HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1930-04-03, Page 1Vol, XXX N42 ZURICH, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 31930, eitney, Chester L. Smith, Pebtishel.lc $1.25 a year, U.S. $1.50 fa h..tivanall $1.50 1NARR1.RS,ZMAY .13P1ON-602,311:1. Let the Herald renew all your Daily papers and Magazines .0•••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••• 000.0004 4 ' '4. • • • 4* • 41* 4* 4. • • 41* 4. • 4* • 4. 4. • 4. I Practically New with Bench to Match 4.• A BARGAIN! • z For Quick Sale 4 j • 0 , 0 : • ' * 4* el 0 * • • • • 0 • • 4 I Sherlock-Mannin PIANO • 4. • • • • • • FRED THIEL ZURIOH • PHONE 102. • MO 4' • • • 0 0 • • • • • • • • • 0 • • • • 4.• • e • • • • 4. • 4. •4444441444.404441440404.494040444.•€: +4* viseeseessimateessessesseetes.seesseeeeeamieseeeseesess • • .0 .1 Step Gut This Spring in Brown's Shoes • • 4. .41 41 4.1) • 4.• • 111 • 1 • • • 4/* • i For Spring Days and Brown's Shoes MAKE YOU STEP OJT /AMBITIOUS; READY TO GO. EVERY GOOD STYLE FOR SiPRING7IS HERE: -BLACKS, NEW TAN,S, SPORTS.- At ;GREAT COLLECTION OF 'NEW ARRIVALS ASIDE FROM thlk. GENUINE :PLEASURE OF INSPECTING THESE NEW GOODS :FIRST, 'IS 'THE ADVANTAGE OF EARLY :SELECTION.. Step in Tomorrow AND YOU'LL CHOSE, FROM 'THE ,FINEST -v.Ailia,zy OF EX- CLUSIVE SHOE, MOD S,FOR MEN, 'WOMEN .A.1U) C31LDREN. REPAIRING NEATLY DONE • ,19 • 1 4.4.• • • • • • • • • • • • • • a 4. • • • • f,e 11 Brows Bnt Skop SETOUR • • I Ask Province to Take Over - Blue Water Highway The annual meeting of the Blue Water Highway Association was held at the Royal York hotel, Toronto, on Thursday, February 27th.. The presi- dent Col. C. S. Woodrow, of Sarna, was in the chair and delegates were present from Goderich, Meaford, For est, Orillia, Midland, Pentanguishene, Sarnia, Kincardine, Collingwood, rjob ermory and. Southampton. The president revieWed. the work of the organization, particularly pointing out the necessity of the prompt pay- ment by the municipalities of their annual contributions to the Assoc iation. The secretary, Mr. Harris of Sarnia, gave an oral report upon the operations of .the year 1929. He. st- ated that triffic last year was prob- ably the largest in the history of the Association. He reminded. the Mein - hers of the meeting held at Owen Sound last fall at which it was de- cided to co-operate with the Ontario WINDOW DISPLAY • • 41411114114104114114114114111114411041414114414144149406114411101•044944041410494100141414141111 •:.•440041444041444404+44444404441. 44.44 0444040.444044.404. 04 4++ April 20th is Easter 'Order, your Easter SO now and get a Car 'Tailored Gamest /) 0 TAMit for Ike Rush Delivery any time between now and Easter., MEWS AND BOYS' FURNESHISIGS HOFFMAN'S BLOCK era= et s on yestamotorits 'AND SEGIWEI*AL. itiMateleaS •••••••••4400444***4********:ii44640.44**404040.******". ; • } 4,1 • I e; I ; f." • 4 4 4. irwe. orAP 1-'4( Mr. and Mrs. C, Either were Mon- day Visitors at Hensell. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Mousseau made a motor trip to Woodstock on Sun- day last. naast. d Mrs. H. H. Cowen and Mr. Ward Fritz were week -end visitors at Toronto. Beginning next Tuesday evening, the local stores in Zurich will again be kept open for business on Tues- day evening of each week. .• Mr. and Mrs, John A. Smith and family moved their effects to Alvin- ston the past week, where Mr. Smith to Florida International Highway As -lis engaged in the butcher business. sociation. Some discussion took place I The auction sale of the el -Teets of in regard to the map the latter Assoc-clJohn A. Smith, and others, drew quite iation had issued. The secretary sug- gested that the vice-pres. elected for each county should assume a greater measure- of responsibility for the work of the Association in the county A motion was carried that all dele- gates be asked to have their members of Parliament request the Provincial Government to take over the road from Wasaga Beach to Elmvale. It was also decided to ask the Trovin- cial Government to take over the, Blue Water Highway from Sarnia. to Owen Sound as a Provincial High- way. +-+ CARD OF THANKS Miss Anna Hess wishes through this medium to greatly thank all the neighbors and friends for the kind and generous assistance and sym- pathy shown during the recent illness and departure of her Mother, the late Mrs. Gertrude Hess. 4-4 FOR SALE I am offering the following articles for sale privately real bargains for quick sale: Kitchen Cabinet; Tap- estry Couch; Good cheer Range; Quebec heater, 3 burner coal oil stove with shelf, 2 Wilton Rugs, 3 Linoleum Rugs;- Electric light fix- tures, Etc. T. L. Wurm, Zurich COAL 1930 ! COLD DAYS ! YES, THE COLD DAYS ARE HERE AGAIN! ARE YOU PREPARED' WE ARE Prepared with a large Supply of HIGH GRADE FUELS Genuine Scranton Anthracite, Sol way Coke, Miller's Creek Soft, Pocahontas, Cannell, Galt Alberta and Small Pea Coal for Banking DISCOUNT of 50c per ton allowc' for CASH PAYMENT ONLY HENSALL ONT. ,Wil.ce Phone lOw House Phone 10.1 Massey -Harris ANNOUNCING THAT I HAVE. BEEN. APPOINT- ED AGENT AND LOCAL DISTRIB- UTOR POR THE FAMOUS OLD AND RELIABE MASSEY-HARRIS UNE OP FARM IMPLEMENTS, AND -SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE Repairs and Repair Work a Specialty N. E. SIEMON Yhme I.- Zurich, Ont. a crowd in the village, and although some articles went quite reasonable, yet everything was sold. A. number of relatives from the village, and vicinity attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Adam Birk at Dashwood on Friday of last week, Much sympathy is extended to Mr. Birk and family in their bereavement Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Reichert, Mr. and Mrs, Alf. Reichert, and Mrs. E. Reichert attended the funeral of the late John Doerr, near Auburn on Sunday. Rev. C. Schrag and son Gordon at- tended attended a large auction. sale of Shorthorn cattle at Belmont, on Tua We understand that Mr. Sehia is now going into this popular line of cattle. Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Krueger, who have recently purchased the property in Zurich from Mr. A. G. Edighoffer, have moved to town and are now liv- ing in their new home, and we wel- come them as citizens of Zurich. Mr. Edighoffer however, will stay with Mr. Krueger for a few months until the latter is well acquainted with the business. The regular monthly meeting of the Zurich 13ranch of the Womens' Institute will be held in the Council chambers on Monday evening, April 7th at 8 o'clock. The topic address will be given by Rev. W. Y. Dreier, and the Committee' in eharge are: Mrs. H. Gellman, Mrs. P. Manson, Mrs Alex. Foster. Every lady is cordially invited to attend and help to make the meeting interesting. Am ong those who attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Gertrude Hess on Sunday last, were: Mr. and Mrs. Q: N. Taggart, of South Bend, Ind; Mrs. E. H. Voelker, Mrs. E. C. Valett, Mr. W. A. Voelker, Mr. J. H. Voelker of Flint, Mich; Mt. and Mrs. Schwalm and Mr. John Schwalm of Sebwaing, Mich; Mr. David Sch- luchter of Elkton, Mich; Mr. John Hoffman and Mr. and Mrs. Ed.Brand of London; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weit zel of Stratford; Mrs, Sam Barber, Miss Mary Zimmerman, Mr. and Mrs John Zimmerman, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Zimmerman, Mr. Harry ,Zimmerman, and Mr. Adam Manz of Tavistock, Mr. Adam, William and Henry Ling- elbach of Zorra; Mr. Wm. Wolfe of New Hamburg; Mr. and Mrs. J. Pre- eter, Mrs. Flora Brown, Mrs. W. C. Callfas and Miss, Myrta Hoffman of Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gott- schalk, Mrs. Emma Winters and Mrs. Pollard of Seaforth; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hoffman and family and Mrs. Stacy of Dashwood; Mr. F. W. and Mr. and Mrs. Geo'rgc Hess of Hen- sall. Mr.and Mrs. Mose Faist of Crediton; Mr. and Mrs. G. Bisset of Goderich; Mr. and Mrs. G. Wilson of Centralia. While the flower tributes were: Mr. and Mrs. W. Hess, Mr. and Mrs. Q. N. Taggert and Mrs. Raabe; The Zimmerman family; Mrs. Bertha Ecksten and Mr: and Mrs. J. E. Eck- stein; Geo. Hess and family; Mrs. Louise Hess; Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Hess; Mrs. E. II. Voelker, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Vallet, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Campbell, W. A. Voelker and J. H. Voelker; Mrs. C. Fritz; Mr. and Mrs J. Hoffman and family; Mr. and Mrs. H. Hoffman and famqy Mrs. Stacy; Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hess and family; Mi. and Mrs. R. Schultz and Family; Ladies' Aid 10. and Mrs. E. Brand; M:•. and Mrs. G. R. Hess; ,Mr: and Mrs. -17, W. Hess, $5.00 Ready to Wear Spectacles DARK OR LIGHT SHELL FRAME WITH LENSES, COMFY:FIE IN CASE Why strain your Eyes Sewing or Reading when you can obtain n. Pair of Guaranteed Spectacles at this price. Let us fill your next Optical Prescrpition. We have the ktest irsz Frames, and can do it for Less Money. HESS THE JEWELLER. 4. + 4. 4. 'i*K-%•++++•t++++,4,++++++++44,44.16+++++++++++++++.1.+4+440444klag -14-; 4. 4. 4' WHY YOU SHOULD SEE AND RIDE IN ANY OF THE ABOVE :t CARS BEFORE PURCHASING A USED OR NEW CAR OF ANY 4. MAKE: 1. Each Car lister/ is purchased,' direct front private owner. •:•• .14 C FRITZ & SON New and Used Car Brokers Phone 82 Zurich! 1929 FORD COACH WITH TRUNK RACK AND FENDER WELD, 1927 Chevrolet Coach 1925 Ford Coupe, Baboons. 1928 Chevrolet Coach ... 1928 Pontiac Sedan 1923 Ford Sedan 1930 Brand New Ford A. Coach 1927 Ford Coach 1026 Eord-Fourdoar Sedan 1926 Ford Coaceh 1927 Ford C'eupe 1625 Ford Coach 1927 Essex Coach. 1930 CHEVROLET COACH, NEW 2. The above used cars were not dealt in on new cars, but were disposed of on account e& financial difficulties by owners., 3. The upholstering, fenders, Snish, are original and compare Fav- ourably with new cars. 4. The!majority of these Caru are fully equipped with Um= pers.,. Speedometers and the latest Accessories. 4* 4te 4r.,x +10, 5. The best assortment of Ifizb Class Us -ed. Cars to 'OEoose. fir. 41* in Huron County. 6. LONG EASY TERMS PHONE AND WE WILL BE GLAD TO DEMONSTRATE ANY OF .1 TEE AVE GARS_ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++4.444444+++44+++++4+€14. • NEW GOODS Don't miss seeing and getting Mar prices on our New Spring audi Summer Dry Goods of :11 kinds ALSO SHOES, HARNESS REPAIRS, HARDWARE, PAINTA, OILS, AND OTHER STAPLE LINES, TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION.. 1930 GARDEN AND ROOT SEEDS JUST OPENED GET GET YOUR SUPPLY NOW. R. N. DOUGLAS GEWENAL INIERCHANT PHONE n 01' 9 7 BLA Ke 4 JP,