HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1930-02-20, Page 5Tbarsaan Febrwry failik /93% PUSINESS CARE* DUDLEY E.111oLmEs 'SAM/ST/MR, SOLICITOR, NOT LARY PUBLEC, ETC. '011'FICE-Haimilton Street, Juat oft the Square, GOIDERICH, Ontario. Special attention to Counsel zed Court Worla tk4ma1 may be consulted at Sioderich by Phone, and Phone charges reversed. rarowtomacmg:, ..1104,M101.1*.^ !PUT YOUR Wants, For Saler Lost. FOU rid g Noce, Etc. Ads IN THIS COMM, .111116. NOTICE We wish to advise the farmers that we :any in stock a complete line of new Cultivator points such as Deering, McCormick, Frost & Woon, Massey Harris, Etc. Leave your cu- rer early with us. L. A. Prang. Dr. U. W COWEN IA, D. s. D. D S. FOR SALE 1 good milk cow fresh three weeks Also one heifer milking at present, apply to Elmer Thiel, Blake. DENTAL SURGEON At DMZ BLOON-ZUlliell Every Thursday, Friday, Sada AtELARTLEIB'S BLOCE, DASH -WOOD 'Every Monday, T. 1A8Sa By Ralla V17 EAU esaay OSCAR SLOPP eare.duate Carey M. Jones Nat - Waal School of AUCti Bering. Try me for Registered Live Stock, Ila.31 Breeds). Torras in keeping -with prevailing prices, Choice ?awns for sale. Will telismything 'aoaywhere, ' Winona 13-93 or write. Zurich; time' used MictiaftW -inn HURON & MIDDLESEX itaM IN A POSITION TO CON- ct any auction Sale, roger:11es* tO size or article to 11.031. solicit your busimess, and .f not vatidied will make no charges for larvloss. Arthur Weber - Daohwood. "None 13-51 OlTarg00 29x4.40 • 30x3 tres, Tubes. Low Pros N 0 W 1.41"„7„j4 11. S. Weill DASHWOOD iiiimbasse••••••••••••••9•••• Zuriche Popular MEAT MARKET ANNOUNCING THAT WE HAVE PURCHASED !PROM THE FIRM OF YUNGBLITT Ih'DEICIIERT, THIS WELL ESTAB ICISHED MEAT BUSINESS, . AND SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE 11. Yungblut &Son isisbeesoesseeeime•esi",••• COAL 1930 Announcement MIMING PRICES NOW IN EFFECT • FOR „. .11 0 . rantouC Alljerta :Coal and Soft Coal A SPECIAL DISCOUNT O5 Cts. Par Tan will be allowed for cash. Oak' Early se prksa will advance ea Jana 15tit. Case s& ripsaw 35 ' Son RENSALL L I VE POU LT R Y WANTED Iikars livery day till lio'clock,p.m. 1120 AM Ned Weed same astridng Highest Caslt Prices mot, Vrearn and .Eggs W. O'Brien .13000 102 .4 JEWS* NOTICE TO AUTO OWNERS We wish to advise the public who are using storage batteries, that we have :received the agency • in Zurich for the famous Prest-O-Lite Storage Batteriaa,, and solicit your patronage. Louis A Prang, Zwick. FARM FOR SALE 100 acres of good land, in Hullett Township, well underdrained, 2 good spring wells, large barn, with straw shed, and stabling under all. Good 8 roomed frame house with cellar. No reasonable offer refused. Apply to Chas. Saundercock, Phone 250 r 25, Seaforth Central. R. R. 1, Lon- deshoro P.O. FARM FOR SALE Consisting of 100 acres of choice clay loam, being Lot 14, N.B. Steph- en Township. There is on the prem- ises a large bank barn, good outbuild- ings, good frame house, plenty of water, well fenced and drained, 6 ecres fall wheat, Ais° IRO acres of good pasture land, being Lot 11, con., Hay Tp., with running water. well fenced, some bush. For further particulars apply to George Clark, Prop., Hay P.O. FOR SALE One auto seat cutter in No. 1, con- dition, for quick sale, also ,a buggy pole. Apply to Milne Rader, 14th con., Hay. NOTICE We specialize on the following: Ford Transmission Linings. Ford Rear Ends; Ford Springs; Ford Valves Grinding; Brakes re -lined on all makes of Cars; We give special attention on oiling and greasing all makes of cars; Radiator anti -freeze attention, Tire Repairing; Have your springs oiled. Leonard Prang, Zurich. ZURICH HERALD Established 1000 ESSUBD EVERY WEDNESDAY NOON FROM MIR Herald PrintingOffice SUBSCRIPTION RATES - 41.25 a year, strictly in advance; $1.50 Li - arrears or 12.00 may be charged U. S. 01.60 year in advance. Na paper discontinued until so •hi arrow," are paid InnIsas at theiltn option of . the inhIlisher. The 482 date, :et which every Subscript- ion •ia deflated ,on •the, Loeb's!. , ADVERTISING RATES Waplair• ,Adtertising niade' known on applieatiiiii.: VIiscellaneetza articles el not mow than fear Fines,. For Bale, To Rent,Aranted, Lost, Found, 'etc each ,iisairtion, ; Fins Or Real 119State for sale $2.0t ter .firat month, $1.00 for each See., three insertions $1.00. orotessional Cards not exceeding one inch $5 per year. • , ruction Sales -- 12 per single in- sertion It notoverfour inches in Ilmigti* • • ' 4 Adding, all communications to THE HERALD ZURICH ONT, ZURICH HERALD LOCALVT ANES Mr. W. Merner made a business trip to London on. Tuesday. Mrs. C. Silber entertained to a Bridge Party one day this week. Mr. Ezra Brenner of Grand Bend was in town one day last week. Don't forget the Annual Seed Show at Hensall on Tuesday of next week February 25th. ' Pleased to report that little IVIiriam iCiinoweLn. is improving from her resent Mr. Harry Rose made a business trip to London the beginning of the week. Mrs. Hartman Elsie of Dashwood, is spending the week -end with Mrs. E. Oesch. Mrs. John Jantzi and family of Waterloo., spent the week -end with relatives and friends in this vicinity. Mr. John Hey, Jr., motored to Ex- eter on Wednesday, to attend a local Court at that place. Miss Lenora Haberer entertained a number of her girl friends to a birth- day party on February 10th. Mr. D. Witmer of Exeter, is spend- ing a few weeks at the home of her sister, Mr. and Mrs. S. Deitz, and is also visiting other relatives. Mr. Jacob Koehler is improving as well as can he looked for after his recent misfortune by fracturing his him when lie fell on the ice. Merrsr. N. A. Canthi of St. Joseph and Well. Johnston of town are instal ling a hot water heating plant in the home of Mr. Jacob Deichert at pres- ent. Keep the evening of February 28, open. The 'Young People of St. Pet- er's Lutheran Church, Zurich, are giving a play- "His Uncle's Niece" in the Town Hall, Zurich. You'll be sorry if you miss it. Watch for pos- ters. The annual Carnival on the Zur- ich Ring has been staged for Thurs- day evening, Feb. 20th, and a fine program has been arranged. Good prizes are being awarded for the winners of the various costumes. Let us see you all there and make this vent interesting. About twenty members of St. Peter's Lutheran Ladies' Aid partic- ipated in a very happy event on Mon- day evening , February 17th, when they surprised Mrs. Eliza Truemner on her 81st birthday. The president, Mrs. E. F. Klopp felicitated her in a few well chosen words and presented her with a birthday cake, decorated with candles and kindly provided -by• Mrs. A. Foster. Many useful and much appreciated articles were pre sented to Mrs. Truemner and after a pleasant evening spent in singing and conversation about old times a dainty lunch ayes served and enjoyed by all. 'Yin, and Mrs. Ivan Kalbfleisch e tertained the members of St. Petei Luther League very pleasantly to Valentine Party on the evening Friday, February the fourceenth i their home, which was gay with hear and streamers. The first part of th evening was spent in playing sever lively Valentine games, after whit six tables of progressive crokinol were in progress. The hostess the served a dainty lunch, immediatel after which the Valentines were dis tributed. Both Rev. Turkhein an the president of the League, Mr Bruce Klopp, expressed their thank to the host and hostess, on behalf o the League. Singing of "Blest /3 the Tie that Binds" brought the part to a close. Wm. Caldwell Passes. Another old resident of the Hen sail district, in the person of Wm. T Caldwell passed away at his home -e on February 7th, after a short ess, He was born in York County years ago and when a boy moved .with his parents to Tuckersinith. Af- ter marriage to Sarah Chamber- lain, of Goderich;:theY'Sattled on „the rich .Road; !DIYToiahshiP, Where fer years Mr. Caldwell ram two ,saw- nifls Mr. ,Darnel Bell. After. leaviag gr. Bell he started farming for himself on. the Soldan homestead where he lived -• Ate' ietired'Ati Hensel'. . He was connected with the' Hay Agricultural Society for years and was.nlways greatly interested in public affairs, being on the Hay Tp. Council board for a number of years and was honored and respected by all who knew him. After selling their farm a few years ago, Mr. and Mrs. Caldwell retired to Hensall, where up to a few months ago Mr. Cald- well was a familiar figure on the str- eets.. He has been in poor health for soiree time and gradually weak- ened until he passed away. He al- ways took an active interest in politics being a staunch Conservative. „Besides his sorrowing widow he is survived by three daughters and five sons; Mrs. Henry Strang of Usborne, Mrs. Alice Joynt of Hensall; Mrs; R. E. Stickney of Vancouver; Wil- liam of Onalasha, Wash.; Robt, of Toronto; Benjamin, of Estevan, Sas. Harry of Wellwood, Man., and Wes- ley of London. The fitheral was con- ducted by thc Odd Fellows of which the deceased was a member. Inter- n - .'s a of n ts e al h e n y d s f e y IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of William H. Truemner, who passed away three years. age, February /Stb, 1927. The midnight Stars are gleaming, On a Ione and silent grave 'Beneath ties one we loved But one,we could not save :We miss thy kind and loving hand I hy fond and tender care. meat We. Miss thee everywhere, Sadix missed by, :wife and FLuuily.Ig4 as made in the FansVille Cern- , hist across the road from arnl on the Zurich Read. 1 Mr. Louis Prang of the village wishes to advise the public that he has been appointed local distributor for the famous Prest-O-Lite Storage Batteries, and solicits the patronage of the public with this well known line of batteries. Mr. George Beichert has nlee' order with Mr. E. Oesch, local deal- er, for a large Electric uontroe Kelvinator refridg,eator, this is the first of its size 14 town and we .trust that Mr. Deichert wjui find it pract- ical in every way. The real nice and 'balmy weather the beginning of this week makes one truly believe that spring is draw- ing nearer although the calander tells us it is a month away yet. We have reasons to think that to -day, Wednesday, is about the finish of the sleighing unless more snow will fall again, as there will be so many bare spots on the roads, and traffic will be in a very uninviting condition, as at places there are snow banks three to five feet deep on the roads, and of course other places bare. It will mean a big expenditure to the munic- ipality this spring, first to plow out and get rid of the deep snow and then put the roads in condition again after the frost has all come out. The place for the auto, we would suggest is in the garage, till going is consid- erable better. A business deal of some import- ance was transacted in Zurich last Friday, when the local skating- rink changed hands twice in the same day. The first deal being Mr. Koehler and Mr. Lee O'Brein dealt a car In exch- ange for the property, and then. Mr. Ferdinand Haberer purchased the rink property from Mr. G. Koehler. We wish Mr. Haberer every success with his new purchase, and he has a carnival advertised for Thursday of this week, and trust that by that time cooler weather will be with us again, as it is far too mild for Feb- ruary at present. Mr. Haberer is go- ing to put forth special efforts to ke- ep a live interest going both summer and winter, as he purposes to erect a water supply tank and run a bowl- ing green in the summer months, and this tank will be a great convenience in the winter as well, as the water supply at present is very limited at times. BORN Masse -At Blue Water Highway, to A4r. and Mrs. James Mass, a son, on February 15th. ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church "A Changeless Christ for a chang- ing World." Friday, 8h: Luther League. Saturday -Choir Practice. Everybody Welcome to all Se:vices. 7:30: English Service. E. Tuerkheim,. Pastor. 10. a. m: .German Service. 1 1.1 5 Sunday School. Evangelical Church Notes ZURICH - ONT, Tuesday, 7.15 p. m. -Jr. League. Thursday 7.30 -Prayer and Praise. Friday 7.30 p.m. -Senior League Friday 1.30 pan. -Choir Practice Thinking, Sweetens or Poisons Life. Whatever you think or say about life, it always treats you fairly and justly. You reap what you sew, you get what you seek, you find what you hunt, you receive what you pay for. Don't buy up poisonous shoddy. Life runs a cash store and you get what's coming to you in the end. Chickens come home to roost and some chickens . are, yastly different upon coming hopie than going .away- because:of what they were into. Young man keep yourself pin .with all, diligence„ live s,o that you can re- spect yourself;_ for first of all you- ave....to...Ave with ,yourself. ,,Cariyon looks yourself straight in - the eye and 'not Ini.te yoarself for ,the thingS' you've done? Don't keep a lot of secrets about yourself, fooling your- self that nobody else knows. God knows and your conscience will know when you stand before Heavens spot light. Don't live so that at the sett- ing sun you must hate yourself for the things you've done. Don't live a life of blister and bluff and empty show and sham. In the long run you can never hide your real self from thee or me. So be selfrespecting and conscience free. The- threads you weave into the web of life will form a pattern that will characterize it forever. What an Opportunity you have for weal or for woe. SUNDAY SERVICES „ts, Worship 20 A. M. SubjectaL--The Paimos Portrait of Christ. 11 a.m.-Bible School. J. B. Gooch°, Superintendent. Worship: 7.30 P. M. Subject -Part ii --The rairrios Poltrait Of ChriSt. PAGE FMB . arm Implements • WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR FARM IMPLEMENTS, AND WILL BE GLAD TO SUPPLY YOU WITH JUST THE KIND OF :,s73 MACHINERY THAT YOU NEED THE MOST, AND THAT WILL I 9 f I • GARAGE SUPPLIES • 0 • • • • • • GIVE YOU MOST VALUE PER DOLLAR OF COST. CARRY A FULL LINE OF PUMPS; .PIPING AND FITTINGS!, AND BESIDES WE INSTALL. ourt PUMPS. LET YOUR NEXT CREAM SEPARATOR BE A DE LAVAL We have the Agency for this District. *0 0 WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF GARAGE SUPPLIES, AND j CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH ALMOST ANY KIND OF AUTO PARTS, AND BESIDES CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON SAME DO EXPERT BATTERY WORK ON REPAIRING AND BUILDING BATTERIES YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED Tires, Tubes, Gas, Oils and Greases,' L. A. Prang - Zurich RE. 4 1. 04.*********0.0Pb*** 0.49* • •0 We.. .4 .4 4. 4,1114, • 44940 0..494 ; 4.4,+++++++++++++++04,440+++0 ,,,-4-fts+4•4400.44,44,44,4-40++,11 The Winter Season IS THE IDEAL TIME TO REPLACE OLD FASHIONED FLOORS Z 4, OR DOORS WITH THE MODERN HARDWOOD FLOOR OR FRENCH DOORS LET US QUOTE YOU ON COLONY HOUSES ALL SIZES AND • KIND BUILT UP AT THE MILL FOR SPRING DELIVERY F. C. PHONE 69 FLEISC - ZURICH 3 • ++.44441144•44.++++++++++++++++4$4+++++++++++++++++++++.111 *06.114111110111111/0411011441000011111 011100110001116111111411001110.00111008111. 1 Stock Foods I Dr. Hess' Stock ai d Poultry Food kLSO MASTER BRAND LAYING MASHES, PIG CHOW, COW CHOW, BEEF SCRAPS, OYSTER SHELLS, ETC. YOUR 1930 COAL NOW IS THE BEST TIME OF THE YEAR TO PUT IN YOUR SUPPLY OF COAL FOR NEXT WINTER. OUR SPECIAL IN- DUCEMENT IS 50 CENTS OFF FOR CASH SALE, AND BESIDES WE HAVE THE LOWEST PRICES FOR SUMMER DELIVERIES. ACT NOW! L. Schilbe & Son 001111111110110410111111•••••••••••••••8000.0.00040. wwwwvwww j Zurich Drug Store We have a full Line of all the requirements of School Supplies 0011114.110111110001106111•••••••••• All authorized Text Books kept in Stock seesseessiss•••••••••4•••• Toilet Sets, Manicure Set Military Brushes. and a Perfumes Toilet' Waters and Perfurn izers. Fine Stationery and Fountain Pens. KODAKS AND FILIMS 00 ,00 a at .a a 00 00 00 ex ex Dr. A. J. MacKinnon, Zurich i• t NVIAMMW It\ • •