HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1930-04-17, Page 7t•� A TIRED FEEUNG IN SPRINGTIME Not Sick, Hut Not Up to the Mark -,.—YOU Need the Help of That Sterling Tonic, Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills—They Give New Vitality. With the. passing .of winter :Many people feel weak, clepres 3, and eas- ily tired. The body lacks the vital force and energy pure •blood alone can give. In a word, while not exactly sick, the indoor life o,; winter has left its Mark upon them, A blood -build - Jag, nerve -restoring tonic is' needed to give -renewed Health and energy. Dr. Williams' Pink Pi11s are au all - year -round blood builder and nerve tonic, but are especially 'useful in the spring. Every dose helps to ma1[1 new, ricb, red blood and with this new blood returning strength, cheerfulness and good health quickly follow. if you are pale, easily tired, or breatl'llete at the least" exertion, if your complexion is poor or you are troubled with pimples or eruptions, Dr, 'Williams' Pink Pills are just what You need to put you right. If you have twinges es of rheumatism, t: e sub- ject to headaches and backaches, if you are irritable and nervous, if your sleep does not refresh you, or your appetite is poor, you need the treat- ment Dr. Williams' Pink Pills alone fan give—you need the .few blood, new strength and new energy this medicine always brings. Mr. A. Mar- cotte, North. Ham, Que,, writes:—"I have found great benefit from the use of Dr. Williams'. Pink Pills. Before I Symptoms began using them I was in a badly I am a sort of a cynical cuss, run-down condition, and .at times felt Mellow and mildly sarcastic, scarcely able to work. Dr. Williams' My sensibilities hardly will muss Pink Pills have changed all this and Any more; they're elastic. since taking them I am enjoying the ' I have aversions—Cott knows it—a score Motor trips, talkies, recitals, College reunions—they all are a bore Paining me deep in my vitals. I dislike dancing—at least with a meal And only when I am drinking; e a nal— o losttheir p Cabarets long ag Awful, to my way of thinking. Night life? Man, for it I never was strong, Really, 1'iu not a bit sporty; Yes, you are not in the least degree wrong— I am a shade over forty. Owl Laffs Gaster far .back into tile early ages of Christian History, one Christian would meet another on i'.aster ;Sunday with the words: "The Christ is risen!" And the answer would be: "He is risen 10- deed!!" ndeed!!" Go to church feaster, 111 r. 1iardfax—"You seem to be growing prettier each day;" Miss Muggs—"Thank you for the! compliment; I'm glad you think so." Mr. Ilardfax—"Yes!' If you keep on this way you stand,a chance of being a fairly good looking old woman.' Tf she declares she despises iiinl look out for the wedding announce- ment soon. 1+Ian proposes—and woman accepts him before he has time to back out.. Candidate—"It is my intention to conduct a bunkless campaign." Press Agent—"Steell, brother, and I'm just the guy that's got the baloneY to put that hooey over." Stern Mamma — "Adolph, you've been a naughty boy. Go to the vibra- tor and give yourself a shaking." Justified,By " e Jinks!! It's no wonder married men go out with tl-le girls. Their wives•wou't let them bring them home. Josh—"Where is the old-fashioned girl who used to hang mistletoe in the front room and blush wlieu kissed?" Si—"Ob, she's put a parking light on her roadster now." best of health. Every man who feels rimelowil and easily tired should give this great medicine a fair trial." Try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for anaemia, rheumatism, neuralgia, indi- gestion or.nervousness. Take :.hem as best phys- ical theb onic if you are not in at condition and cultivate a .resist- ance that will keep you well and strong. You can get these pills through. any medicine dealer or by mail at 50c a box from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Ci., Brockville, Ont. Slillfn Herps Scientific Exploration Clie to Dec 1. PIONEERS OF THE ANTARCTIC Left to Right -Parker Cramer, Orval Porter, Sir Hubert Wilkins and Al semen, members of 200 Hearst -Wilkins Antarctic expedition, returning New York from Montevideo. Sir Hubert flew 600 miles from base on eptton Island, making observations, HEALTHY CHILDREN ALWAYS SLEEP WELL The 10 aIt v chi itsle sleepsb well and ' r cross during its waking hours is uete but always happy and laughing and spreads sunshine to the whole house- hold. It is only the sickly child that is cross and peevish. Mothers, if your children do not sleep well; if they are cross and cry a great deal, do not scold then!. That is•tUeir way of tell- ing you they are ill. When baby is like th:. give him Baby's Own Tablets and he will soon be well and happy again. The Tablets are mild but thorough laxative which regulate the bowels, sweeten the stomach, banish constipation and in.dig ,'stion, break up colds and simple fevers aren �) absolutely healthful sleep. They guaranteed free from opiates and other harmful drags and may be given to the new-born babe with perfect safety and good results. Baby's Own Tablets are sold by all •,r i1 by ma at -5 -'' dealers in medicine or c nts a box "rom The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. "KNOW THYSELF" Sound thy heart to the bottom, and A woman is wise enough to know try it nicely, to be thoroughly satis- that when she wants to touch a man fled of thy sincerity. Let no day pass for money, her fins are much more et- -without an account taken of tby We, fective than her hands. and ) 1 1 e sure to observe very diligently -what ground you gain and lose, what Young wife (to husband who has b din in the alternation appear:: in your temper, behaviour, affection, desires; what resemblance or degeneracy from God; liow near approaches ydu make, or to what distances you are cast. Above all other subjects, study your own seat: for he who is thoroughly ac- quainted with himself hath attained. to a more valuable sort of learning than if the course and position of the stars, the virtues of plants, the nature of al sorts of animals, etc., had em- ployed his thoughts. ste PHILOSOPHY Philosophy is the art and law of Life, and it teaches us what to do In all cases, aid, like good Marksmen, to hit the white at any distance,—Sen- a::l. True dyes are easiest to use! Dresses, drapes or lingerie look new when they're re -dyed with Diamond Dyes. No spotting or streaking; never a trace of that re -dyed look. Just rich, even, bright colors that hold amazingly through wear and washing. Diamond Dyes are the highest quality dyes you can buy because they're so rich in pure anilines. That's what makes them so easy to use. That's what they've been famous for 50 years. 15 cent packages—all drug stores. •z; a iamon yits Highest, Quality for 50 Years rz- ifIP o? TOTAL FARES to CANADA ADVANCED 13 RITISHERS in Canada may now bring forward their Farnilies, Relatives and Friends on Easy Terms. For full details apply:— Z. D. CAMERON, Dist. Supt. Colonization Canadian Paoiao Railway, Toronto BRITISH RE -UNION ASSOCIATION just bruised his thumb spading garden and expressed his opinion)— Roads and railways had grad - "Oh, Iaroid—and you said you always aliypushed forward,called a spade a spade!" ply on the rivers and lakes. But if the — rate of advance is to keep pace with One-half the world may not know modern ideas it must be accelerated. Flying in Africa The return of Sir Alan Cobham, the English flying man, after another long stay in Africa, where he bas been sur- veying the air routes from Egypt to Cape Town, emphasizes the fact that the Dark Continent of. Livingstone and Stanley is being turned into a white man's tuoring ground. Progress here- tofore, though steady, has been slow. how the other half lives, but it has its suspicions. You can't eat your cake and have it, too; neither can the farmer sell off all his bens in the spring and expect to furnish town folks with cheap eggs in the fall. • The Girl—"I found that book you lent me frightfully dull, Professor. I thought you said there was a naughty problem in it?" The Professor — "My dear young lady, I said a 'knotty problem.' When the kick in "white mule" is potash the kick is often fatal. Daughter—"When dict you first get acquainted with dace?" Mother—"About three weeks after we were married." Then there was the telephone oper- ator who kept plugging away until she got her man. A motion to adjourn is always in or- der. "That will be enough out of you," said the doctor, as he stitched the patient together. Empire Agriculture Victoria Colonist (Cons.) : What a vast wealth of horses, cattle, sheep and pigs the British Empire possess- es! It is a little weak in pigs, posses- sing only 11,000,000, or about 5 per cent. of the whole number. America is the place for pigs. There is a hog for every man, woman and child in the United States, and 'thea some left over. Of cattle the Empire has nearly half the number of the whole world, 250,000,000 out of 560,000,000, and It has the same number of sheep. Of horses it has one-tenth of the world's n Reber, This is only a fraction. of What tie I mpire could produce. The grass lands now suport 600,000,000 ani- mals. If all these animals were suited by their surrounding's, If they had the best kind of grass and roots on which they could be fed, if they were free from disease, their numbers might be doubled or trebled. There might be as many stock animals in the British Empire as there are people in the :r world, TSP yrs COMPLETELY GONE4: Writes Mrs. W. Wallow. Thousands say constipation, indigestion, gas end overnight with"Fruit:a-ores", R mpG rion t"�Fult soli Cs tke amdragCiet'taay. MASTERY Accustom yourself lfto master thins g which you scent to despair of, for, if you observe, the left hand, though for want of practice, is insignificant in other business, yot it Bolds the bridle better than the right because it has been 1 s The establishment of regular air ser- vices is essential to the rapid opening up of the interior. The British have been making care- ful and elaborate preparations, and the French and Belgians have been actively at work in the western areas. It is. the task of the survey party which Sir Alan Cobham has left be- hind him in Africa to improve the British line of communications. As he sees the problem, it is not enough to run a regular service of airplanes by which the flight from London to the Cape can be accomplished in eight clays. It is a proper function of the airplane to bring the remotest set- tlements in equatorial Africa, into close touch with civilization. Already a center has been established at Nair- obi, 'which will be a junction on ,the main air line, whence light airplanes can be sent off in any direction to stations in the interior. If the development of the African Continent is to be both rapid and beneficent, it will depend on the ex- tent to which white men can not o settle there, but live a civilized life in remote districts. To -day it is the air- plane, and the airplane alone, whieh can keep them in effective touch with civilization, General Smuts is surely right in stating that the progress of the Afri- can races depends on the wise, co-or- dinated work of white settlers. But for many Years to come tivltite men in equatorial Africa will be relatively few in number and widely scattered. Their work can only be civilizing in the best sense of the term if they maintain their own contacts with civilization; and it can only be eo•or dinatecl by diminishing the obstacles of distance and linking up the scatter- edltnits. For .oat the airplane—which snakes light of impenetrable jungles, Swamps, and suffoeatilig heat -and well-placed airdromes are indispens- able.—Christian Science Monitor. f71;-y . 1%% Improved Diet . classified Advertising x010 says A BABY CI LCKS--rWie BATCHED ,.0' .g. S15,000 last year In four varie- ties. Write for free catalogue, A. If, Switzer,„ Granton. Ont, Better Nourishment for Babies Now in Prospect Chicago—Through experiment with dogs .arid rats, dentists attending the tuinual meeting of the Federation of American Societies for l'lxperiment- al Biology indicated that better nour- isilment for infants is in prospect. The part that diet plays in the abil- ity of a mother to nurse her young and thus provide them with the most natural .and satisfactory sort of food was demonstrated by Dr. R. G. Daggs, of the University of Rochester. He found that in dogs, milk produc- tion was greatly increased through a diet rleli in liver. It took a lot of eggs and kidney to produce similar results in experiments with rats, ire said, showing that with different animals different diets are re- quired to increase lactation. Results obtained in these experi- ments point the way, it was observed, tp the development of a diet that prob- ably will make bottle feeding of in- fants a thing of the past. Other scientists revealed to the con- ference -new means of measuring the amount of electricity generated by the body in action., By means of a nerve from a fr'og's leg, properly booked up with elec- trodes irodes and a maze of wires and ap- paratus, sparks were thrown off as the nerve was irritated and made to per- form. Other demonstrations brought be- fore the gathering a group of dogs and cats that had been deprived by sur- gery of most of their brains. They displayed traits totally unlike those of normal animals and were used to show live beings can go through the mo- tions of living with almost no brain structure. "A crossing cop is a friend of many years standing.' True GENEROSITY generosity risesabovethe or- dinary rules of social conduct and flows with much too full a stream to be comprehended within the precise marks of formal precepts. It is a vigorous principle in the soul which opens and expands all her virtues far beyond those which are only the forced and unnatural productions of a timid obedience. The man who is influenced singly by motives of the Tatted kind, aims no higher than at certain authoritative standards, with- out ever attempting to reach those glorious elevations which constitute the only true heroism of the social. character. Religion, without this sov- ereign,principle, degenerates into a slavish fear, and wisdom into a speci- ous cunning; learning is but the avar- ice of the mind, and wit its more pleasing kind of madness. In a word, generosity sanctifies every passion, and adds grace to every acquisition of the soul; and if it does not necessarily include, at least it reflects a lustre up- on the whole circle of moral and in- telectual qualities—Melmoth, •3 At the Movies "'Why didn't Yon buy a catalogue, mummy,' "j'Husb, deal:' "'Mummy, there is a refreshment 1'00111,' . .. l'Huslt, dear.' ""Oo, mummy! Tilers is that eels. ender, Aunt Ellen gave yon at Christi mas, and you put it in the fire! . - " "Mash, dear'.' ".` Mummy, "',TimnY, darling, Yon must he .quiet!' " . • Minard's Kills Dandruff. "There is enough alcohol in the yield of an acre of potatoes to drive the machinery necessary to cultivate the field for a hundred years."—I-Teury Ford. "The virtues of the women of this generation will be remembered and honored when their critics are forgot- ten."—Peter B. Kyne. HOPE Slope Is the most beneficial of ill the affections; and doth Much to the. prolongation of life, if it be not too of• ten frustrated; but euteriailleth the fancy With an expectation of good; therefore they which fix and propound to themselves some end, as the mark ,and scope of their life, and continual- ly and by degrees go forward in the same, are for the mos part loin lived, insomuch that when they are conte to the top of their hope, and can go no droop, p, n Imo y ro0 rein elle higher therein, y commonly and live not long after. "So that !lope Is a leaf; -joy, tyhic:; may be beaten out to a great extension, like gold, --Lord Bacon. . i Minard's Will Kilt.Corns. when "What'sthevin of e x to use p g you can't make people believe what you've found?"—Villljaimur Stefans- son. If Skinny, Beware, Says Doctor. Gain Qiick New ironized Yeast Adds 5 to 15 Lbs, in 3 Weeks. New Health Strong Nerves—or No Cost "Skinny folks subject to many ways cross, worn, dull? If you have never tried Krusehen—try it now grave diseases," says an eminent Clean Out your system with Warner's at our e'pen+e. we have distributed a great physician- When sick they lack re- Safe "Kidney and Liver Remedy, a safe ninny special " GIANT" I,ackates which Wako serve strength and many [lie, herbal remedy that has won the grateful it ea,y for you to provo our claim tar yottrsele thanks of sufferers for more than 5x1 Ask your druggist for the new"WA.:C'1"' 750. Don't run risk of dangerous clic- roars. pleasant to talcs, it gently stitttn- ggaokan,.. ease from skinniness. Now Ir eeks. that Nature intended. Originally awioay wlitl, Niigata separate our bottlo—snr llic euttefor abuut Yeast adds 6 to x5 lbs. in 3 weeks. tor's prescription--anrl lust as gio3 to- one week. Open the trial bottle first, put it to Bacls nervousness, constipation, indi Sai as it aver was, the teat, and then,•if not entirely e.avinced that Every druggist knows Warmer's—has dIrusehen does everything we claim it to do, the gestion over night. Clears skin like IfaUlar bottle Is still a9 good es ncw. Take it magic, New pep first day. for years., Tom, health may be in bettor back. Your druggist is authorised to return Two great tonics in one. Weight condition than that of 'tnon tos oe vopr 78c. Inunecliately and without question. others, but all the more reason take 'Snn leave tried Iiruschen free, at our expense. building Malt Yeast and strengthen- ,15 of it while you have it. Get u bot- what could be fairer? Manufactured by Ing Iron. Far stronger than unmedi tie of Warner's Safe Kfctuey and Liner 1�;. t;rISitlts Hushes, Ltd., Manchester, Tang. caret! yeast. Results in 1/ time. Remedy today 15 costs little. St does ((1 stab. !;bit), Importers: McGillivray Broil.. Got pleasant tablets of IToniZed tnttioh. Warner's Safe Remedies Co., Ltd., Tnronto,.� Toronto, Ontario. Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Remedy YOUR HAIR NEEDS L TO GIVE IT HEALTH AND LUSTRE ASK YOUR BARBER DON'T SUFFER WITH DANGEROUS INDIGESTION Do you suffer after meals with a belching, from sour and acid stomach? Many believe they have heart trouble and tremble with fear, expecting any minute to drop dead. This condition can be prevented, likewise relieved. Take Carter's Little Liver Pills after meals and neutralize the gases - Sweeten the sour and acid stomach, re- lieve the gas and encourage digestion. The stomach; liver and bowels will be cleansed of poison, painful and dangerous indigestion disappears and the system enjoys a tonic effect, Don't delay. Ask your druggist for a 25c pkg. of Carter's Little Liver Pills. BOYD'$ B'CYCLES AT LOWER PRICES Tires, Coaster Brakes. Wheels, InnerTubes, Lamps, Equipment and parrSaddles,- Bi- cycles. You cart buy your sup- plies from us at wholesale • price s , Catalogue free, W, BOYD &SON 376�MONTREALt'Dame ' I �cfliaUy SeeThemVanish Plm F aples ended so quick by"Sootha- aiva" you can actually see them dry , Manygo overnit.t"Sooths- la"from druggit tody. New in beauty tomorrow morning. r Aching Muscles Experience quick relief when rub- bed with Minard's. Use also for" stiff joints or strained ligaments. garitehds- SPA FOR QUICK, HARMLESS COMFORT Child 3$ C /hilt rosMeITPATVitlitARRHEA,FEVERIS MESS Could not Eat or Sleep t alter Husband's Death Irritable, Tired? Nerves bad? Her husband's death left her very run down in health, unable to eat or .sleep much. Now she is brighter in spirits and eats and sleeps well. What caused the wrdifferen ords:— ce ? .Let her answer in her own "I think Iiruschen Salts are a splendid tonic. After my husband's death in December last 1 became very run down in health, clad terrible fits of depres- sion and was unable to eat or sleep much. 1 was also troubled .with rheumatism. 1 decided to take 1- rus. then Salts and have now taken the little daily dose for nearly two months, during svltich time my health has greatly improved. The rheumatism has completely left me, I am much brighter in spirits and both eat and sleep well." When lite begins to " get you down," when you begin to feel the results of modern artificial conditions --errors of diet, worry, overwork, lack of eiereise-- then you should turn to Iiruschen Salts. They possess a wonderful power of gi" ing new life and vitality to the That may mean kidney or liver countless millions of cells of which the trouble. Warner's Safe Kidney human body is composed. The way to and Liver Remedy keep smiling is to take Krusehen Salts every morning just a pinch in your Row can your nerves be sound if your first morning Cup of coffee or tea. bland is clogged with body poisons that should be thrown off? Row can you keep the admiration of people if you are al- E TRAL OFFER Yeast from druggist to -clay, Get new health and weight quickly. Feel great to -morrow. If not delight- ed manufacturer refunds your money. -T . 04U1rye ` =PHILLIPS= �`�oPis 41 l1AGN . Far Troulnies due to Acid ' NDI6 E5110N 'ACID STOMAEN ' HEARTBURN HEADACHE CASES. NAUSEA eessee Just a tasteless dose , of Phillips' Milk of Magnesia in water. That is en alkali, effective, yet harmless: It liar ibeen the standard antacid for 50 Years among physicians a lciaus ev el v ie 1'e. One spoonful will neutralize at once many times its volume in acid. It is the right way, the quick, pleasant and efelcient way to kill the excess acid. mach becomes sweet, the pails Stomac departs. You are happy again in five minutes. Don't depend on crude methods. Employ the best way yet evolved in all the years of searching. That is Philips' 111 Magnesite r • Milk of ) Be sure to get the genuine Phillips' Milk of Magnesia, prescribed by physi- cians for 50 years ill correcting excess acids, Each bottle contains full direc- tion --any drugstore. The sto T'ICE BEN AMY SAf E;1 dJY Recommends Lydia E. Pinkham's • Vegetable Compound Cobout'g, Ontario—':Fears ago when I had a sick father and a nursing baby to care for, I got all run down and I took Lydia E. I'inkham's Vege- table Compound to get strength to do my work. An- other (time at Change of Life, I had severe head- achesand felt, t.lred all the time. I took seven bottles of the Vegetable Compound and felt like a new woman. I recommend it to any woman who is at the age when she needs building. t P. !—Mns. '.E,BLET in1,Xi,R.4,Cobourg, Ontario. ISSUE No, 15—'30 4 i 4