraail ;Oay suceess- " iaY iia 'winning the Gold Medal in the "tc.,z r Soprano class . tit the Perth Creuntt besical Festiv'ttl in Stratford ZURICH HERALD last Thursday evening, Mr, and Mrs, J. Anvils o Port Huron, spent the Week -end with tee later's mother, Mrs. Witel. Mr. Ed. Nadiger spent the week- end in Galt. 1 �.. le a Keep FI '`;.. at Bay with OC IRE seldom visits houses having Gyproc Wallboard at ceilings, partitions, walls and sheathing. On the contrary Gyproc has saved many homes. This pioneer Canadian fire -safe gypsum board has a new Ivory coloured finish this year that makes decora- tion unnecessary (when pan- elled). It is just the thing to use for. makeng extra room's in the cellar or attic. Quickly erected, inex- pensive, structurally strong, GyprocWallboard gives per- manent fire protection. Your dealer's name is listed below. Ask hiria today for full information or write for interesting free book, '''Building and Taemodelling with Gyproc." GYPSUM, LIME AND ALA.BASTINE, CANADA, LIMITED Paris - Ontario `4Y.,4 iv PEW DVOLN `1 r), L.k ' 261 For Sale By Fred C, Kalbfleisch o — •• - Zurich, Ont. eo- . a. ie : +++ •+^fi +i -i ++ • -++ :•++ v+++++++++++++++ + F+.PH.++4i• fi4. -8 eaa ere- eee -8 .4 eke 4 4 8 4 4 4 2 4 4 .-4 ,*41.447++++++++++++++++++++++ ►bpi ++F •++•f•+++++ FS•+^: ++}.*;.4•.! 9' Come in and see the new Auto- matic Kelvinator which has many features that no other Electric Refrigerator has. See Me before Buying E. Oesch - Zurich SERVICE with SALES Special Mother's Day services were conducted in the .Evaimgelacal'.:ehurch on Sunday. Deming the Sunday School session, Mrs. L. Kieinstiver was presented with a Gera an Piblo, from the S.S, being the oldest mothe er present.. Mrs; Kleinstiver is 84 and has always' been a very faithful member of both church .and S. S, Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Lindemfield of Parkhill called on 'friends in town on Sunday, Inspector Beaeoin of G,o'dericle paid a visit to our school on Tuesday. Death of Mrs. C. Burmeister Susanna Katherina , _ Burmeister, (nee Restemeyer) was born aa. the 22nd of October in the year 188 L in the Township of Ray. She was bap- tized on the 19th of February 1882, and Confirmed on . the 7th of April 1895. She lived With her parents un til the 31st of March ,1908 when she was married to her now sorrowing husband, Mr. Christian Burmeister. Deceased had been ailing for a num- ber of years with anemia and was taken seriously ill on Saturday morn ing with heart trouble and passed a- way peacefully on Monday morning. She leaves to inourn her loss, her husband; two sons, Courtney and Garnet, two, daughters, , Verdi and Greta, her ageti father, three broth- ers and a large number of relatives and friends. The funeral was held enWednesday afternoon. Interment in . tho Bronson Line . Cemetery; Rev. W. Ness o;ciating. . Auction Sale Of Farm Stock and Implements On Lot..16, Con. 15, Hay Township On MONDAY, MAY 19th; 19330. Commencing at 1.00 o'clock. p,ni.. HORSES -1 Percheron' Colt, rising 3 years, well broken. CATTLE -4 Holstein : cows fresh in about 8 weeks, 2 Durham cows fresh in about 2 weeks, ••1 cow due first week in June, 4 small calves,01 good wagon nearly new. 1 vacuin,cle- aner. Above cows are ett A. No.' milk and cream producers. No roserve, as proprietor is giving - 4. farming. Everything will be soul -to highest bidder. TERME-5 months' credit on ap proved joint notes. 4% off for cash Arthur Weber, Auctioucer. Chas. Hagen, Clerk. Leon Jeffrey, Proprietor. 0 HILLSGREEN The Women's Missionary Society are holding their regular monthly meeting on Wednesday afternoon, May 14th, and intend to quilt . two quilts in the basement of the church. Mr. H. R. Samuels of Toronto; was here recently and got his crop . of Alfalfa planted on the farm on 'the Babylon Line. The services in the church here on Sunday, May 18th will be withclraw't owing to the Young People's Anniv ersary in Kippen at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. 4 Mrs. Frank Farquhar, who has be- en spending a few weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Cochrane, returned to her home in Hensall, feeling much improvd in. health. Mrs. L. Troyer spent a day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Hyde of the,. London Road, near Hensall. Mr. and Mrs, Isaac Jarrott and Miss Gertrude of Kippen, called on friends on Sunday.. Miss Agnes Love and Mr, and Mrs Stanley Love were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Love. Mr. and Mrs. A. Ings or Vain^,1 Mr. and Mrs. John Horner of Zurich, were Monday visitors at the home of Mrs. L. Troyer. The Young People of Hillsgreen United Church intend holding their anniversary Service on'Sunday even- ing, June 8th, at 7.30 o'clock. Rev. C. A. -Malcolm of Egmondville will be the special speaker. The music will - be furnished by the inen fibers of the Kippen Choir: ',::SIJ IN Qlllflllll if1QIII11IIIIlI111111911111IIIIIIIIIIIBIIIli111II1111IIIIl11IUI11Ili111111MIlllllMllllI111I1IIII111l11111111111111II1111111IIIIIIII111IIIIIIII1111IIIIIIII11' 4 Radio bargains! Every Set in A 1 Condition DeForest Crosley, 5 Tube, Table Model Complete e42.50 King N•eutordyne 5 Tube, complete with Wet B Batteries. $45.50 Westinghouse 4 Tube, Table Model $36.50 DeFerest Crosley, 4 Tube, Table Model at $34.00 At Water Kent, 6 Tube and Cabinet Speaker . $58.00 Wen ,SETS ARE FULLY EQUIPPED WITH LOUD SPEAKERS BES, BATTERIES ANI) AERIAL, INCLUDING A 6 MONTHS' BATTERY CHARGING CONTRACT. SEE AND HEAR THESE RADIO SETS AT HESS RADIO ELECTRIC Harry G.. Hess SALES Wrnit SERVICE a,n' W,� ,• u,usetekq. t,1 gifr� ft T ;iib rwi;i ' fR, �I. lii.m,-.41.a.1W111uum,iOLiUWIUWWb+Nr.„atmlw,wuurwrunwhuniU.,41,4CUl atu rmflllwl„ ena STANLEY TOWNSHIP On Saturday, May l.0th, Mrs Ralph Stephenson, Sr., celebrated three. 91st anniversary of her birthday, and for this advanced age she is still quite smart physically and clear men- tally. She still keeps house for her, .,on J. Thomas, with whom she re- sides, and she enjoys to converse with her friends, a number of wiioz;r. called to congratulate her and ex- press the hope that she may be sp- ared to see many more years. Mr. Frank Fillingham, who spent the past few months at his home in England, has returned to • Stanley. and engaged with W. J. Howson for the summon. Mr. and Mrs. George Lilley am' Mr. Calvin Dowson of Seaforth, sp-. nt Sunday with the latter's brother Dir. W. J. Dowson; Mr, and Mrs. W. W. Brock+.va. ,end Mr, Wayne Brockway of Detroit: •:sere guests with Mrs. Robt. McKine •ey and other friends over the week - Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Braun and ero dons of Forest, accompanied by hiss Jane Lamont, Mrs. L, W. 1 :an and Mr. Wm. Lamont, of Zur.•• visited with Mrs. Robt:' MCKinlea fameill , one day recently. Miss 'e are Co]anuui, who has been sitilig;with her sister, Mrs. :C, E, 'Tfn]e+- has retuned to her home atat;:el en. ",Auction Sale OF I•IOUSEHOLll' EFFECTS At IdASHWOOD on SATURDAY, MAY 24th, 1930" Commencing at 1.00 o'clock p.m. Nide dining room range stove with resivoir new, burns caol or wood, kitchen stove with resivor burns wood only, coal heater, stove pipes, side- board just like new, glass cupboard, extension table, two couches kitchen wing table, cellar table, parlor table, bed room table, large mirror; small miror, 3 rocking chairs, six dining .room chairs; . two parlor chairs, d kitchen chairs, bed room suit, 500 bricks, paint, brushes, sad irons, saur kraut barrel, 3 beds with sprsnge and Mattress, single bed with springs and mattress, '8 -day clock, chest made in Germany, small stand, picture frames and pictures, 5 lamps, bureau, frying pans, lard pails, hoes; shovels, brass kettle, wringer, iron tub, wash mach - hie, White sewing machine, Wooden tab, a quantity of sealers, bottles and crocks, spades, tea pots, a quantity of glassware, set of dishes, 4 .or 5 cords of poplar wood ready for stove, tool box, a quantity of lumber, dutch set crates, 2. tool boxes, wheelbarrow, tea kettle, axes, buck saw, garden rake, saw horse, small spinning wheel carpets, mats, bench,. -bake board, lawn mower, some carpet strips, par- lor lamp, some curtains and polo:, washstand, bed room stand, 2 man- ure forks, potatoe digger to attach to any plow, and numerous articles. Everything, offered is in A. 1. con- dition and of good quality. ... .. . REAL ESTATE—Consisting of 2 Lots, more or less, both are corner Lots. There is on the premises go- od frame house with three bedrooms and a kitchen attached thereto. There is also a car shed, chicken pen, a quantity,of fruit trees, is well fenced and plenty of water. A very desir- able property-. TERMS OF REAL ESTATE --10 per cent. on day of Sale; balance in 80 days if not previously sold. TERMS—Of other articles, Cash. Arthur Weber, Auctioneer. William Brenner, Executor. HENSALL Mr. and Mrs. Roy Weber and Mr. Arthur Dirk attended the funeral of the late Frank Jarrott in Toronto, on Monday last. Thos. Farquhar has returned to town, where lie .will spend the sum - lees months with his son here. Mrs. Walter Fee visited for a time with her sister in Hayfield. Mr. and Mrs. Chisolm who recent. ly came here from Calgary to spend the summer months, have rented a part of Mrs. Cameron's house on Mill Stret, ,:Bill Craig . and sister, motored to Toronto, where they will visit for a time. Ed. Berry of Detroit, motored up on Sunday last and spent a day with with his mother, Mrs. Berry Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Case motored to Toronto last week, Mrs. Case hav- ing to have an operation ,Case in the interest of her health, which is hoped will prove beneficial. 1VIr. Robinson, of Drayton, is relieving at the station in Mr. Case's place. Boss & Brazier, contractors; for paving the London Road, have start- ed laying cement, haveing nearly a mile laid. Sonie 20 3 -yd. trucks are On the job, with a. large force of risen -With good weather they expect to reach Hensall in about five weeks. Mae and Mrs. J. hL W.ilson of St- ratford were visitors atthe r'atter's arents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Brown. - Colin Hudson is putting. in. a Iot of onion sets and Milton.Love is putting n 2 acres of cabbages for the, Exeter Canning factory. • Geo. Sutherland, and David Cantel - on attended the funeral of the late Dr. Gunn at Clinton, last week. All the traffic from the north now passing through town on account of the paving of the London Road to the south, snakes the village quite a high- way, and Jas. Patterson, who is stat- ioned at the corner of the London Road to the east of the village, as• sisted by Fred Berry, are kept quite busyat times rnes directing the traffic. William.anddJames Jarrott of Hills Green, received the news of their .iephew Frank, and only son of Nor - .man. Jarrott, who, is known to a great manhere, having lived on the Lon - ten Road a number of years ago, had .passed away at his home in Toronto. following a few day's illness from pneumonia, at the early age of 27 years. COUNTY NEWS The Huron Regiment goes into ,amp at Carling's Heights, Londao, donday, June 30th; and will be. ie ,amp until July lith. The Young People's anniversary +.f St, Andrew's United Church, Kip - nen, will be held on Sunday, May 13 et 11 a.m. and 7.30 pen. Rev. Walde• nar Williams, M. A. of,Aylmer, will e the special speaker. Exeter is to be made the centre for Bell Telephone service magi who eill be stationed thein. J. McIntyre rf London. will molar his headquart ers in Exeter and will look after the installation and fepair wort for Ex- eter, Hensall, Crediton,Parkhill, All Craig and Luean, During the severe electric storm roeently, the bank barn of James Wil els of the 2nd con;, Stephen, Tp., wa,. "ruck by'Hale-dna rand .aiX r. g ht f7” ire .,certunateiy the 11 1.' e •ee eotieerr i • Tl urs w, IMay 1utl;a, 1930' • �S the title of .a new 7,2 -pate 'o) Lt which the DANK OF MoIOAL has issued an 1 is now 4listribta.t.i :l free to all why' a� , for a copy. ThisLoo1dt .describes the latest methods of cannin Fruits,meats and v -e 4e t a1.es ., copy triray be obtained Wed on application to any Branch of the BA OF MONTILEAL Zurich Branch: C. H. JOY, Manager. and extinguished before it got beyon :control and any serious damage done There is considerable building go ing on at Grand Bend at present Milo Snell of Exeter is building new cottage in the Eccleson Para Mr. Grieves has his new drug stole nearly completed, Peter Ravelle making considerable improvements c his recently pool rooms, etc, J. Moa sseau having added another story t his building, and at Walker's Groe c a number of new buildings are Dein_ erected. S' rtlY r i711 3i ,., ; ijft:Eky is EVERYBODY SHOULD HAVE A ct NEW EASTER BONNET. James Stewart, 'of Stewart Bros. Seaforth, has been awarded firs prize in a Dominion wide competitio for the best window display of Roy- al York clothing. W. R. Johnston Co., manufacturers of Royal 'York clothes, offered three prizes, open te- eny agent in the Dominion. Norman Holtzman of, Bald Eagle Lake. Mich., and Murray .Holtzman, of Detroit, brought their mo rn.er, Mrs ` 'Leah Holtzman home to Crediton, :who spent the past number or weeks with thm, and Mr. and Mrs. W Holtzman and Mr. and Mrs. Goodwill of :Detroit. • At a recent special meeting of the Blyth Council arrangemenes were made whereby the Woollen Mills wh- ich have been operated by Benton' Bros., becomes the property of tiiG Corporation. The mill has been idle', for some time and as the firm were .unable to further continue, a quit claim was made to the village as consideration for the loan granted Bainton Bros., by the ratepeyers, on the repayment of which they were in default. EXTRA. NICE LINES OF LARGE HE-ADSIZES AND COLORS. OUR SHOWING. OF CHILDREN'S n HATS IS COMPLETE WE .ARE SHOWING THE NEWEST EDI RIMS AND CIOSE FITTING HATS . STRAWS HAVE AT LAST COME' BAC! TO THEIR -OWN AND BEA- UTIFUL THEY -ARE IN ALL Taal NEWEST SHADES. WE HAVE A NICE ZINE OF NEW SPRING - FLOWERS FOR COATS AND DRESSES. COMPLETE YOUR NEW 'SPRING OUTFIT OR Bi IG- HTEN'.'0P LAST SEASON'S 'ONE WITH A NICE BOQUET 01? SPRING FLOWERS.. Mrs. Stahl, Crediton, received the sad news of the sudden passing of her nephew, John W. Thiel, lawyer in. Hobart, Ind. He was a son of the late Lewis and Caroline Thiel. He was born in Zurich and was well known in the community, as they have be- en frequent visitors. He leaves a olv ing wife, one son and two daughters and a large number of relatives• who indeed mourn the loss. J. E. Bechler, Godeiith . of the God erich Manufacturing Coz, has purch- ased the lumber rills of Thos. Me ,Kenzie Estate, Ir. Becbler is an experience& lumber deader, do ing an extensive saw mill business and shipping his. products topoints all over Canada and the United St- ates, and no doubt will make good in the new undertaking: The death on Saturday morning :est at his residence, Clinton, of Dr. William Gunn, removes at once ' the dean of the medical fraternity in. Cl- inton and. a familiar andrespected figura. in professional circles in. this Bart of Ontario. Dr. Gunn practiced ais _calling in Clinton for 42 .years. During the last ten years of his life. he' had virtually retiredfrom active service, but for more than a gener- :tion he gave to the demands of an ardour and exacting profession in this district the whole of his Feat ability end unflagging energy. Freon the beginning of his career hisinter- est .lay primarily in the surgical side of his profession. Here his talents tipproached genius and there is no question that had he chosento. spew - die in surgery in a more extended field he would hvae been one of the .tutstanding figures in Canadiantned- -Ine of his generation. 4V'h.et Con$tahle Wesley Bheati:t a,f ;peter, received word front Crediton int a byeycle, the- property of N•el I ate enur Baer i1t.t:i1. tatr:'t; tL .ria.. -u.. • alai,• GIVE US A CALL V V Siebert Zurich: old one left in its place he got bus and followed . a clue to Elginfeld, where he gathered in both boy and bike ;and brought them to Exeter". The boy was detained until the airriu- al of his parents from Seaforth. The parents have had •difficulty in getting their 13 -year-old son to attend, school. - Eaaf' Heitly of Elyth has been air London Hospital, for the removal of a piece of ;shrapnel from the base of his neck, the result of injuries re- ceived during the great war. For a long time he Zeas not had the use of his one arm, and after x-ray examin- ations, it was revealed that a piece of shrapnel was pressingsome nerve • centre producing a weakness of the. arnt. muscles. Bayfield suffered the loss of one of;' its oldest and most widely known cit- izens on Tuesday last, when James Sturgeon died suddenly at his home,. He had not been in good health for some months, but on Tuesday even- ing he had just stepped out on the veranda, when he was seized with a - sudden heart attack and passed away almost. inunedietely. Dire broke out at noon on Felder in the ;home of J. McRann, Clande•• - boyo, while the family were at din- ner, =Tin ely destroyed the dwelling' with a loss of several thousands of dollars, starting in the chimney, the flames 1kad gained considerable laced - way when first noticed.. Despite the efforts of neighbors and the assiet- a:ze,e of the Lucan 'fire brigade, the home was burned to the ground. J. J. Ball, baggagenian on the C. N.H., Goderich, met with a serious accident at the station the other av- ailing when he sustained a fraeturet`l slculi and painful Bead injuries. He , `lead made the trip from '1'01'011U) .ors the late train and :in switehing the, -e tc 1 ee Trite prraina. Flail .'.'as n`is- - r-- ; � ,., rtes, -,.c; , i'ir switch .aitd'v Vas walking alongi dtie the rvlap ,•herr he was struck by the. moving,