HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1930-02-20, Page 8PAM"! GT..(" RT ZURICH 111 RALD TETE E STORE WITIL TIE.E STOCK 51e Pr!ces C•.NTINUED On all lines of Winter Goods and also on many lines of Seasonable Spring Goods. Some special stock taking bargains. Come and see NEW GOODS NEW SPRING GOODS NOW ON DISPLAY SUCH AS PETER 1"'ANS, VICTORIAN FABRICS, PRISCILLA CLOTHS, FUGI SILKS ILAIN AND FIGURED BROADCLOTHS. ALL GUARANTEED FAST COLORS. GROCERIES I.ROKEN SODAS, 2 LBS. FOR SALMON, LARGE TINS, ONLY i 7.i.r ED TEA PER POUND AT 23c 19c 49e RIO COFFEE, SPECIAL AT POUND 27 Cents J. GASCHO SON PRODUCE WANTED PHONE 59 1930 Auto Licenses LICENSES CAN NOW BE RENEWED FOR THE YEAR 1930 FEES ARE AS FOLLOWS: ALL CARS UNDER 25 H. P. $5.00 OVER 25 H. P. ............$10.00 DRIVERS AND CHAUFFEUR'S "RENEWALS $1.00 TRAILOR LICENSES j ............. $3.00 COMMERCIAL VEHICLES SAME AS LAST YEAR. BRING YOUR 1929 PERMIT CARDS PROMPT SERVICE! '7 Before you Invest --INVESTIGATE! Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO—SERVICE AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? f Extra S ecials Below we are listing a few of our Specials. Be sure and get your supply at these prices MEN'S HEAVY WOOL SHIRTS, AND DRAWERS, MEN'S FLEECE LINED UNDERWEAR, GARM. . MEN'S SWEATER CATS, REG. $3.00 VALUE, AT MEN'S SWEATER COATS UP TO $5.00, FOR MEN'S PLAID FLANNEL SHIRTS FOR MEN'S WOOL SOX, PAIR A. FEW PIECES CHECKERED GINGHAMS, YD. .. LIGHT PRINTS, AT PER. YARD LADIES' SILK HOSE, PAiIR. GAM $1.59 ..... 69c .... $1.59 $3.50 . $1.15 19; 39c, 59c .........18c 20c $1.00, 79c LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S, ROSE, WOOL AND CASHMERE REG. VALUES UP• TQ: $1.00 AT PR. 59e Ladies' Vests and Bloomers;, Regi $1.00 at 69c, Reg. 75c at CHILDREN'S Underwear and; Stockings at REDUCED PRICES J. W. MERNER YELLOW FRONT ST % • PHONE No. 145 ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Popular Preacher goes to Lambeth Rev. J. M. Colling, who for the past four years has been the popuiar pastor at Grand Bend, has received, and accepted a call to the United i church at Lambeth, for the coming conference year. Mr. Coiling cond- ucts the question hour over CJGC Flour cwt. .... ..... . 3.50 4.75 every Friday night. He has made Bran, ton 36.00 Shorts ton 36.00 Dried apples ........ ........... 9 Dutch sett onions 8 ita*SI S S••S ,ie,l;$JeK..aps MNN!!1 • NOW! I Is the Best Time = o • a To Plan Your Summer's Program of Work, Repairs, • And Improvements i Let Us show You the best kinds of Fencing for the Field or the Home Lawn Fences. We handle the best Money can I3uy. this A Nice New Piece of Furniture in the Home will be I always appreciated. We can supply anything in this ,, line, and the prices are very Attractiv,_ �. - 1 If you decide todo some Roofingor Eve -Troughing year, we invite call a you to an see us and get our estimates, as well as show you our goods. If in need of new furniture, don't forget; we have it- STADE & WE..Itoo ZURICH - ONT., 6 AL MARKETS (Corrected every Wednesday) Butter, lb. 40 Eggs, dozen ...,_ .......... 30,36, 40 Wheat 1.15 Oats .. *AO ..,,.................. a 55 . Ate_ Thursday, •+:e1)1F4 V'V 20th, x41a ' '. +*+*++l+++++++*+ `i+eti•+++4°01.4,--44+++++++4++ +44 1. Seasonable Hardware • ..WE CAN SUPPLY THE PUBLIC WITH SEASON- ABLE HARDWARE AT MODERATE PRICES41, 4. • Let Us dhow You OUR FULL LINE OF GRANITEWARE AT LOWEST ifi: _ • Good Supply Of KKauser Smoke Cure on Hand PREVAILING PRICES. PURNITURE Full Line of Furnitrare, lit$ Living Room Suites, Dliabig Room Suites, Bed Roonii Suites, Kitchen Cabien taft We also have the .Famous', Simmorte Bed Springs and 7, Mattresses, a "Guaranteed Article. Wiest on the Market To ly.. Barley 65 + v�F �se �r Buckwheat ....... ..... 434 nit ire. Phone 6a WE ALSO HAVE SOME USED' FURNITURE FOR SALE VERY CHEAP jOhnStOn & Kalbfleisch many friends in this community, and the best wishes of all will follow hi;n. Our Public Holidays. Good Friday falls on April 18th this year; Victoria Day on Satur- day, May 24th; the King's birthday on. Tuesday, June 3rd; Dominion: Day Tuesday, July 1st; Civic holiday, Mon day, August 4th; Labor Day en Mon- day Sept. 1st; Thanksgiving, and. Arm istice Day on Monday, November. 10, and Christmas Day, on Thursday, December 25th. A special course in Farm Mechan- ics wes held in Exeter last week, un- der the direction of the Ontario De- partment of Agriculture, Human Co- unty Branch and met with splendid success. The subjects that were taken up were: tractors, gas engines, tools, implements, water supply, rope splicing, farm concrete; electricity on the farm, etc. The instructers were 3. C. Duff and E. B. Kelly. E. F. Klopp—Zurich There was a keen interest taken with a fine attendance. Agent, Also Dealer in Lidhfnind Rods Our local huntsmen armed with their double barrels and repeaters, and all kinds of Fire insurance made another raid on the jack rabbits on Tuesday afternoon, and returned in the evening with the handsome bag of 43 of these game fellows. Last week we predicted the harvest of these fellows decreasing, but the boys must have found "new pasture", and, Mr. Clarence Reichert of London, by all appearance there will be en- ough who will escape the shot and shell this winter, to replenish the sur- rounding country for another good season's sport next winter. DASHWOOD Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Cu OF WOODSTOCK The Largest Business of any Canadian Company doing Business in On#ario- Amount of Insurance at'Risk on Dec. 31st, 1928, $22,206,275. Total Owl in Bank and Bonds $160,878 Td Rates—$4.6U per $1,000 toe 3 years Mr. and Mrs. P. Campbell and son spent the week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Love. Mrs. Shenk and daughter Hazel is visiting her sister in Toronto. Mr. John Hoffman of London, spent the week -end with relatives. Miss Nelda Fassold of London, sp- ent the week -end with her parents. Mr. Chester Geiser spent a few days in London last week. Mrs. R. Baker is visiting in Lon- don. Mrs. L. Morenz entertained a nu- mber of elderly ladies to a Valentine Party on Friday afternoon. All re- port a very pleasant time. Miss Alice Hoffman entertained the choir of the Evangelical church last Thursday evening. to a Valentine Party. After a short practice a num- ber of games was played which was followed by refreshments. Rev. and Mrs. Sauer spent Tuesday in Stratford with their son Milton, who underwent an operation for mas- toids several weeks ago. Milton re- turned with them on Tuesday evening and is doing as well as can be exp- ected. His many friends hope for a speedy recovery. Miss Zeta Nadiger entertained a number of her friends to a birthday Party 9l . iiflay evening. • lie presiding and Miss Martha Carl- ile o lu•st. We opened by sin.o ;;b 1 I I L L S G E E E N hymn. M. Mrs. Carlile led in Pra- Mr. George Stephenson of Walker- 1 J. Cochrane took the Bible yes. + ton spent the week end with his par- Study, Mrd. Boss Love and Miss ents, Mr, and Mrs. Robt, Stephenson Muriel Carlile tdok the devotional Mrs. W. Turner has returned to leaflet. The Secretary and Tress her home after spending a few weeks urer's reports were read and adopt - with friends in Marlette, Detroit, and ed. Hytrin 250 was sung. Roll Flint. call answered with 14 present. Hy - Mr. Thos. Hudson of Hensall, sp• mn 5'56 The study was taken from ant a few days with his sister Mrs.2nd Chap. of Jerusalem to Jerusalem W Carlile. by Mrs. (Rev.) Connor; offering rise(. A4 --,,,s and Annie Love and, hymn. ,374 was sung Tim meeting Ahnie Jarrott spent .a few days wilb was closed by Mrs. (ReV.) Coml.—'r friends in London. ; with prayer. spent the week -end at his home. Quite a number attended the sale in Zurich on Saturday of the effects of Mr. Geo. Clarkson. Miss Muriel Carlile spent a few days with friends in Hensall. Miss Ruth Richardson returned to her home after spending several we- eks in London and St. Thomas, with her sisters. Mr. John Turner of Clinton spent a few days with friends recently. Quite a large crowd attended the box social on Monday evening under the auspices of the Y. P. S. A good programme and games, the main fea- ture of the program being a debate: Resolved that success in Life is due to Character rather than Circumst- ances. The affirmative side taken by Misses Jean Ivinson and Lottie Love of Kippen. The negative by Miss Annie Jarrott. Mr. Stewart Beatty with Mrs. (Rev.) Connor, Messrs. Jas. McAllister and Norman Alexan- der as Judges. The points on both sides proved to be the very best. The Judges' decision was in favor of the affirmative side, winning by a score of 17 points. The boxes were sold and everybody done ample jus- tice to the good things. W.M.S.-The regular monthly me- eting of the Women's Missionary Society was held at the home of Mrs R. IVIcA1ester on Wednesday after- noon j bruary 12th. Mrs. W. Carl- 11I01I1111111111111111111111 isJ111ialiflElllJlWlllfilhEp11111;.4ylllylHOdllilliikllnlWlllllllllllllf>!Ut)!,!'iiiMITI .'1111E111[11UIII!llAdplLaiiIIIisp!SJ1EI IIIIIIIII illfiBlWl:iiU,#Xi0 NOTICE! Auto Tops Buggy Tops Wagcn Repairing, Painting, Etc. Second Handed Buggies HESS - ZURICH IlllllViii»fIIN1IlHIIIIIIIIkP�i$ni;i"`!;J;�!f',f2�e:1�5` ellii;;lfililll)lail;_'1i9illrL'�;;x�illJNilllflli'IlrilfK�lll{lflillG;IiTiill,�l:��,�.ii;x::'11111111111(i±n1G;4?u�L�'ailFf!lits!GiS: r+i+4-t..i. 4+44.t.d++ ++f++F+++P++ + N+4++fi+E+F+$z�E r++$+++d++++++++4++4+++E+3++4+$+e+•i++d+4+YF 1r 4 4� e. +r 4- +4+ 4- + + + EXPERT WORKMANSHIP ON REPAIR WORK, AND OVER- • HAUL JOBS ON ALL MAKES OF CARS WITH CHARGES VERY REASONABLE_. 4• 1 t WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES, } GAS OILS GRE ASE S } . Moasseau Zurich .'I'• 44.4•• +4.4. 4+E+4.4.dd'+ F'I•`4+4. 4'q+•!<++I++i4.14.1.t ZURICH G.& Is ever at your service with the best of attention for your sick or ailing Auto TIRES, BATTERIES, ETC. ALSO DO ACEYTLENE WELDING. HERALD OFFIC Do You Know?rir t THAT WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE FOR FIRST CLASS JOB PRINTING! THAT WE SUPPLY AND PRINT WEDDING INVITATIONS AND ANNQ11,1$CEMENTS, ALSO CALLING CARDS. . M BUSINESS CARDS„ ETC. Tilla WE CARRY IN STOCK, AND ALSO PRINT, STATION- ERY Sven AS BUSINESS LETTER BEADS, ENVELOPES STAT ?T, s AWL BEADS, MEIVIORIAM CARDS, 010111#0 TAPS, ETC, THAT WE CARRY IN STOCK G06 PA.VOitR O'EIT TO ANY SIZE, ENVELOPES IN MOST CALLED FOR SIZES, CARD PAPER, BRISTOOI S, CARBON OR TRACING PAPER, BUTTER PAPER, MEMORIAL ENVELOPES AND MEMORIAL WRITING PAPER., THAT WE FILL YOUR ORDINARY SIZE INK neerrim wan . A GOOD WHITING INK FOR 5 CENTS. LARG:>i`1ItWAN.- '' TIMES AT SIMILAR REDUCTIONS. THAT WE PRINT T?OSTxN;G BILLS, AUCTION SALE POSTERS MERCANTILE PO.STE12S AND .ALL GENERAL P;ik.Ll1ITINlx Oim, SPECIALTY. . x4.. , .t.d„Ril l++4 4,444+1 4444.4 M+I"d+di+*k