HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1930-05-01, Page 4IPAGE FOUR Be Certain, of • SAFE1 Build with Gyproc TNIE car hurl y(iF „i3or.,:Ke to un•,1 8 fle-resiAant col..1)-ar;ad tiscd in its construction, casy roappiy, roc N'iallbcarti ekes burn, it is t„-..v.z.c6y want for i:H walls, ceilings azit? N,K11,....m you bc remodel or repair. Ask your dealer to. -.7„1y -for full information n Gyproc Wallboard or send for interesting free book, "kuilding and Re- modelling with Gyproc." GYPSUM, LIME AND ALABASTINE„ CANADA, LIMITED Paris Ontario For Sale By Fred C. Kaibileisch' 6,110 IOW Zurich, Ont. 14. Come hi and see the new Auto- matic Keivinator which has many ! features that no other Electric 1.* fr • Refrigerator has. See Me before Buying E. Oesch SERVICE Zurich with SALES ee 1-4-44+++++++++++++++++++++ eieh++++++se+++e++++++++++4 lill9llIIIIRIIII1M11111111111I111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111M111111111111111111111111111111111H1111111111111111111111111H111111111" Radio Bargains! Every Set in A 1 Condition DeForest Crosley, 5 Tube, Table Model Complete *42.50 King Neutordyne 5 Tube, complete with Wet B Batteries$45.50 Westinghouse 4 Tube, Table Model $36.50 DeForest Crosley, 4 Tube, Table Model at $34.00 It Water Kent, 6 Tube and Cabinet Speaker $584)0 THESE SETS ARE FULLY EQUIPPED WITH LOUD SPEAKERS TUBES, BATTERIES AND AERIAL, INCLUDING A 6 MONTHS' BATTERY CHARGING CONTRACT. SEE AND HEAR THESE RADIO SETS AT HESS RADIO ELECTRIC Harry G. Hess SALES 'WITH SERVICE ff- , DASH WOOD Mr. and Mrs. FeliX Wild, who sp- ent the winter in California, return- ed on Monday and reports a very 4 pl- easant trip. mt. Nottiii et the Bell Telephone tee, Toronto, spent e ±:Ow day e m Hite Mr. and Mrs. A. Sehroeder e- ,,aladiniteee fee ny or Detroit, visited relative nee here on SUnday. Mr. and Mrs, Kessel of Lansing, Mich., are visiting the latter's parents Mr, and Mese .Jolue Kuntz 14t11 con. Milton Sallee retuned to Stretford on Monday Where be Attends High school. M. and Mr. Geo. Link attended the funeral of their: niccm in Sarnia last Wednesday. Mr, and hies. L, :novena who spent Easter holidaye in Idithhener, • have returned home. Mr. Clayton Pile has purchased the propeety oi the late Mrs. Mary Mr. Clarence 1<,qlernian, proprieto:t of the eummerchil llot el, is c to his bell with en attack of blood polecat caueed i) an Ilene:deli en the head. ire. Hooper of London, he visiting her datnehcer„ Mrs. E. Guenther. The 1 thicau of the late Mre, Chrietina Brenner who died at the home of her deughler in Zurich on, Thureday morning NVUS hold on Sun- day ttornotm. N`o..?, elude Inteement in the Bronson Line 1 .1.netery. The deco; eJed reached the age pi: 81 years and .8 clays and is „eleareea.by three daughters and two ZURICH HERALD BLAKE Miss Jean Hey left last week fol. Toronto where she will spend sotto time with friends,. The Misses Maribei Carnie and Sarah Menson, who are attending schoei in Heneall, spent the holidays at their respective homes. Mies GladDouglas of Seaforth, ;spent Sunday night at her home it Lie village, Quit a number from this vicheitY attended the special meetings which were held in the Evangelical Church in Zurich last week. Mrs. Edigholer, who spen ll the -in- ter with friends Detroit and Wind - SOI', returned Iwo, 0,1 Sunday. - Miss Lydia Gingerkh, R. N., of Seaforth, cnBeti on .rietals in this vicinity on Sealey night. Miss ,v1zigaret. L'ougiat, v, -ho is at- teadir Nr 011! al in Lo::(ort, z.urned to resume her studies after spending the holidas under the parental roof Mrs. Fred 'runner and son Grant, of Goderich, spent the week -end with relatives and friends in this Vicinity: Mr. John Thirsk, accompanied by Mr. Jim Johnston and Mrs. E. Clarke and. daughter, Gwendoline, called on friends in Seaforth on Saturday. School opened on Monday with „a full attendance. Miss J. E. McDon- ald Teacher in S. S. No. 9, returned after spending the holidays as her home near Ripley. Mr. Wallace Haugh of Brucelield, called on friends hi this vicinity on, Sunday. Miss Margaret Tough has returned to her school after spending the holi- days at her•home on the Bronson Line, north. STANLMr TONySf11.11, Mr. and M.'S -Carl McOlinchey, of Windsor, spent Sunday with the form er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Mc- Clinchey, Goshen Line. Mr. Ruskin Keys, who is attending University at Toronto, spent the Eas. ter holidays at his home on Babylon Line. Mrs. Robinson Sr., who has spent the winter months with her daughter Mrs. Lowden of Hamilton, has return ed to Stanley to her daughter, Mrs. H. Erratt. A large number from here have been attendink the sessions of the Ev- angelical Conrerence at Zurich dund ing the past week. Mr. Henry Erred is laid up at pree ent but we hope he will soon be all able to be around again. School Report The following is the report of the Easter exams. held at S.S. No. 4, North Stanley. Sr. IV—Maria Rohner 70 Jr. IV—John Watson 64, Gordon Scotchmer 62, *Beatrice Houston 60. Sr. III—Keith Westlake 60. Jr. III—Stuart Watson 64, Greet 63, Ant. Rau 59. Sr. I—Wilfred Rau 71. Jr. I --Melvin Greer 83; Gordon Westlake 80; Billy Armstrong 78; Ethel Watson 66, Madge Houston 56. Primer --Andrew Rau. 59. Those marked * were absent for one or more exams. • Vine Herbert, Teacher, School Report • The following is a report of the aster Exams of S.S. No. 4, Stanley. 'hose absent are marked with an ,terisk. Sr. IV—Jenevieve Etue 77% Eliz- abeth Snowden 74, Jean Carnie *. Jr. IV—Mary Campbell 75, Anne Cleave 75, Milton Talbot 72, Robt Carnie 67, Jr. III—Asa Steckle 66, Kenneth hie (4, Ilene Talbot 60, Mabel Hole ner 51, II—Bertram Carnie 71, Robt. Tue er 67, Mary Snowden 60, Leonard Etue 54, Mervin Gerber *. Sr. I—Violet Turner 70; l3uelah nchartrie 65; Jimmy Cleave 65; Jr. I—Delores Ducharme 68, Mel - ha Gerber. •leacher, Mrs, It, If', Scotehmov Bert Conk 'Cotterince CANADA CONFERENCE EVANGELICAL CHURCH The G(xth Annual Conference of the hheitigelleal Church W13,8 held • at /„Irien, Oiit., April 22---28. Blehop Sprcng, 11), D., of Naperville, W11- s the chairman. There were ar(I laymen present. -The annual reports of the verious roagre- eed.yee were very gratifying. Ihe Chureh suede progre:16 ; lit , financially and renerieve- i,,,,• r: MAO d IThrcc, Yon'M men, who gradentea • et' various inetitutions 01. le:Aiming, WO :7k ii our Canada Confi!re n4.0 eed one young man, Mr. ITemy Jan - •„„e, was licensed preacher on pro- 1:very. evening durhig conference there were special speakers. O1 4.wAla„.• evening Ilishof S. 1'. Sprong on Vv't.,t nmg Rev. G. L. Sheller, of Hanes - spoke 011 the Subject: •'11(.1 Imperative Need of Religioue ,,I.titettioe." On. Thursday evening Dr. C. H. Huestis, General, Secretary , Lon! s D1ay Alliance, o eonto, aaelsened e magnificent audience on ..e.helf of the activities of The Lord'e Day Allience. On the same (welling Dr, T. Albert Moore, Secretary of the General Council of the United Chureh, addressed the, audience in a two -fold capacity. Hc' brought to the Conference fraternal greetings fromi. Church tied then he gave a stirr- ing aildreee on moral reform. Friday evening was . missionary night. RON'. W. J. Zimmerman, Tor- onto, Ont., gave an interesting ad - dines on hi.; miesionary trip in the Corrl.dian 'North-West; end Dr. C. Il Stautrachen Cleveland,. Ohio, on th results of missionary activitiee, th Chureb of Jesus Christ in genet. Saturday was a strenious day. Con ference 1nel thinebusiness sessione, at the close of which was read the stationing rained. Sunday was a day of great rejoic- ing; crowd.; were streaming toweed„: Zurich from all directions. The Con- ference church could not hold all the Visitors so the town hall was utelized for the overflow meetings. Tn the forenoon Bishop S. P. Spreng preach- ed a powerful ordinatio nsermon in the Conference Church and Dr. H. F. Schlegel, Harrisburg, Pa., preached to a large audience in the Town Hall. In the afternoon' the solemn ordin- ation service was held in the. church; the following minister's were ordained Rev. C. H. Cornwell was ordained Elder; Ce Heekendorn, E. E. Pletch,- and W. A. Durst were ordained Dea- cons. - After the ordination service Dr; Q. E. Stauffacker, Cleveland Ohio then followed With a stirring mission- ary address. Bishop S. P, Spreng spoke to a large audience in the town Hall that afternoon, • Sunday evening Dr. R. F. Schlegel preached the closing sermon in the Conference Church and Rev. 3. R. Niergarth, Cleveland, Ohio, spoke in the town hall. The total amount of missionary moneys raised was ever $850.00 Special and very accept- able music, for the various occasions was rendered by the Zurich,. Crediton and -Dashwood choirs. The Zurich Ladies' Chortle'''. rendered extraordin- ary singing. The Conference Min- isterial Quartette, consisting of Revs. is Burn, W. H. Sipper, A. W. Sauer, and K. Gretzinger, who also render- ed acceptable service. The appointments assigned to the pastors were as follows Hamilton District A. Clemens; Presiding Elder. At• tercliffe, W. J. Yager; Campden, N. E. Dahms; Hamilton, A. Clemens; Morriston, 3. H. Grenzebach; Pelham, C Heckendorn; Selkirk, W. Camp bel; Smith Cayuga, J. D. Fenner; Willoughby, H. Cornwell; 'COUNTY NEWS Dr, Nichol, a medical doctor one time at Hayfield died at Stratford. He had been ill for two years, Mr. and Mrs. W. Domm of Ches- ley, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Braun, of d'orest and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Braun of Detroit, and 'Mrs. Laffner of Lan- sing, spent Sunday last at the llama of their parents, Mr. and 1VIrs. G. A. Braun, Crediton. Word was received of the death ;a Toronto of John. T. Dieluon, for- merly Deputy Registrar of the Co.1 ,..nty of Huron in his 81st year, Yr. 1)ichson, who: was a sou of the late.; ;Tames Dickson, at 0110 time \V115 reg -1 i 1111: of the County of Huron, lived .ror a number of years on the old Dickson homestead in Tuckersmith. John Mousseau, of Grand Ilem0 as raised the roof of his Oakland gouse and is putting ten more rooms 5 whia will add greatly to tho ae-1 ommodation of tourists this season.! The Wingham broadcasting station, 10 13P, has received permission from1 ehe Department of Marine and Fis1!-. ides to install a new transmitter and power supply. The new transmitter will be right up to date, using 100 per cent modulation. The wave lenfth TfunadayMay 1St, 1980, the barn doing shores, and a few 17411: tities before the lire broke out he lied been in the home and had fixed up, 'the fire in the kitchen stove. 1Virh. Cana and little eon were visiting with her sister at Kippen. The blaze evi-- dentl3r started in the kitchen, bat the origin is a mystery. When the nei- ! ghbors arrived on the scene the house was filled with dense smoke and it I was possible to save only a few con- , Itents. will be automatically controlled and it is hoped to please all listeners. • - The Mitchell Advocate the past we-• ek celebrated its '70th anniversary, and in all that time has been under i deacon 8.. . C. Mackenzie, D.C.L., of the yuidance of the Davis famialyn.dIII,;.., Brantford, Ont.. and Helen (Boomer) D. Davis is the present Editor, Educated: I'ublic 8C1100/ to be congratulated on his newseAtterndzirit, Oat; Collegiate Institute paper. Illeantford,; Trinity College School, Wingham Pfaning lVfills was destr Port Hope, Ont. Started with Can- ed by fire the ether night entailing;aelie.n Bank ,of Commerce, Brantford a loss of about $15,000. The fire ii.. 1884: Aesietent General Manager of The building !the frank of Montreal, 1928 and of unknown origin. , loiown as the Dineley Hotel some yeeko7f and tennis. Reff; Gen - which was of frame ,construction, w.i,.t:.!t-i-!2 34-0Pizger, D1I1E)2D1:1 01::+cztijoeunns.t. , ars ago. Soddenly April 35th, 1930 HUGH BLAIR MACKENZIE Gennz•al .11/lamp:or, Bank of IVIontreat Manteeal, 13orn Ingersoll, Ont., Dec. 14th, 1867on of the late Venerable Arch- • The fifty acre farm of Arthur le, ea; . neseneheassea..............n. .Z.;.7.7.4 tle being south half Lot 24, Con. !;J '-------- . Stephen, was sold by public auctic;: at the Office of Carling & Moiled Exeter, the other day and was per-, Ile family of the Mee Mrs. Been - Hanover District • E. H. Bean, Presiding Elder. Ches- ley, J. C. Burn; Elmwood, F. Meyer; Hanover, E. H. Bean; Listowel, L. H. Wagner; Mildmay, G. F. Brown; Milverton, E. Burn; Normanby, N. R. Ernst; Port Elgin, K. Gretzenger; Wallace. C. R. Kauth. Ottawa District • W. 0. Hayne, Presiding Elder. Arnprior, A. F. Stolz; Gorden' Lake, L. H. Pletch; Locksley, J. E. Bender; Parry Sound, J. N. WettIaufer; Pem- broke, W. 0. Hayne; Rockingham, J. M. Oestreicher. .Stratford District J. P. Hauch, Presiding Elder, Cred- iton, W. M. SiPpell; Dashwood, A. W atter; McKillop, G. L. Gross; Rod - ley., F. B. Meyer; Sebringville, Ii.H Leibold; South East Hope, W. A. Durst; Stratford, J. P. Hauch; Tavis- ock, W. E. Beese; Zurich, W. Y. Dreier. Waterloo District H. A, Kellerman, Presiding Elder, re'ridgeport, W. J. Ziminerman, El- nira, E. D. Becker; Kitchener, (Cal - Tail) J, B. Dengis; Kitchener (Zion) 0, F. Barthel; New Hamburg A. E, eletch; North East Hope J. S. Burn :loseville, W. S. Heinrich; St. Jacobr •R. Knechtel; Waterloo, II. A. ;man. CARD OF THANKS chased by Jonah Kessell for the sum of $2400.00. A. T. Cooper, Goderich, recently sold the property at the corner oi Hamilton and Victoria streets to the Erie Gas Company, of London, who propose erecting a service station on the site. The building on the prop- erty, which was used as a'grain ware- house by Mr. Cooper, is being torn down. The warehouse was built by the late S. Sloan, over 50 years .ago. In making change some years ago the late John Miler of the Kingston St. grocery store, Goderich, made a mistake, giving his customer more than his due. The amount has recent ly been returned with compound in- terest te the, Hiller. ,g8tato. who wiall. to acknowledge' it. The money has been donated to the Alexandra Vase ine Hospital for installing four elec- tric appliances,. John Metzger, of Carlsruhe, Met with a sad accident on Saturday at their home. Mr. and Mrs. Metzger were going to Hanover. Mrs. Metz- ger was in the rig while he went in- to the house for something and the horse got frightened, and Mrs. Metz, ger was thrown off the rig breaking both arms at the wrists. The funeral of Hugh Rosi former resident of Clinton, took place the other day from his home. He had .been ailing for some time, and hie death occurred in his- Mel year. He was born n Bracefiehl, where he lived for a member of esears Wing -ham and Clinton. One of those happy events occurr- ed at the United Church manse, at Grand Bend, on Saturday last when Stella Webb, youngest daughter of Mr. nd Mrs. Tom Webb became the bride of Ralph Williams, a popalar young man front Detroit. After a short honey -moon the happy couple will settle down to the stern reality's of life in Detroit with'the best wish- es of the community where the -bride was welt known. Amputation was found to 'be neces- sary in the case or Mrs. T.H. Colborn in whose leg- a clot of blood had formed, and the operation was per- formed at liVinglianr"liospital, where Mrs. Colborne is under the care of her son, Dr. H. W. Colborne, The amputation was between the knee and the ankle. The operation: was well stood and the patilent doing -dire •Early April' 21st; death Claimed one of Blyth's promiinent business men, when Luther X. Williams passed away in St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon - Ion, where lie had been during the past four weeks, having undergone a critical operation. He was born in Wales 63 years ago, coming to this country 46 years ago and lived in ' Sarnia, Wingham and Belgrave be- fore corning to Blyth in 1914.. He 1:onducted a hardware store in Bel - grave and on coming to Blyth pur- 'hased the Moser store. A few ye- rs ago he started a variety store af- ':er selling his hardware business. The splendid farm home of Orv- ille Cann, of Usborne Tp., was total- , y destroyed by Are together with the '::onte.nts the other day. The farm is , mile north of the Thames Road lurch. The neighbors saw smoke quefnft.from th haiJdiiit ar.d vrinv once to assL-ce. Cann was, lino rer Dashwood, wish to convey their sincere thanks to the friends and neighbors for their kindness and e.fsistance 'shown to them during the illness and bereavement of their mother.—Wm. Brenner, Jacob Bren- ner, Mrs. Cook, Mrs. Stire, Mrs. H. Flazbard. EGGS FOR HATCHING g Choice Pekin Duck Eggs, from a very good attain of stock. Apply. to Mebane Bralthe Branson Line. NOTICE '4 -Wen The Brumfield Chopping Mill tvili run on Tuesday, Thursday and Satur- days only after May 12th, until far- ther notice..—Cornish & Dalrymple, Proprietors, Brucefleld. IMM•101•1•••••11.1.9••••••••••••••••• Spring MILLINERY EVERYBODY SHOULD HAVE A NEW EASTER BONNET. EXTRA NICE LINES OF LARGE. HEADSIZES AND COLORS-' cflJR SHOWING. OF CHILDREN'S HATS IS COMPLETE WA1E SHOWING THE NEWEST IN RIMS AND CIOSE FITTING • • HATS STRAWS HAVE AT LAST COME: BACK TO THEIR OWN AND BEA- UTIFt7L THEY ARE IN ALL THE: NEWEST SHADES. WE HAVE AL NICE LINE OF NEW SPRING' FLOWERS FOR COATS AND DRESSES. COMPLETE YOUR' NEW SPRING OUTFIT OR BRIG- HTEN UP LAST SEASON'S ONE WITH A NICE BOQUET OP SPRING FLOWERS. GIVE 'US A CALL V V Siebert Zt;rick Notice To Corn Growers; RE CORN BORER ACT All Corn Stubbles and Stalks must: either be plowed under or picked up and burned before the 20th of Mar - next., OSWALD GINN„, • Goderich,, Ont. LIS