HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1930-04-03, Page 7WAS WEAK AND PALE1 Owl L.as ---- Smith ---"i have less dread of In - Health Restored Through the ovum, than of its consequences,., Use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Mrs, Leo, Bedard, Quebec City, tells bow her health and strength were ro• otorect through the use of that great blood -building tonlo, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Mrs, Bedard says: "Some three years ago, after the birth of my little boy, I was left very weak and pale. I did not seen to have anY strength, and at times I was so dizzy I would nearly fall down. A friend advised me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and I did so. In a few weeks I was surprised to notice the difference In my condition -4 -est like a new wo- man. I continued taking the pi11s un- til T had used ten boxes, by which time I had completely regained my former health and strength. I feel that I cannot praise too highly Dr:. Williams' Pink Pills for what they have done for me." To the woman in the home—the woman closely confined through household duties—Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are a positive blessing. So if you are suffering from any condition due to poor, watery blood, 'or weak nerves, begin taking • Dr. Williams' Pink Pills now, and Note how quickly your health will improve and your strength return. The pills are sold by all medicine dealers, or will be sent by mail at 5 cents a box by The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. Cooper- "Yes, i haven't my last' doctor's hill, either." My rose," he whispered tenderly as he pressed her velvet cheek to his own. "My cactus," she ed his face. said, as she touc'a Mike—" Why are ye eye, Hinndssy?" Pat—"Sure, it's mourning for neap that gave It to me." wearin' a black the Starting married life is compara- tively cheap, Stopping it is what costs big money. TO -DAY "Every day is a little life," was an old thinker's wise epigram. If each day gets the better of us, how are we going to conquer in life as a whole? . Only as we make each day a vistori- ous battle ground where selfishness and shirking and disobedience and dis- content are overcome, can we make life a victory in the end. Lavater, the oid philosopher, laid down the rule • that "each day should be distinguish- ed by at least one particular act of loves" It is a rule which makes life happier for the doer, and for every- body else. INDOLENCE The cause of all evils of the world may be traced to that natural, but most deadly error of human indolence and corruption—that our business is to -preserve ar. ' not to improve. It is the ruin of us all alike, individuals, schools, and nations.—Dr. Arnold. "The recognition of a danger is the first step towards escape from it"— Erich Maria Remarque. - Kitty—"Jack says he can read me like a book." Phyllis—"You mustn't take Jack too literally, dear, He probably means that you are a very plain type." A kiss, a sigh, a fond good-bye, And she is gone. A smile, a cur, another girl; The world moves on. There is big money in Wall Street for anyone who knows how to play the market, and Beethoven's sonatas are on any piano if you just happen to' hit the right notes. Wife—"One tiling a woman expects when she marries is sympathy." Husband—"Weil, haven't you got it since you married me?" "Yes—from the whole town." ANY SEASON Is Vacation Time In Atlantic City ANY VACATION Is An Assured Success If You Stay at the ST. CHARLES Silth the Finest Location and the Longest. Porch on the Boa.dwalit Offering the ultimate in Service with Unexcelled Cuisine 1 Patrick Hogan arrive home in a pitiful condition. His face was bid- den in bandages, his clothes were torn and dusty, and his breath was not innocent of the smell of spirits. "Me darlint," said Patrick, "Oi've had me nose br-roken in three places." "Well," said Mrs. Hogan, "that'll larn ye to keep out of thin places." The teacher was talking about the dolphin and its habits. 'And children," she said, impres- sively, "just think! A single dolphin will have two thousand dolphins!" "Goodness!" exclaimed the__little girl at the foot of the class; "and how many do the married ones have?" He—"Kisses are the language of love." She—"Well, why don't you say something?" West Grows Airiminded v ` • Y•f.�ih" �.Iy/XJ{^Ya� .✓yf.+ 8..:,F.n,- .tri °n: •.:-• ...,.: . 187 • About Time Canada Writes Own Histories to Replace Those from United States Of all nations Canada, it is asserted, is the least nationalistic. No other country subordinates the teaching of its own history in its own schools to the history of another country. No other country authorizes for me in public schools historical texts pre- pared in a neighboring nation. The resulting general igboralice of domin- ion history surprises no one except visitors from other countires. Ivor years there has been a wide- spread belief that Canadian history is duller than other history. British his- tory gets first place in the Ontario schools and did until recently through the West. After first year in high school Canadian history becomes an optional subject, but every Canadian must matriculate in British history to enter a university. It was only a year or so ago that some one made the discovery that supplemental historical texts author- ized in the maritimes and British Co- lumbia were United States texts and preached in Canadian schools ardent American nationalism. The discovery turned attention to the teaching of Canadian history, with the result that new texts are now be- ing perpared and a more voluminous, and perhaps a more interesting one, will replace the sketchy books now in use in the country. But still Canadian history retains its secondary position in the curri- culum of Ontario public schools.— New York Herald Tribune. Minard's Will. Kill Corns. Western air mail service between Winnipeg and Calgary—over 800 miles in distance—has been inaugurated recently and the Canadian Pacific Express Company has renewed its contract made in 1928 to carry express packages in addition to the regular mail. This allows of a saving of more than 24 hours between the two cities. The package which pilot W. J. Buchanan is shown delivering to a Canadian Pacific Expressman, was mailed eight hours previously at Calgary and had therefore travelled at the rate of more than 100 miles an hour to reach Winnipeg, its destination. A S1HPLE TREA1'HENT FOR CHILDREN'S COLDS Cold in the head is very common at this time of year, especially in the very young. Neglect of a cold is prone to lead to serious consequences. To relieve all congestion of the system is the first step in treating a cold, whether in infants or adults. For the very young, Baby's Own Tablets are the ideal means of doing this. Con- taining no narcotics or other harmful drugs they soothe the child's fretful- ness, relieve its suffering and ensure convalescence. Baby's Own Tablets are without an equal for relieving indigestion, con- stipation -and colic. • They check diarr- hoea , break up colds and simple Two goalkeepers were arguing as to which had dealt with the hardest shots. "Why," said one. "I remember once when Buster of the Rangers shot from a penalty and the puck hit me—" "Yes, and what happened?" "I had to pay a quarter to get back into the rink." The after-dinner speaker. had talked for fifteen minutes. "After partaking of such an excel- lent meal," he continued, "I feel that if I hack eaten any more I would be unable to talk." From the far end of the table came an order to the waiter: "Bring him a sandwich." 75 % of TOTAL FARES to CANADA ADVANCED I3 RITISHERS in Canada may now bring forward their Families, Relatives and Friends on Easy Terms. For full details apply:— J. D. CAMERON, Dist. Supt. Colonization Canadian Pacific Railway, Toronto BRITISH RE -UNION ASSOCIATION NO M-bRE CZEMA itching Ends in 1 Minute "Had eczema for months. Single application of 'Sootha-Salva' ended itch and burn in 1 minute. 1 box ended disease for good." Jane Paula. "Sootha-Salva" ends Eczema quickesttime ever known. Itching stops instantly. All druggists. • fevers; promote health -giving sleep and make the dreaded teething period easy. •The Tablets are the one medi- cine that a mother can give her little ones with perfect safety as they are guaranteed to be fres from injurious drugs. They are sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Schoolboy (to his mother)—"First teacher told me not to talk so loud and then he kept me in for whisper- ing." "Many a good fellow has been brought up :.t a public school. And many another at a pollee court. • Earth tremors slightly shocked Los Angeles, about the only thing remain- ing that can. Maid—"There's a man singin' out- side the door, ma'am. He wants to know if you'd assist him." • Mistress—"Tell him I don't sing." Do You Get Up Tired, Cross? Look out. It may be kidneys. Try Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Remedy •Tea," says the kindly doctor, "you need a stimulant diuretic." And for more than 50 years the best known remedy iu this olaas ]las been Warner's Safe Kid- ney and Liver Remedy, originally a physician's prescription, macre of Na- turo's herbs. Safe, of course. 'Ent better than that, it helps to preserve your moat precious assets, your health, Gently it stirnulates, kidneys and liver to do their work of cleaning out body poisons. With your blood -stream cleaneod, and all oritans dreary desert, our sanctuary. functioning' as they should, you awake frons a Sound night's sleep refreshed, invigorated, strong'. Life takes on a ;Soy. Tour eye. clears. Tour 'akin We read that a New Zealander, who new y played the piano for one hundred and gains a healthy solar. lou waren with twelve hour's without stopping, is nem- assurance, Von AisplaY en air of author- it 1 success This country 's' al Export of A c hot Chicago Tribune: Canada is talking very seriously about shutting down ou the exportation of "likker" to the United States. It would be a good thing for Canada, for then everybody that likes champagne or beer would have to go up to Canada to get it and spend a lot of money on railroads, hotel bills, and post cards, besides what they pay fol their drinks... - About the only way to scare Canada into having a heart is to talk about annexing it, The one big bugaboo that stalks around Canada day and night and all the year arpund is an- nexation by the United States. Start a lot of talk about annexing Canada if she shuts down on letting us have "likker" and the Canadians will rush down to the boundary line with a quart bottle in one hand and a tin dipper in the other and pour us out all we want, Not that we want to an- nex Canada—far from such. Where lumps of sugar in their eeffee, Do could we drive our autos when we tors are elated for there are many wanted to be fres from snoopers and who contend that France's increasing roaring reformers and bandits and hijackers death rate among women and small and enforcement officers with their chilclrer_ and decreasing birth rate ' `-~ 's if Canada was under were directly traceable to improper Kindly Kings - Classified Advertising 4. Fon SAL 14A13Y GXlAc%d ZrWl9 Elti'dCS14f) 215.000 last Year in four vane- ties Write for free catalogue. A•• 1i, Ssvltzei. Granton, Ont. ADU5h WANT151, 'FO DO Pr A!Z' and light sewing at home. .111-4 or spare adl any, distance. .larges n. Sendstan) for particulars. National Manufacturing Company, Montreal. FREE "How to get into the as Cdian 11 civil: Service"as Postman, lerk, ,Stsnonrapher, Customs lo'xaniihe1',e. Cus- toms and Immigration Guard, manent positions with, ,rensicn, Prepare free on request. camWrite M.C.C. Civil Se t - vice School Inert. A•)• 'Toronto 10. Ont. King of Belgians Get Pardon For Italian Engineer's Father Verona, Italy—Carlo Sasselli, sev- enty-six years old, now restored to his family here after serving thirty- four ears in prison for murder, has King Albert of the Belgians to thank as well as his own King, Victor Em- manuel of Italy, for the royal pardon that set him free. One of Sasselli's sons is an expert locomotive engineer on the State Railways, with Milan as his headquarters. When the royal train bearing the then Princess Marie - Jose of the Belgians, her parents and brothers came through Milan in Jan - nary the engines were changed, and the younger Sasselli had the honor of taking the regal convoy on to Rome for the wedding. Now Albert, King of the Belgians, is something of a mechanic himself, and can run a locomotice with the best of them, as he proved on his tour of the United States some ten yars ago. He climbed into the cab, took the throttle for a time, and then talked to Sasselli. "You're a good engineer," said the Belgian monarch, at the end of their conversation. "If there is 'anything I could do for you, I should be glad to." Then the engineer told him the sad story of his family; how his father bad tried time after time to have his trial reviewed, but without success, and how after all those years of con- finement, most of it in "solitary," he wanted to see his aged wife, his two sons and two daughters and grand- children before he died. "I think," said King Albert, -"that I might say a word to my 'cousin' of Italy." True to his word, he diel, and the elder Sasselli is finally at liberty. • TIME "Did Mrs. Swift take her husband's failure in the right spirit " "Oh, yes. Just as soon as she knew he was going to fail she went out and bought her entire spring outfit." The London Conference has at least succeeded in reducing writes Mr. M. McArthur. Thousands say con t,pa- tlon, liver trouble, indi- gestion, gas end overnight with"Fruit-a-tives: Nerves quiet. Get Yruit-a-tives" from druggist today. Rheumatism MTH ofie ,'INDi0E6110N CO il5T i PAXION ,NE.R•uoUsNESS `H£A P,Ac E,C Massaging the aching parts with Minard's brings comforting relief. Try it. HAPPY FAILURES Failures are frequently a source of blessing. If Peter and the others had had a reasonably good catch, the larg- er draught would not have impressed them so much, or led to their follow- ing Christ. It is well for us to fail when we have been depending on our own strength and knowledge, for then we may be thrown upon God and re- ceive the greater blessing. The fail- ure was not from lank of industry or from fault, but proved to be prepara- tion for a wonderful lesson, which benefited not only those who were. witnesses, but all who have since read the narrative. Do not be discourag- ed at failure. Resist despondency, and rest upon the promise that all things work together for the good of those that love Gocl. 'We have single purpose machinery and we want general purpose men."— Henry Ford. Models Striving For Natural Waists Doctors Prescribes Heavy Food to Meet Current Vogue Paris.—Doctors and cooks, called into consultation by the leading dress- makers in an effort to fatten the mannikins of the Rue de la Paix to meet the requirements of the new styles, have prescribed liberal dose's of potatoes and macaroni, dumplings and pastry. The new modes upset the lite of most women. For several years they have gone hungry and wrestled medi- cine balls to grow thin and reveal the svelte line of the prevailing fas- hion. Now almos. overnight, they have to be fatter, for the newer styles with normal waistlines look much bet- ter on a woman with good poundage. Where they formerly lunched on a bit of salad, sprinkled with lemon, and munched mints during the day, they now sit down to a four Course meal at noon and drop three or four We err in speaking of Time as "passing." Time is stationary; it is • Eternity, which is never still. Time is but the fixed standpoint from which we mortals see the swift stream of Eternity sweep past. Awful thought. • Suppose the mil- lennium, when at last it comes, is held tip until ratified by the U.S.5 Senate. Fifty million powder -puffs were sold in this country last year. Some lucky manufacturers ars making hay while the nose shit es.—Punch. the same laws that have been smear- d,et. ed over the U.S.A,? No, Canada is One smart dressmaker gave as her our land of refuge, our oasis in a opinion that a healthy woman of five ix inches, who should have feet s I weighed 110 pounds last year to 118b ultra-fashionable, ntttst now weigh to 120 hounds, y, and DverY druggist knows i,imaaant tasting ing to England, is conn r i - . ways very goon to refugees,, "A second best Navy is like a sec- Warnes s safe Kidney gad Liver stent and best poker hand." ---Admiral Hugh edy; It costs little:, but it is worth alma "Death, pain and poverty are to me very real evils, except when I tun in an armchair reading a book of philo- sophy:"—Robert Lyncl. told. amounts to anyone who needs t Rodman 'help it gives. Sul your bettlles'UAW, "Goilscielice le the unsafest guide *back [bet Oe. to health. Warner M Safe em- clies co Toronto, Ontario, any theologian over talked,—Clarence t -viT,A uta' Bays sAFli KIDNEY AM/ Darrow. LIVER REMEDY. Minard's Kills Dandraff, o(,aurNC p i LLIPSJ ��4�p� ®MHGN S:d- For Tr,cublesd due to Acl INDIGESTION ACID STOMACH HiARTSURN ~ES• AS OASES • NAUSEA YOUR HAIR NEEDS LU TO GIVE IT HEALTH AND LUSTRE ASK YOUR BARBER ChildrenC for --FCe�aaanas CA TOR IA A BABY REMEDY APPROVED BY DOCTOR$ FOR CPUC CONSTIMTION.0IARRHEA • •`.4 —Mack Lattotia writes about Iron- ixed Yeast. Thousands say adds 5 to 15 lbs. in 3 weeks. Complexion clears like magic. Nerves, constipa- tion vanish overnight. Get Ironlzed Yeast tablets from druggist today. s • gr. 3ORETINROA BUCKLEY'S, 755 40 00514 &IsliIreiv .too se 005E3 "A Miracle r " Cripple now walks well thanks to Ttrusehen " For over eight months I was laid up with rheumatism, unable to move, when I was advised to try Bruschen Salts; Itis almost a miracle, but without a word of a lie I "was able to be taken to the front door an less than a week 1 tilt• a few days I was out with the help of crutches.; and in a short time I was walking well. This is not a one-week testimonial, but four years. "I have taken it ever since, and I never feel a pinch ofrheumatism.1tow. I tell everybody about it, and advise them to take it. I will close my letter hoping you will publish it for othersee Williams: Originallatter onalo for inspection. Rrusclten Salts is obtainable at drug and department stores in Canada at 75c. a bottle. or 5 A thooilnolast for ce contains health half-a-ct 4 day FREE TRIAL OFFER I1 you have never tried Erueehen—try it now at our expense. We have distributed a great many special " GIANT" packages which make It easy for you to prove our claim for yourself. Ask your druggist for the new "GIANT " 75c. package. This consists of our regular 75c. bottle together one week. Oppetrial ebtrial bottle first, pcient ut itabout the test, and then, if not entirely convinced that Kruschon does everything we claim It to do the regular bottle is still as good as new. Take it back. Your druggist is authorised to return your 75o. immediately and without question. Wu tiacouldpd be? free, ur pnbe.y E. Griffiths .ffi' iw stab1786.Importers:McGillivray Bro. Ltd., Toronto. DO YOU SUFFER FROM CONSTIPATION? Countless remedies are advertised for constipation. Many relieve for the moment but they are habit form- ing and must be continued. Others contain calomel and dangerous min- eral drugs, which remain in the sys- tem, settle in the joints and cause aches and pains. Soine are harsh purgatives which cramp andripe and leave a depressed after effect. Avoid lubricating oils which only. grease the intestines and encourage nature's machinery to become lazy. A purely vegetable laxative such. as Carter's Little Liver Pills, gently touches the liver, bile starts to flow, the bowels trove gently, the intestines are thoroughly cleansed and constipa- tion poisons pass away. The stomach, liver and bowels are now active and the system enjoys a real tonic effect. All druggists 25c and 75c red pkgs. �U:•r�-1, OSESPINKHAM MEWCII4ES Reduce the Aci Sick stomachs, sour stomachs and indigestion usually mean excess acid. The stomach nerves are over•stimit- lated. Too much acid makes the stom- ach and intestines sour. Alkali kills acid instantly. The best form is Phillips' DIilk of Magnesia; be- cause one harmless, tasteless dose neutralizes many times its volume in acid. Since its invention, 50 years ago, it has remained the standard with pliy_sioians ovenl Where, Take a spoonful in water and your unhappy condition will probably end in five minutes. Then you will always I know what to do. Crude and harmful methods will never appeal to you. Go prove this for your own sake. Itniay sage a great many disagreeable hours.) lie sure 10 get the genuine Phillips' Me Magnesia prescribe by physi- cians for 50 years in correcting excess acids. Bach bottle contains full' direc- tions—any drugstore. Praises Vegetable Compound, Blood Medicine and Liver Pills Birchtown, Quebec -"I live 13 miles from town on a farm, with all my home aningles to attend to. At the Change of Life, I became ner- vous and run- down. The Vege- table Compound helped my whole System .IVEy nerves axe better, my ap- petite is good and 1 am able to do my work. 1 have also taken the Blood Medicine and the Liver Pills and they helped me. I will answer letters from women asking about your medi- oines."--lns. RICIiAIit) C h WON* Birehtown, Quebec. ISSUE No. 13--'30