HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1930-03-13, Page 4IPA orvon 00•66660606066 0000006060060090060600600660•0006000* 2 !• • • ast • • - • • • • • i • • 3 0d • • • • • 0 Y • • • e OD Ito so16 0 'THIS STOCK OF CANADA'S FINEST FOOTWEAR FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN ' x. HERE YOU WILL FIND WOMEN'S S T AP SLIPPERS, OXFORD ,se TIES, POMPS, IN PATENT, BLACK KID, BROWN KID, SATIN sW LIGHT AND DARK COLORS, HEELS LOW, CUBAN AND SPIKE, py TOES LONG OR SHORT VAMPS. VALUES IN EACH CASE ARE WORTH DOLLARS MORE. DOZEN OF DIFFERENT STYLES. THE PRICES BELOW SAVE YOU DOLLARS ON * EACH AND EVERY PAIR. BE SURE AND COME IN THIS 0 WEEK IF YOU ARE IN NEED OF A GOOD PAIR OF HIGH- •• GRADE FOOTWEAR. • 0 Lot 1 I Lot 2 1 Lot 3 1 Lot 4 I Lot 5 I Lot 6 I Lot 7 �• 1.00 1 $1.95 1 $2.45 I $2.95 I $3.45 I $3.95 1 $4.45 1 I 1 I I I 0 Men's Heavy Lumberman Rubbers, Reg. $3.50, Sale Price . $2.155 la' 'Boys Heavy Lumbermen Rubbers, Reg. $3.50, Sale Price... 0. Youth's Heavy Rubbers, Regular $2,75, Sale Price $1.49 1 Men's Pennons Pure Wool Socks, Reg. $1.75, Sale Price $1.15 • Boy's Pennon's Pure Wool Socks, Reg. $1.50, Sale Price 75= A Men's Plain Rubbers, Regular $1.50, Sale Price $1.00 dWomen's and Girl's'Jersey, Wool Golashes, Reg. $3.50, Sale $1.50 • '�Vomens' Splasher Cuff Golashes, Reg. $3.50, Sale Price$1.95 410 .Miss Pat. Pomps, Reg. $3.50, Sale Price $1.95-$2.45 0 Rov's High Shoes and Oxfords, Reg. $4.00, Sale Price . $2.95 it Women's Boudour Slippers, Reg. $1.50, Sale Price 85c a Men's Felt and Leather Slippers, Reg. $2.00, Sale Price 95c • 'THESE ARE ONLY A FEW OF THE MANY LINES NOT 410 • ADVERTISED. • SALE STARTS MARCH 6th, TO MARCH 15th. ro oot Sop Rosie ':f hh Unmatchable ar n Values that will make gasp with amaze- ventl Remember, this is no ordinary Clearing Sale. It's your duty to save, you owe it to yourself to go away from this Sale full handed and happy • • • • • 0 • a • • • 0 • • • • • • • • • Brown's ggqq SIMOUR • • Iii W ��� Shop WINDOW DISPLAY • f • -546110101,0•111111161,060 OS 1110106.60884•••••000*•••8••00000 X00••• 11444.4.40104. : + + + + .,. + + + + + + + + + + OUR BIG + + + + + + ELLING OUT + SELLING OUT SALEr 'I CONTINUES UNTIL EVERYTHING WILL BE SOLD $. TO THE BARE WALLS • • 4O++++++++++++++++++++++,.,t- +++++++++++++++++++++++++'+ + + + We have had Wonderful Success during this Sale, which speaks for itself, that We are Giving absolutely the Biggest Values that Money can buy to -day. + + • + The more You buy, the more you save, which is good Business on Your Part. Daily we are offering new specials to the Public, and $ in order to benefit thereby you must come often. Good Staple Goods selling at the low Sacrifice Prices } 3s just why we are turning this large stock into ready $ Cash, in so short a time. Come often and share in these never -heard -of Prices. 4. NOTE: HIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAID FOR DRY APPLES $ + T. L. WURM Phone 4 140 i R11111111ilIIIIIIIII1111111111lIH11111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIlIIIIIII111111111111 111111IIIII1111111111IIII11111111111111lIII1111111HIIIIIIIIII fllUlIIIIIII IlWllllll1 111;111111'' I ��,_- � - THE NEWS -� �/ t Ii l r--:--,-6,,,-------,:-..-� r WESTINGHOUSE ®1 --__=.-.. E- r-. Radios Pleasure Craft - ,...7.-.:i.;.,--7=7-'2_-7,3,'_ By the World's Pioneer Radio _ engineers, introducing the New 1=.1� - r Super Sensitine Toned Radio fre- ig J quency and Super -Heterodyne f,..,..,_ j Circuits surpassing by ten times = `rl ,, :H A the Selectivity and Sensitivity of f (o� i, any previous circuits, placing the _ I, Westinghouse far in advance of �= ��• � T�; any receiving set on the market = rc '1 _ 'ONE -Close your eyes and you = / . /ill instinctively feel yourself in !_ _, .he presence of the living Artists i- _ - ,ey who are entertaining= you. - 1 POWERFUL -Responds to your 1 control like a giant racing motor. This is the only instrument that can fully satisfy the most cr;tica radio enthusiast, Nothing less than the realise;,; of.the.entertainer: E,= can compare itself to this marvel of the radio age, the realization j= Eof the Westinghouse Radio engineering aims TO SEE IT IS TO ADMIRE IT! 1 TO HEAR IT IS TO DESIRE IT! i- BY ALL MEANS HEAR IT! HESS RADIO ELECTRIC SALES WITH SERVICE uf! iD)�ffiillLlff®IDdlfJi� IIllllt 1,111 II111 '1! 11 IIIIIIIll 111111111111111 M11111111111110 s WiiJllJIIIIIGIIIId(IffIIUIffl�flJ ZURICH HERALD HILLSGREEN W. Id. S. -The regular ' monthly meeting of the Women's •.Missionary Society was held at the home of Mrs, Chas. Stephenson on the World's Day of Prayer, Friday March 7th. Mrs. (Rev.) Connor presiding. The meeting opened With silent • meditat- ion and prayer. Hymn, 254 was sung short passages were taken from the Bible, Hymn 250, a Jesus Answers every need was read responsively. Hymn 401, Silent Prayers; hymn 4141 Let us •Give Thanks' by Mrs. (Rev.) Connor and Mrs. W. Turner. • Hymn 374, For Our King and Country, Mrs R. McAllister, "Pentecost"; Mrs. J. Cochrane, "The Kingdom"; Mrs. W. Carlile, "He Must be lifted Higher"' Mrs.. (Rev.) Conner. The • roll call was then answered. The offering was taken. Hymn 465. Mrs. W. Turner took the topic. The meeting closed with the Lord's Prayer. Mrs. Chas. Stephenson spent a few days with friends in,. Zurich. gMr. and Mrs. M. Elliott of Centralia were recent visitors with Mr•. andMrs Jas. Love. c Miss Elda Stephan of Clinton Business College, spent the week -end at her home here. BLAKE 11Ir. and Mrs. Wm. Douglas of Brucefield spent Monday with friends in this vicinity. Mrs. Sam. Hey and little son sp- ent last week with friends in Zurich and the Goshen Line south. • Mr. and Mrs. Ross Johnston, ac- companied by Mr. and Mrs. Earl Weido of Zurich spent Sunday with friends in Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Wrn. •McClinchey of the Goshen Line, spent Sunday with friends in this vicinity. Mr. Wm. Hey of the Babylon line spent Monday with friends here. Miss Elizabeth Snowden of the Blue Water Highway spent the week- end with her friend, Miss Jean Car- nie. Mr. Dan Gascho of New Hamburg accompanied by his son Alvin of Kit- chener, spent the week -end with fri- ends in this vicinity. Mr. Josiah Steckle returned on Monday with his bride. We welcome Mrs. Steckle to our neighborhood. BORN Salmon -At Zurich, on March . 7th,- to Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Salmon, a soh. McKinley -At Toronto, on March 7, to Mr. and Mrs. H. G. McKinley, twin girls. Daters-In Zurich, to Mr. 'and Mrs Ed, Daters, Jr., a daughter (Anita) Auction Sale OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS IN ZURICH On SATURDAY, MARCH 22nd At 1.30 o'clock 5 wooden beds with springs and mattress; 2 single beds with springs and mattress, 2 white iron beds with springs and mattress, single white iron bed with springs and mattress, 8 dressers, 5 wash stands, diningroom table and 6 chairs, large table, 6 small tables, 2 sideboards, 5 arm- chairs, 4 large chairs, ironing board, clothes horse, sheet iron wood stove, large box stove, 12 pillows, rug 12x10 baby carriage, battery charger, cur- tain poles, dishes, 6 lamps, bedding, 5 -gal. coal oil can, 5 toitet sets, pic- tures, mirrors, lantern, wheelbarrow, ice tongs, crowbar, shovels and num- erous other articles. TERMS -Cash, or 12 months' credit with 6% added. Oscar Klopp, Auctioneer. Arthur Edighocer, Proprietor. Auction Sale OF FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, ETC. On Lot 15, Concession 10, Hay Tp. On TUESDAY, MARCH 18th CATTLE -2 grade cows due in April; 2 Holstein cows due in March, 1 fresh cow, farrow cow, 9 head yo- ung cattle, 2 baby beeves, 2 , steers rising 2yr, old, heifer 2 yrs- 'old. :IMPLEMENTS, ETC: -wagon, 2 gravel boxes, new hay rack, Cockshut sulky plow, new walking plow, 10 -in. grinder, carriage, carriage pole, bug- gy pole, cutter, 2 large manure sp- reader wheels with axle, galv. water tank, barrel, kettle .stand, good set heavy harness, single set harness, 2 collars, pr. light harnes, set of K. & S. coils for Ford car, Battery box, new tongue, 4 new doubletrees heavy 6 light doubletrees, 2 neckyokes, wagon seat, spring seat, bee box, 2 buggy wheels, 2 heavy springs, 2 sling ropes, wooden pump complete, i cords dry stove wood, 2 bit braces, :fades and forks and nunerous other articles SEED GRAIN -25 bushels of Im- r.•oved Banner oats; about 50 bush. )f 6 rowed 0. A. C. Barley; about 2 ton of alfalfa hay, 20 White Rock pullets. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS -Range stove, heater, churn, 2 lamps, some potatoes, some lumber and planks. No articles are reserved, Every- thing offered will be sold to highest bidder, as proprietor is overstocked TERMS -All sures of $5.00 an' I under cash. Over that amount 8 months' credit on approved join notes. With 6% per annum; Arthur Weber, Auctioneer. Wm. S. Johnston, Check, Milne Rader, Proptietort a • AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND INI:,I'LE- MENTS, ETC. ;;: On North Half Lot 8, Can 13, Bron- son Line, Stanley Township; 11x mile north of Blake, on. TUESDAY, MARCH 25th Commencing at 1.00 o'clock, sharp. HORSES Bay mare rising 8 yrs. old; Bay horse rising 8 yrs. old. CATTLE --Red cow fresh; Roan cow due April 1st; 2 steers 2 yrs, old; 2 small calves; Roan cow fresh; GIGS -3 Shoats; HENS -150 pure bred White Leghorn hens. IMPLEMENTS, ETC: -Bain wag- on, Hay rack, wagon box, gravel box set bob sleighs; stock rack,• cutter, buggy, Grey 6 h.p. gasoline engine, grain grinder, rubber belt., Clinton. fanning mill, cutting box, roller, 1 - horse scuffler, 10 -ft. 111.41. steel rake 5 foot Deering mower, Mann spring tooth cultivator, McCormick -Deering fertilizer drill nearly new, 6 ft. cut M. -H. binder; Superior disc on .whe- els, walking plow, 3 section harrows, a quantity of basswood and hemlock lumber, quantity of grain bags, whif- fletrees, neckyokes, logging chains, forks, shovels, King cream separator nearly new, Chatham incubator; chi- cken brooder, chicken coops, spades, crowbar, wheelbarrow, root pulper, ladder, heavy set of harness, single harness, collars, sweat pad's, bells, robe, cross -cut saw, hand saw, weter basin, Peninsular range stove nearly new, Kitchen cabinet, Kitchen table, parlor box heater with pipes nearly new, sink, vinegar barrel, bench, quantity of pails, Daisy churn, GRAIN -A quantity of seed beans quantity of New Banner seed oats; quantity of good mixed grain; quan- tity of clover seed; about 10 tons of mixed hay. TERMS -$10 and under cash. Ov- er that amount 12 months' credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes. 4% off for cash on credit. a- mounts. Hay, grain and poultry cash. Arthur Weber, Auchioneer. Wm. S. Johnston, Clerk. Edward Talbot, Proprietor. Thur, sfra ,, 1304 7.930 ! 20•06060000066 4100._ 6•0666.00660 - 0 911 • • • 0.14990066,®®600e0DlOS.060e S0m$ieP®IMe 1 1 Ford Coupe, A 1 condition..____ $250 1 Ford Tudor, 1925 ____� �____..__..._. 150 i 1 Ford Tudor, 1929, like n w_..___...._.........$475 f Chev- Touring,1924 o)i'31 "' 1 WE SELL AND WE SERVICE FORT) CARS, TRUCKS AND 1 A`. ric '8 Choice Canada's Choice Zurich's Choke There are now only two classes of Car Dealers: -Ford Dealers! And those who wish they were. CALL AT THE HOME OF THE FORD AND INSPECT THE FOLLOWING CARS CARRIED 1! 1 STOCK IN ZURICH: THE NEW FORD TOWN SEDAN THE NEW FORD FORDOR SEDAN THE NEW FORD TUDOR SEDAN • ALSO USEDCARS 0* 2,. 2 • 0 •. 1: o'. • 1 i s 1 Auction Sale OF FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS On Lot 15, Con. 9, 1% mile east, and 114 mile south of Zurich, and 21/ miles east and 3% miles north of Dashwood, on THURSDAY, MARCH 20th. At 12:30 o'clock, sharp the foll- owing: HORSES -Matched team of Clytie.;1 rising 6 and 7 years old, weighing Vvvtr WO) e horse 9 rs, qld. wei- ghing 7.500 lbs; Frey niare is yrs. Oki; Bay Clyde horse 8 yrs. old; Black Percheron mare 10 yrs. old; bay mare 12 yrs. old; Carriage horse 9 yrs. old; driving mare 12 yrs. old; driving mare 8 yrs. old; Black driving mare 5 yrs. old, works single or double. CATTLE -Spot cow 7 yrs. old due at time of sale; fresh cow with calf at foot; Brindle cow 7 yrs. oId, due in May; fresh cow 4 yrs. old; Well bred Holstein cow 4 yrs. old due in August; 2 Herfords with calf at foot; Red cow 4 yrs. old with calf at foot; Red cow 4 yrs. old with, calf at foot; Roan. cow due April 10th; Herford cow due at time of Sale; 2 farrow cows, Roan heifer with calf at foot; Red heifer with calf at foot; 3 steers rising 2 yrs. old; heifer rising 3 yrs; roan heifer rising 1 yr. 2 steers rising 1 yr. old, 2 baby beeves. PIGS -5 .;mall pigs 5 weeks old. POULTRY -20 yearling Rock hens 40 Leghorn pullets; 40 grey Rock ')ullets, 2 gobblers and 2 turkeys•;, T duck, 1 drake. ' IMPLEMENTS -3 Massey -Harris binders 6 ft. cut in good working or- der,; M. -H. binder 7 ft. cut in good shape; M. -H. mower 6 ft. nearly -new; M. -H. 5 ft. cut mower; Frost and Wood 10 -ft. steel rake nearly new; 13 hoe McCormick fertilizer- drill' in good condition; Deering 11 -disc seed drill; 13 -hoe Frost & Wood seed drill, 13 spring tooth cultivator;; steel - roller Tudhope disc with foretruck nearly new; McCormick disc with foretruck; Oliver bean scuffler with puller corn-, bined; 4 -section harkaws; wagon -near ly new;. good wagon, truck wagon; 16 -ft: hay rack nearly new; gravel box; 2,000 lb. scale, Clinton. fanning mill, Liester cutting box with 'blower and pipes new, extension. ladders new bob sleighs, Portland cutter; 2 top buggies, 3 light wagons, road cart; Cockshutt walking plow new;• Fleury Walking plow; manure spreader; 12 set of sling ropes new, set heavy britchen harness, back band harness new, 2 back band harness in good condition, 3 sets of single• harness, fence stretcher, canthook, fogging chains, 2 set of 3 -horse trees; forys, ; shovels, spades, 2 sets of 2 -horse ev- eners, 2 neckyokes, good cattle dog wheelbarrow, DeLava.l cream. separ- ator 600 lb. cap; root pulper, scoop, shovel,- and numerous 'other articles. TERMS -Poultry, and ail sums of $10.00 and under cash, over that a- mount 7 months credit will be given on furnishing approved Saint notes with 4% straight off for cash on credit amounts. Parties from a distance will be asked to furnish Bank reference. Everything is going to be sold as proprietor is giving up farming. Arthur Weber, Auctioneer, Wn1. S. Johnston, Addle "" nen. Milford Merrier, Fro»rietor. 1 1 Phone 149 ZURICH TRACTORS IN `ZURICH. SAN Y L IOT THE HOME OF THE E FORD Phone 62 EXETER tT •a$*oe MOOD ►•Vt3c11010;i•••••M•••• L1' 7,4449/7/ . 'V A ,iy4:i' tat Saving money regularly is the first step toward success. THE Bank of -Montreal offers you a helping hand in your. steps toward financiat inde- pendence. Itwelcomes small savings deposits, pays com- pound onpound interest on them, and gives to you the security af- forded by its great resources. BANK OF MONTREAL Established 1817 Total Assets in. excess or '961aa1 nO00 . Zurich Branch: C. H. JOY, Manager. M ttv7-W,dYtl.M' "'