Zurich Herald, 1930-02-27, Page 1vol.XXX No.= HERALD ZURICH. THURSDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY 271930. Let the Herald renew. N••••••••••♦440•••••••Nr ••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • • -♦•• Having hong' ht part of a Bankrupt Harness• Stock 1 am going to- run off these Goods at a great reduction of regular prices. , Be • sure and get your supply while these bar-: . gain* ralst. Following are a few items: : .HARNESS 'ALE I ae SETS, TEM PAD HARNESS, A BIG SAVING 3G SETS TEAM BRIDLES, AT A SNAP a_' MKS I -in. E STRAPS, A REAL BARGAIN• ...Z .1. 35 SETS TEAM BREEMING HARNESS, A REAL WI l, ^0 • •• • T • i. :50 SETS TEAM LINES, t140.. WIDE, AT A BIG REDUCTION j • • • • ALSO A LARGE; !&BER OF COLLARS, BREAST STRAPS, esa -•r MARTINGALES., BELLY STANDS AT MONEY SAVING PRICES. 2501 SWEAT PADS„ pier mT A SUPPLY • -i EXAMINE: (GOODS AND BE CONVINCED • -• SALE LASTS Olaf [Ilea, Tre,TIA STOCK HAS BEEN SOLD • • FRED THIEL - ZURICH • • 3 PHONE 102 • •' members of the county road commis,' • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••(.•• i Chester L. . $1.25 a year, U.S. $1.5A sinAablIMIN elm INSaRICARS,$2%-h. •#!warm our Daily papers and Magazines OUR CORNER A New Pwetim• Ontario motor license plates this year have introduced a name that may revive the interest in dictionar- ies almost as much as crossword puz ales did a few years ago. The two letters provide exercise for ingenious minds. E.J., most common on mark- ers here, might stand for - Empty Jug again it might stand for Empty Jug, again it might mean Elastic Jaw, or Elegant Junk, or it might easily be the old song, "Eliza Jane." : The story is told of a Sarnia motorist who objected to having a license marker like B.C. 54. "You see" he said, "Peoule might think I was dis- playing the age of my rather old,- fashioned ldfashioned car."—Ex, Action Taken to Unseat Reeve Higgins. , A hearing was given on Tuesday of last week in an action taken by Owen Geiger, of Hensall, for the un- seating of Robert Higgins, Reeve of Hensall, on the ground that the lat- ter is disqualified by reason of the receipt of emoluments as a member of the old age pension board of the: county. Mr. Higgins' contention is that he is not an officer or employee of the county, but merely a commit- tee man, receiving pay for committee meetings in the same way as the Mid -Season SacriflCe Sale AT BROWNS tl I)° SHOP CLEARING .of 'Rubber Footwear, Sacks, Felt Shoes- Also ataxy Lines in Children and. Women's Slippers :and fps. . THIS MEANS BARGAINS, 'TEE EKE OEC INZKYVE NEVER 5EEN Our • Stuadrisiacvolvad. Nuthi is held ha& COME UV ._. :SEE F'OR. YOURSELF sewsumstuGNEATIMY DONE amt shop WINDSRO OM OW DISPLAY 41,4040.0000000041400000000 00400 00000000 00. 000000 0000 0 4 «s + 0 0 '+ ♦ e 'ROOF Wear • • • New.. i For Spnitigs OUR NEW SAMPLES AND SUI't'INTSS•' —F * sPium MAR e ARRIVER, AND ARE riaEETING'MBE 'POPULAR DEMAND. • CLOTH) "WEAR WELL 'WILL lv l'EE V lMIJI Z . THAT "WE',Ait WELL.' e a. e That's what have •• 0. 1 W.Eomaao , Mrzie• s .$ovS 'URNIS MS •: EMBALMERS 'i SUNEI AL IDINECIEDDS. o HO S6 "w •' cion and other committees of the co- unty council. In December last a I .statement was 'issued - by the Attorn- ey -General of Ontario to the effect' that in the view of the Department members of pension ,boards were nal. disqualified for election, and this was .supplemented by a promise hat, if the seat of any member -elect were attacked on this ground, legislation would be enacted to cover the situat- ion. A bill has since been introduced in the Legislation to validate the pos- ition of members of councils whoa= also members of an old age pension board. In -the proceedings at Os- goode Hall, J. G. Stanbury, of Ex- eter, appeared for Mr. Geiger, and F. C. S. Evans of Toronto, for Reeve Higgins. Inview of the remedying legislation before the Legislature the hearing was adjourned sine die to await disposition of the bill, on the understanding that if the bill does not pass written arguments will be ac cepted the point in issue being clearly defined by aifdivats filed. High Court. The winter assizes were held in Goderich last week, before Justice Jeffrey. Court :opening on Tuesday afternoon. There were three cival actions on the Fist and two criminal cases. Mr. A. C. Heighington, of Tor- onto was the Crown prosecutor. Don- ald McKinnon, of Hensall, was tried on the. charge of theft of money from T. C. Joynt, in whose store at Hensall the accused was employed for several years. After evidence had been given on two counts, one involving the theft of $1, the other the theft of $5, McKinnon pleaded guilty and was sentenced to three months in the county jail. No evid- ence was presented on the third count that accused had taken money at various times in the last two years. MeKinnon's theft was -' detected by means of marked bilis used by priv- ate detectives from Toronto in pur- chasing articles from McKinnon in Joynt's store. Several witnesses gave character evidence in behalf of McKinnon.—An unusual case in the civil list was that of McIlveen vs. Pnblis Utilities Commission of Clin- ton. One day in July last while Stinson McIlveen, an eight-year old boy, with other children was playing around the Hydro substation at Clin- ton he came in contact with .a high tensionwire and was burned so bad- ly that it was necessary to amputate his left man and left leg. In addition the young lad lost the use of the fin- gers of his right hand. • The boy's father W. G. Mcilveen, sued for $25,000 en behalf of `the son and. for ,$2;000 for hihtseif for expenses and for extra care and attention made necessary by the injury to his son. In tnfence it ryas contended that th s'e was no negligence on the pert of the utilities commlrsion and tb.st flu. limey was a trespasser. - Mr. Harold Newcomb of Goderich, was a Tuesday visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs., E. E. Weida. Miss Gertrude Weber is spending a few days with friends at London, this week. Mr. D. A. Cantelon of Hensall, ,called .on. some Zurich friends on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Klopp are sp- ending a few days in Elmlre this .week. Messrs, A. Pigeon and. H. Walker were week -end, visitors at Stratford, attending the hockey game in which Walkerton team participated, the home team of Mr. Walker. Mr. Chas. Fritz is in Hensall a few days this week, taking an in- ventory of the entire stock of boots and shoes he has purchased from Mr. W. H. Pfile of that place. The stack will be brought to Zurich by the firin of C. Fritz & Son, and a large re- duction sale of the stock will take !Place. A Euchre Party and Dance will be held in the Town Hall, Zurich, on Monday evening, March 3rd, under the auspices of St. Boniface Church. A program of musical numbers will be rendered by an orchestra. Prizes will also be awarded to the winner of the card party, everybody is invited to attend: 33on't forgetthe play entitled " flis 'Uncle's Niece" given in the Town Hall, this Friday evening under the auspices of the Luther League of the Lutheran Church. These young peo- ple always pat up a most wonderful program, all'• home talent, and this new production they are giving prom- ises to be one of the best ever. Don't forget to be present, for you will be most enthusiastically entertained. The Zurich Branch of the Wosnens' Institute will meet for their monthly meeting on Tuesd'a:y afternonir, Mar. 4, 2 p.m. Rev. Turkheim will address the meeting and tlhr ladies inn charge of the meeting are: Mrs. P. J. O'- Dwyer, Miss Pear Pfile, Mrs. Greta fen Mrs. E. Weido, iit1iss Peary Wu>rtz, and Miss Jane Lamont. This com- mittee ar planning for a good meet- ing, 'so come and share in the even- ing's enjoyment. Every lady welcome. The roll call will be answered with,a recipe for making a quibli desert for dinner. A real estate deal of some import ance was transacted the other day when Mr. Herbert Krueger of the 14, Concession, Hay, purchased' from Mz: A. G. Edighoffer of towm the' build- ing formerly known as tile Commer- cial Hotel, and the business• good will of Mr. Edighoffer, such as barbering, pool rooms, and refreshments. Mr. Krueger has had considerable exper- ience in barbering, and' will make an ideal man for this popular stand, while the many friends: of Mr. Edi'gh- ofti:r Will regret to see him discon- tinueing after twenty-five years of continuous working in Zurich. Pee - session will be given on April 1st, but Mr. Edighoffer will continue on in the shop for some time, till Mr. Krueger becomes better established. 'We wish Mr. Krueger every success in his een aertaking. The sad intellitgence was seas ved here on Sunday of the passing of Mrs William Beaver,; of Hensall on, that day in. her 67th year, The funeral taking place on Tuesday afternoon to Kitchener cemetery for interment. Mrs. Beaver was well and favorably known by nearly . everybody, in the vicinity of 'Zurich, having lived prac- tically all. her married life on the old Beaver farm, 14th concession, Hay, now occupied .by. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Krueger, until a few years ago they moved to Hensall to retire. She has not been well practically all winter, and for a time taking treatments in the Scaforth Rospital. Her loss will be keenly felt in Hensall, where with her affectionate • disposition she has made many worm friends. Besides her mourning husband she is surviv- ed by one (laughter (Salina), or :,yrs. 13rawley • e f Kitchener. Their matey 4urich friends aa(tead sympathy, 19 Waterm The wise school belle takes • Waterman's Fountain Pea back to class. it means quicker and better work—high• er marks --and lots more leisure time! We have a Waterman's thatwillexactly suit YOUI WE HAVE A MODEL TO SUIT YOU $2.50 to $7.90 OTHER PENS Q f ;X,00 UP. COAL 193G COLD DAYS .1 - YES, THE COLD DAYS ARE /MOW AGAIN! AitE YOU PREP • WE ARE Prepared with &Ism* Supply of HIGH GRADE FUELS Genuine Scranton Anthracite. &A- way Coke, Miller's Creek S l* , Pocahontas, Cannell, Galt Albsursess, and Small Pea Coal for Vanklogr DISCOUNT of 50c per tom aHa,wa for CASH PAYI',l Q` y Ness, Cars.te10 The jeweller R N SALLyet Office Phone lOw Howe Pluton, Ailir + + OUR USED CARS WE DO NOT KNOW OF EVER BEING ABLE TO' a Open a season's Business in the USED CARS, that we. were able to show our Customers such a fine Asortment these popular grades of Autos.' •The quality of these. Cars is of the very Best,' and we invite anyone that interested in a good car at a very moderate price wilit do well to first see us and get our prices. SPECIAL _ CAR IS BEING OrKORED AT A REAL BARGAIN 1928 PONTIAC 4 -Door SEDAN IN EXCELLENT CONDITION FINISH, FE ERS AND UPHOLSTERING LIKE NEW. TPIIS "SEEING IS BELIEVING" FORD SEDAN NEW TIRES,. BUMPERS, SHOCK SPECIAL $136..•0 FOARD COACH 1926 MODEL, BUMPERS, FINISH IS ORIGINAL AND LOOKS LIKE'NEW SEE THIS SPECIAL 0 FRITZ FORD COUPE 192.5 MODEL, NEW BALOON TIRES, BUMPERS, FINISH, FENDERS AND UPHOLSTER TNG LIKE NEW SEE THIS ONE 19127 FORD COUPE 2 TRACTORS PIANO BUGGY & SON + HIGH CLASS USED CAR BROKERS PHONE 82 ZURICH: ++++ ++.4++ -••t•+++1++++ }•ti4•• i4•; AvinowilloriMAIMODIMINO Bargains! Bargains! For the next two weeks we are offering Bargains on our Stock o HEAVY WINTER GOODS, SUCII AS UNDERWEAR, SWE.1li T - ERS, WINOBREAKERS,. SaIRTS,, STOCKINGS, WOOL BLANK- ETS, FLANNELETTE IBLANZETS, FLANNELS,. MACKINAW FLANNEL, PRINTS,, . GINGMAMS, ALSO MEN'S AND BOY HEAVY. RUBBERS AND, SOCKS, MITTS .AND GLOVE'S, E'er., R. e DOUGLAS etrateRAL MERCH uvr PHONE NE tt aLAKE