HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1930-03-06, Page 1RSC HERAL ZURICH. THURSDAY .MORNING, MARCH 61930. Chester L. Smith, sp $1.25 a year, U.S. *1.50 in Mea it f1.5 IN IRREARS $2 SAY BZ t BAltellB Let the Herald renew all your Daily papers and Magazines DASHWOOD Mr. L. Birks, who its aiming O- - A. C. at Guelph, is vending a few • days with his parents. Miss Emma Tie�atn t of London, spent the week- exrdi wit'hs re2a*ti Mr. and Mrs: A- Bers&ve of Blyth, • called on friends intowmt oen S'ateactla5 Miss 1W. Allemspent the week.- - end at her home in Edi, Mr. Alvin Nitheatma of the Weef , visited with Mr.: J; 1Elartleib and La- uada. on Monday.. Mr. Louis Kraft is on the sick list His many friendss hope for a speedy recovery. Mr: Orville Smith spent Sunday withhis brother Jas. Smith. Mrs. Jacob Schroeder spent the week -end. at New Hamburg. Miss Verda Baker of London, sp- ent Sunday with her parents. miss Bsuma MIxtemen tat on Sat - We Recommencl.' like New -Kates because we are convinced of as superiority over sng other make of asicret of agar the price. Let us demonstrate t'tis finer set. NEW PRICES—Model C. K. 35 A. Only $188. Other Models at Similar Reductions E. OESCH. AGENT —• ZURICH KOLSTER ILADIO MOVE THAN EVER ... A FINE SE? •Doses•os•••••••••a+'+eo••e•e•x•e•eeeo•••eoe•o•••e•e e .. A IIABNRSS • • e • • • • • •I • • • • • i • • • a t • •• • • • • • • • • • s • • • • •• w : 'Having bought part of a Bankrupt Harness 1 Stock lam going ;to -run off these Goods, - at a great reduction of regular prices. Be li aura and get your supply while these bar- 1 gains last* Following are a few 'items: r I 30 SETS TEAM PAD HARNESS, A BIG SAVING -• 30 SETS TEAM 'BRIDLES, AT A SNAP 40 400 14n.. ITAIIIIE .STRAPS, .A REAL BARGAIN 4 15 SETS TEAM BREECHING HARNESS, A REAL BUY -4,10 50 SETS TEAK LINES, 14n. WIDE, AT A BIG REDUCTION •• 250 SWEAT PADS, :PUT INA SUPPLY. - • 4 ALSO A LARGE. 'UMBER OF COLLARS. BREAST STRAPS, .; MARTINGALE% BELLY.BANOSS AF MONEY SAVING PRICES. • •• EXAMLNE THESE GOODS AND BE CONVINCED . • SALE LASTS ONLY =TM THIS .`.STOCK HAS BEEN SOLD FRED THIEL ZURICH 's 4 PHONE t•1:. + •••••••••••••• ••• •••••••••••••••••••••+'•• 411•••••••••••••• •• •N••••••••••••••••••••••• THE PROOF The 6Wearing New Samples and Suiting For swing OUR NEW SAMPLES SWINGS ;FFf.1f SPA124i0 HAVE ARRIVED, ANU' AWE MEETING 'TH'E 1"OPUL'd. t DEIIIIMI71r eOLOT2E M "NEAR WELL" WILL arum 4 L ) 3135 • • • . + • •. ♦' • , • o, ,e 4.. •I s, �! ' • 4. • • 4 4, THAT T 'WE.ltlr WELL:`°. a • • 4 4 That's what We have o se o 9 Mol +S° 6liD i>igiash `'Ii rVS Ell 'A E S yVN** d.. musectents. •, a • i R. DOVI;OU�S.SEAU, Manager & Prop. urday for Toronto where she' will vis- 'it her brother before leaving for New York. HILLSOREE•N Mr. Clarence Reichert of London, spent the week -end at his home here,' Mr. Russell Love of London, spent a few days at the home of his par- ents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Love. Mr. and Mrs. P. Campbell and son Mr. Lloyd Foster has taken a pos- of Hay Township were recent visitors Mon in Heist's bakery. at the home of Mr. and Mr's. II. Love. Mr. • and Mrs. R. McAllister, Mr. and Mrs. C. Parke of Blake and Mr. R. Consitt, spent a day in London recently. Miss Edith Forrest of Hensall sp- ent a few days with friends in this vicinity. Mrs. John Richardson and • sons, Wesley and Ross, spent the week -end with friends in St. Thomas. The former remaining for a few weeks at that place.. Mr. W. Carlile is holding an and: ion sale on Thursday March 6th of Farm Stock and Implements. The Women's Missionary Society are holding their meeting on the day of Prayer, Friday afternoon, March 7th, at 2.30 p.m. in the home of Mrs. Chas. Stephenson. Y. P. S.—The Y.P.S. was held in the basement of the church on Mon- day evening, March 3rd, with Miss Gladys Stephenson's group in charge of the programme. Rev. Connor pre- siding. The meeting was opened by singing hymn 758, followed by pray- er by Rev. Connor. Mr. Elmer Tur- ner read the scripture lesson. Miss G. Stephenson gave the devotions,. and prayer. Hymn 606 was then sung Miss Eileen Turner then gave a topic on styles. We were then favoured with a duet by Mr. Carlile and Miss Martha "I shall See Him Face to Face" Mrs. Connor then took the mis- sionary study from the Atlas. The offering and Secretary report was then taken. Hymn 410 was sung. We closed the meeting by repeating the mizpah benediction. Games and Contests were then played followed by an address and presentation to Mr. and Mrs. W. Carlile and family of a fernery and two wicker chairs. Miss Eileen Turner read the address: To Mr. and Mrs. Carlile and family: It is with regret that we, the members of Hillsgreen United. Church have learned of your departure from our midst. We felt that we could not let you leave without in some small way showing our sincere appre- ciation of the untiring efforts of you all in the Sunday School, Church and choir. You have always given in- spiringly of your time and talents. Therefore we ask you to accept these gifts. expressing our love and esteem for you, and as you use them in your new home, may you have pleasant memories of our little church at Hills greed. Signed on behalr of the Congreg- ation. James McAllister, Russell Consitt. BORN Miller—At Hay Township, on March lst, to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Miller A. daughter. Schilbe—At 14th Con., Hay Town - 'ship, on March 1st, to Mr. and :Mrs. Henry Schilbe, a son. NOTICE Exeter. Machine Works OPEN FOR BUSINESS Repair Work of all kinds done here ACETYLENE WELDING SAWS GUMMED RING GEARS MOUNTED TCTOR ENGINES AND MACH- INERY OF ALL KINDS OVER- HAULED AND ETC: RANGERS PULLEYS & SHAFTING SAFETY -FIRST AUTOMATIC 'TRACTOR COUPLERS AT RE- DUCED PRICES. DROP IN AND SEE US Now is the time to have your re - Talking done before the Spring rush. We appreciate your patronage. Satisfaction Guaranteed Phone 254w, EXETER. Mr. Melvin Tolbot of near Bruce- fisld, called on Zurich friends on MQnday. `Mx. Lennis O'Brein has taken a position with his father in the pro- duce business. • Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Pfile of Hen- sall, were business visitors in town on, ,Thursday evening. Sorry to report that Mrs. Cyrus Clolosky is on the sick list, confined to her bed. Dr. H. H. Cowen has been confined to his room the past week with a rather bad attack of gripp. Mr. Frank Bossenberry of Kitch- ener, is spending the week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Wag- ner. Ray Council met on Monday for its March meeting and a great deal of business was transacted which will appear in next week's issue. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Merner of the 14th, con., accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Merner of Hensall, had a. most pleasant motor trip to Ham- ilton and Burlington during the past weak. Mr. Norman Gascho, who has been with the O'Brein produce for some time has severed his connections with that firm and has purchased the Zurich Dairy business from C. Schrag &, Sikns, taking possession about the iniddlc of March. We wish . Mr. Gaseho every success in his under- taking. Mr. Wellington Johnston, propriet- or of the Dominion House, met with a very painful accident the other day at St. Joseph, when he was engaged in assisting in moving a fish boat. One of the heavy steel rollers used in moving the boat caught his foot and painfully bruised it. It will be some time before Mr. Johnston will again have the full strength in his foot, as he is now getting around on crut- ches. On Tuesday evening, March 4th, when the Ladies' Aid of St. Peter's Lutheran Church, held their business meeting in the basement of the ch- urch at the close of the meeting the ladies visited the home of Mrs. H. Rupp to congratulate her on her 80, birthday. After a few words of good wishees by the President, a token of remembrance and a Birthday Cake was presented to her by Mrs. Alex. Foster, after which a very enjoyable evening was spent. Special Lenten Services are in progress at the Evangelical Church, Zurich, every Tuesday evening, Wed- nesday evening and Thursday even- ing, this week and next week. The Services begin at 7.45 p.m. The pastor will bring a spiritfilled gospel message at each service. The choir will lead out in the ministry of song and will 'render special music. You are wanted and welcome to this re- freshing season of divine grace and blessing. The Junior League meets Monday evening at 7.15 and the Sen- ior League and Choir Practice is held on Friday evening at '7.30 and 8.30 respectively. Waterm The wise school belle takes a Waterman's Fountain Pen back to class. It means quicker and better work—high• er marks—and lots time! We have isure V a Waterman's ,i thatwillexactly stun YOU! E' , ``,I! ' -. ligi WE HAVE A MODEL TO SUIT YOU $2.50 to $7.00 OTHER PENS FROM $1.00 UP. Hess, The Jeweller OOAL 1934 ! COLD DAYS 1 YES, THE COLD DAYS ARE HUM AGAIN'? ARE YOU PREPAREEM WE ARE Prepared with a l::•rg Supply of HIGH GRADE FUELS Genuine Scranton Anthra titefl ToW- way Coke, Miller's Creek Salk. Pocahontas, Cannell, Galt and Small Pea Coal for Bsa&iasar DISCOUNT of 50c per ton allearateit for CASH PAYMENT ONLY Cax te1cz-. H E N SALL O!T,I Office Phone 10w Horse it'h.ne 1 The Zurich Branch of the Wom- en's Institute held their monthly meeting on Tuesday afternoon, Mar. 4th, when there were 30 ladies pres- ent. The meeting was opened by singing the Institute Ode after which all repeated the Lord's prayeran instrumental solo by Miss Mildred Geiger was much enjoyed; a reading on "The coming of St. Patrick to Ireland" was then given by Miss Pearl Pfile. Rev. E. Turkheim gave a talk which was very helpful and enter- esting, every one present could take a good thought home with them. Miss Leona Haberer gave a line instru- mental solo. The members of the institute expressed their appreciation to the girls for their kind assistance at this meeting. The committee then served lunch, after which some interesting receips of quick desert for dinner were givenandalso other bus- iness matters were brought up, and discussed. the Meeting was then ad journed• by atnging the National An- them, + + •+ • + + + + + 4416+++++++++++++++4444,44444++++++++-1-144-4-4,44444,04~ OUR USBD CARS WE DO NOT KNOW OF EVER BEING ABLE TO Open a season's Business in the USED CARS, that we it were able to show our Customers such a fine Asortmen t M these popular grades of Autos.- .The quality of these~ Cars is of the very Best, ands vite anyone that is interested in a good car at a vett' moderate price will do well to first see us and get our prices. SPECIAL . CAR IS BEING OFFERED AT A REAL BARGAIN. 1928 PONTIAC 4 -Door SEDAN IN EXCELLENT CONDITION FINISH, FENDERS AND UPHOLSTERING LIKE NEW. TSS "SEEING IS BELIEVING" FORD SEDAN NEW TIRES, BUMPERS, SHOCKS, SPECIAL 5135.00 FOARD COACH 1926 MODEL/ BUMPERS, FINISH IS ORIGINAL AND LOOKS LIKE NEW SEE THIS SPECIAL " FORD COUPE 1925 MODEL, NEW RALO015 TIRES, BUMPERS, FMIISH; FENDERS AND UPHOLSTER ING LIKE NEW SEE THIS ONE 1927 FORD COUPE 2 TRACTORS PIANO 1 BUGGY 0 FRITZ & SON HIGH CLASS USED CAR ER.OKERS PHONE 82 ZURICH +4.5++44+.+++++++++#+++*++++ 1 11 +++++d^h#+S-P+R*• +i! -t• 1 4 Bargains! Bargains! For the next two weeks we are offering Bargains on our Stock o HEAVY WINTER GOODS SUM ASUNDERWEAR, SWEAT: - ERS, WINDRREAKERS, SHERTS,; STOCKINGS, WOOL BLANK- ETS, LA?ir -ETS, FLANNELETTE BLANKETS, :FLANNELS,, MACKEF!T W FLANNEL FRUITS, GINGJM' b $,, .ALSO MEN'S AND .kern. HEAVY RUBBERS AND S $,, MITTS AND GLOVE Re Na DOUGLAS il`.+EIIiF+ESMUL *ft c MAN T PHONE 97 MAKi