HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1930-04-03, Page 4PAGE FOrit 20.44++++,34++++.1.4444444-14++ -14+++++.1•01-1-14+++++++++:141-eee 4: z.* * + * 4 •71. + ,* e,4.• , el. '4. - * "::,.. ' ' A. 4. .+ '41. .e-, 1,... Come in and see the new Auto- * 4 ÷ matic Keivinator which has many +4. 4- + ?*+ -3: features that no other Electric • i• • + Refrigerator has. 4. See Me before 'Buying' ..c IL Oesch - Zurich 4. + ..t. ' SERVICE with SALES + t'r 1. t.4 4..4.1.+4.4.44-1-+++++++++++++++.+++++++++++++++++++++++++i 4* 44. 4 4. - illillINIIHM)1111111111Mall 11101111111111 IIllUhIIlI. MMIDIMMIIHNIIHHI iDn'4121111111011HHIIIIIHe -11• argains! Every Set in A 1 Condition DeForest Crosley, Tube, Table .Model Complete 542.50 King Neutordyne 13 Tube, complete with Wet B Batteries$45.50 estinghouse 4 Tube, Table Model $36.50 $34.00 $58.00 DeForest Crosley, 4 Tribe., Table 'Model at • At Water Kent, 6 Tale and 'Cabinet Speaker THESE SETS. ARE 1! LILLY EQUIPPED WITH LOUD SPEAKERS TUBES, BATTERIES AND AERIAL, INCLUDING A 6 MONTHS' BATTERY .CHARGING CONTRA_CT. SEE AND HEAR THESE RADIO SETS AT HESS RADIO ELECTRIC :Harry G. Hess SALES WITH SERVICE HIEDION111101121111 DH 1111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111011101111111011M11111111111011MHIMMHIHWHID1111011MHIM1111111111011111111111, 4.•••11.11,••••••••••••=mmos. Spring MILLINERY SEXERYBODY SHOULD HAVE A. MEW EASTER BONNET.. EXTRA BICE LINES OF LARGE; BEADSIZES AND COLORS. IDUR SHOWING. OF CHILDREN'S: HATS IS COMPLETE E ARE SHOWING THE NEWEST; IN RIMS AND CIOSE FITTING; HATS STRAWS HAVE AT LAST COME I:ACK. TO THEIR OWN AND BEA-; ClIFITL THEY ARE IN ALL THE! WEST SHADES. WE HAVE AJ ISUCE LINE OF NEW SPRING! 5FLOWERS FOR COATS AND: 1DRESSES. COMPLETE YOUR NEW SPRING OUTFIT OR BRIG- IHTEN VP LAST SEASON'S ONE warn A NICE BOQUET OF SPRING FLOWERS, GIVE US A CALL V I/ Siebert Zurich HILLSGREEN• Late MM. Catherine Cochrane A sad death took place at the *tome of Mr: and Mrs. H. A. Fuss, Ilearr Line, Hay, on Tuesday, March '.2501, when Catherine Romulus, wid- vw of the late James Cochrane, who zaredeceased her some ten years ago, ipa,ssed away after a few days illness ,her 80th year. Deceased had eome to• attend the funeral Of her sister, he late Mrs. Flaxbord of Zurich, on March 19th, and soon after the fun- mral became ill. All that medical aid and loving hands, could do was done !for her, but it was of no avail and ,,uhn passed away, leaving a family of eight daughters and three sons, who sell survive: Mrs. Forrest, Mrs. Smith .tend 'William, Cochrane in Saskatehe- /Wan and Robert in Peace RiVer, Alta, Allss Jessie of Seaforth, Mrs li. Cain - and IVIisses Agnes and Annie of Clinton; Mrs: I. G. Forrest and Mrs. Sit Vass of the Parr Line, Hay, and Sfolin of the Town Line, Ho; the Bate Mts. gnehrane 'Was a resident , of INV TownShip -until a few years ago *hen she moved With her two, aatigh- Atom tliMg Agt*/ owl Millie to Ciin- iton,,, atter slaptaditi Of her farm to 41114. Jars:att. &he Was highly esteemed by all who knew her. The luneral•.*hibh was private was held on Thursday, March 27th, from the home of her daughter, Mrs. H. Fuss. Interment in Hillsgreen Cemetery. The funeral was conducted by Rev. Connor and the pallbearers were Merrsr. Jas. Love, John Cochrane, A. Reichert, Jas. and Robt. McAllister, Robt. Parsons. Those attending the funeral fromz.a distance were: Her .daughters, Mrs. H. Cameron and fam- ily, Misses Agnes and Annie of Clin- ton; Miss Jessie of Seaforth; Mrs. McLarty of London, Mrs. B. Bright- man of London, Messre John and Joe. Forrest of Seaforth. Atrs. asihn -Tamer and son James of Clinton spent the week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Turner and family. Miss *nes love of near Kippen spent the weektend at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Love. Mrs. Ross Ili& left for her home in Tomcods) :recently, after spending a few weeks %With her parents, Mr. and Ma. J. iCochrane. Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Hey and dau- ghters of Blake lapent Saturday after- noon at the home lof Mrs. L. Troyer. • Mr. and Mts. .Alf, Reichert and Mrs. Malinda neldhert attended the funeral of a relative near Auburn on Sunday. Miss Muriel Cali/111e spent a few days recently with friends on the Parr Line. . Communion Serviees were observ- ed in the church on Sunday. The W. M. S. will bold their re- gular meeting on Wednesday after- noon, April 9th at the home of Mrs. L. Troyer at 2.30 o'clock. Y. P. S. The Young 'People's Soc- iety met on Monday evening, March 31st for their regular meeting. Miss Gladys Stephenson's group was in charge of the Programme. Miss Eil- een •Tnrner presiding. The meeting opened .by _singing hymn '758. Rev. Connor led in .prayer. Hymn 562 was sung. Were then favored with mouthorgan selection by Mr. Alf. Philps. The scripture lesson was ie - ad by Mr. Elmer Turner. The devot- ion and prayer by Miss Eileen Tur- ner. Miss Gladys Stephenson then ...ead a topic on "An Irish Boy Be- mme Canada's Great Mystery". We then were favored with another sel- ?.etion by Mr. Alf. Philps oe the inou- thorgan. Mrs: (Rev.) Connor then read a topic On "What They Say." After which we were favored with a solo. The Missionary - study was taken by Rev. Connor from 3rd ehap- ter of "Great Waters" Hymn 552 was sung. The meeting closed by all repeating the 14112,pah Benediction in lei kitewart Beatles' group Vgi be in chArfse on Mont* evening .4,L th. ZURICH HERALD Trarrauy',. April 3rd, 1930 DASHWOOD Rev. A. W. Stli,ter pastor of the Evangelical church Will vacate his pul pit next Sunday April 5th to supply ,..he Pulpit of the Ev.i church, Rodney Ont; A supply for Dashwood will lie pro- Ided in the person of Mr. Battersby and Sons of Stratford. Mr. Batters - .)y has Whored with the Sal‘atioe .ii.rmy for a neither ,01 years. :Father and sons will render Mesh.; on eor- net4 at both morning and evening se r vices in addition to his dinohrse.;. Come and hear him present the Gos- pel of Christ. ? The Ladies' Aid of the Evangelical church held a very successfut quilt- ing bee in the basement of the church on Wednesday afternoon,. endent of the Sabbath School and has taken a great interest in the work. Mrs. Hugh McEwen has returned from a very pleasant Six weeks' oc- ean trip and spent a month of the time in the West Indies, and also Vis- ited many of the large Canadian and American cities and report a very lijoyable: time only brooken by a Ut- i.1t sickness. Mr, Vern Schatz, whospent the past year in Blyth, has returned and accepted a position With'E. 'Rieman & Son as clerk-. • Miss Anna Tiernan who spent the past week with her parents, returned to Guelph on Tuesday. Mrs. T. Peachey of Detroit., is visit ing with Mr. A. Birk and fainily.' Miss Patsy Smith spent the week- end in Hensall. Rev. A. W. Sauer and son Milton and Mervyn Tiernan. Motored to Harn. dton on Tuesday. Among those who attended the fun eral of the late Mrs. Birk were: Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Callfas and Mrs. Peachey of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. A. Doan of Thedford; .Air. and Mrs. I. Twitchen of London; Mr, and Mrs. E. Bender, Mrs. V. Schatz and Archie Bender of Myth. Death of Mrs. Adam Birk Mrs. Adam Birk (nee) Leah Haugh was born Sept. '7, 1869 near Dash- wood, Ont. and died March 25th 1930 in Victoria Hospital, LOndon, just one week after having undergone a Ser- ious operation. She was married to Adam Birk in April 1897. This nappy union was blessed with four children of whom two died in infancy Mrs. Birk knew Jesus Christ as her personal Saviour having yielded her heart and life to Jesus in her teen age. She was an earnest student of Holy Scripture; a constant christen, a noble wife, an affectionate and kind mother with cheerful disposition patient in suffering, with expressions of good will toward all mankind...She was a devoted and valued member of the Ladies' Mission and Aid Society of Dashwood Evangelical church for a number of years. She will be keen ly missed in home, church and com- munity. "There is grace and power in the trying hour, In the touch of His hand on Mine". The departed leaves to mourn a faithful husband; one son, Leonard, one daughter Verna; three brothers, John, Daniel and- Christian Haugh; four sisters,. Mrs. Hy. Bender, Mrs. Johnston, Mrs Schluchter of Pigeon, Mich. and Mrs Twitchel of London, and a number of other relatives and friends. She is now in her eternal home "Saved by Grace". The funeral was held on Friday afternoon to the Evangelical church for service, thence to the Goshen Line cemetery for interment. Rev. A. W. Sauer the pastor offic- iating. The funeral indeed was lar- gely attended showing the high est- eem in which .the departed was held. The flower tributes also bespoke for themselves. The bereft family have the community's sympathy. .HENSALL Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schultz aa„ Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Wurtz of eon, Mich., spent a week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Brock. Mrs. Ed. Sheffer is away visiting her daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) Reid of Port Rowan. Hugh McKenzie, of Moose Jaw, Sask., has been visiting friends in the village the past weeks. Carl Monroe, who has been man- ager ,of the Bank of Commerce here for the past year or so, with the clos- ing of the agency here, hasbeen tr- ansferred to Thornhill near Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. S. Howard of Exeter spent a week -end with reliti- 'ea in town. Constable A. Whitesides of Goder- ch spent a day in town. Thelma Hudson, of London, was a visitor wits her parents in town. Mildred McDonell and Miss Helen' Older, both of McDonald Hall, Gu- elph, are enjoying holidays at their ••espective homes at present. Mrs. Ross Dick, of Toronto, is vis - Ling with her sister, Mrs. F. Fergie - lar and parents, Mr. and Mrs. 3. Jochrane. Dorothy Little is visiting friends n London. • Zetta Bawden, of Clinton, visited With Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McDonell Ind family. Milton Ortwein and son Lloyd, of .otidon, spent Sunday with relatives. Mrs. John Reichard and Mrs, (Dr.) lalnilton, both of Detroit, spent the .eek -end kith A. Reichard and son, ielson, being accompanied to Detroit y Adam Reichard, who will visit for . few weeks in that city. Joseph Hagan motored to Port rowan the past week and visited fe- nds there. At the meeting of the &Waive of he United Church Sunday $e,11.001 NV, Ortwein was appointed to sue- .eed W. H. Pille as Superintendent. Oroyein Wao0. f0.1.4Amx upain, COUNTY NEWS Goderich has a tax rate of 49 mills on the dollar. Exeter is trying to form a foot- ball team of Old Country Players. Vessels at Goderich harbor expect to leave by April 15th. While opeeating a circular saw Ernest Lee, of Londesboro, had the thumb and index finger of his right hand cut ofr. Mrs. Ronald Witmer and dauhter of London, visited with relatives in Exeter North recently. R. H. Robinson has given up his harness shop at Seaforth, and is moving back to Blyth. Mrs. Berman. Foster, of Winchel- sea, fell down cellar breaking a bone in one of her arms. Ralph (Cooney) Welland, of the Boston Bruins, professional hockey team, annexes National League honors. He scored 43 goals and had 30 assists. He is an old Seaforth boy. While in the act of rekindling a fire at the home of her son, Thomas, Brock, of Usborne, Mrs. Brock, of Exeter, was seriously burned a,bout the face and arms when a gasoline can exploded the ether morning. Clinton had a robbery on Thurs- dan night last, when burglars entered the Hardware and Furniture Comp- any's Store and helped themselves to a number of articles. Shelf goods, a couple of guns, a number of tools from the workshop, etc., were taken to the amount of $100 or more. Six engineers from the Ontario Department of Highways have been working on Highway No. 4 checking up on the levels between Exeter and Kippen preparatory to putting down new pavement, tenders for which are now being called for. Mrs. Howard, of Seaforth, while visiting her daughter in Guelph, had the misfortune to fall and fracture her leg., and is now in the Guelph Hospital in a serious condition. The Canadian Pacific Railway will shortly put in service on the Goder- ich Branch of the road an oir-efec- tric engine. This, type of engine has been employed with good' results on other lines and with its use it is ex- pected that the passengerservice on this branch can be improved.. The change will likely take place about May ist. R. J. Walker has opened on office in the former Bank of Hamilton bu- ilding, Goderich for the. carrying. on of a business in bonds, royalties, tire life and out insurance: Fie. will also engage in .the buying; selling and renting of houses. He iswell known in Goderich, and has had eight years experience in banking, brokerage and insurance and should be a valuable addition to Goderich's business circle. C. E. Tuckey, of Big; Tway Nin ‘„ north of Exeter; has purchased from J. W. Taylor the new home on Carl- ing st., Exeter. Owing to the illness of Mrs. Tuckey, who is now at Lon - len Hospital, they intend' to; retire and move to town. Hugh A. McEwen, aged' 15, and only son of Mrs. Beatrice and' the late Dr. F. F. McEwen of Ayliner; died at Clinton half an hour after a gun accidentally discharged throaigh his abdomen the other day. With Gord- on Cudmore, a comrade, he was on Nis way home for super atter spend- ing the afternoon out in the country. The boys had reached the overhead bridge on the Bayfield road, andwere coming down the steps to the street and young McEwen leaned' on. the barrel of the gun when it instantly discharged. The Seaforth Agriculture Siaciety was unfortunate in its chofee of date for their annual Spring Fair. held on. Tuesday of last week: In feet the weather was the worst the Society has even encountered. The heavy snow on Monday filled, not only Main ' Street, whre the judging took place. but the country roads as welt, and at other times there was rain and sl- eet. In spite of the weather and re- ads however, there was a fair attend- ance of spectators, who were well re - pain for braving the weather by see- ing one of the largest entry lists and finest exhibits of stock seen in many years. • It is the first time too, that entrieswere seen exhibited in cutt ers and buggies, wagons and sleighs. Mrs. Jos, Hawkins, aged 68 yeari a .resident of Exeter, who has -lived alone 'since the death a her husband, three years ago, was found dead in her bed on Sunday, and from the evi• dence she. apparently had been dead for nearly a week. She had been a- way from her home on numerous oc- casions and her absence did not cre• ate any alarm and it was not until her daughter, Mrs,' Hunter, of Us - borne, called on Sunday that her death became known. On the Sunday previous deceased had been to elurcl. both lumina' and evening. She ha retired tts usual le the evening, ,.aLtatte elt VI arid 4 tialf written letter to her daughter out West- The Are had burned out And there was no evidence Of a strap: - Ile, she having apparently passed' a- way n her sleep. After a lengthy illness the death occurred' at ha' home on the Babylon Line, Stanley; on IVIarch 20th, of Mrs John IVIarshalb. aged 59 years. She was born in Uodet'ieh Township, be- . hip: the daughter of the late JaInOS 101111:4011. In the year 3.899 she was 'fluitod ia nuwriage to john Marshall, Who surviveS her. To this Union. wars born ono son, lArilihml, who also sur- vives. She was of a very home lov- ing disposition, was an Anglican in religion, first being a. member of the Holmesville Church, later of St. John's, Varna. Exeter lost n. noble woman in the 'death or Mrs. Vinetta Mallard who' 'passed away* on Friday, Mara 21st, following a short illness from pneu- monia. Not only will Exethr mourn the passing of such a devoted Christ- ian churacter but the Huron Presby- terial of the United Church will re- gret the death of their beloved prest- deaL Her zeal and executive ability, combined wIth a burning desire to eve the work of the Kingdom extend- . ed on earth, has been an inspiration to UM various ogranizations. In the days of the Methodist church Mrs. Moilary was ',elected president of the illifir District, 'succeeding the late M rs. A. M. Watson of Greenway, Fol- lowing onion she las been vice -pros. lof the :Huron Presbyterial and last year was leketed its honored presi- dent. •••••••0••••••••••* C-04.0.400,00IP4-11404001040...0004...0.4,0* 4. 4. • • • 4'4' • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 4.• • • • • • • 4. • • • • 0 • 4 4t.• 4. 4. 4. • • FEMALE IMPERSONATOR, LATE OF THE "BUMBELLSP • • 5 VERSATILE PERFORIVIERS • 5 • • ADULTS 50 Cents. CHILDRED 25 Cents • • • • • • •▪ 4441•40444;4.444,44044,11.4440404 e40404444*****••••••••• 00, Town r Hall, Zurich 4. 5th4. 11 46. • • • • • • 4. • • • 4.• 4. dit• • • • • 4;. THE ORIGINAL ay SWISS BELL RINGERS A TON OF MUSICAL NOVELTIES ALL NEW SINCE VISIT THREE YEARS AGO FEATURING. BURNARD ECKARDT MUSICIAN. COMEDIAN AND FUN MAKER .ALSO TED. CURTIS • • • • • • LAST • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 41.• 40^ AO. 411, 4•• DANCE AFTER NOTE -This Company is not connected in any way with a Ladies Orchestra that went through' the, Country under the name of "Eckardt.- Ert...42. • • • • • • • • • I Sales follow Ford Service • • 1111011101111MININI 111111111111Mlo • One year ago February, we accepted she Ford Franchise for the Townships of Usborne, Stephen, Hay and Stanley, and started to it II buil& up. u Ford. Sales and Service for this Territory, by the Month OA of May, we had a small stock of parts and IMO mechanic. GOVERNMENT REGISTRATION SHOWED THAT 15.8 ! •• PER. CENT OF ALL. THE NEW CARS SOLD IN THIS I: TERRITORY FOR. THE MONTH OF MAY WERE FORD 4. CARS. • •••••••••.••••••,•••••••••••• sosooses•••••••••6004866.4054141A414641600911.90.***0•1114111100et 4. • • ; 0 our Ford. Parts and Staff of Merbanics. 0 'N. GOVERNMENT REGISTRATION FOR THE MONTH OF •t AUGUST SHOWED THAT 23.1 PER CENT OF ALL CARS SOLD IN THE FOUR TOWNSHIpS WERE FORD ' CARS In. duly we opened an authorized Ford Service in Zooids, increased es "Nk I .WI strengtheeed the Service Part odour organization and in October obtained 40 per cent of all business. Now that we had sold 40 per cent. of all ,cers in dm territory, we I believed. we should extend our: service and Lave arraaged authorized Ford Service in:, Centralia wig Fred Penwarden and in , e Hos& with 'Twitchers Garage nee Saes: continued ter increave and is denuery. 1930, ,the Ford Salim were SO per cent of all cars veld in the Four' Townships GOVERNMENT REGISTRATION FOR THE MONTH OF $ FEBRUARY; Hee. SHOW THAT 58.3 PER CENT OF ALL NEW CARS REGISTERED WERE ItIEW FORD CARS We iiincerely drank yom an& proveise Met we will always' do doe tmost us our power to give our ftsgattrantirmi Superior Ford Service. 1 Phone 149 ZURICH SANDY •ELLIOT THE HOME Or THE FORD • Phone 62 EXETER otAbooriotwooKotom. ttztursaiiii44404.4.1,-Ztitattittfeetillico