HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1930-03-20, Page 8PArm 'FT("WI rrETE STORE WITH THE STOCK ilces ONTINUED a all lines of Winter Goods and Viso on many lines of Seasonable Spring Goods. Some special'stock taking bargains. Coque and see NEW GOODS NEW SPRING GOODS NOW ON DISPLAY SUCH AS PETER I'N`NS, VICTORIAN FABRICS, PRISCILLA CLOTHS, FUGI SILKS r'LAIN AND FIGURED BROADCLOTHS. ALL GUARANTEED FAST COLORS. GROCERIES I ROKEN SODAS, 2 LBS. FOR I'» SALMON, LARGE TINS, ONLY MIXED TEA PER POUND AT RIO COFFEE, SPECIAL AT POUND 27 Cents J. CH SON r'RODUCE WANTED PHONE 59 23c 19c 49e 11 Stronger Than Ever THE COMBINED ASSETS OF THE OLD HURON & ERIE AND 'THE CANADA TRUST COMPANY (UNDER HURON & .ERIE CONT::OL AND MANAGEMENT) NOW REACH OVER 373,000,000.00 ff r INVEST YOUR SAVINGS SAFELY AT THE GOOD RATE OF t 5� Andrew F. Hess, Zurich MY MOTTO—SERVICE AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR Wl LL? PER ANNUM INTEREST PAID TWICE A YEAR ON ANY AMOUNT OVER $100.00. Applications received at any time by: NOW! Is the Best Time To Plan Your Summer's Program of Work, Repairs, And Improvements h m. Let Us show You the best kinds of Fencing for the Field or the Home Lawn Fences. We handle the best Money can Buy. If you decide todo some Roofing or Eve -Troughing this year, we invite you to call and see us and get our estimates, as well as show you our goods.. A Nice New Piece of Furniture in the Home will be always appreciated. We can supply anything in this line, and the prices are very Attractive, If in need of new furniture, don't forget; we have it! STADE • • i ZURIC1 HERALD New Prig Gingh ts and 1 s Ladies' and ldrens' Silk Hosiery and Underwear All at Reasonable Prices J. W. MERNER YELLOW FRONT STORE • PHONE No. 145 ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Pleased to report that Mr. Jacob Gellman, of the Goshen Line, north of the village, is recovering from an accident which took place some time ago, causing him to sustain a number of broken ribs. He was knocked down and trampled on by two unruly cattle in the farm yard. • Wins Championship Gordon Wright, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Wright of Kippen, and former student of Seaforth Collegiate carried off the individual champion- ship at the annual O.A.C: O.V.C. in- door athletic meet, held in the col- lege gym. at Guelph on Saturday afternoon last, thus adding another success to the several championships he captured at high school. Smith—Steckle Nuptials. A very pretty wedding was sol- emnized at the home of Menno D. Steckle, Bronson Line, Stanley Town-' ship, on Tuesday, March llth, when Hannah, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Menno D. Steckle became the' bride of John, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Smith, of Unionville, in the presence of about forty guests. Rev; Levi Grove officiating. The happy young couple left on a short trip to Elmira, Waterloo and other points On their return they will reside on the groom's fine farm near Stout= ville. Hydro Costs Farnienrs are not responding as readily to the invitation of the Hydro Commission to install electricity in rural homes and outbuildings as the political bosses expected. The high cost is the main reason. In the recent debate in the Legislature, Hon. Harry Nixon, leader of the little band of Progressives, showed that he paid $167.50 for electric lights and power on. his farm whereas if he lived in the village of St. George, only one and a half miles away, the charge would be only $59.77 for the same service.—Chesley Enterprise. Provincial Highway Extended County Clerk G. Holman of God- erich, has been notified by the Provin- cial. Highways Department of the taking over as a Provincial highway of the London road north of Clinton through Blyth and Wingham to Bruce county. The notification does not say when construction work will be pro- ceeded with, but evidently this will be after the part of the road from Kip - pen south to the Huron -Middlesex boundary is completed. The road from Kippen at ]east as far as Ex- eter is to be paved this year. "Babe" Siebert Injured (Exeter Times -Advocate) Through the courtetsy of Mr. A. C. "Babe" Siebert of the Montreal Ma- roons, the editor of the Times -Advo- cate had the pleasure of witnessing a fast game of hockey between the Mar oons and the Montreal Canadians at the Forum on Montreal one evening recently, when' the • Maroons dereated thein rivals, the' Canadians by 'V.:: score of 4-0 before a record crowd of between 12,000 and 14,000 people. During the first two periods of the game Siebert put up a wonderful exhibition of hockey but unfortunat- ely he mixed with another player a- bout the middle of the last period AM was put out of the game through injuries to his knee. It was a pleas- ure to see Siebert and Bowie Mor- enz in action as both players have developed wonderfully since the time they played in Exeter. After the game we visited with Mr. Siebert in his dressing room and he made inqu- iriei for a number of his old friends w " 1 around Exeter. Mr. Siebert was tak- Z U R i C H - O N T. ' en 10 the hospital and will be out of I th+e: game for a time. It is hoped that PwSeeSeS M OiM$*0ilwaewe ^ he jwIll be around again. before long, LOCAL (KET n. (Corrected every Wednesday) Butter,. lb.. + Eggs, dozens ........... 30, 36, 40E Wheat. 1.15. Oats .... .. ... 55 Barley, 65 Buckwheat ....................,. 80 Flour awt. ..... ..... . 3.50 4.75 Bran, ton ................. 36.0Q Shorts. ton 36.00 Dried, apples ........ .......... 9 Dutch sett onions ............. 8 Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK The Largest Business of any Chadian Company dging Business in Ontario - Amount of Insurance at Risk on Deo 31st, 1928, $22,206,275. Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $160,578.74 Rates -44.50 per $1,000 Tor S years• E. F. KIopp—Zurich Adenf, Also Dealer in Liihtnind Rods and all kinds of Fire Insurance yautiminames �+ .4";.!. „ga r+s 3 EVERYTHING IFOR THE GARDEN AND FARM CATALOGUE IO INTENDING PURCHASES Wit'RENNIE Cs MUTED TORONTO ALSO AT MONTREAL VANCOUVER BUSY FARMER NEWS A Useful Bulletin "Paints and painting" is the title of a blletin that has nothing to do with the compact and powder puff. While it tells about improving the ap- pearance it deals in the appearance of inanimate objects such as farm houses, barns, and such like. Hoard's Dairyman declares it to be one of the most complete discussions of the sub- ject it has ever seen. You would be interested in Bulletin 341, "Paints and Painting," published by the Ont- ario Agricultural. College, Guelph. "OM Dobbin" Replaced It is interesting to note the decre- ase of "Old Dobbin" and the increase of the ` "Iron Horse" particularly on the farms in the prairie provinces of Manitoba, Sackatchewan and Alberta £here are, according to a recent est - mate, a total of 66,220 tractors in .operation on the 248.162 Canadian: prairie farms, 14,557 of which were; purchased but last year. In Manito- oa there are 12,346; in Saskatchewan 36,083 and in Alberta 18,791 fare. tractors.. No figures are available for Ontario but it is doubtful if this province can even begin to compare wady. westcrL p.:airie provu»,.es rel umbers of this type a machin- ery, Thursday', 14414 20th, $9311 E 44* 4444++ +i4++++++!i°eN►F++444 K 4++++ +44.4÷1,41,+.i ;.4.y,.j14 s •¢+ • e• ke . sonable , • WE CAN SUPPLY THE PUBLIC WITH SEASON ABLE HARDWARE AT MODERA.'TE PRICES Let Us Show You OUR FULL LINE OF GRANITEWARE AT LOWEST PREVAILING PRICES.. Good f 4. 4. 4. 3 Full Line. of Furniture, irk ? ure, Living' Room Suites, Dining + Room Suites, Bed Room Suites, Kitchen Cabienets., We also have the Famous Simmons Bed Springs and Supply Of Krauser Smoke Cure on Hand FUR1vITITRE ▪ Mattresses, a Guaaanteed Article. Best: on. the Market . To " Day'_ WE ALSO HAVE SOME. USED FURNITURE FOR SAVERY i CHEAP. I Johnston & Kalbfleisch Hardware Furniture. Phone 63 .II.4++++i+++++++++++4+++++4444.41++•I.++.Irb++++,'r+44++++++i+++t Wilf11.1'llliAiME111111 11111111116ff:`l 111H 111111111111111111DIII11I2ER1111N11111111111E1111 11131111INi01111"a7llllfillUllllll14.1;I(.L' 11 1111lll11111111111i I]f1ll11!llllMIIIIM NOTICE!, Auto Tops Bu y Tops Wagon Repairing, Painting, Etc.. Second Handed Buggies HESS - ZUTRICH a IIIMINNNNII NIIIEdlirl ENlillfitr 9flNl n i;'MIIIIIIINENRIIIIHiJlMAIIEliziMZIINI11i�4 Ul IIIII IIIIIlIIIIIIEbN"i ERIMEIEIEgIIININEE EINUEtt u�"k�Gi' NI f ZtTPIcii 1 } Is ever at your service with the best of 4. attention for�. your sick or ailing Auto EXPERT WORKMANSHIP ON REPAIR WORK, AND OVER- '"'' HAUL JOBS ON ALL, MAKES OF CARS WITH CHARGES VERY REASONABLE. 4. 4 o. WE CARRY A FULL LINE nLe TT ATA1rl ... ACCESSORIES, 4• E. 1 TIRES, BATTERIES, ETC. ALSO DO ACEYTLENE' WELDING. I GAS OILS GREASES 11. Moasseau Zurich 144+1444.4444114+1444+++++4914.144444++444++++++444+4.4 44++E+1++14++R+A'44 1++/+'4'1"ii'+t++I++i++E++ +F+i 491 4'1++5+<4i++t+f+t+444 +I++4+ff4444+l+4.4 ...1.*4+40O44"p A4H+4'"*'+l+*+i'l+i++1+-1+_tty+4r:4.y4 ,R HERALD OITIOE +t� Do You Know?far t 4• THAT WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE FOR FIRST CLASS JOB PRINTING! THAT WE SUPPLY AND PRINT WEDDING INVITATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS, ALSO CALLING CARDS, BUSINESS CARDS, ETC. THAT WE CARRY IN STOCK, AND ALSO PRINT, STATION- ERY SUCH AS BUSINESS LETTER HEADS, ENVELOPES STATEMENTS, BILL HEADS, MEMORIAM CARDS, • SHIPPING TAGS, ETC. THAT WE CARRY IN STOCK GOOD WRITING PAPERS CUT TO ANY SIZE, ENVELOPES IN MOST CAL 9-SOR. SIZES, CART) PAPER, BRISTOLS, CARBON OR TRACING PAPER, BUTTER PAPER, MEMORIAL ENVELOPES AND MEMORIAL WRITING PAPER. • THAT WE FILL YOUR ORDINARY SIZE INK BOTTLE VITR A GOOD WRITING INK FOR 5 CENTS. LARGER QUAN-. TITIES AT SIMILAR REDUCTIONS. THAT WE PRINT POSTING BILLS, AUCTION SALE POSTERS MERCANTILE POST.EI{S AND ALL GENERAL PRINTING OUR SPECIALTY.41.