HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1930-04-17, Page 1Voi. XXX 24 ' ZURICH, THURSDAY IVIORNINO, APRIL 171930. • Chester L. Smith, PlIdakkeet, $1.25 a year, U.S, $1.511 in Adverte• sz.so LN ii.RRBARS AM MAY BE OrialteMErt bet the :Herald renew all your Daily papers and Magazines 00404.044440000040•004,00•00-004. •• •• * 4 •. ., •• •.. .. dal •! ., . . .. .. . . . • . .... • .. . i 1 Sheri ck-Manning • • • 4 • ._ • • • • • • PIANO • 0 0 • • • • 0 0 -• I Practically New with Bench to • • ,• • . • • • . . • . • . . . . .. . -. • 4 • -4 • . .: 4 4 4 . 4 4 4 • • 4 ' 4 • • • • • • • 41 FRED THIEL - ZURICH • • • • PHONE IQ& . • • e • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••0400.4404404.0.040.0400.041, 040 • . • • , 4+ Match A BARGAIN! For Quick Sale itesesesseaeseeseeteeposeee*****eseetesosessemes•sik • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • READY TO GO.,, EVERY GOOD:STYLE FOR EASTER IS HERE. 3 • BLACKS,. NEW TANS, .SPORTS. i. GREAT COLLECTION OF or - • • • NEW ARRIVALS' .ASIDE FROM GENUINE PLEASURE OF e • INSPECTING, THESE NEW .GOODS FIRST,. IS THE ADVANT- AGE OF EARLY SELECTION. AND YOU'LL .CHOSE FROM • •• • THE FINEST VARIETY OF EXCLUSIVE SHOE MODELS, FOR : .Oi • . Step Out This Easter in Brown's Shoes Shoe Style With a Smile Make You Step ota. Ambitious • • REPAIRING NEATLY DONE 1 Brown's Boot Sho ME,, WOMEN .AND 'CHOLDRENL SEI OUR PWINDOW DISPLAY • • •' •' • • 111•111.000•0•010••••••410004004110•••••••••••••••0••••••••••• .A4•• 44414.44,444 410 4411014 • ••44 44 •••••0044••••••• 1 April 206 is Easter Order your Easter Suit sow and pl. • 2 a Carefully Tailored Garment Dont wait for the Rush Delivery any time between and Easter. MEN'S AND Bos' FURNISHWGS BOLFFISIAMS BLOCK 10 ,*b 8011 I t 4iRepairs and Repair Work a Specialty • W If 1111 1f i t il AlkA 44 N. E. SIEMON .1741RALIKERS ifinEREBAIL. EINILECIEMPS * * :,40"0"4119000011.440P40.00~00044$4440044441. Ar OUR CORNER In all religions there has been vicious, tendency to turn moral prin- ciples into ceremonial custorns. +—+ Many women mary the men they choose and spend the rest of their lives trying to turn them into the men hey want them to be. , +—+ If you have any friendship • for people, spoil it by trying to borrow money. from them. • The silent • fisherman is the most successful. Girlsshould remerriber this when angling for husbands. +—+ Spring to a married man means that he will have to take. off the. storm windows and endure a period of housecleaning. Canada .has 1,259,987 telephones, an average of 13.2 phones to every one hundred persons. ; The United States has an average of 15.3 phorieS per hundred population; New Zea- land has 9.5 and Denmark has 9.2 per hundred people. • - Thirty years ago at Easter egg were selling. in Ontario at ten cents a dozen, but hens in those days did not live in little palaces and were not fed with silver spoons. A hen was only a hen in those days and had to scratclr for a living ' +—•+ Thirty-three railway cars, carrying 400 tons of shelled peanuts, left Van- couver for Toronto on April 3rd, consigned to a firm in that citywhich will make salted peanuts of them and sell them throughout Canada to the trade. Surely 400 tons should be enoughfor a while. • M.ax. Heinrich. ' Gurth, ;•,'a BeIix chemist, claims to have invented an ice that is not cold, that ordinary temperatures will not melt,and that can be used for hockey games the whole year round. It is caller opal ice, and is made by boiling water in -I which the nvening of this week, after stead of freezing it. Certain chem- Doctor will again attend to his pro- icals are used in the boiling process to produce the desired results. The ice will. "keep" and can be stored a- way when not required. ;4- Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Stade were .Sunday visitors at Dashwood. Mr. Ward Fritz left on Wednes- day morning on a business trip to Windsor. Mr. Lennis O'Brein, who has a pos- ition at Clinton, spent the week -end at ;his home here. • Mr. Thos. McMillan, M. P., of S, Huron called on his Zurich friends on Tuesday. Mrs. J. Kellerman of Dashwood is visiting with her sister, Mrs. C. Fritz a few days this week. Dr. and Mrs. Fink of Deleware, were Sunday visitors at the home of Dr. and Mrs. H. H. Cowen. Mr. and Mrs, Alex, McConnell of $5.00 $5.00 Ready to Wear Spectacles DARK OR LIGHT SHELL FRAME WITH LENSES, COMPLESE IN CASE Why strain your Eyes Sewing or Reading when you can WA? as Pair of Guaranteed Spectacles at this price. Let us all your next Optical Prescrpition. We Lave the latest Bs. Frames, and can do it for Less Money. HESS THE JEWELLER Varna, were Saturday visitors at +..i.q..;.++++++1.+++++++++++11++.+P+++++++++++++•••••••• the home of Mr. Wrn, Lamont, and daughter Jane. Pleased to see our popular milk $ man, Mr. Norman Gascho, out again doing his duties after an attack of the flu. Mrs. 3. J. Schwartz and little $ "Unice, of Detroit, are visiting with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. + John Fuss. An Easter Tuesday Euchre Party and Dance will be held in the Town ;I• Hall, Zurich on Tuesday evening, .f. April 22nd, under the auspices of Pi,,. Boniface R. C. Church, to which LI: ui pliblic is invited. Dr. A. J. MacKinnon, who has for the past month been taking a post + graduate course in New York city, is t: expected home in town on Saturday T. NOTICE hereby wish to advise that all parties owing me any accounts are advised to come on or before .April 12th and settle the same.—T. L. Wurm, Zurich, Ont. COAL 1930 ! COLD DAYS ! YES, THE COLD DAYS ARE HERE AGAIN! ARE YOU PREPARED` WE ARE Prepared with a large Supply of HIGH GRADE FUELS Genuine Scranton Anthracite, Sol way Coke, Miller's Creek Soft, Pocahontas, Cannell, Galt Alberta and Small Pea Coal for Banking DISCOUNT of 50c per ton allowwi for CASH PAYMENT ONLY cs4aira.te1cr, HENSALL ONT, Office Phone lOw. House Phone 100 Massey -Harris ANNOUNCING 4,. THAT ED AGENT AND I HAVE. BEEN. APPOINT - LOCAL DISTRIB-. tITOR FOR THE FAMOUS OLD AND RELIAI3E MASSEY-HARRIS UNE OF FARM IMPLEMENTS, i; AND SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE 2 Phone 9,8 Zurich, Ont. i.essional pracLice. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ravelle have moved their effects from Zurich to Grand Bend, on Tuesday, where they have purchased a home and place of business. We wish them every suc- cess in their new venture, while we regret very much to lose them as citizens of Zurich. Lest we forget, this is Easter week and Good Friday will be celebrated in most of the churches with special appropriate services, of the &oily and cruel transaction that took place in Palestina many years ago. Then on Sunday will follow the Easter Sunday celebration, when the crici- fied Savior of the World had risen from the tomb. Let one and all ob- serve these annual events in a most sincere and devoted way. The spring season that is now in our midst again demang that we look around our premises and give every- thing a good "cleaning. up".. It sure will be a big satisfaction to have all our back yards as well as the front yards spick and span when the nice weather now comes 'in. Be sure and see that the enclosure of your chick- en pen is "enclosed" and does not let these troublesome mauraders run at large and tear up the neighbor's as well as your own flower beds,which all require a great deal of care and work to prit back into condition. So please don't forget the clean-up time is right now. The Sixty -Sixth annual session of the Canada Conference of the Evan- gelical Church, will convene in Em- anuel Evangelical Church, Zurich, commencing on Tuesday morning, April 22nd, (next week), when a- bout ninety delegates will gather for this event. Bishop S. P. Spreng, D. D. of Naperville, 111., will be the Con- ference chairman, and will give one of his eloquent addresses on Evan- gelism on Tuesday evening at 8 p.m. Bishop Spreng is no stranger to the Canada Conference, and is beloved by all who know him, and besides is an orator worthy of comment. Then on Wednesday at 2 o'clock, p.m. the Conference will be officially opened and two business sessions will be held each day till Saturday evening., when it is expetted the business part will he through. The public are cardially invited to attend all the sessions. A special: program is ,`Oare'l -^h 3vening when shecial speakers ,will address the gatherings. o FRITZ & SON New and Used Car Brokerg Phone 82 1929 FORD COACH WITH 1927 Chevrolet Coach 1925 Ford Coupe, Baloons. 1928 Chevrolet Coach .. 1928 Pontiac Sedan 1923 Ford Sedan 1980 Brand New Ford A. Zurich TRUNK. RACK AND FENDER. WELD 1927 Ford Cath 1926 Ford Fourdoor Sedan 1926 Ford. Coach 1927 Ford Coupe 1925 Ford CV2Cit Coach 1927 Essex Coach. 1930 CHEVROLET COACH, NEW WHY YOU SHOULD SEE AND RIDE IN A1'W OF THE ABOVE $ CARS BEFORE PURCHASING A USED OR NEW CAR OF ANY MAKE: + 1. Each Car listed is purchased direct from private owner. .1. 2. The above usecl cars were not dealt in on new cars, but urstre disposed of on account of financial difficulties by owners.. • + 3. The upholstering, fenders, finish, are original and compare far- + ourably with new cars. + 4. The ' majority of these Cars are fully equipped with bans Speedometers and the latest Accessories. + 5. The best assortment of High Class Used Cars to Choose Fro= in Huron County, 6. LONG EASY, !MIMS + PHONE AND WE w-ff.,t, BE GLAD TO DEZiONSTRATE ANY THE ABOVE CARS. 4. 4. et - t ••=.1aoe,emml,,araseenantros*immonemml.oannwoommworwo,...,! NEW G ODS Don't miss seeing and getting our prices on our New Spring and Summer Dry Goods of all kinds • ALSO SHOES„ HARNESS REPAIRS* HARDWARE, PAINTSL OILS, AND OTHER STAPLE LINES. TOO NIIME.ROXIS, -)E.0 MENTION., 1930 GARDEN AND ROOT .SEEDS .UST OPENED td.r. GET GET YOUR SUPPLY NOW.. R. N. DOUGLAS GENERAL INERCHAAfr PHONE 11 97 EILA irmnt'imgros•V* ioonmgmentedimmageowifflommtwomit,o4X/rmiaiwf ''smagemietriklia