Zurich Herald, 1930-03-13, Page 3�happqiniddk aye"
�JHAT does "after
VW forty" mean to you?
Are you less capable than
you used to be? Nervous?
Easily tired? Run down?
Try the effect of two or
three boxes of Dr. Wil-
Pink Pills, the to
that has made hundreds
of middle - aged women
feel ten years younger!
It will nourish and invig-
orate the blood, so often
thinned and devitalized
by advancing years, tone
it up to better service,
make you feel strong
again, eager for life!
Buy Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills now at your drug-
gist's or any dealer in
medicine, or by mail, 50
cents, postpaid, from The
Dr. Williams Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ont.
Same as Canada
The Wet Way from Bimini to
The wettest sevep miles in the
world some one calls Bimini, an is-
land in the Bahamas about forty-five
nines from the coast of i+'loritla,
Nevertheless, it is reported this
"bootleggers' paradise" has suffered a
great decline in business recently.
The reason for it, we are told, is that
the dangers and difficulties of liquor -
running to the United States have be-
come too great.
A West Indian correspondent of the
London Observer blames the licensing
authorities of Nassau for Binlini's bac!
name, It is not too much to say,
alleges, that they could smash the
bootlegging industry in Bimini if they
so wished.
Meanwhile, this informant goes on
to describe the island's shape as
roughly making the arc of a circle. At
its southern end is another small is-
land, we learn, thus forming an ideal
harbor with a narrow channel as en-
trance. The population of the settle-
ment around the harbor is given as
400 odd.. On the main front street,
Bay Street, it is related, there are five
liquor saloons and one licensed club.
We read then: - •
i uor
the harbor there are twoq
barges, and one anchored schooner,
which serves the same purpose.
These barges are rectangular in
shape, being about fifty by thirty feet.
There are two houses in either barge,
one at each end. One serves as the
sleeping -compartments of the boot-
leggers, and the other as the ;dining-
roonh and kitchen. The space be-
tween the houses is open on either
side, and serves as a platform into
which the liquor is unloaded from the
Nassau schooners, and from which it
it loaded on to the Florida boats. Both
houses and platform are covered by a
common roof, giving the appearance
of a neat little cottage. •
"Underneath the houses, that is in
the hull of the vessel, several thous-
ands of cases of liquor can be stored,
so that there may be always a plenti-
ful supply on hand. In short the
barges and the schooner serve exactly
the same purpose as wholesale build-
ings on land, only their position in the
harbor so facilitates loading and un-
loading that the one warehouse on
land has practically ceased to do busi-
"The harbor is also dotted over by
some thirty motor -boats, averaging
about twenty-five feet in length; pos-
sessing powerful engines and capable
of carrying four hundred cases.
"Some of these boats are very fast,
and can reach the Florida coast in
two hours. These belong to the boot-
leggers in Miami, who employ young
men to pilot them anti shoot across
with loads according to orders. The
course of procedure is as follows:
"The owners of the barges live in
Nassau, and order the liquor from
England to that port. It arrives in
cases, and they repack it into sacks,
so that it can be handled with light-
ning speed. Each sack contains six
"The sacks are then put aboard.
schooners, which convey the liquor
the 116 miles from Nassau to Bimini
(of course, there are other centres as
well as Bimini, but we are concerned
just now only with the latter). The
schooners draw up alongside the`
barges and unload. The American
bootleggers now do,_business with the
barges, each of which has a capable
man in charge. Thus far everything
is plain sailing.
"The greatest risks of all are taken
by the men who carry the liquor from
the barges to the coast of Florida.
'A' receives a cable from his employer'
in Miami to bring, say, '400 cases over
to -night' (there are two sacks in a
case). He loads up from a barge; and
at sunset speeds out of the harbor to
cross the Gulf.
"He has a certain rendezvous,
known to hint and his associates at
the other side—some point of land
or some creek,' perhaps ten or twenty
miles from Miami. Later on, when the
authorities have become suspicious of
this place, he will change it to an-
other. He unloads, and is told wheth-
er to bring a load the following night
or the next, or to wait another cable,"
This West Indian correspondent of
The Observer goes on to relate,that
the rum -runner then makes his way
back to Bimini, and at sunrise his
Oxcarts and
..•.�...... �._:..�...:....-:� Classified ,At��rertising
y�N� What the p'u'blic Wants , d...,..
NO la LIKE y. ill the New Statesman (Lon. . aca7a 5,e.xt;
don); What the publ?c wants .and has 1 -- -^fit �i,v 4.tttClt-Ttvta ttA'rCtll'.tr
OWN �� always wanted is to be taught what i .,i 21fi,uwt Inst year fr four vnrit-
to want. The public has a wavering les. Write for free eutntogue. A. U.
,5, wit'Le, Grunion, Ont.
mind, wh.iell. responds readily to those »�'....- ------�-=
For Either the Newborn Baba ox' I who !lave stronger minds than its �eazxax aeon sr��
the Growing Child `own, A publie that at one time did. ¢ tl Ai:Ttt,l 1;n lh 1 r1•; L1�71J;
M Donald as a „r y! ukt+nrfuc t Township, LaxnY,lt,n
There is no other medicine to equal not
h of P 'll Lme- - waisted 1 h 111;cl/it
a 1G hI a
Baby's Own Tablets for little ones—1 la
whether it be for the newborn babe or I int
the greying child the Tablets always B
do .good- They are absolutely free I m
from opiates or other harmful drugs in
and the mother can always feel safe tai
in using them. of
Concerning the Tablets, Mrs, John s
Armour, R.R. 1, South Monaghan, w
Ont., says:—"We have three fine, yr
healthy children, to whom whoa a at
medicine is needed, we have given
only Baby's Own Tablets. The Tab-
lets are the best medicine you can
keep in any home where there are
young children."
Baby's Own Tablets are a mild but
thorough laxative which regulate the
stomach and bowels; banish consti-
pation and indigestion; break up
colds and simple fever and make
teething easy. They are sold by medi-
cine dealers or direct by mail at 25
cents a box from The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
t want Mr. Ramsay ac Uoont tr a ,1,iL•s f'rox,1 ! ort t f„o ,rl
ivate Mem er ar 'r , 1•eads, gooc uuNe ,
m a few years later as Prime Min ushecl,elll tiled,
welry l.Cfel,lexd neo,arg hurt
er. A public that once wanted M.1', , _ •n
e Shaw so little that the mere �y ANiTARY ISLIBI b,it (1°()D'31 Fal
ention of his awns was exasperat 1� p ,sunal use. Write for cataugui•.,
enclosing stamp. Verdun Laboratgries,
g, now wants hint to such an extent Iiox 2942, nlonlreal, Glue.
at ire has made a large fortune out Altt-Y -- ItLL1AI3f4I.^ MATII•IMON'
his plays. Yet Mr. Shaw did pot �� IAL Pallet rnailod f', ea; many. Cat1-
et out to give the public the plays it adianyiiicoli 4exl,ned,'N y dress b'riendshlp
anted. He set out to compel it to �.._ _,-----'---------474-
tempting to give the nubile what it
ant his plays. Thele is a phrase for
II tei!`r ALL SHOT
ti ow "Truit-a-tires"didit,saysMr.Alfred
Gingras. Thousands write nee-
E E vousness heart flutter, dizziness,
constipation, indigestion end over -
EL* over-
night! Sound sleep at once, Get
FI N Fruit-a-tiVes" fromdraggisttodayy..
Leading Agriculturist
With fifteen years practical experi-
ence in agricultural and livestock af-
fairs and having represented Canada
on an imperial committee to study the
meat supply of the British Empire,
Leonard Christie McOuat has recently
been appointed general agricultural
agent of the Canadian Pacific Rail-
way. He was born at St Andrews
East, ,Quebec, in 1592, and took his
helot of Science ce Ag-
of Bac
at McGill University. After
returning from military service in the
war, Mr. McOuat was called to Ottawa
as bacon specialist of the Dominion.
Livestock Branch, Department of
Agriculture, and, following a special
study of the British meat market, was
selected to join the first Imperial Ec-
onomic Committee to investigate and
report on British Empire meat supply
which met in London in 1925. His
wide knowledge and experience are
now at the service of th. Canadian
Pacific Railway
It is a far cry from the slow-mov-
ing, primitive, high -wheeled cart, haul-
ed by oxen along the roads of Ceylon,
to a speedy aeroplane in the winter
sky over Lake Erie, but many of the
People on Pelee Island are now drink-
ing tea, carried there by air, that jog-
osgled along in an oxcart under a tropi-
cal sun' in Ceylon only a few weeks
The Salada Tea Company, because
of the freezing over of Lake Erie, be-
tween Pelee and the mainland, recent-
ly shipped several hundred pounds of
tea by air, in order to replenish the
diminishing stock of a certain grocer
on the island.
There is no doubt that the aero-
plane is fast taking its Place as a
freight carrier and it is gratifying to
see some of our larger Canadian in-
dustries utilizing this means of trans-
portation in the name of service.
Weekly Parties During Early
• Spring.
APPLYNOW—The Secretary, The
Salvation Army Immigration:
303 Dundas Street, Woodstock, Ont.
430 Jam Is Street, Toronto, Ont.
114 Beckwith St., Smiths
sails OQnt.
1225 *University St.,
„Sores on leg, ulcers, for months. I) octors
failed to heal. Then 'Soothe -Salve' healed
theminfewdays."IulesSImardd."Soo us.
Salva" heals sores, ulcers, boils,
scalds, eczema, like magic. All druggists.
OF t•1AGIyts,
For `troubles
due to Acid
boat will be riding lazily at anchor,
as though it had never left the harbor.
Probably he is now asleep on the
barge, this writer ventures, happy in
the fact that another sum has been
placed to his credit. Meanwhile his
load, we are told, has been met by a
motor -truck or by cars. If the load is
to go to Miami, it appears, a truck
takes it there. But sometimes, it
seems, a consignment is placed in the
back of a private car, and driven north
to some other city. The destination
of every sack is already arranged be-
fore the boats arrive, and we read:
"Perhaps half a dozen or more of
these boats will cross in one night, all
going to separate points along the
coast, and all being met as in the case
of 'A.' They set out knowing that
they may be discovered by. coast
guards in their patrol boats. If they
are discovered, and do not halt they
may be shot. If they are captured it
means five years' imprisonment and
a five -thousand -dollar fine for. a first of-
(the employer always pays the
ants_"pat-boiling"—and it is a re-
arkable fact that the plays which
he public most permanently wants
-day are not the "pot-boilers, writ -
n exclusively to satisfy the public
aste. . . . In literature as in social
fe, it isoften those who set out to
lease who end by pleasing least.
No Cold Apartments Here
he Devil is a janitor—
Yea, one that's hard to beat,
or not a soul below doth growl
Because of lack of heat.
There is nearly as much ability re-
quisite to knovV how to profit by good
advice as to know how to act for
one's self.—La Rochefoucauld.
Adult Suffrage
Alfred Zimmern in the Political
Quarterly (London) : The first general
election in which. the whole adult
population was eligible to vote was
also the quietest, the most intellectual
that has even taken place in Great
Britain. The reduction of the average
voting age was accompanied by an in-
creased seriousness. We seem to be
succeeding in de -emotionalizing party
politics What more need then to exer-
cise the old precautions to keep this
or that serious problem "out of poli-
tics?" To inject it into the political
arena niay soon become a means for
ensuring its really serious and effec-
tive treatment.
Minarcl's-50 Year Record of Success.
Countless ages of stars may he blaz-
ing infinitely, but you and I have a
right to rejoice and believe in our lit-
tle part, and to trust in to -day and to-
morrow.—W. M. Thackeray
"They dare make the attempt only
during the dark period of the month.
In moonlight all boats lie up. They
also have to heave stormy seas. Some-
times boats go out and are never
heard of again. Frequently they are
captured. The other men only laugh,
and wonder when their time will
"On the American side the authori-
ties often capture a load as it is going
to Miami or elsewhere..Bribery is re-
sorted to however, and the loads are
often allowed to pass through. The
liquor is stored in secret.
"An innocent -looking building may
be the home of some of it, or a harm-
less -looking restaurant adapted for
receiving and disposing of the liquor
may be able to provide. its clients. The
consumer will pay as much as ten dol-
lars a bottle for .it.
"It ought to be added that the boot-
legging business has diminished great-
ly in recent days. The dangers and
difficulties of smuggling the liquor to
America are so great.
"The Licensing Board in Nassau is
composed of the Receiver -General, the
Stipendiary Magistrate, and three
other persons, appointed annually by
the Government. Upon them rests
the responsibility of granting licenses
to the saloons and barges in Bimini,
and it is not-tdo much to say that they
have the power of smashing the boot-
legging business in that quarter.
"Why do they not use their power?
Every license is supposed to be greet-
ed On its merits. The average num-
ber for a settlement the size of Bimini
is .three, and this was the number
there previous to bootlegging days,
and even they were only small saloons
run by colored natives. At the pre-
sent time there. are nine licenses iu
Bimini, even though the original three
saloons are still sufficient to supply
the settlement.
"None of the licensed establish-
ments do a wholesale trade with any
surrounding settlements, because
there are none for many miles. .The
only place that the barges can do bug -
nese with is Florida—hence the boot•
"The Licensing Board appeal's to
close its eyes to the fact that an un-
limited quantity of liquor is being con-
veyed to a settlement for the sole pur-
pose of being smuggled into America
and violating the law of a friendly
When ' dirt
What many people call indigestion
very often means excess acid in the
stomach. The stomach nerves have
been over -stimulated, and food sours.
The corrective is at alkali, which
neutralizes acids instantly. And the
best alkali known to medical science
1s Phillips' Milk of Magnesia.
remained the standard with physi-
cians in the 50 years since its inven-
List of "Wanted Inventions"
and Full Information Sent Free
on Request.
T2U3 Rank Sty COaw et t.W..'
—EulahLanningham writes. Thou-
sands gain 5 to 15 lbs. in 3 weeks
with newIronizedYeast.Skinclears
like magic. Nerves, constipation
vanish overnight. Get Lionized
Yeast tablets from druggist today.
One spoonful
of this harmless, taste:
less alkali in water will neutralize in-
stantly many times as t once.tich , and
the 'symptoms disappear
will never use crude Methods when
once you learn, the efficiency of this.
Go get a small bottle to try.
13e sltre to get the genuine Philipls'
Mille of Magnesia prescribed by physi-
cians for 50 years in cor•reetiug excess
Each bottle contains full (Wee -
RUB IN BAC,. eonara
IEAR ®lib
$1:25 A11 Druggists Descriptive folder on request
A. 0. LEONARD, Inc.
10 Fifth Ave., New York' CitY
Do you suffer after meals with a
belching, from sour and acid stomach?
Many believe they have heart trouble
and tremble with fear, expecting any
minute to drop. dead. This condition
can be prevented, likewise relieved.
Take Carters Little., Liver Pills
after ineals and neutralize the gases.
Sweeten the sour and acid stomach, re-
lieve the gas and encourage digestion.
The stomach, liver and bowels will
be cleansed of poison, painful and
dangerous indigestion disappears and
the system enjoys.a tonic effect. Don't
delay. Ask your druggist for a 25c
pkg. of Carter's Little Liver Pills.
By the Way, wh•�at's the proposed
new thirteenth month to he called?
The calendar might end with October,
November, December,Addender.
acids. Bac o e
tions --any' drugstore. Use Minard's In the Stable.
Whatever themetal
cutting job a Simonds
Hack -Saw will dolt better
and faster.
For power use, specify.
Simonds"all-hard" blades—
For hand use, SimondsHard-
Edge blades.
Refer your sawing and cutting
problems to our nearest
Corti enra, Soap
Cleanse rhe stale and hair of dandruff and dust
and assist in the healthy growth of hair.You will
be delighted with their fragrance and efficiency.
Send for trial outfit Soap and Ointment to
"Cuticura," Box 2616, Montreal, Canada.
'Ws like IA
QUICE: RELIEF obl:uued by thuu-
Sand.0 through use o° Dr. J f-1. Uuild's
Green Mountain Asthma Compound.
lts pleasant smoke vapor soothes and
relieves. Originated In 1869 by Dr.
Guild. specialist in respiratory dis-
eases, Also relieves catarrh. Standard
remedy at druggists: 35 cents, 60
cents and $1.50, powder or cigarette
form. rean TRIAL
age cigarettes. es.rdi Dis-
286 St Paul St. West Montreal. Can.
1i o �illi1d. S, ASTHMA COMPOUND
He dearly loved a rich tit -bit. The
spirit' as willing, but the flesh was weak.
Whenever he ate anything rich, his boys
used to say, " Poor dad, he will pay the
penalty to -morrow." Read the sequel
in his own words :—
" Since taking the regular dose of
Eruschen Salts it is quite different, and
cat what I enjoy boys arthemselvesseeing not touch before.My
eldest son was the same, but since he
has taken Kruschen Salts he eau eat
and enjoy whatever is put in front oft
Modem artificial conditions, errors of
diet, overwork, lack of exercise, and
so on are bound to have injurious
effects in the long run providing due
precaution is not taken.
h.rusciien Salts should be your safe-
guard. Besides
t the painlessly, o
impurities gently, surely
they possess a vital power of giving new
lire and vitality to the countless millions
of cells of which every body is composed.
That is why physicians never yhesitate
to recommend Kruseheu
Don't Be Bald!
Use Minard's. A recognized hair
grower for fifty years. Apply to
scalp steadily four times a week.
If you have never tried Ii.ruschen—try it now
at our expense. We have distributed a great
many special " GIANT" packages which make
18 easy for you to prole our claim for yyourself.
Ask your druggist for the now '• GLANT " 75o.
This consists of our regular 75c. bottle together
one1iweek. Open thetrialottlle Oat t, put itto about the test, and then, if not entirely convinced that
Krusehen docs everything we claim it to do, the
regular bottle Is still as good as new. Take it
back. Your druggist is authorised to return
your 75c. Immediately and without question.
hat acoulde be rfairer 1 frc-Manuat facturedenby
B. Griffiths Hughes, Ltd., Manchester, Bug.
a Tr16. Importers: McGillivray Bros.Ltdono
-••-...--N 4079
s imdotinQiheFood by Regula.
tintllaSlomachsandga,M,„ 4
Are you prepared to render
first aid and quick comfort the
'moment your youngster has an
upset of any sort? Could you do
the right thing--immediately--
though the emergency came with-
out warning—perhaps tonight?
Castoria is a mother's standby at
such times. There is nothing like
it in emergencies, and nothing
better for everyday Use. For a
sudden attack of colic, or
ggentle relief of constipatio
allay a feverish condition, or to
soothe a fretful baby that can't
sleep. This pure vegetable prepa-
ration is always ready to ease an
airing youngster. It is just as
harmless as the recipe on the
wrapper reads. If you see Chas.H. Fletcher's signature, it is
genuine Castoria. It is harmless
to the smallest infant; doctors
will tell you so.
You can tell from the recipe on
the wrapper how mild it is, and
how good for little systems. But
continue with Castoria until a
child is grown.
0My daughter Catherine is
fifteen years old. She was very
irregular, often sick at her
stomach and had to stay in.
bed two or three days at a
time. One of your booklets was
sent to us by mail so f got her
pound. le C fh Catheble Com -
rine been
taking it regularly and she is
gaining in weight and every
way. I. told the neighbors and
four other girls are taking it
with good results."—Mrs.
ence Jenkinson, Box 14, Thorn-
loe, Ontario.
j1. 8111S
l,dtt t'I'fhuhtim litud.,peLynn. Moss U S.,fl,S
l;;rttiy 066patist011` 1e, lrYtiada
ISSUE No. 10