HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1930-04-10, Page 3{ expanse is clotted with. the biomes of
BVI p Makers 1 settlers Witt. have gone hit° the tract
since 1902.
Mus • t Keep Face Some years after Simpson, in the
midsummer of 1872, the Sandford
Be ore Settlement the Govern- Fleming expeditien passed across the
tract on their way to examine the
later.. Must Run, Base Line
and Produce Adequate
Maps for 'Prospectors
and Settlers Alike
Few people can resist the .fascina-
tion of a modern map with its impli-
cation of travel and appeal to the
Particularly fasclnatittg are the
naps of Western Canada where the
changes are swift and continuous. A.
Case in point is the Humboldt Sheet
Of the Sectional Map of Canada erre
bracing 4300 square miles of central
Oaskatc1 ewali: between townships 33
and 40, ranges 15 to 29, *est of the
',second merlden, of. which the 7th edi-
tion since 1902 is now off the press
tf the Topographical Survey, Depart-
Moot of the Interior.
The first edition of June, 1992, fndi-
tcates two out of 104 townships sur-
veyed into sections with the old
prince Albert Qu'Appelle trail and the
Government Teiegralrh line along it
representing the only facilities for
travel or communication on the map -
ted area at that time. Cutting off the
two lower tiers of sections the bound-
ary line between Saskatchewan and
Assinaboia, divisions of the old North-
,yPest Territories, stands out as one of
three east and west surveyed lines.
At the centre of the region stood the
Humboldt telegraph station, until
1892 one of the two telepgraph sta-
tions, between Winnipeg and Edmon-
ton to which the surveyors sometimes
had to travel long distances in order
to obtain by telegraph the time signal
for the purposeof determining longi-
tude. .A. Saskatchewan directory of
1.888 gives a population of eight. house-
holds for Humboldt, the telegraph
operator and line men with a rancher
and five others, either freighters or
hunters. This represented the settle-
ment over the whole area of 4300
Square miles up to the time when the
',second tide of immigration reached
the West well after the beginning of.
this century.
Then followed six more editions of
.naps of this area.
Differing from all of these is the
'seventh edition which is topographical
not only to the extent of showing con-
tours and all other natural features
'but which displays facilities such as
telephoue lines; . ditches, classified
;loads differentiated in color, schools,
bhurclies, garages, etc. The mass of
information necessary for the ,com-
pilation of this truly fine example of
the topographer's science was obtain-
ed from previous surveys and front
data supplied by various Dominion
and Provincial departments, and from
the railway companies.
In very early days in the West peo-
ple travelled about wholly by water.
As the Humboldt area lies nearly.
forty miles from any water route it
remained an unknown land except for
occasional winter travellers until the
construction in the '80's of the main
line of the C.P.R. to the south, when
Humboldt telegraph station became
the half -way point on the stage route
between Qu'Appelle and Prince Al-
On his way north to survey a por-
tion of the Arctic coast, in December,
1336, Thomas Simpson travelled diag-
onally across this area. His approxi-
mate course across the country is in-
dicated by the line of the Canadian
National Railway northwesterly. Tak-
ing observations on the way, as did
,most of those early explorers who had
a working knowledge of surveying,
,Simpson appropriated the carriole in-
tended for him for the carriage of his
books and iustuments, travelling him-
• pelt all the way to Athabaska on foot.
Quill Lefts, on the southeast cor-
ner, 1703 feet above sea level, he re-
fers to as "Lac aux Plumes," and in-
forms us that they derived their name
from the multitude of wild fowl that
moulted there every summer. The
portions of these lakes falling within
the mapped area cover seven town-
ships and have! been reserved for a
bird. sanctuary, together with Lenore
Lake at the north centre of the sheet,
While Ponass Lake on the eastern
bounchtry has been created. "Public
Shooting Grounds Reserve."
Tl"e31oW11ea4 PASS for the C,P.R. and to
report on the intervening and extend-
ing .countries, Climbing the sante hill
from which Simpson obtained a view
in 1836, the secretary of the expedi
tion commented rapturously on the
roses, marigolds, and astere in such a
profusion of color that his impression
was of an earthily paradise, but he
says sadly, "Where hundreds of home-
steads shall yet be, there is not one:"
Yet the n$W niap now show9 On the
area 6,270 buildings exclusive of the
towns and villages.
Train Your Boy
To Love the Dentist
Getting children to go willingly to
the dentist is frequently among a
mother's most perplexing problems.
The reason for this usually Is that
children make the acquaintaneo of a
dentist only when they are in great
pain, Dr. Esther Schupack, a dentist,.
explains in Hygeia (Chicago). We
Mothers should plan to make the
child's introduction to the dentist a
painless one. This may. be done by
taking him early for examination and
cleaning of the teeth, and establish-
ing the habit of repeating the visit
every six months. Thus friendship
and confidence are cemented, which
will be valuable if painful treatment
is ever necessary.
Lying to a child is the way of fail-
ure. If one has a child's confidence,
one can soothe hint into patient and
stoical endurance of great suffering.
Another important cause of fear of
the dentist is in careless discussion of
dental.aches and pains in the presence
of children. Nine otit of ten who re-
bel fiercely at a necessary visit to'?e
dentist are itt a state of fear because
of conversation overheard in the fam-
ily circle. This can be avoided by
the exercise of discretion,
Rare Lizards of Desert
Given to Field Museum
Three rare African lizards, one of
them equipped with a broad shovel -
like snout for digging in the sand, one
with fringed toes designed to produce
the same effect as anti -skirl chains on
an automobile tire, and one with web
feet, have been presented to Field
Museum of National History by Dr.
y1'i11 J. Cameron, of Chicago. This is
the second gift of unusual species of
lizards which Dr. Cameron has made
to the museum as a result of his ac-
tivities on the recent Cameron-Kadle
Kalahari Desert expedition.
The lizards are of species represent-
ed in few if any other museums in the
world, according to Karl P. Schmidt,
the museum's herpetologist. They are
all admirably adapted for life under
the conditions they encounter in their
native habitat, which is one of the
world's driest deserts. The anti-skid
feet of one, and the web feet of the
second, give them improved traction
in moving over the loose sand, while
the shovel -snouted one has long
fringes extending from Its toes which
aid it similarly. All three are of the
typical desert sand coloration which
makes thein practically invisible ex-
cept to the most observant eyes.
Landlord Howe
Those of us who love the flavor of
colonial days and delight to sut'viving
monuments of that tune cannot be too
thankful for the preservation and con-
tinued use as an ban of the Red Horse
Tavern in Sudbury, Sudbury was .a
.groat tavern town originally, and
Longfellow, when lie spoke of Llamas
lord Howe's establishment simply as
a wayside bun was giving it a perfect-
iy correct description, For it was then
only one of many. But, through the
genius of the Poet of America this
tavern has since become "the Way-
side Inn, the most widely known and
deeply loved of all the old taverns in
New England, ..
Sudbury was one of the first towns
settled by our Puritan forbears, Rev.
Edmund Browne, who named the
place after the Suffoikshire home of
his childhood, being among the pas-
sengers who sailed on "the good ship
Confidence," April 24, 1638, and set-
ettled here in "the wilderness." The
place, however, had richt natural ad-
vantages, and these lusty young men
from Old England were soon prosper-
ous as a result of their choice of a
John Howe was among the first in
the settlement to be admitted a free-
man. In England .he bad been a
glover, but, there being slight demand
for gloves in new towns of the seven-
teenth century, he turned his atten-
tion. to ,the trade of tavern -keeper.
Very early, therefore, we find a How
keeping a tavern. Longfellow, in ac-
counting to an English friend for the
coat of arms and justice authority
with which his Landlord Howe is en-
dowed said (Dec. 23, 1863) "Some two
huadred years ago an English family
by the name of Howe built in Sudbury
a country house, which has remained
in the family down to the present
time.... Losing their fortunes, they
became innkeepers, and for a century
the Red Horse had flourished, going
down from father to son."
Adam llowe was the antiquarian of
the family and he spent a great deal
of time tracing the family line back
to the nobility of England, Apart
from this, however, he did little to
add to the lustre of the name. He
kept the inn until 1830, when he was
( succeeded by his son, Lynian, whom
Longfellow thus describes:
"Tonic" of War
7Vludle's le tliee g eat Le ion circa
lating libraryTal
It has stood for years under tlie.
shadow of the British Museum.
It circulates at present 2,000 copies
of "All Quiet on the Western Front." •
But its manager tells a representative
of the Manchester Guardian that he
was "prepared to believe that the
enormous demand for boobs about the
war would soon be on the wane, but
he had been advised that it was like-
ly to continue for seine Mme, and he
suggested that people were finding in
these harsh, vivid revelations some-
thing like a tonic."
Not a tonic so much as an intoxi-
cant Is what "Ian Hay" (Major ;Reith),
the playwright and novelist, considers
the war books. Also a slander en the
soldier. In speaking in Coventry
Cathedral recently on. the subject of
"Peace and War," as the London Daily
Express reports hila, he "vigorously
denounced the impression created in
recent novels of the life of the British
soldier during the war;' Thus:
"There was, he said, quite rightly
expressed, a hatred of war and a de-
termination to prevent another war,
but certain other things were being
done that were not so unassailable..
"The natural reprobation of war it
self was being allowed to obscure our
judgment to such an extent that we
were inclined to transfer the horror
and reprobation of war itself to the
:nen who had fought. This was no
new thing.
"The soldier suffered more ups and
downs in popular esteem than any
other man, and he could not help feels
ing that the soldier was being belit
tled even more vigorously than usual.
He was being insulted.
"'We are,' said Major Beith,'being
submerged by a flood of so-called war
books which depict the men who
fought for us in the late war for the
most part as brutes and beasts, living
like pigs, and dying like dogs. Some
of these books are conceived in dirt,
and published for the profit dirt will
bring. Nobody seems able to write
on this subject without yielding to
this tendency, and even it it is not the
intention, it is so interpreted.
"'For instance, the brilliant play
"Journey's End," which deals quite
fairly with a certain rare, exceptional'
case of war -strain, has been claimed,
quite against the author's intention,
by some people to be a regular repre-
sentative picture of a British soldier
keeping his courage up by drink:
"Major Beith said that he had found
this hacl a most unfortunate effect,'
particularly in America, from which:
country he had recently returned,'
There were scores of men present
who, he believed, would agree with
of him that these war books were enor-
mously exaggerated, and the stories
about the habits and life of the aver=
age soldier on active service were
mainly untrue and unjust.
"These would-be realists had over-
looked what were the things that kept`
our soldiers going during the years of
mud and blood. There was the feel -1
ing that they were all in the same•
boat, whatever their rank or job, and
that was always a very comforting
and uniting reflecidon when they were
in danger of their lives."
This Metis, Que., Iudian girl carries her pet beaver with her every-
where she goes.
" Mistab Brown, what fah you call
dat son of youh's Izaale Walton, when
he was baptized George Washington?"
"Because, sal, dat rascal's reputa-
tashun foh verac'iy made date change
Simpson described his route across
the eastern half of the tract as being
from one deeply curved woods to an-
other, "as if traversing successive
bays of the sea to which these great
plains that reach to the Rocky Moun-
tains .may well be likened." In spite
of the fact that the district is well
settled some of this forest cover still
remains and the woods, tinted in
green on the map, appear much as
they dict 94 years ago. Christmas day,
1836, he travelled 31 miles, passing
over or near what •are now the vil-
lages of St. Gregor, Muenster and Car-
mel, and ilie town of Humboldt.
Northeast of Iluurboldt, from the.
summit of Mount Carmel, he and his
guides obtained a view ot the bound-
less prospect of the plains to the
south with belts of woods to the north,
When he saw a "seemingly endless
tract of open uticlerwood varied by
gentle swelling eminences, thickets
and hillocks, interchangeably with
still further more open country varied
by coteaus or bare ridges and here
and, there in the hollows large ponds."
,This might be a terse description of
the terrain as it now loops except:
that, where not a building or Win-
stead stood at that time, and few even
,sixty ycare -afterwards, nowadays the
The Coal Stoppage in
Sydney Bulletin: Australia is entit-
led to know what the parties to this
coal dispute are cYoing to end it. Even.
if it is granted that the people are not
entitled to tell them how they shall
end it, proof at least should be re-
quired that steps of some sort are be-
ing taken. The time has passed, if it
ever arrived., when it was open 10 the
controllers of great natural sources of
wealth to close" them down indefinite-
ly. No country heavily in debt to for-
eign creditors could admit such a
right. In our own case we have
pledget. ourselves to pay something
like thirty millions a year to foreign
creditors in interest, and payment ran
be made only by using our r,,yonrd,:
to the utmost. The controllers of the
One's everyday life is a surer re-
veale ot character than one's public
acts. There are men who are magni-
ficent when they appear on great oc-
casions—wino, eloquent, masterly—
but who aro almost utterly unesdur-
able in their Jretfuiness, unreasanable-
nessif irascibility and all manner of
selfish disagreeableness in the prixacy
of their own .tomes, to those to whom
they ought to show Illi of love's gen-
tleness olid sweetness. There are wo-
men, too, who shine with wondrous
brilliancy in society, sparkling in con-
vergation, winning in manner, sthe
centre ever of admiring'groups, resist-
less in their charms, but who, in their
everyday life, in the presence of only
their own households, are the dullest
and wearisantest of mortals,- No
doubt, in these cases the 'cornmOn,
every -day, unflattering as it is; is'a
triter expression of the -inner lite than
t11e .tour or two of greatness or gra,
ciotsrtess in the blaze -of :publicity.—:
DV.. J. 11. Miller.
"Ilnlnan passions are not numerous:
love, jealousy, ambition" -- Andre
dere is art interesting catuera study o
f a entail Wye clown east where the men go down to
his biograltliers.'"—,L�'mil Ludwig
"A man's fame i1i s in the ham of It is ingonislt Ferry, Cape BI'reton, oya .Scotia;
coal mines in common with
are 'under an obligation to the nation
to use every means in their power to
produce their proper share of this in-
terest. They may fail to do it. They
may even be justified In that failure.
But at least there is an obligation up-
on tient to endeavor to do it.
Proud was lie of his name and race,
Of old Sir William and Sir Hugh,
And in the parlor, full in view,
His coat -of -arms, well -framed. and
7rpon the wall in colors blazed;
He beareth gales upon bis shield,
An chevron argent in the field,
With three wolf's heads, and for the
A Wyvern part -per -pale addressed
Upon a helmet barred; below
The scroll reads, "By the name
Chromite Mines in Canada
The principle chromite deposits in
Canada are situated in the Coleraine
district, Quebec, auci are regarded as
capable at producing large quantities
of ore. Several interesting occur-
rences of good chromite ore at Obonga
Lake, in the Thunder Bay district at
Ontario, have recently been reported.
"There is r':tsic everywhere in Ber-
lin and Vienna, but no money."—Os- ness on both sides to see the other
car ;trans. point of view.
It is with this Landlord Howe that
the 'Tales" are bound up.—From "Lit-
tle Pilgrimages Among Old New Eng-
land tuns," by ;Mary Caroline Craw-
Indians in S. Africa
Madras Mail: The majority of the
issues in dispute must ultimately de-
pend for their settlement upon the
good sense of the two communities
concerned, on the development of that
mutual understanding which will re-
move the fears entertained by both.
As we have pointed out before, the
difficulties are, at bottom, due to
economic causes, and have political
importance only to the extent to which
their bearing on these economic fac-
tors influence the policy of parties.
When "bread and butter" issues are
involved. the speeches of omen are apt
to be extreme. This has been notori-
ously true of tate speakers for and
against Indian claims in South Africa.
Of late, however, a spirit of sweet
reasonableness seems to have been
imported into the discussions, with
the result that there is a greater readi-
Romance Still Clings to the Maritime Fishing Villages
mss... t*-� s_,^r.=,;�v�a,n�a.-�„cros:�mn:�.-�aasuar.•
ten.:».. ,.y.-"'�—
the ;sea in
"I understand your friend Baugs
centiy led a charming widow to the
matrimonial altar."
"I don't know about that. I'm in-
clined to think she pushed him there.".
Not all ascents are followed by clo-
seouts. • Some mountains have only
one side. "The road continued up,
up," tai itOS 11 traveilcr in Persia, "the
gorge became narrower until we could'
cross it. by a short bridge, and then
wound from ridge to ridge across the
top of the mountain. The view was
grand. As far as the eye could see
were tlit' crests of the mountains; be-
tween, the beginning of volley, and
river courses. 'there were so few
trees that the whole configuration was
spreedl out before his. Finally the
horses began to go a little easier, and
we knew we were over the top, but
there was no going down on the other
We of the mountain, • Before us
stretched out a wide, almost level
plain, sloping away very gently from
the crest we had crossed. In GO miles
we had ascended 4,500 feet, but in the'
next 170 miles did not descend 700'
feet. It gives one a queer sensation
after spending so tineli time climbing
a mountain not to go down the other
sidle." This ' is life. The heights
which We scale we keep. Life is not
meant to be tip and down, It is meant
to be up and up; and beyond the steep
ascent lie the tablelands of God.
"Washington Vas one of the most
ships. experienced and skillful Bars tltael
Iever lived," --Rupert Hughes.