HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1930-04-10, Page 1Vol. XXX Ne.,42. ZURICH 0 THURSDAY MORNINti4 APRIL 101930, Let t e lleriId renew all otric:..:Daily papers. ail d 000.2-0 00404...tt.000,44.0o4,.4.....**4 *00 • 4 4",o 4 4 • 0.04,004006064, • 1 • Practic • • 4. • For Quick Sale FRED THIEL - ZUR1OH • • PHONE 102. l'6646.64.46604rel.404,04•41~4Y0400 1 0.4.c.>000 0 1, 4. annin, If New with Bench to Match A BARGAIN! 0 4) 0 • • 4, • • • 0 • • 6 • 0 0 • 44. 0 • 4) 4 o 3 Shoes • • MAKE YOU STEF OUT A.MBIT1OUS; READY TO GO. EVERY • 0 GOOD STYLE FOR SPRING IS HERE: BLACKS, NEW TANS, • . 0 . * SPORTS.. A GREAT COLLECTION OF NEW ARRIVALS • ASIDE FR.01V1 TUE GENUINE PLEASURE OF INSPECTING - * O . , a THESE NEW GOODS FIRST, IS THE ADVANTAGE OF EARLY e - • SELECTION.. • • Step in Tomorrow . • AND YOU'LL CHOSE FROM THE FINES'S. VARIETY OF EX- * o cLUSIVE SHOE MODELS FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN. • • 0 REPAIRING NEATLY DONE • • •• 4+404.4466440646-644.4004040404": • * Celebrates 91St Birthday • Mr. John Spath of Cleveland, OhiCi 0. is ti. present spending some time with • Mr. Jacob Meyer who has the dis- his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Airs. P. o • Unction of being the . ildest resident Kbeliler. • • of New Hamburg at the present time f . The "carpet beater" had to be laid away 'again .thisweekfor another Spell, as the storrn changki many of our plena, The new auto service .station in. Zurichis making as rapid progress as they can, a gas filler is now erect- ed to serve the public. A carload of ga:i has arrived at Hensall Station and has been unloaded in the large storage tonic recently put in by the proprietors, Messre. H. Rose, and.M.. DcitZ. They are anticipating Of do- ing a general wholesale business a- long this line, by buying their gaso- line in carload lots, and then with their new truck distribute the sanie:, Game Warden on the Spot Roy E. Ratz, of the Huron -Middle- sex boundary in the Township. of Stephen, one day recentlywent out to shoot wild ducks and failed to notice that the Middlesex game war- den, Donald J. McRury,. was in the hmnedinte vicinity. Ratz .did not get any ducks,but McRury got him, and ha4 ]dm before Magistrate Reid the oth:r day on two charges, one of at-, tempting to shoot wild ducks in the' closed season and the other of hav- ing a gun in his possession without a license. A fine of $5 and costs was impoS5d in each case 'of.the two Char- ges. • • "4t. +,2;V•g&,r;Z.4-.-1:42',44.1-t7.94ErS2'4,ts4t; Mr. Alvin Gascho of Kitchener, visited at his home here a few days lastweele Mr, Ed. Bossenherry is at present spending a few weeks with relatives andfriends at Kitchener. Mrs. C. Fisher, and son Raymond Were Wetk-end visitors with friends at Kitchener. Mr. Jacob Brown spent tne week- end with his brother, Rev. George Brown at Mildmay. .A goodly number from the village attended High Court at Goderich on Wednesday. - Mr. Harold Walker of the Bank ..:4'1Viontreal staff vis:ted over Sunday nt his home at Walkerton, Mrs- Gaseho and daughter Beat- rice won. week -end 'visitors with Mr. Dan Gaseho at New Hamburg. •..Mr. and Aire. Lee O'Brein, Mrs. W. H. Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Hoffman, were Sunday visitors with 1 relatives at Stratford. aemeseosmomeessessoeee•eatectoefte t • e cm Ste t This Spring •I hi Brown's Shoes • • • • For Spring Days and Brown's r; • • .4B 3 a 8 • • • • 0 rown's Boot Shop 0 - SEE OUR 0 * • WINDOW DISPLAY o e o ABOo941****OPOOOO*oesosoott000soom000000sooseesees0....00 .......r.-4.4.4:4, *04 41,13,V.e. tP4R 0.fka. 444 4,0 4400444666+64,tv0066-06444040. , 1 al t i Apni 20th is E ster- , i Order your Easter Suit now and get . a Carefully Tailored Cannot (4, , • Don,t wait for the Rush Delivery any time between now anv3L Easter. MEN'S MID HOFFMANS BLOCK 411, 177. BOYS' FURNIsIIINIGS celebrated his 91st birthday on April •We are pleased to report that Dr. lst: The aged gentleman is still en-, JOs. Routledge, who has been ill for joying good health. Mr. lyIeyer is al seine weeks with an attack of flu, is native of Alsace-Lorraine and came improving nicely. a mod Jatana Chester L. Smith, PoIaTletor* $1,25 a year, U.S. $1.50 in Act•WSVC $1.60 114 ar.A.1.0.3, $2 ziAY E4312A524Sk.r• to v this country in the pioneer days. English and Mr_ Harry How - He farmed in Huron County,. alt4ItioM Hensall and Mrs. '011ock of Township, for al' any years and for the past seventeen years made his Ripley called on relatives and _friends e home with his son-in-law, Mr. Menne in thvillage on Thursday last. Gastho of New Hamhurg. His many friends wish him continued health Dr. H. H. -Cowen, who has recently undergone. an operation for append - and contentment in his old age. Mr iitis, we are pleased to state,has im- D. Gingerich of Zurich is a daughter proved. in strength sufficient to again of Mr. Meyer. • take full charge of his two offices at 'Zurich and,Dashwood, and attend to regular office hours. • FOR SALE I am offering the .following article:, for sale privately real bargains for quick sale: Kitchen Cabinet; Tap- estry :Pouch; Good -cheer Range; Quebec heater, 3 burner coal oil Stove with shelf, 2 Wilton Rugs, 3 Linoleum Rugs;- Electric light fix- tures, Etc. T. L. Wurni, Zurich The choir of Emanuel Evangelical church Zurich will be in charge of the evening service on Sunday, April 13, and will present a musicale consisting of solos, duets, ladies and men's chor- us numbers, and choir selections. This promises to be a real. treat. A fren will offering will be received .at the doer. Mrs. Clara Decker of the Goshen Line, south, has purchased from Mr. dwelling property in Zurich Sol. Schroeder of Hay Township, his COAL 103 in the western part of town, just located west of Wreath's bake shop. Mrs. Decker has taken immediate possess., .001LD DAYS ion and has already moved her effects therein. We welcome Mrs. Decker and family as residents of Zurich. YES, THE COLD DAYS ARE HERE AGAIN! ARE YOU PREPARED' WE ARE Prepared with a large Supply of HIGH GRADE FUELS Genuine Scranton Anthracite, Sol, way Coke, Miller's Creek Soft, • Pocahontas, Cannel), Galt Alberta; 11‘ and. Small Pea Coal for Banking DISCOUNT of 50c per ton allowed for CASH PAYMENT ONLY 4) ••• a I., offman Son: 4 k *It 4 MEJ$Matt •V11: muraczoks : latt.......00f00000s0000m000000#44444.40•04,0,0444**04.40.44' "wile " Carateln, HENSALL. ONT, Office Phone 10w House Phone 103 Alassey-Flarris ANNOUNCI,,NG • THAT I HAVE. BEEN. .APPOINT- ED AGENT AND LOCAL DISTRIB- UTOR FOR THE FAMOUS OLD AND ItELIABE MASSEY-HARRIS LINE OF FARM IMPLEMENTS, AND SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE Repairs and Repair Work a Specialty At E. SIEIVION — Zurich, Ont. Sarah Ann Miller Passes Saran Ann (Ellenbaum) Miller born Oct. 2.11.11, .1842 in Wilmot Tp., in Waterloo county, departed this life at the home of her son-in-law and daugater, atir. and Mrs. Josiah Sar- ara, oi Friday, Aprn 4tii, aged 8‘i years, b months aim 8 days: Later in hie she came with her parents to 1 -lay rownship, and in 186U was un- ited, in marriage to Conrad Miller, and on the 14th con., bay they liveu in happy wedlock for 81. years. zona and 3 daughters -were given them three sons and two daughters prede- ceased mother, and Fattier Miller pas- sed this hie 83 years ago. Following tather's.departure the family con- tinued living on the homestead on the 14t11 Con., :tor five years, alter which mother stayed with ner daughter Airs. ..)araras :tor three years, When she moved to .Zurieh wnere she has been ...or the last 24 years. learly in life she, gave her heart to her redeernm in the Evangelical faith and to which she kept till the end. Those surviv- ing her are: a sister, Mrs. Samuel Geiger, Pigeon, Mich.; live sons, Ezra 1,1aper dile, 111; .Uaniel C. of Los Angeles, Calif; Jonn E. of Swift utarent, Sask; Edward a Zurich; 6onrad A. of Boyceville, Wis., one daugnter, (Adeline) Mrs. Josiah Sar - „vas of the 131ne Water Highway, 13 grandchildren and many other fri- ends and relatives, who have the sym- patay and remembrance Of a kind' And loving Mother. 'Die funeral was ,id to tne Brouson _am on CLes- 1 sy .afternoon, Roy. IN. Y. 'Dreier, aer pastor, oniciatipg. 1 $5.00 Ready to Wear Spectacles DARK OR LIGHT SHELL FRAME WITH LENSES, COMPLETE IN CASE Why strain your Eyes Sewing or Reading when you can obtah-r Pair of Guaranteed Spectacles at this price. Let us fill your next Optical Prescrpition. We have the latest he. Frames, and can do it for Less Money. HESS THE JEWELLER. • i:, 0 FRITZ 84 SON -4-. New and Used Car Brokers 3: ▪ Phone 82 - - Zurich t :f. 1929 FORD COACH WITH TRUNK RACK AND FENDER WELD. 1... 1927 Chevrolet Coach :1927 Ford Coach 1: 1925 Ford Coupe, Baloons. 1920 Ford Fourdoor Sedan 1928 Chevrolet Coach 1926 Ford Coach + .. + 1928 Pontiac Sedan. 1927 Ford Coupe * 1923 Ford Sedan 1925 Ford Coach + + 1930 Brand New Ford A. Coach 1927 Essex Ceac'is 1930 CHEVROLET COACH, NEW + + 4. 4 4) 4) + + 4 WHY YOU SHOULD SEE AND RIDE IN ANY OF THE ABOVE CARS BEFORE PURCHASING A USED OR NEW CAR OP ANY MAKE:. 1. Each Car listed is purchased direct from private owner., 2. The above used cars were not dealt in on new cacs,. But weTe disposed of on account of financial difficulties by owners.. 3. The upholstering, fenders, finish, are original and compare Env- ourably with new cars. 4. The : majority of these Cars are fully equipped -with bp-.e Speedometers and the latest .Acr.essories. 5. The best assortment of High Class Used Cars to Choose frt.tok in Huron County. 6. LONG EASY TERMS PHONE AND WE WILL BE GLAD TO DEMONSTRATE ANY OP THE .ABOVE CARS. ++++++++++++++++++++++4•+++++++++++++++++++4++* • . • q.* N W onrosal.sta*.euemsorm.e.acruna.......,.......m.•=s;;;;rt,'—v4.7;45C ft,/ Di Don't miss seeing and getting ou prices on our New Spring a Summer Dry Goods of all kinds ALSO SHOES, HARNESS REPA, R.S, HARDWARE, p.eum-rs, OILS, AND OTHER STAPLE LINFS„ TOO NUMEROUS 70 , MEIsMOINL 1930 GARDEN AND ROOT SEEDS JUST. OPENED 'GET GET YOUR SUPPLY NOW., R. N. DOUGLAS GENERAL MERCHANT PHONE 11 -97'