HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1930-05-01, Page 7a- l'. 'VITUS DAN SUFFERSVI (DE 'EI1G '•"Nerves Strengthened Through • the Use of -Dr, Williams Pink Piles. Time after time casks are brought to the notice of the public where Mit- fevers from itt-fetorsfrom 'nervous troubles have been relieved by Dr. Williams' Pinlc Pill's—where victims of St. Titus Dance have been made well through the use of these pills after other ' medicines have failed to be of bene- fit. The reason for this is that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills act directly upon' the blood --they make new, rich red blood and in thus banishing all im- purities from the blood strengthen the nervus and make St. Vitus Dance im- possible. Mrs. P. Donnelly, Montreal, Que., is one more grateful mother who wish- es to adcl her testimony to those al- ready published. She says: -"MY little girl, aged eleven, was a great sufferer from St. Vitus Dance. Sev- eral doctors prescribed for her with- out benefit. She was in the hospital ' for two weeks—still no benefit. I then saw an advertisement recommending Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for St. Vitus Dance, so deckled to try them. My little girl had only taken a couple of boxes when I noticed some Improve- ment so 1 continued with the treat- ment till now she is completely free from the trouble and can enjoy her- self as other children do. I can high- That his pants were down. ly recommend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to anyone suffering from St. Vitus Dance or any other form of nervous trouble, for what these pills have done for my daughter I am sure they will do for others." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills aro sold by all dealers In medicine or by mail at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Owl Laffs Best Friend (Meowi)•--Mary, where did You get that gorgeous diamond Ding?" Young 'Widow (Purr, Purt'i)—"You rementber when J'ulto dear .died he ]eft $1,000 , for a memorial store? Well, this is it," Bait digging time has heppiost of the year. come, the It is said that a good diamond will cut through nearly anything. It eer- tainly can make a hole in a bank ac- count. Suitor—"Can you tell me anything about your sieter's hobbies?" Small Brothel'—"All I lceow is she don't wear any in the summer." A man and his wife were hotly dis- cussing the merits of a book, Finally, the wife said to her husband: "No, John, you can't appreciate it—you never wrote a book yourself." "No," retorted John, "and I never laid an egg, but I'm a better judge of an omelet than any hen in the coun- try." •Some salesmen were vaccinated with rusty phonograph needles, judg- ing from their sales talk. Imagine His Embarrassment Little Oscar Duckling Met the world witha frown, When he first discovered Do You Know - A slice of leucon stewed with the prunes will greatly improve their flavor? if you rinse cooked noodles with hot water they will not stick together. You can make pistachio flavoring by mixing equal parts of vanilla and al- mond flavoring? Before washing new lace curtains, calico, or anything containing lime, soak them overnight in water, to which salt has been added. This takes eat all the lime . and, consequently, saves soap and labor. Aneegg is "new -laid" for ten to twelve days; it is "fresh" until it Is twenty-one days old; then it becomes a "cooking -egg." It a cracked, egg has to be boiled, wrap it in greased paper, tie with string and put in boiling water. To give a stove a good polish, mix a teaspoonlful of powdered alum with t v ur ce;a of b,lacklead and apply in • t to usual way. ,'• • ' . e When cleaning knives mix a pinch of carbonate of soda with the bath - brick. They can then be polished quickly and easily. Moist table salt will remove egg stains from siler. A cupful of fine ashes and two tea- spoonfuls of bicarbonate of soda mixed with water into a smoth paste make an excellent polish for metals. Varnish may be brightened by rub- bing with a cloth moistened iu linseed oil. A few drops of lemon juice added to the dough when making pastry ren- ders it more digestible. "Public speaking 'a business asset," says a headline. Go down the street any day and see it demonstrated. And that brings to mind the question, why does everybody else want to talk when you are trying to say something? Why will a girl stock up on hose and then go barelegged? •Little Junior, rix years ofd, from the city, was visiting his grandmother in the country. 11.1 had been going to school and had been copying his A B C's. IIe went to help her gather the eggs and, finding the china nest egg, cried out: "Look, grandma, what kind of egg is this?" Grandma—"Put that one back in the nest and leave it for a nest egg." Junior—"What do they have to have it for, grandma, to dopy by?" Cheer tip, folks. Let the do all of the looking down mouth. dentists in the Picturesque Yukon ,;mouse Has Bottles in Window syr/,M^, S.t"vy. S•T,""yr'a.,t'+..°"' ..wit:=':....,•',<CGr. +fdc'.' • Britons -Make ciassiflle I sAdpertising .,�.. Their Own Beor iiAu 4ii1* a i�--lvlo 11 vi'�ut',ilr L«1S.Jyt last year in foal. vu,le' lies. Write tan free (ataloguue A IT. Switzer. Cractuli, Ont. High Excise Tax Encourages Horne Industry and Works Greatly to Injury of Brewers London.—Bootlegging, an industry supposedly confined mainly to the United States, is now baffling British excise authorities, lIome brewing of beer is being carried out on a ltu'ge settle; according to customs officials. Such practice eliminates paying the duty new enforced 1 by the Govern- ment, Brewers' associations are ob- jecting to the new underground liquor traffic. A Government inquiry is to be made and some form of national control suggested. Penny a Pint Packets of malt and hops and other ingredients necessary to make three gallons of beer can be secured from the corner grocer, or nearest •drug store, for about 35 cents. The boot- leg brand can be made for two cents a pint, compared with the usual price of 16 cents a pint now charged. Official figures show that during the past 1.0 years the annual consumption of legal beer has decreased .by 67,952,- 2S6 gallons. Cellar and kitchen 'brew- eries are held largely responsible for this diminution. Beer is excisable if it contains the alcohol equivalent of 2 per cent. proof spirits. Packets now sold with the proper ingredients also contain print- ed instructions for correct brewing. Stilt Increases An excise official said about the istin condition when questioned: This is a house of hospitality whose owner combined his extravagance in entertainment with an innate modesty In home economy by using the bottles left after his guests bad departed to make a substantial and unique filling for an empty window frame. Window panes were scarce in the Yukon in those days of the Gold Rush and the chances are that before the bottles were placed in the opening, paper or,hide was used to let the sun rays in and to keep out as much as Possible'of the cold and rain. The Yukon and Alaska are alive with mementoes of a past that is dead, Each sunnier thousands of tourists from the United States and Canada, and many from overseas as well, take the colorful journey across the continent through the great wheat fields of the prairies and by Jasper Park and Mount Robson in the Canadian Rockies—Mount Robson is the' highest peak iii the Rockies—to Vancouver and Prince Rupert where steamers equipped with every modern detail take them through the Inside Passage to the glamourous land on the Midnight Sun. The lower picture shows the Prince Henry, newly constructed ship of the Canadian National Steamships, which will' make its first voyage on this popular run from Vancouver on July 3. Launched by IshbelMacDDonald, popular run from Vancouver on July 3. Launched by Ishbel MacDonald, for the Canadian National Pacific Coast Service. Two others, the Prince Robert and the Prince David will ply between Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle. The Prince Heury will supplement the Alaska service already afforded by the CNS Prince Rupert and Prince George of the same line which have be- come widely travellers the Pacific Coast, Toastmaster (to principal speaker: —"Oh, Mr. Brady." Speaker—"Yes ?" Toastmaster—'clad we better have your speech now, or shall we let the people enjoy themselves a little while longer?" The law can be enforced, all right. You never saw anybody kick a bull- dog. A pretty girl likee to be told she's interen inelty enc girl dies o e to c she s p'e`ens'. • "Waiter, take this steak back." "I can not, sir! You have bent It," Elizabeth had not heard from Bill for a long time. Finally there came to her doorstep a very large box. Eliza- beth fainted when she read on the label: "Bill inside." A Pioneer in Photographic Mapping Canada was the first country to make practical use of photography in surveying, on. an extensive scale. Methods of Photographic surveying were developed over forty years ago by the late Dr. Deville, Surveyor Gen- eral, Department of the Interior, and large areas of the Rocky Mountains have been so surveyed. SELF-DENIAL .• The hardest doctrine to practice is the doctrine of self-denial. This is a doctrine that pinches. oT TOTAL EARLS to CA ADA_ • ADVA CE ' BRITISHERS in Canada may now bring forward their Families, Relatives - and Friends on Easy Teriiii. For full details apply: - 3. R. cAmnatON, Dist. Supt. Colonizntien Canadian Pacifib Railway, Toronto BRITISH FtE•UNION ASStCIATION perfect "After health," of raysMrra;A. Duca perfect acme. Thousands write rheumatic paths, neuritis, aguish like makkie with"Fnut.a.tives".Coustipation,lgdi- Cation, card overnight, 1`terven Quiet. "ltruiefatives"tromdrWYj gisttoday known among on KEEP THEM HAPPY BY son expiaiued, "like that of any other bee, is a delicate and complicated or- gan. The worker bees, which come KEEPING THEM WELL prise the greatest proportion of the colony's population, have the roost of It Is natural for children to be hap- py, active and full of fur,. When they are fretful, fussy and disinclined to play you may be sure something is wrong. Almost invariably that some- thing lies in the 'digestive tract It is to meet the need ter an abso- lutely safe corrective of childhood fective stings. The queen bee also possesses a sting, but it is seldom used except in combat with other queen bees "In only a few instances is it re- corded that queens have stung per- sons, and the sting of a queen is re- ported as mild. The drones, or male bees, have no stings, and they are par- ticularly Owe susceptible to attack by other have been designed. They gently re- gulate the stomach and bowels and thus drive out constipation and. indi- gestion; break up colds and simple fevers and allay teething pains. Con- cerning them Mrs. W. E. Forsyth, Dover, N33., writes:—"I would not be withe t 'thY's OLn Tablet cls, I Mow a�...,�+.Dune. of nothing to eq-nalthen for• fretful, fussy babies who are troubled with colds or sour stomach." Baby's Own Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or• by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Wiliams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. "Stingless Bees" After a man has lived. 65 or 70 years be learns that he doesn't amount to much. Mother --"Please keep quiet, sou, my head is just about to split." Small Offspring—"If I keep quiet, can I see it split?" A man is made or starred by his use o1 spare five-minute periods. In just a few more days college graduates wil be astonished to find out that the average boss doesn't know or care what "frat" they belong i to. Father (wrath}fully)—"Your conduct has made you the talk of the town." Daughter—"Yes, but ]'ow long will it last? Some darn aviator will fly across the Pacific or soniethiug, and I'll have to do it all over again." SELF-CONTROL 1 1Ve have need not only to watch, but to keep up a strong habit of self- ' control. How it is that every act we 1 do leaves upon us its impression, we know not, but•the sears turd the seams of our bodily frame m. ,• warn us of ' the havoc sin 'makes in our unseen nature. The current of our thoughts, the wondering of our imaginations, the tuniult of nur passions, the flashes of ou rtomper, all the iuovements and energies of our Moral being, leave some nark, wither some sjrringin5 grace, strengthen some struggling fault, decile servo doubtful bias, •ag- gr5,vate 011ie glowing tpr.pr�eness, and always leave ii' -s outer and worse than wo were before. This is ever going on. By its own continued acting, our fearful and wonderful inward nature is perpetually fixing its own character. It has a power of self-determination 'tvliich• to those who Sive over watch Introduced by Jersey Station Good -Natured Species from Caucasus Rarely Use Their Stings, Specialist Finds Produce White Honey members of the hive when their pur- pose has been served or when stores of honey are running low." New Brunswick, N.J.—Stingless bee- keeping has been made a reality at the New Jersey Agricultural Experi- ment Station through the introduction of "good-natured" Caucasian bees as a substitute for the "hot-tempered species found in many apiaries, Ray Hutson, the station's bee specialist, reports. For aline years now Hutson has been working with Caucasians, which are natives of Caucasus, Russia,, and during this time he has never boon stung by them. Neither veil; gloves nor smoker has been used in manipu- lating the bee colonies. B. F. •Drig- gers, of the station staff, who also as- sisted in testing the Caucasian Does, has yet to bo stung by them. Both of these men report that with Italian and hybrid bees, however, it Is not uncommon • to be stung, sometimes frequently. ex g "We know that home brewing is on the increase, and we are taking all Changing Seasons precautions to discover those I1 Bring colds and other sickness. making beer without license. There have been many prosecutions this Keep Minard's in the mediicne year. chest. It's a great preventative. "We are almost powerless, for a �, house to house search Is obviously im- possible. We take immediate action, however, on information received, or e,:ideuce obtained by police." 134.)s r cxrxcxcs �y'j ,1• l:t»iU essitTiJ f.10.1I!MIN A7: and tlarred. Plymouth Stuck ilnby chicks, avesbeenoIiutehiiig winter yours. atlas mere 'Poultry 1'1trm, hlrutl'otti. Ont. lc'oxt SALE •--- �� CABS 1)1 1U 1:�.\ t, .I,`1 llSI' t;itl>1i1`!i Nur thorn Olit:1 1 I 11e1 cedar fume!, grave and eneaer pesos. it'le pilon(+ ,",les end ewes fist. tul,ucno tarn il,nnri. 1'lu,nu 01' 'write, E. J. i'li yams, I 2, 1'1),•Qford. BTJLBS 5((ilasielan t e, '2.`i VJ\1:[J J J1 s, eau(); or 8 111:,:+1 J.illr.5; or 1) )0 010512, named List Frees 3111) varieties. Sansby, 107 iselle'i'air ,\t'e,, Terorltn. Many Uses for Spruce The wood of all Canadian spruce's is tast.elecs and ociour'le s, making it valuable for food containers. It is also in great demand for musical In- struments, principally for organ pipes, piano sounding boards, violin backs, etc. FOR SALE FIVE D.C. MOTORS /4, 1, 1%2, 4 and 8 Horsepower, all in good condition. Cheap for immediate sale. H. Watkins, 73 Adelaide Street West, Toronto. , . ORES H EAL IN QUICKEST TiME KNOWN "Sores on leg, ulcers, for months. Doctors failed to heal. Then'Sootha-Sarva' healed them infew days." Jules Slmard. "Sootha- Salva" heals sores, ulcers, boils, burns, ecalds, eczema, tike magic. Alt druggists. LIFE 1 always believed la life rather than in hooks. I suppose every day of earth, with its hundred thousand deaths and something more of births —with its loves and hates, its triumphs and defeats, its pangs and blisses—has more of humanity in it than all the books that were ever written put together. I believe the Rowers growing at this moment send up more fragrance to heaven than was exhaled from alt the essences ever dis- tilled.—Holmes. Ruth: "Even if you can't enjoy best sellers, there are books in the running brooks, you know," Jack: "Yes, but even the brooks are getting dryer every year." Minard's Kills Dandruff. Largest Deposit' of Diatomite The largest deposit of diatomite in the Dominion at present known is in the vicinity of Quesnel in central British Columbia where material of pure grade occurs in beds forty feet. thick that extend over a large area. Strengthening Butter Boxes Recent tests on butter boxes at the Forest Products Laboratories, Depart- ment of the Interior, showed that one wire applied around the centre of the box doubles its strength. The Aeroplane in the North The aeroplane has in the last few years been employed in the north- land of Canada and its use for mail service, prospecting, and general com- mercial purposes is rapidly increasing. Swarm Less Than Italian Bees A two-year test .of sixty colonies here revea.lecl that the Caucasians pr edate4 just (l9, mach honey Reline !lees. Tice Vedori 'l - a singlo eo"Io ' was 135 pounds and the aVOiniige ivns 00 pounds. The Caucasians produce an extremely white comb honey. The tests further revealed that the Catlett - slams swarmed less than the Italians and that propolizing, Or the gathering of an undesirable sticky material from the buds of thores and other plants, was not, carted to oxcess. "These pacific workers," Hutson ing and self-control, becomes soon un- stated, "resemble the Italians in size conscious, and at last involuntarY, and appearance, except that their bod• les are brown and covered with silvery hairs, which gives them a silverygrey appearance. They are not only the best -natured bees, but also the Most beautiful." f lin sting of the Caucasian,' lltVt- Slow carelessly Men treat themselves. —Manning. The grace of saving i.; the real sav- ing gra1e. `Miaaaed'st1Nfdd KiIIy�Cur't1t. Child"nC r 1 \Vas Weak, Skinny, "After Baby Came Gained 22 lbs." "After baby was born I was very weak, skinny. Since taking Ironized Yeast feel fine. Gained 22 lbs."— Mrs. Laura Benoit. Thousands write new Ironized Yeast adds 5 to 15 lbs. in 3 weeks, Ugly hollows fill out. Bony limbs get graceful roundness. Duddy skin gets clear and cosy like Magic. Nor- voesnes1, indigestion, constipation vanish overnight. Sound sleep, new peep free, very first day. Two great tonics in one,—special weight -building Malt Yeast and strengthening Iron. Pleasant little tablets. Far stronger than unnetlic- p ated yeast. Results in 1,2 time. No fn yeasty taste, no gas. So quite being "skinny tired, un- attractive. Get Ironized Z east from druggist to -day. Feel great to -mor- row. Money hack from manatee - tines if not delighted with quick re - MS COLIC corisi PATIOW.marthEA . sults. DO YOU SUFFER WiTH HEADACHE? So easy to get quick relief and pre- vent an attack in the future. Avoid bromides and dope. They relievequick ly but affect the heart and are very dangerous. They are depressing ancl. only give temporary relief, th. cause: of the headache still remains within. I,. The sane and harmless way. First correct the cause, sweeten the sour., and acid stomach, relieve the intes-, tines of the decayed and poisonous food matter, gently stimulate the liver, start the bile flowing and the bowels pass off the waste matter which causes your headache. Try Carter's Little Liver Pills. Druggists 25c red pkgs. A HAB'3Y REMEDY APPROVED BY DOCTOR oEN�'Ne 74;011.41!,,Gi Fs� For Troubles due {o Acid INDIDCSTION A610 STOMACH HEARTURN '.1 HEADACHE ep,$E$•NAUSEA What many people pall ituligestion vent' often means excoss aoicl in the stomach. Tits stomach nerves have been over -stimulated, and food sours. The corrective is an alkali, which neutralizes acids instantly. And the best alkali known to Medical science is Phillips' Milk of Magnesia. It has remained the standard with physicians in the 5 years since its invention. One spoonful of this liarmlees, taste - can Comes less alkali in water ' ill neutralize in- stantly many times as much acid, and the symptoms disappear at once. You will never use crude methods when once you learn the efficiency of this. Go get a small bottle to try. Be surd to get the genuine Phillips' Milk Of Magnesia prescribed by phYsi- cians for 50 years in correcting excess acids. Each bottle contains full dirao- tions---ally, drugstore. ow well you look! "1 ant ,':'icing you. again fa e)llrOS.s my, sincere gratitude for 040 continuer) success r lame maintanl01l through 7011 daily dose of ,Krusrhen, only last wok a man met One oda, 1•11 lag a feta mouths ago when 1 calx crtjtlled: trlth rheumatism). 1711 Jing remark was hour reit I looked. I replied, ' Yes. 1 1,3110 Doty Jirtlnchrn Salts to thank.' 110 saa1 he was feeling offcolour' and iroul era tart the Eras– rhea habit neat day. I "a1 br. o ro nor,ll:u. nalt Jirusrhl u7. Salts." hriglnal hetet nn ala 1"/ bolodicn. 1 rn1elten salts is oltainal,la at drug,. and depart n:nt. stoles in Canada at Ti`. a bottle.: .1 1101.110 001tama ,numth 10 last for 4 or 5 months—scud 11041511 for holt-a-cent, n day. YOON WFE ST?ENTHE After Taking Lydia E. Pinkhatn's Vegetable Compound Bancroft, Ontario—"1\'hen 1 fast took Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound 1 had been marded. about a year and my strength was leaving me on ac- count of my con. dition..1 was only 19 and it was my first child. lly mother told me I needed something to steady my nerves and a girl ohm told me to take the Vegetable Compound.str 1r a nso thankful 1 did because l feel per - d fectly whole system and now I. fedi" Mas. 3.d B. ST.1.sweet 1 little oft, boy."—Mas. ISSUE No, 17,