HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1930-02-27, Page 3WHY SHOULD 11i suffer from rheumatism like this? TF he would accept the ad - J. vice of thousands of men and women, he would find` relief by taking Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills. Rheuma- tism heum-tism is not a surface ailment that can be banished by rub- bing with 1inixnenta or oils. Watery, poison -laden blood must be built up and puri- fied before there can be any progress toward permanent recovery. ,Time and again, sufferers have proved the value of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills in, the treatment of rheumatism. "For some years," writes Thomas Martin, of Novar, Ontario, "I was so badly troubled with rheumatism I could hardly walk and suf- fered great pain. I had medi- cal treatment but did not get much relief. After tak- ing Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for some time the trouble disappeared and has not since shown the least sign of returning." Start today to relieve your rheumatism. Buy a boz of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills at your nearest druggist's or, postpaid, by mail at SO cents a box from. The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ontario. S.13 P iU IS "A HOUSEHOLD NAME IN 54 COUNTRIES" c. w has DO NOT LET Anybody ever hear a napper sing i �% Tome, Sweet i;Ienee?" i Bobby (in the presence of family Baby's Own Tablets Are Just i Long. g S She sl eel .daddy for do - the Help l4I ss1 l�pl? Ing it:' ( At the cost of a few cents ever"' nlothor can add tb iter owxl happiness As a general thing .you will find ten and to her children's safety, for, while people willing to get you into trouble., tlio cost of Baby's Own Tablets is io to every one willing to help get you small the, value of these Tablets out. and visitors)—"No, I don't wanna kiss He NBe]S. Live to be happy. Nothing .else mat- ters very much, Cultivate that courtesy in the eye which overlooks your friend's broken gateway but sees the rose that blos- soms In his garden. The Fighter Your nose may be battered, your jaw- bone nicked, Your visage may be a sight; But always remember you're never licked While still you can stand and ngbt; No matter how badly they mess up your map, It won't be beyond repair, ,And there still is a chance that you'll win the scrap" As long as the punch is there. You'll make mistakes and yon'il do things wrong— The best of us always do, But as soon as you get to going strong Your grit will see yon through. They smashed old Nelson to a fare - you -well But he didn't observe "good night," Ise merely paused in his tracks to yell That he'd just begun to fight. There'll be plenty of folks to peddle gloom, ' . There'11, be plenty of folks to say That they see the terrible day of doom Hurrying on its way; But the fellow who knows fight is hard And still has the nerve to grin, And never gets rattled or drops his guard, Is the fellow who's going to win. POVERTY Poverty overtakes hint who says "Tis too cold, 'tis too hot, 'tis too late," and neglects his' daily work; but he who, performing his manly duties reeks not a straw for heat' or cold, his happiness not decay. Prohibition can never be given its! trial until more of its violators are given. theirs. "No more stomach trouble. Can eat anything," writes Mrs. E. White. Thousands say indiges- tion, heartburn, gas vanish like magic with Fruit.a.tives". Constipation, sick headaches end overnight. Nerves, heart quiet, sound sleep at once. Rheumatism flies away. Complexion clears quick. Get 'Fruit.a.tives" from druggist today. DO YOU SUFFER FROM CONSTIPATION? Countless remedies are advertised for constipation. Many relieve for the moment but they are habit form- ing and must be continued. Others contain calomel and dangerous min- eral drugs, which remain in the sys- tem, settle in the joints and cause aches and pains. Some are harsh purgatives which cramp and gripe and leave a depressed after effect. Avoid lubricating oils which only grease the intestines and encourage natures machinery to become lazy. A purely vegetable laxative such as Carter's Little Lil;er Pills, gently touches the liver, bile starts to flow, the bowels move gently, the intestines are thoroughly cleansed and constipa- tion poisons pass away. The stomach, liver and bowels are now active and the system enjoys a real tonic effect. All druggists 25c and 75c red pkgs. —PHILLIPS oft o,v4,0 Fox. Troubles NDto Acid ttIE A ACID STOMACH HEART HEADACHE OASES NAUSEA that the Time is capital which costs nothing to get but everything to lose. When they pulled the professor, half drowned, from the water, he splutter- ed: "How exasperating! I've just re- called the fact that I can't swim." every home where there are little one is exceedingly great. What mother does not suffer wiled her little ones are suffering—when they are undergoing the tortures of the teething period; the agonies of, eonstipation and indigestion, or the miseries brought on by colds or sim- ple fevers? What ;pother can sleep when her child does not sleep? She. can banish these troubles, bowever,- and in banishing them she is making a happy household, for the happy child makes everyone else happy. To banish childhood suffering Baby's Own Tablets _should always be kept in the home. They are recognized the world over as an absolutely safe and efficient remedy for little ones, ` TheY are a mild but thorough laxative and through their action on the stomach and bowels never fail to banish any of the minor ills of little ones. Tliey are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Out. Canada's Newest Success is very often failure with a new coat of paint. The man who goes without a bank account is like the man who takes a trip on a flat tire. He ruins his tire and doesn't go' far. Plenty ot air in a good tire and plenty of money in a good bank will last you long and take you far. Think it over. .o—"When I was in China I saw a woman hanging from a tree." Bo—"Shanghai?" Jo --"Oh, about'six feet." ' Customer (in record department)— "I want a record with that song, 'Fath- er Swallowed the Black Comb' on it." Puzzled Salesgirl—"I don't seem to remember that one." Customer (whistling well-known tune)—"It goes like this—" • Salesgirl (no longer puzzled)—"Olt, you want "Follow the Swallow Back Home." It is said that astronomers can tell whether a star is young or old by its color. Bet they can't do that with some of the Hollywood stars. Youth—"Your daughter, sir, has consented and made me the happiest man in America." Prospective Father-in-law (with a sigh ot relief)—"Pardon me, the sec- ond happiest." Oftimes holding hands can result in a misdeal. Chicago finances seem to have been for a ride. Seaport Government Annuities Grow In Popularity Tremendous 'increase of Pm - chasers Noted in Recent Years The old gospel of "Sufiieient unto the tiny is the evil thereof" is being greatly Inoclihee byCen::dians, accord- ing to recent advices. People through -- out the Dominion are taking an inten- sified 'interest in companies and instt- tations that aid them to sucure Anat. cial protection for their old age. This awakening of interest has been Particularly noticeable in the pur- chase of Government Annuities dur- ing the past few years. In 1908 this system was inaugurated by the Do- minion Government to encourage thrift among the people and to enable them to provide for their declining years. In return for small regular payments each purchaser at the age of 65 become entitled to an income for - life. Since assuming office the Honorable Peter Heenan has taken a particularly keen anti whole hearted interest in Ottawa.—Whet. Churchill, on Hud- son Bay, Caned:..'s newest seaport, is opened sometime in the summer of this year, it will be the scene bf an interesting social experimen -. The land within the limits of tk.e townsite will not be sold but will be leased by the Manitoba Government, under whose administration the townsite comes. Since Churchill was chosen in 1917 as the seaboard terminal of the Hud- son Bay Railway it has been a great camp, with hundreds of workers en- gaged in harbor and railway construc- tion in the summer and a small staff in charge of the plant in winter. But; as the chief depot of the new trans- atlantic route by way of Hudson Bay, it is expected to be at once a centre of important interests, such as trans- portation, mining, grain, handling and fishery. The harbor improvements that have been planned cannot be finished earlier than. 1982, and the presence of the army of workmen .engaged: in this development will give the new town a favorable start Rail correction is now completed over the whole stretch of 511 miles from The Pas to Churchill.'' Regular trains run over a part of the line, but winter connection is not main- tained at present to the Bay. The entire line will, it is expected, be in. regular operation in the spring of 1931, Though the future of Churchill is regarded very favorably by many, the, inflation which 'has attended such. sentiment in the case of other pros- pective railway centres hac been wholly prevented by the refusal ot the Manitoba Government so far to give rights in land of the townsite. The provincial government of Manitoba, availing itself of facilities afforded by Dominion authority, has prepared plans for the development of several towns of the north, including Church- ill. It is expected that Churchill will be open to newcomers early next sum- mer. The effects of planning and of the new system of landholding will then be seen. The Hudson Bay Railway has been built by the Canadian Government and will be operated by the Canadian Na- tional Railways. taken YOUR HAIR NEEDS L TO GIVE IT HEALTH AND LUSTRE ASH A.NOVR BARBER ar Stotri ''lfiy ::4 <t:•:, Just a tasteless (lase of Phillips' Milk of Magnesia in water. That is an alkali, effective, yet harmless. It has been the standard antiacid for 50 years aniong ' physicians everywhere. One spoonful will neutralize at once many times its volume in acid, It is the: right way, the quick, pleaeart rad effi- cient way to kill the excess acid, The fdteanaclh be^.•J' rites sweet, the pain de- n are happy Parts. Yohagain minutes. Don't depend on crude methods. Em- ploy the best way yet evolved in all the years of searching. That is Phil- lips' Milk of Magnesia, in five The Empire and the Privy Council Bombay Times of India: We in In- dia are not concerned with the politi- cal aspect of the question raised by Mr. Blythe's speech in the Dail Eir- eann with regard to the right of ap- peal to the Privy Council. How far it is covered by the Anglo-Irish Treaty or by the deliberations and decisions of the Imperial Conference must be. left to the parties- concerned to say. But iu its general`iispect the question is of great interest and importance to every part of the Empire. , .. In a place like India, where age -long pre- judices and the conflict of communal and religious sentiment are not with; out their influence upon the course of law, the existence of a tribunal of ulti- mate appeal, far removed' from local inihittences, and the authority and int- partiality of whose judges have never been questioned, is not a matter of small consequence.... It would be long before a tribunal of equal status and authority with. the Privy Council could be established in any part. of the Empire At least, so far as India with its peculiar difficulties, is con. cerned, the question of abolishing the right of appeal to the Privy Council should be carefully and dispassionate- ly considered, and no attempt Made to sweep away that right in a title of un- reasoning natioltalisni and local patri- otisin so common in these days. Mleard's—The Great White Liniment Be sure to get the genuine Phillips' i A mother muted her little daughter Milk or Magnesia prescribed by physi- Marigold because site hoped she clans for 50 years in correcting excess; would. acids. Each bottle conatus full direo- • * t(oias—ally drugstore. ISSUE No, 8—'30 Hon. Peter Heenan Luxury Vegetables 1 ` Classified Advertising Glasgow Merald (Cons.); The retail Funs VE). cost of the 250,000 tolls of luxury ear- ekA '1' 0 D ---W til T 11 11M -1C )UN'. 1.iki Al CUES. c l.Oi iu To feulea l'Jt. SYT J4lutil til hwrly. 1 zrrnr 4.134 n i uutldtilge in Al condition: pusvt•s.wi Alit rob I 5, t5'rlle for {lar'ticulare. Jonas And Johnston, Limited, Guelt,h. Ontario. oria 'J'Tx rrxxis von ME1i Lam .. WOMEN i� D/WISING AIlT AND HAND-. ,n lettering apprentices wanted, we train you, supply you with work and pay 'rum 51.00 to "x3.00 per flour' with- out any caritacuin on your tsars. ltpply to 'rile Alt 13trectol', 35 teollego Street, Teroeto, ' State• price. Jtoht, G>•ulceltua», ly potatoes Which invaded our near- Mr diner, Ohio, Rets last year would roti to file huge ^"'"""' � Eh E sum aI £12,000,000, whereas the sante quantity of home -crop potatoes (which were available at the time) could have been bought on a retail basis of 90. per . stone at .;51,500,000, It fs easy to cal -1 culate what that means. Our consum-' ers were ready to sacrifice R10,5Q0,000 needlessly on imported potatoes in order to satisfy what has been Galled the depraved appetite for moist early produce. All of that huge sum, of course, did not go abroad. Of the 212,000,000 spent on these imported carnes only £3,000,000 actually left the country. But a more prurient use of this' spending power would have saved our farmers from much of their present trouble, and would also have helped to fertilize other branches of our consuming markets. Minard's Is Best forGrippe. The Dole London Daily , Herald (Lib.) : By some miraculous lapse of memory large numbers of people appear to have entirely forgotten that the work- ers do pay a very large suns of money every year as their contribution to- wards the National Unemployment In- sueance Fund. in the same way the employers and the State pay their shares duly allotted to them by Act of Parliament. Moreover, these con- tributions are compulsory. A work- inan in employment could not escape if he would. Yet there are some pea - Pie who 'are always blackguarding him. 11 he accepts a payment out of this In- surance Fund to which he has compul- sorily subscribed. It is just as if a I man who had subscribed to a compul- Isory superannuation fund 'kvas con- t demned as a slacker when he took 1 his retiring pension. this branch of his department work them. with the result that there has been a tremendous increase of purchasers. During his administration additional offices were opened and more repre- sentatives installed throughout the Country. The radio was pressed into service. More extensive advertising was launched through newspapers and other periodicals. Postmasters in rural centres were urged to co-operate in the scheme and point out its ad- vantages to the people in their com- munities. The result of all this pub- licity established new high records in the annual number of purchasers. In fact the number of applicants and the amount of purchase money received during the past three years has almost equaled, that received during the pre- ceding eighteen years. The number of contracts made from 1905 to the pre- sent day is nearly" 12,000 while the total amount of annuities purchased has reached the stun of twenty-four milion dollars. The Annuities System is designed to benefit the people, All administra- tion costs are borne by the Govern- ment and no charge is made against the annuity purchaser. Operating without profit, the Government is en- abled to allow extremely low rates and guarantee full benefit for the money paid in. A professor says the respect child- ren used to have for their parents fifty yeaI's agois not in evidence to -day. Maybe it's because the old folks are so wild. A medical expert' now comes for- ward with the statement that setting - kip exercises are not beneficial and may even be harmful, a discovery we made these many years ago by stand- ing too near a radiator while doing "After Baby, Was Weak, Skinny.. Gained 22 Lbs." Ironized Yeast did it, says Mrs. 01111$ . ' Benoit. Thousands say 5 to 15 lbs. gained in 3 weeks. Nervousness, constipation vanish overnight. Skin clears like magic. Get lionized Yeast tablets from druggist today. When you need any Circular saw For wood ormetal get a "SIMONDS9 —the specially tempered Steel takes and holds a wonderful edge. ft sk your dcatcr or writs Ota ne tat branch. SHE SIMONOS CANADA SAW CO. LTD, MONTREAL TORONTO VANCOUVER STa JOHN. N.Hr sig Simonds SAWS Winter Sickness Beep Minard's handy. It has proven invaluable for many cold weather ailments. a " 4114 .010 List or "Wanted Inventions"' and Pull information Sent Frets on Request, Tav .a.NSAY CO„ pent, W. 273 T5anlz St.. Ottawa. Out. X"EEE =max, C3IAGE ot 1.11 .1. H, Guilds Green Mountain Asthma Compound sent 011 request Origin- ated in 1809 by Dr Guild specialist in respiratory diseases. Jts pleasant smoke vapor quickly soothes and re- lieves druggists ta35n e Standard 60 rents and $1.50, powder or cigarette form. Send for PUEE TFtXATi Pack. age of 6 cigarettes. Canadian 'sistri- butors, Lymans. Lta., Dept. CC2. 286 St Fant St Wert. atontreal r-r-r1a. ir. UIUI.I 9S AS&TI.MA",groUNiP Actually SeeThem Vanish Pimples ended so quick by"Sootha- Salve" yo;Lean actually see the dry up, Manygo overnight. Get"Soothe- Salva" from druggist today. New skin beauty tomorrow morning. lrhJ experiment with unfamiliar soaps timid 10tac5ts.e tieu brought relief and huppineae for farty r°" ww to millions nil over the world Soup 25e. Ointment 25o. and 50c. Telenet 250.1, Oat/Nara or --"SOKTifin A Different Woman "I have great pleasure fix informing you that R'uselzen Salts have worked wonders for me. I have been a great sufferer of liver and kidney trouble, and aftertrying one bottle I ant a different woman. I had to giveup my work, but thanks to , Eruschen Salts 1 am back at tcork again, and i sire my son a little every morning, and I don't hear of the llttic complaints now which a child generally gets. Ile is happier and brighter. i have enclosed a snap -shot o son and self. 1 aux 43 hears, boy ti venni. .shall always highly recommend yiruso en, and 1 would not be without ytenx myself in a hurry." rial letter on —(Mrs.) t epe tl S. Eruschett Salts is obtainable at drug and department stores in Canada at 75c. a bottle. month$ quos heatenough to last r half -a -c• at or 5 FREE TRIAL OFFS If you have never tried iruschen—try it now at our expense. We have distributed a great many special " GIANT" packages which maks it easy for you to prove our claim for yourself. Ask your druggist for the new"GIANT" 75c. package. r itth a separate trial bottlelar—sufficient fficient fotr about one week. Open the trial bottle Bret, put it to the test, and then, if not entirely- convinced that Emotion does everything we claim it to do, the regular bottle is still as good as new. Take it back. Your druggist is authorised to return your 75c. immediately and without question. ott have tried 1Crusr'hen free at our expense. What could bo fairer? Manufactured by E, Griffiths Bughes, Ltd., Manchester, Eng. (Estab. 1750). Importers : McGillivray Broe.. Ltd., Toronto. rs1 4o costs I. 00111 Baby ills and ailments seem twice as serious at night. A sud- den cry tnay mean colic. Or a enelden attack of diarrhea ---a con- dition it is always important to check quickly. How would you meet this emergency—tonight? have you a bottle of Castoria ready? There is nothing that can take the place of this hartnless but effective remedy for children; Clothing that acts quite the same, or has quite the same comforting effect on them. For the protection of your wee' ane—for .your own peace of hind ---keep thisold, t'eliable prepara- a� tteattilY Autetct0bl t elaliwtuR'• similatinttheree tgeOnW tingthestactchsend0ev 1.14 Ott GifiY, fit Thereby➢i �ullntMesi,!0 Chaelfulnessan4ResttaaWrs neither ppp�lum,Me010 °r Mlncral.110rNnRCOT1e Via°At ror cotsttipollon and Atardla and os Loss end of SI'n uhtttY resultinerhe^n'0, sok raositatesitnautta THE CENTAUR stty ,,Vie • ea 61041sihs ClEli '^ tion always on hand. But don't keep it just for emergencies; let it be an everyday aid. Its gentle influence will ease and soothe the infant who cannot sleep. Its mild regulation will help an older child whose tongue is coated because of sluggish bowels. All druggists have Castoria; the genuine bears Chas. fI. °Cletcher's signature on the wrapper. -Kuz "I think Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is wonderful! I have had six children of whicl? four are Living and my youngest is a bon- nie baby boy now eight months old who weighs 23 pounds. I have taken your medicine before each of them was born and have certainly re• ceived great benefit from it. 1 urge my friends to take it as 1 am sure they will receive the same help 1 did." —Mrs. Milton i�icb'itxlien, Vanessa, 1 Ontario. 11 lY1 8,4�t0'ay�Ynn,.to,;i, U s 'dojioe'tt,'b tctn<canidl ,,