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Zurich Herald, 1930-04-10, Page 8
1'A.C17 t^•'[GHT ST`) Pr WITH THE STOCK 1.4 We carry the celebrat- ,filed Boxers' and 'fiat- son Fosters' wallpaper dN A GREAT VARIETY OF PAT- 1'?`' R.Na, HAVING 75 SAMPLES TO CHOOSE FROM IN A PRICE RANGE mom 3 TO 80 CENTS PER SINGLE ROLL. BORDERS ND CEILINGS TO MATCH AT VERY REASONABLE PRICES. LET US SHOW YOU OUR SUPPLY OF THESE UP-TO-DATE FLOOR COVERINGS. COMPARE OUR PRICES. Yards wide Linoleum, D. auality, best made at Yd. 'c'vr"+1s nido Linoleum, E quality at 'ards wide, Inlaid Linoleum at yd, ds. Wide, Congoleum at yd. Yard wide Floor oilc,�ll�oths at Yary `'ard wide Floor•Oilclotii at Yard wide, Floor Oilcloth at yard wide Floor Oilcloth, at ''ard wide Rexoieum at yard $3.95 $3.65 $2.75 $2.00 $1.40 $1.15 53c 90c F_ ..... SIZES IN CON^OLEUIVI RUGS AND LINOLEUM RUGS ON HAND AT LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND NEW GARDEN SEEDS NOW OPENED UP 'MULTIPLIER ONIONS FOR SALE AT 5c. LB. C 0 SCHO 'RODUCE WANTED SON PHONE 59 Stroll er Phan Ever THE COMBINED ASSETS OF THE OLD HURON & ERIE AND THE CANADA TRUST COMPANY (UNDER HURON & ERIE CONT:13L AND MANAGEMENT) NOW REACH OVER $73,000,000.00 INVEST YOUR SAVINGS SAFELY AT THE GOOD RATE OF 5% PER ANNUM INTEREST PAID TWICE A YEAR ON ANY AMOUNT OVER $100.00. Applications received at any time by: Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO -SERVICE AND SAFETY Have Y©u MADE YOUR WI LL? eose•ino09408660040080•••Aa4wnek006•*••••rs•s•te44.0a • NOW! �ss • • Is the Best Time•• To Plan Your• Summer's Program of Work, Repairs, n And Improvements • • • • Let Us show You the best kinds of Fencing for the t Field or the Home Lawn Fences. We handle the best Money can Buy. • • • If you decide todo some . Roofing or Eve -Troughing • this year, we invite you to call and see us and get our 110 estimates, as well as show you our goods. • • A Nice New Piece of Furniture in the Home will be always appreciated. We .can supply anything in this line, and the prices are very Attractive. • If in need of new furniture, don't • forget; we have it! •. TSA D E & WEI DO : i 1 ZURICH HERALD tto!statotwmtattiiiiirmrarmatatrogrortztroussteotwal a e a Go LL de F7 SticL i z atter 1:s of At all Prices. Come and look through our sample Book ALSO NEW PATTERNS 1N 4 YARD. WIDE LINOLEUM, CON- GOLEUM AND LINOLEUM RUGS, OIL CLOTHS,. ETC.. HIS IS ALL NEW GOODS TO CHOOSE FROM. WE WILL BE PLEASED TO SHOW YOU OUR STOCK. J. We ME:tT' YELLOW FRONT STORE PHONE No.. 145 i8 ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST 14)t'A „ EKE (Corrected every Wednesday) Messrs C. Fritz and son Ward were to Grand Pend on Sunday. Mr. Otto Miller of Dashwood, cal- ' led on Zurich friends on Tuesday. Miss Pearl Witmer of Exeter, was a visitor with friends in town re- cently. Mr. Joseph 112eidinger of Exeter, called on Zurich friends on Wednes- day of this week. Our $4.00 line this season is out of the ordinary. Call and see them at the Hat Shoppe, Zurich. Don't neglect your own personal. appearance. Buy yourself a new hat for Easter, at the Hat Shoppe, Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Finkbeiner of Stratford were in town Tuesday, they attended the funeral of the late Sarah Ann Miller. Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Faust of Mitchell called in town on Tuesday. they attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Miller. Your Spring coat or suit isn't complete unless you have a new bon- net of flowers. You can get them at the Hat Shoppe, Zurich. The Directors and officials of the Hay Fire Insurance Company held a business meeting inthe :Dominion Hotel, Zurich, on Saturday Iast. Don't forget the musical program at Emanuel. Evangelical church, on Sunday evening, April 13th. Your attendance will be greatly appreciat- ed. Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Mousseau and Miss V. V. Siebert were on a motor trip to Kitchener and Galt on Sun- day. Next week will be observed as Easter week and Good Friday wil be recognizen on the 18th. This is somewhat late in the year for Eeast'.r and probably has something to do with the rather backward spring. A great many flocks of wild geese are harboring around these parts at present, and it seems that these fea- thered creatures of the air are well aware of the fact that no shooting is allowed, and as a consequence the birds become quite at home and not so much afraid of man. We wonder how things would be in a few years if no guilds would be fired at therm, A Long Winter The first snow fell on Nevember 1, and as there is now some snow on the ground yet -it ha made a long win- ter. Let us hope that April showers bring May flowers. Hay Council met on Monday for the April meeting, and considerable business was again discussed. The big problem they are facing at pres- ent is the ditches and watercourse. As farmers are beginning to realize that if good crops are to be raised, their lands must be thoroughly drain- ed with sufficient outlets. Huron County Will Benefit if the contemplated legislature of Premier Ferguson, Minister of Edu- cation, goes into effect an annual saving of over $3,000 was made by Huron County. As it is proposed to have the Provincial Govern7nent pay the entire salaries of the public school inspectors, which are now borne by the departments and the counties. Under the proposed legis- lation the government would also make the appointments of all inspect- ors. The present law provides for their 'appointment ppointxrtent by the county co un it and ratification by the depart- ment of education. The proposed leg slo.ture will 'apply to the counties only and xibt to inspectorates in .lett, es ZURICH ONT. I 0wSMMM• 0i•••SNwjf•• " . Butter, ib. .. . 40 Eggs, dozen ...........3.0, 36, 40 Wheat .................... 1.15 Oats 55 Barley ........ 65 Buckwheat .,.......,........... 80 Flour cwt. _ ... ..... 3.59 4.75 Bran, ton 36.00 Shorts ton 36.00 Dried apples ..... ............. 9 Dutch sett onions ................8 Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co OF WOODSTOCK The Largest Business of any Canadian Company doing Business in Ontario - Amount of Insurance -at Risk on Dec. 31st, 1928, $22,206,275. Total Cash in Bank and. Bonds $160,378.'T4 Rates -44.50 per $1,000 for 3years, E. F. Klopp-Zurich Agent, Also Dealer in Lightning Rods and all kinds of Fire Insurance n Mr. P. Haberer of towreceived a notice from the Department of - Highways, Toronto, that he is to ap- pear before a Magistrate of that city in answer to a charge of auto speed- ing. However, Mr. Haberer is not thinking of taking this trip, as he has witness that his car was not out of the garage on the -day mentioned, and he has made affidavits to this effect and forwarded the same to Toronto. Evidently some speed "cop" has made a mistake in the numbers and turned in Mr. Haberer's who is en- tirely innocent, and furthermore, we do not thing that Mr. Haberer is in- clined to speed. beyond the limitations BLAKE A Play, entitled "Mary's Castle in the Air" will be given in. the Blake United Church, on Thursday April 17th, at 8 o'clock p.m. This play is being put on by the Young People of Sharon and promises very entertain- ing. Be sure and hear it. Admission 35e, Children 20c. Music between acts by the Stelck Orchestra. •Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hess of Hen- sall, spent Friday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Carnie. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hey. spent Sun day with friends near Zurich. Mr. David Tough of Brucefield. is visiting friends on the Bronson line north. - Messrs. Win„Clark and ;flm John- ston spent the week -end with friends in ,Kitchener. Miss . Marybel Carnie of Hensall• spent the week -end under the parent al roof. Mrs. John Bechler who spent the winter with her family in the Stater returned home on Saturday. She was accompanied by her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and "Mrs. Gascho and two grand children. TTr arsi 'Mrs. Amos Gescho and auilj spent ;S -:,day at the home of dt. �nz1 !Mrs. Peter l3rennerman. 1 fir. and Mrs. Ross Johnston spent a few idayswith-friends .in .Goidelich. '.Plruclscltl , •AIiT I. 0tb, Ii) :t.44+4.......................+.....,.....++.........,,," .1. nF able ardwar WE CAN SUPPLY THE PUBLIC WITH SEASON- I ABLE HARDWARE AT MODERATE PRICES �I�. 4. 4., 4. Let Us ShYou OUR FULL LINE OF GRANITEWARE AT LOWEST4.; PREVAILING. PRICES. ea Good Supply Of Krause!.Smoke Cure on Hand .g. PIJRNJT'URE FUJI Line of Furniture, in Living Room Suites, Mang Room Suites, Bed Room Suites, Kitchen Cabieneb„ We also have the Famous Simmons Red Springs avid Mattresses, a Guaranteed Article_ Best on the Market To Day. WE ALSO HAVE SOME USED FURNITURE F 4- SALE VERY CHEAP., + + I Jo nston Kalblieisch Hard are 8 Furniture. ' hone 63 .;0 4•++rr+++++4r+++++++++44+++4.15•$''•6++ f++•++++++4"rr+•E•i••3..1..E..F,.l, : III(+IIIIlIIW1.Wll1lpQlllllil llllWl4l+9+1"IIQIIIU�.ii111111111111(IIIG+'+'+'11I11WIIUIIa'J!Iu !t7(!L�!!i'�ti { �illllulllul111111IfI flNilllllli;l!Illaill i i ,+t p; ni UIUIL! I lrztiX11:,IH TIC ! Auto Tops Buggy Tops s wagon Repairing, Painting, Etc. Second Handed Buggies HESS - ZURICH 45� I11111111fU11il>i)11Qll gMEG1<vii i!!;IIIIIIIIIIIIIL1alti'L'Ute„IiliJ,'tTiE Its':GING;.t,; MIII1NI1111111I!t$:§fNHINIIL'(~,;^ ;a,EMNIVpliIIIIIIll(1I111V'i+ Milli '-` 1U?II�.a.1e„l,a,�U�, E-++ ++4.4-444.4.4+444.4.4444-44-444" ++++4-+4++++++444•44444 -a- I.F I. I. ZtmtIczi GARAGE4�rT. Is ever at your service with the best of " attention foryour sick or ailing Auto EXPERT WORKMANSHIP ON REPAIR WORK, AND OVER- HAUL JOBS ON ALL MAKES OF CARS WITH CHARGES VERY REASONABLE. WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES, TIRES, BATTERIES, ETC:, ALSO DO ACEYTLENE WELDING. GAS OILS GREASES 11. MOL1SS�a-u Zurich F++++++''"i'*144+'1F4h+4°a4++4, edF4:4k> 44++++dr4"+4.+++4;•&++ ++++++4 4 <iFr� tfrsZ°4-t'R^4,1•e-1- -r-ai-*****-44414; HERALD OFFICE Do You Know? THAT WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE FOR FIRST CLASS JOB PRINTING! THAT WE SUPPLY AND PRINT WEDDING INVITATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS, ALSO CALLING CARDS, BUSINESS CARDS, ETC. THAT WE CARRY IN STOCK, AND ALSO PRINT. STATION- ERY SUCH AS BUSINESS LETTER :HEADS; ENVELOPES STATEMENTS, BILL HEADS, MEMORIAM CARDS, SHIPPING TAGS, ETC. THAT WE CARRY IN STOCK GOOD WRITING PAPERS CUT TO ANY SIZE, ENVELOPES IN MOST CALLED FOR SIZES, CARD PAPER, I3RISTOLS, CARBON OR TRACING PAPER, BUTTER PAPER, MEMORIAL' ENVELOPES AND MEMORIAL WRITING . PAPER. 4P THAT WE FILL YOUR ORDINARY' SIZE INK. BOTTLE WITH ,'4s, A GOOD WRITING INK POR 5- CENTS. • LARGER QUAN- 3r TITIES AT SIMILAR REDUCTIONS. t. THAT WE PRINT POSTING BILLS, AUCTION SALE POSTERS MERCANTILE POSTERS AND ALL •GENER`AL PRINTING 4, 'OUR .SPECIALTY.. 4r _