HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1930-05-01, Page 1Vol. XX N o 42 Z RI THURSDAY MORNi (L MAY 1 (9 Q, 444.00444 • 4. 4. t< • 4. 4. 4 �b 4. -44 4 .4. • 4. .4a -A -da :zyPracticaIly New with Bench to .Match ar - a 4 - BARGAIN! ,dF sV For Qt.xick Sale • FRED mi. - ZURICH F4 HONE 12 p 0+4t*er,044.0+. o•oeles/4/4/4•4.</0 44,e, ,c/ ' 4 /4404/00,000-0484$444(1•4 ti renew all your DaiJ 0004r0444)4004004 ole.)04-0/000000004400000.4,000 • .0 G. Sh ,A N a Bin • 4. • • •• • 4?+ 0 4. 0 4. s3 • 4 d-> 0. 4> • 0 4. 4 4! • e • 4f 4. 4. 4 •4y 4l •. 44 4i 0 4. epsosaaaammet fi t3taaL'oesSO M , +®Ei+030**00 • • 4. 4. 4. 0 a a. • 2 THE STORE OF REAL SER FICE'GIVES 'YOU .NOT ONIX i. • es - /411 •• S ..3 • t36'sseasees • •0 • 4. to m a • 0 • THE ts THAN JTJST SELL SHOES FINEST OF SHOES,. AUT INSISTS UPON A MOST CAREFUL 2FITTING. kiUI'd.DREDS OF MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN HAVE LEN THAT TO PURCHASE THEIR SHOES IFIE E - f0 As# INSURE PROFESSIONAL SHOE .FITTING.AND9....GRADUA'TED • FOOT SPECIALIST AT .A REALLY.MODERATE COST. 4. 4. a REPAIRING NEATLY•DONE SEE OUR a .0 4s • i. Br•own's. yl1Q�WINC�DISLAY • 0006000000.0 i°++ 4Ti 1`6 0$la 04a0S SOCRIP r "60041***00$4 0444/044.04040/041A/ 044 0,04a .Q+********,4*0'0 • ..****04,4>4 4 d: • •i ,8 S rin ITS ercoats BETTEI- .Styie nt Va ' you expect the Finest Quality and. Keenest 5tyl es a POPULAR PRICES YOU: .TO U.S AND "'i'C]iURSEIX F READY MADE---TAILOI'C. MADE. MADE TO MEASURE NEW NECKWEAR„ NEW)I A `S, NEWT SOX, NEW 'SHIRTS,. AND 3 AL OTHER LINES:O!FMEN'S ,,AND .BOY'S ' i' 1a'HINAMS, MEN's AIM BOYS FuRN 1m G s R FFM.A.N`9S BLOCK. 1 tofb. a .44*444.4101N1+049040401 +. 4441 4dG ! 4 4R N y pap6rs and OUR CORNER Spring house cleaning has sin started. 'Tie poor old man will now have to eat his meals from the shelf and have his 01,111, troubles Finding his clothes. A man arrested the other day with a quantity of whiskey hacl a dozen Ontario Government permits, which weave issued under assumed names with fictitous addresses. 'There seems to be something very loose about the administration of the Liquor Control Act. The weatherwise men are happy, this spring. Good Friday, a date with which the moon has a lot to do, is always • regarded with care, The winds of Good Friday are said to prevail for the next two months. See- ing that a west wind prevailed the chances are that the Spring is going to be a real old-fashioned affair with' full wah whoops from the citizens. Last year's Good Friday a cold, bleak east wind prevailed and kept it up for some weeks. DRYSDALE - Mr. and Mrs. Napoleon Denomrme of Detroit, spent the week -end uncles the parental roof. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard ,Georrnette of Detroit, were Sunday visitors at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Laporte. Mr. Lloyd Bedard has been on the sick list for a week or ten days. Mrs. TrefFley Laporte and baby girl was taken from Strathroy hospit- al last Sunday. Mrs. Laporte had to stay at the hospital and the baby af- ter the accident which occurred ;on their way home from Detroit the day before Easter. Mr. Laporte, who was injured in the same accident, was taken honee previously and .we are glad to report he is innpro,ving nicely. HILLSGREEN The school re -opened ,on Monday after the Easter holidays, Miss Eileen Turner resuming her duties as teach- er in S.S. No.8, Hay, and Mr. Stew- art Beattie in S.S. No. 7, Stanley Miss Viola Stelck spent a few days with friends here... Miss. Agnes Love spent the week- end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Love. Mrs. Geo. Johnston and son Gord- on of Vanna were visiting Mrs. L. Troyer on Friday. Mr. John Farquhar of Hensa.li, has returned home after spending the Easter holidays with his grandparent; Mr. and Mrs. J. Cochrane. Mr. •Keith Love left for Alberta, where he will spend a few months in the Mission Field. Mrs. J. McAllister, who suffered an attack 'of .appendicitis is getting along as well as can be expected. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Coleman and Mrs. Russell Coleman and daughters of Seaforth were Sunday visitors with Mrs. L. Troyer, Mr, H. R. Samuels of Toronto, is getting the farm seeded on the Baby- lon this week. NOTICE. Beginning May 1st, Roiling will be done afternoons of Tuesday, Saturday of each week Zurich. Chopping and only on the Thursday and Miillting Co. COAL 1930 ! COLD DAYS ! YES, THE COLD DAYS ARE HERE AGAIN! ARE YOU PREPARED? WE ARE Prepared with a large Supply of HIGH GRADE FUELS Genuine Scranton Anthracite, Sol way Coke, Miller's Creek Soft, Pocahontas, Cannell, Galt Alberta, and Small Pea Coal for Banking DISCOUNT of 50c per ton allowed for CASH PAYMENT ONLY H ENSALL ONT, curia P one 102 House Phone 104, • Messrs. Jerry and Fred Mero sp- ent Sunday in Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Warm and Mr. Nesbitt Woods spent a few days of the' past week in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Bender of. Blyth spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. L. Ffile, Mr. and Mrs. Lennis O'Brein have moved their effects to Clinton, where they will reside in future. Mr: Kenneth Routledge has return- ed to Detroit, to continue his work With. D. M. Ferry & Co. Mr. Wm. Dumart of Kitchener, visited thMr. and Mrs, Hy.''Yungblatuet, theborne pasoft week. Mr. Leon Geoffrey, who has been very seriously ill, we are glad to re• - port, has taken a change for the bet- ters', M'r. and Mn4. f. PreetLr and two daughters, Muriel and 1.itbei. of Kit- chener, were ;reek -end visitors with friends here over the week -end. �Mr. and' Mrs. Herb Kraft of De- troit, were Sunday visitors with the forme -'s parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Kraft. Traffic Officer LeVear of Clinton Was in town on Wednesday, he advis- ed ;.: that he was following in from Hen rill an • auto driving well over fifty-nniles an hour, and as a result ti}e' i ii'w Will likely take it's course. Mr. Win. Brown motored to Lon- don to meet his aunt, Mrs. Henry Schnell, of Grand Forks, N. Dak., and who is visiting her relatives here, she being a member of the Koehler fem.• iIy, and has been absent from Zurich continuous for the last 30 years. The Ladies' Aid of the St. Peter': Lutheran church, held a birthday party at the home of Mrs. R. F. Stade, in honor of Mrs. C. Kalbtleisch who celebrated her 81st birthday. The Ladies' Aid presented her with a beautiful bouquet of flowers. Lunch was served and an enjoyable time Was spent. • On Wednesday eve., May 7th, a -Three-Act play, entitled "Mother Mine" will. be presenetecl in. the Town Hall, Zurich, by the Young Peoplo'q Society, of 'Grand Bend United Ch- urch, under the auspices of the Evan- gelical church League. This play is highly recommended, so be sure that you are there, for if you miss it, you are missing a real treat Admission 25c and 15c. The regular monthly meeting of the Zurich Branchof the Women's Inst- itute will be held on Monday evening, May 5th, at Eight o'clock when the main thing .on the program will be the Election of Officers' and paying of dues. Every lady should make it a point and be present at. this annual meeting. As we go to, press. we are indeed sorry to learn that Mr. John Rohner of the Bronson Line, Stanley, was struck by lightning• and instantly kil- led by the. Tocal thunder storm that passed over this section about four o'clock, Wednesday afternoon. We indeed sympathize very much with the bereft family in; this untimely death. Alonzo Foster Passes Another one of the: aged and high- ly respected pioneers of Hay Town- ship passed away -on Monday, April 21st,, when death claimed the person of Alonzo Foster; in his 77th year, and living on the Babylon Line, Hay. t'he late Mr. Foster had been residing wi.tii his son Mr. Philip Foster on the old hone farm for a number of ye- ars, and had, been in failing health for some time, and about two weeks previous to death the deceased war afflicted with. a bad attack of influen- za, this devolopen into ether complic- ations Width were too much for the already not so strong body. His wife predeceased hint some years ago. He is survived by a number of grown tip sons and daughter, who all mourn the death of their loving father. The .panoral was held on T bur day 1.1+o 'P.. ug, intermant taking place in t•Il ' D. Cemetery, Zurich, 4. 4• 4• 4• 4. 4• 0 4. 4• 4• 1 4. 4• .;: 4. 4• .i, 4• 4• 4• 4• 4• 4• 4• b4 $5e00 Chester L. Snuib,ft!f $j,25' a year, U.S.' $1.60 let, Aswan«fir V1,50 INA.RRBARS, $2 b1.A7 B15 (7BAZt4R '' Ready Wear opecta.eles DARK OR LIGHT SHELL FRAME WITH LENSES, COMP.LETE IN CASE Why strain your Eyes Sewing or Reading when you can abta r. Pair of Guaranteed Spectacles at this plaice.. Let us fill you, next Optical rcQt,,4. ' e have the latest . s`.r Frames pition. , and can do it for Less Money. HESS THE JEWELLER '`H•-€•-r4-÷+dr÷+++++4/4.4•$+++4114. 41::÷ i•:`‘'.4- •$ -1 44.$4•4+ /14 4 4: + c' FRI Z & SON New and Used Car Brokers Phone 82 1929 FORD COACH WITH TRUNK 1927 Chevrolet Coach 1925 Ford Coupe, Baloons. 1928 Chevrolet Coach .., 1928 Pontiac Sedan 1923 Ford Sedan 81930 Brand New Ford A. Coach a RACK AND FENDER WELD ft 1927 Ford Coach 1926, Ford Fourdoar Se d h n 1926 Ford Coach z 1927 Ford Coup_ 1925 Ford Coac. 1927 Essex Comae 1930 CHEVROLET COACIL NEW SIX GOOD REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD SEE AND RIDE IN ANY OF THE ABOVE' CARS BEFORE PURCHASING A USED OR NEW CAR OF ANY MAKE: 1. Each Car listed is purchased direct from private owner.. 2. The above used cars were not dealt in on new cars,. but N1%2 disposed of an account of fnancial difficulties by owner,. 3. The upholstering, fenders, finish, are original and compare fav- ourably with new cars. 4. The 'majority of these Cars ewe fully equipped with lilaanmpcn Speedometers and the latest .Accessories. 5. The best assortment of High Class Usad Cars to Choose Ere ri in Huron County. 6. LONG EASY XERMS PHONE AND WE WILL BE GLAD TO DEMONSTRATE ANY Gr - THE °-THE ABOVE CARS. • +++++++++++++++++++++444/4.4.444+444/++++++4/44404^0 41/4 ,1. N s' i Y tpRp� Don't miss seeing and getting our prices on our New Spring a ->;a$. Summer Dry Goods of all. kinds ALSO SHOES, HARNESS REPAIRS,HARDWARE, PAM'S, . OILS, AND OTHER 5TAPL:E LINES„ TOO NUIVIERQUS T MENTIONS. 1930 GARDEN AND ROOT SEEDS .DUST OPENED U G -3- GET YOUR SUPPLY NOW. R. N DOUGLAS d2<E`iF I'e°Ad. MERCHANT CHMUT '`HONE 11 a. 9 7 E3 LA it