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Zurich Herald, 1930-04-17, Page 4
Atac `+ FO tit 6s. ++.+ +. +. 4 +d +++i+++++++++eg.. 4 sa+, :}.++ ++•Q*4•+++4 emit+' i I'+++4t •4*, te+ for Cw le in and see the new Auto- matic Kelvinator which has many :1 featuresthat no other Electric Refrigerator has. E. Oesch F• See Me before Buying Zurich SERVICE with SALES ys+ .+++ ++d+++++++o+++€ S„++++•¢+.q+ slelole +++i.+++•) i..++ ++'r -Seel a++ -.), 'Vet HI Ha hill,I1VIIIInhIIM1111INNIIIIIIIll111111111111111Il1llllll11IIUllillllIIIIIIIIII!IHUM h adi amine! Every Set in A 1 Conditi©n DeF•orest Crosley, 5 Tube, Table Model Complete King Neutordyne 5 Tube, complete with Wet B Westinghouse 4 Tube, Table Model DeFuorest Crosley, 4 Tube, Table Model at Water Kent, 6 Tube and Cabinet Speaker w42.50 Batteries.... $45.50 $36.50 $34.00 $58.00 THESE SET'S ARE FULLY EQUIPPED WITH LOUD SPEAKERS TUBES, BATTERIES AND AERIAL, INCLUDING A 6 MONTHS' BATTERY CHARGING CONTRACT, SEE AND HEAR THESE RADIO SETS AT HESS RADIO ELECTRIC Harry G. Hess SALES WITH SERVICE ^ltflil;li1111111111I11I1111111 IIIIIIIIII111lhiIU1lil Illilllillllllilllll1lllllilllillllilllilllllli1111111InIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIi IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIii , Spring MILLINERY. 1EV.iERYBODY SHOULD HAVE A NEW EASTER BONNET. SEXIlitA. NICE LINES OF LARGE HE ADSIZE S AND COLORS. :EMIR SHOWING. OF CHILDREN'S HATS IS COMPLETE Ififtl, ARE SHOWING THE NEWEST AlsI IMS AND CIOSE FITTING HATS STRAWS HAVE AT LAST COME .MACK TO THNIR OWN AND BEA IITIFUL THEY .ARE IN ALL THE NEWEST SHADES. WE HAVE A NICE LINE OF NEW SPRING LOWERS FOR COATS AND MESSES. COMPLETE YOUR NEW SPRING OUTFIT OR BRIG- lerEN UP LAST SEASON'S ONE WITH A NICE BOQUET OF SPRING FLOWERS. GIVE US A CALL V V Siebert Zurich • DASHWOOD NOTICE RICH HERALD Iliorsitay, A n% .•!Lh, 1930 New Bakery. HAVING OPENED UP A BAKERY BUSINESS IN ZURICH, WE SOLICIT THE PATRONAGE OF'. i'HE PUBLIC. GOOD SUPPLY,OF CAKES, BUNS, ETC., ALWAYS ON :1ANl). "HOT CROSS BUNS" DE- LIVERED EVERY FRIDAY MORN INC. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO PHONE ORDERS. , . W. RE1TH Phone 75 Zurich GOOD FRESH BAKING We wish to advise the people of Zurich and vicinity that during the coming week, (Conference Week) that we are puttingforth special effort to always have on hand a full supply of good fresh baking. Phone in your orders and let us do all your baking and you will enjoy this week all the better.—The Zurich Bakery, Ev. Heist, Prop. Phone 100 Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dultz, Miss Mar- sgaaret Merner and friend of Detroit, +aent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. George Merrier. Ir- and Mrs. T. Rabethge of Ex- .ietcrr were Sunday visitors with Rev. and .Mrs. Ness. Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Stade of Zur- frith were Sunday visitors with relati 'tarns in town. Mr. and Mrs.. S. Adams of Lon- •d#ari spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.. Z. G. Kraft. Mr.. and Mrs. E. Guenther and Ifaurily visited friends in London %Sunday. Mr,,and Mrs. Chs Guenttner -. of teeter, 'visited relatives in town on ,unday- Mr. and Mrs. John Hoffman of udon, spent Sunday with relatives I A Gaittata entitled "The Thorn wed Rilio"' will be given in the' ohinudch on Sunday even- C by the choir. , Mo. lity. E.t'aft is on the sick list, SSW,, for a speedy recovery. „.., •.... ti .% .o., ,.,.,ive ,>plendia • TENDERS WANTED Tenders for the construction of the. following Municipal Drains in the Township of 'Hay, Huron County, will be received by the undersigned up •to Monday,. May 5th, 1930, when tenders will be opened at the Town Hall, 'Zurich, at four o'clock, p,m: WILDFONG DRAIN -20'730 cu.. vias including branches. WEST BRANCH SWAMP DRAIN 19040 au. yds. Plans, etc. may be seen at office of undersigned or at office of Mr. J. Rofier, 0. L. S., Mitchell, Ont Five per cent. of contract -to accomp- any tender. Lowest or' any tender not necessarily accepted.. A. F. HESS, Zurich, Ont. Clerk, Township of Hay. display of spring hats. Be sure to visit their store and pick out your hat for Easter. Mr. and Mrs. W. Schultz of De- troit, spent a few dafs with relatives Mr. J. C. Reid and daughter Laura Mae visited Mr. Reid's brother in Baffield on Monday. Mr. Oliver Graybeil and Miss Beat- rice Graybeil of Toronto, and Mr. Wilber Graybeil of Woodstock were callers to their home on Saturday, owing to the serious illness of their mother, Mrs. J. W. Greybeil who is in a very critical condition. We hope for a speedy recovery. Miss A. Finlay of Blake is spend- ing this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Reid. • . Mr. H. Sauer of Chicago is visiting his parents' here. Mr. and Mrs. L. Kraft of Zurich were Sunday visitors in town.. - Miss Verna kraft of London spent the week -end with her mother, Mrs. T. Kraft. HILLSGREEN .4 closed by repeating the Lord's Pray- er. Miss Annie Consitt of Hensall, sp- ent a few days with her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Consitt. Mrs. Charters was a recent visitor with Mrs. W. McAllister. Miss Grace Love returned to her home from the Hensall Hospital and is much improved in health Mrs, D. B. Saunders and son Nor- man and Miss Kelly of London, spent Sunday with the former's bro- thers and sister. Miss Agnes Love spent the week- end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Love. Mrs. L. Troyer spent a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ' 'W. Dignan near Hensall. Mrs. D. Nichol and Mr. Joe Hagan of Hensall were recent visitors with Mr. W. J. Jarrott and Miss Annie. Mrs. Frank Farquhar of. Hawaii is with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cochrane for a few days.. The regular rheeting of the Wom- en's Missionary Society was held at the home of Mrs. L. Troyer on Wed- nesday, April 9th, 1930, at 2.30 p.m. Mrs. W. Turner opened the meeting with the Easter Service programme followed by singing hymn 199 and responsive reading. Hymn 212 and responsive reading. Hymn 448, Mrs. W. Turner then led in prayer. The minutes of the Secretary were read and adopted, Mrs.. J. Cochrane read a letter on, "Oisr Fields”. The roll was called and answered with a Mis- sionary item. Mrs! R. McAllister read a letter on the circuit Allocation for the year. The business was then taken, Mrs. J. Cochrane and Mrs. W. Turner were appointed delegates to the Convention in Seaforth, on April 30th, 1930. Miss Rena Steph- -nson then read a leaflet on "Our i hankofFering", Mrs. R. McAllisto; :nd Miss Gladys Stephenson a leaf let on "Easter Chimes". Hymn 37( las sung. Mrs, Connor then too. the study from t'ie ,,rel Chapter is "Jerusaleri to Jerusalem". The o' 'acing was Lah.en and the meeting HAY COUNCIL. wise Co., insWl:'ance 1pn eciuijlasnetln 1,20; 11011. Co., tolls Jan, 3.Lst to 1+'cb. 20th 5'7.57; Northern Electric Oa., material 2'74,57; Dell Tel, Co., :rirectoroes MD; Strombe'rg-Carlson High C ,,lo., materialmaterial0,71; Dept.Dept. Public i. Jr l Nays, trailer license. 2.00; 10, li, • C; u slither, cartage 13.58; A. Voisin, re- fund rate 2.41 ; 1'", C. Kalhllaisch Lac count 20.44; Zurich Central, switch - .ng 5 weeks 85,00; 1'. hichatae, 8 months salary, batteries, etc. 521.1)0 ell Tel. Co. toll. Feb. 21 to Mar. 20th, 73,11; H. G. Hess, March ue- ,:uurit 90.'70. '1'he Council adjourned to meet a- ;sin on Monday, May 5th 1930 at .rue o'clock, pan. A. F,, Hess, Clerk. HENSALL The regular monthly 'Meeting of the Council of the Township of Hay was. held in the Town Hall, Zurich, on Monday, April 7th, 1930. All the members were present. The minutes of the meeting held March 3rd, and March .18th and April 2nd, were ad- opted as re .da The following resolutions were pas sed: That report, plans, etc., of J. Roger 0. L. S. relating to the North Branch, of the Black Creek Drain, be receiv- ed and By-law read two times and provisionally adopted, and that a Court. of Revision to consider appeals be held in the Town Hall, Zurich, on Monday, May 5th, 1930 at one o'eleb- p. m. That By-law No. 9-1930, providing for loans under. the Tile Drainage Act be read three times and filially passed. Adam Reichert has returned from Detroit and fort Huron, where he spent several weeks with his sons and relatives in those cities, Andrew Moir,. who recently suffer - d a heart attack, coupled with a severe cold, continues to improve. Mrs,-L'ertha 13e11 is settled in her new home in Toronto with her 'son Arnold. Thos. Welsh has a lerge number of ogs iii hiss mill yard ready for the saw m the • handling of- which he is an adept. - Allan Soldan, of the Bank of Com- merce staff here, has • been tran.sfer- red to Hamilton, while Thos. Simp- lon, another of the staff :here, has been sent to Lucan. • Case & Son are receiving many congratulations ovei''tlieir fine bakery equipment and tot which they have adclecl the last and most approved. Regret to report that Mrs. Frank Farquhar is not' enjoying the best of health at present, but her many fri- ends hope for a speedy recovery. Mrs.. Johns, of Guelph, was the attest of her brother, Norman Coak the past week, Mrs. Alf. Clark was in Toronto, at- tending the funeral of a relative. Emma Johnston has been confined to her room with an attack of bron- chitis. Sydney McArthur, a mile west of the village, is making improvements to his dwelling by adding a rear ad- dition, and also intends making im- provements to his barn in the way of raising it and making what is term- ed a bank barn. Boss & Brazier, of London, who have secured the contract for paving the London Road from Kippen to Ex- eter, are here getting their machinery ready for an early start and will com- mence paving as soon as the weather permits. They had the contract last year and all their equipment is right •,vn "the ground. The Paying of the ce- ment will start at Exeter. Mrs. J. W. Bonthron returned from a' pleasand visit with her sister, Mrs. Holl of McKee's Rocks„ Pa., and oth- er relatives and friends in Detroit. Mrs. R. Cudmore returned to her home after spending a pleasant win- ter with her daughters in Toronto. Dr. •Spellman and Miss Elva Bolton of Kitchener, visited with Mrs. R. D. Bell and other friends. That the petition of Wesley Cole- man and others relating 'to the im- provement of the drain affecting.lots 13 and 15, Con. 2, Lot 14, Con. 3; Lots 14 and 15, Con. 4; Lot 14 con. 5; and • Township road No, 14 be re= ceived and J. Roger, O.L.S. be auth- orized to make a report, survey, etc. on • same. That the petition of Wm. Alexan- der and others relating to the im- provement of drain affecting Lots 26 and 27, con. 1, lots 25 and 26, eon. 2 etc., be received and J. Roger, 0. L+S. be authorized to make a survey report, etc., on same. That Robert 'Pinney be appointed as Road Commissioner on Road No. 14 in place of John Campbell, re- signed. That accounts covering payments m Township Roads, Telephone and General accounts be passed as foll- ows: TOWNSHIP ROADS—T. Ayotte, ray list Road 10, $17.25; S, Martin 'd. 5, 6.60; E. Gabel rd. 9, 11,65; J. Desch, rd. 8, 2.40; E. 1'. Datters, rd. 7.25; R. Geiger, rd. 9, 25.88; M Jorriveau, rd. 17, 9.50; A. L. Steen tin, rd. 18,, 10.0Q;; J. Rennie, .rd. 6, ;.20; W. Grenier, rd. 8, 16.70;, S loflman, rd. 8, 8,60; M. M. Russell, ld. 1, 14.50; C. Aldsworth, rd. 2,' '.50; S. Ropp, rd ,2, 11.55; F. C. Zalbfleiscli account 1.95. - General Accounts—C. Zirk labor', iassc Drain 3;00; Aanticementtax, tx an tickets 1.75; Ontario Hospital , C. Rupp 3 months 39.00; L.Prang Irving by-laws re drains 10.50; A. Hes, deeds re lots 19.00; Tuckk,. e math Telo. System, 1920 rat) $15' 1. H. hidighoffer, assessor salary and 'rstage 122,00: .Lett;p.tone Accounts—Geon, insur COUNTY NEWS The death at Exeter, of Miss Mir- iam Parkinson occurred on Sunday Jest at the residence of Mrs. J. Cot, tie. She was born 90 years ago in Lincolnshire, Eng., and came to Can- .ada at the age of 14 years. T'or'. miry years she lived on a farm in Winehelsea, and came to Exeter 45 years ago, A brother of Toronto, is', the sole survivor.' An old and well-known resident of Goderich in the person of Wm. I1 Webster passed away on April 4th, .iter a brief illness, He was born at Urentford and was in his 82nd year. and is survived by one son, Wm. of Goderich, also two daughters. and two brothers, At a meeting of the Official Board' of the James St, . United Church, ,+ x- eter, the pastor, Rev. D. McTavish, announced that be bad decided to ac- cept the invitation of the congrc,gat- ion to remain for the fifth year.. The Board expressed their pleasure to know that he is to remain. This will be the first time in the history of the church that a pastor has ministered to the congregation for a fifth year, as under the rules of the former Me- thodist church the length. of the past- orate was four years. One of the large trucks belonging to G. Bondi of Wingham when being backed out. of the garage grazed the north wall. In trying to straighten the course of the truck, G. Arde, the driver put it in low gear and before he could turn the wheel sufficiently, it pinned Douglas Wetherell between the truck and south, wall. A special- ist was called from London and he was operated on during the evening to determine the extent of his injur- ies, which were a fractured pelvis, and other internal injuries. The work of installing the new Fire alarm system at Seaforth was recently completed which gives the town thoroughly modern fire protect- ion. A direct current of 24 volts cir- culates continually in the new system and it is only when the circuit is bro- ken that an alarm is given. When an alarm is sent in from any of the boxes on the streets the electric sir- en locaten in the tower of the town hall is set going. Wesley H. Harvey, an Exeter old boy, has been named chairman of the newly -organized Saskatchewan Far- mer's Political Association. He is a former Progressive member of the Saskatchewan Legislature and is a brother of Chas. and Thos. Harvey of Exeter. Was born in Usborn Tp. and is 56 years of age. He went to school in Exeter, and later studied at the Ontario Agricultural College+ at G`a- elph. Death came the other morning to Clinton's oldest :taside.nt, Donald Smith, who died at lire home, in: `Elis 100th year. He had been in failing health for some years, was corn in Glengary Tp., Lanark Co., coming to A motor launch from Detroit ar- rived at Goderich port on Sunday last, and so far as the smaller craft is concerned the arrival of this boat narked the opening of navigation at Goderich harbor for the 1930 season. T,Ir. and Mrs. W. Landsborough of Tuckersmith, announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Marion Elsie, to. Walker Carlile, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Carlile of Hensall, the mar- riage to take place early in April. There will be a masquerade Carni- val on Wednesday evening, April 23, under the auspices of the Bayfield Agricultural Society, held in the Town Hall, Bayfield. Those given by them in past years proved so popular they decided to make it an annual affair. •Cil J. Stewart, sdn of Mrs. Fred Stewart, • of Exeter,' has purchased from Ulric Snell the building and ser- vice end of the Huron 'Garage. He took possession . on April" 1st and is adding 'some new. • . . • equipment. The other evening while Albert Wolf, of Crediton, was in the act of putting the mail on the train at Cen- tralia, the train hit the baggage truck and threw: it on . top of him. It took several men to lift the heavy truck off his bfiody. He is now unable to operate his mail route on account of having several bones broken in his right hand and being severely bruised On Thursday last the 25th Annual Spring<Bhow was put on in Clinton by the' Central Huron Agricultural Society, and it was good. gs fine a collection of animals as one would wish to see were gathered together and a large crowd of visitors came in from all quarters to see them. 'Rev. K. J. Beaton, B.A., has been appointed secretary of Home Miss- ions in the United Church of Canada. Mr. Beaton is an old Clinton boy, son of the tate A. D. Beaton, and spent his boyhood at -13137th and Clinton.He taught school for a time before • ent- ering the University.and on his grad- station in 1913 he went to Wesi Chfiina, where he has spent the in- tervening time in organization' .and evangelistic work. For the past year ie. and fancily have. been in Toronto, fl;a new duties commence the fr.t of tVlrayY Gaderic"1) in 15150 with his parentss wlbo c:ttie+d the following year on a farm ion the 2scd Con., Stanley. There he did :a great deal ,of pioneer work, and established his own home until he gaveg up farming. His wife passed a- way thirty years ago, but he is s0r- vived by two &fighters, 'lit February last, •Mrs. Mary Me-. 117ill.an, who since early last summer had ay.=sided in Goderich, went to Mil- ton, Ont., and there identified the hotly ,of a man who had been found dead in •a bars .as that of her husband Who for some .time had not been with her. The body was frozen and had 'evidently been where it was founds for for a considerable time. The God eriel7 wonant also had her two broth- • ers ;come from Toronto to Milton to • assist in the identification, which, was supposed to be proven by certain marks on the band, the face and the back. The body was buried. and Mrs. McMillan returned home. On Satur- day last about alusk, while. Mrs. Mc-. it�Iillan -was going about her work at the house, she was startled by seeing her husband walk in. He has elide ently comm to stay and the couple have moved a Nock away on another street .and no doubts are spending part of their time wondering who it was that was found and buried six. weeks ago .at Milton. • ZURICH HERALD Estublig.hed 1900 ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY' NOON FROM THE Herald Printing Office, SUBSCRIPTION BATES — 1$1.25 .m year, strictly in advance; $1.50 in arrears or $2.00 may be charged. €3. 5. $I.59 year in advance. No paper ailiscontinued until all arrears are paid unless at they option of the -publisher. The, date e3 winch every Subscript— ion la paid is derated on that La',bef. • • .ADVERTISING RATES' - Display Advertising made known on application. 'Fxscolla>aeous artidles of not more+ than four lines, For Sale, To' Rent, Wanted, Lost, Found, cote - each insertion 25e. ?'arm or Real Estate for sale $2.00 for. first month, $1.00 for each 500, Three insertions $1.00. Professional Cards not exceeding ons inch $5 per year„ turban Sales — $2 per single Dr-- sermon irsex on if not over four inches in I Iisrsg�i, , Address all communications to THE HERAhD 711RICH OWI'. NN•••••$+4••••••••••••0• !I►•••rfll••••••••••••••••••••R= • • _. • • • • • •• • • • • •• • •• • • • • • MEW Sales follow Ford Service • One year ago February„ we accepted the Ford Franchise for the i • Townships of Usborne„ Stephen, fray and Stanley, and started to • 06 • build up a Ford Sales. and, Service for this Territory, by the Month in Iof May, we• had a small, stock. of parts and one mechanic. !, i • - GOVERNMENT. REGIST.R.ATION SHOWED THAT 15.5 PER CENT OF ALL "ME. NEW CARS SOLD iN THIS TERRITORY FOR. THE. MCABS_ANTTi+ OF MAY WERE FORD a • In .July we opened. an. authaorizedtIli r& Service In Zurich, increased I •our Fated, Parts. and: Sis if of Mechanics. • ' GOVERNMEDIT'•REGISTRATION FOR THE MONTH OF AUGUST SHOWED) THAT PER...CENT OF AI,L CARS SOLD; IN'EH1.,EOigtaa 1 SHIPS *RE FORD 1* We strengtlgene& dice Sorrier. Pat: of our organisation and to October obtained! 40 per rant of all ;business. ', • • ++i Now that we had? saki' 40i per cent. of *11 ears in duo territory, we betie'ted We s oaldl extend our service and leave arranged outt4oriyed ". rota Sa vies in; Centralia with Fred Paenwarden and in Hensall with Twitchers Garage Then Sales continued? to. increase mend in January, 1930, the Ford Sales were 50 per cent of all cars sold in the Four. Townships GOVERNMENT REGISTRATION FOR THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY, 1930; SHOW TtfAT SS.3 PER CENT OF ALL NEW CARS REGISTERED WERE NEW FORD CARS We sincerely thank you, an& pronsiSe 9tlaat vve iYil1 always do the moat in our power, to, a(iia•.tu' enstorrecors Superior Ford Service. $AV Di ioupor ....jiMME OF THE FORD Phone 149 ZURICI-t Phone EXETER,