HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1930-02-20, Page 1Vol. XXX No. 36 ZURICH. THURSDAY MORNING FEBRUARY 201930. Chester L. Smith $1.25 a year, U.S. $1.50 Advalutret, 11.50 IN ARREAR$, $2 MAE BE f2ESeH1sSLG•1IJ Let the Herald renew all your Daily papers and Magazines Uo.•®4i�4�ei•Y•�Mwsi�N+�4".��ri..µa�.+►o®d�9eo.�►e®o�c�sLawc�w 4 4 .4 .4 4 ..4 4 -4 ..4 .4 -•4 F4 .4 • 4 • .4 -4 --a► -4' -4 ..4 -4 4 --0, 4 -4 -.4 ..4 -4 .4 -4 4 -4 -4 4 4 4 4 HARNESS SALE •• • • • • • • s • • • • • • • • • • • . • 30 SETS TEAM PAD: HARNESS, A BIG SAVING • • • ao SETS TEAM BRIDLES, AT A SNAP • 400' 1.-i ,HAMS STRAPS, A REAL BARGAIN i 15 SETS TEAM BREECHING HARNESS, A REAL BUY • 150 SETS TEAMS LINES„ 1 -in. 'WIDE, AT A BIG REDUCTION 4• 25(1# SEAT PADS, PUT IN A SUPPLY ALSO A LARGE NUMBER OF COLLARS„ BREAST STRAPS, • MARTINGALES, EfFI LY BANDS AT MONEY SAVING PRICES. Q • EXAMINE THIcSE GOODS AND BE CONVINCED • • • SALE LASTS ONLY :'M. THIS STOCK HAS BEEN SOLD •• 4 • • • PHONE 102:. • • Having bought part of a Bankrupt Harness Stock 1 ain going to run off these Goods at a great reduction of regular prices. Be sure and get your supply while these bar- gains fast. Following are a few items" FRED THIEL ZURICH 4••••••••••44-444444444•444•40044.44.•••04•4444,4.44s.* Grand Carnival AT ZURICH RINK ON THURSDAY FEBRUARY 20th At 8 O'Clock p. m. Liberal Prizes will be awarded for the following: Ladies' best fancy; Gents best fancy; Ladies' best comic; Gents best corals; Girls' best fancy under 15; Boys' best fancy under 15; Girls best comic under 15; Boys best com- ic under 15; Girls best fancy under 10; Boys best fancy under 10; Girls best comic under 10; l3oys best comic under 10; Special Prizes for Best National Costumes - Zurich Jubilee Band - in Attendance Come and enjoy the Fun and' Music After the judging: Married Men VS Single Men will play a game of (Broom Ball). This is played with- out skates. But all bring an old broom along. The lineup: Married Men -Bill Wreath, Leroy O'Brein, Gid. Koehler, Lennis O'Brein, Tolly Wurm, Harry Hess, Albert Mess, Ted Haberer, Dr. H. Cowen. Single men -A. Pigeon, C. Kissack, G. Deich- ert, Ed. Gascho, I. Yungblut, J. Hab- erer, H. Walker, L. Prang, M. Oesch. Lee W. Hoffman, Referee. Admission -Adults 25c, Children 15c OUR CORNER There was a decline of 404 week- ly newspapers in the United States during the past year. They were in small places, which could not ade- quately support a newspaper. An Indian found drunk in South - My. Kenneth Routledge called on Dashwood friends on Monday. Mr. Ev. Haist was confined to his bed with an attack of flu last week. ,fr. W. H. Pfile of Hensall was a Tuesday visitor at the home of Mrs. Lydia Pfile. Mrs. E. E. Weido is visiting friends in Goderich and Stratford for a week or so. Mr. Harold Johnston of Goderich, called on Zurich friends over the we- ek -e d. Mrs. C. L. Smith, was a Tuesday visitor with her sister, Mrs. Henry Schade near Dashwood. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Johnston of Blake are spending the week at the home of Mr. E. E. Weido. Mr. Garnet Wolper, who has been at Chatham for some time, is spend- ing a few holidays at his home here. Mrs. Dan. Oswald of the Bronson Line was a visitor with her daughter Mrs. Carl McClinchey, at Windsor for a week or so. A number of the villagers are at- tending the dance and bridge frolic given by the I. 0. 0. F., at Hensall this :Wednesday evening. Mr. Donald Graham left by motor arnpton had been drinking Florida for 9oilerich on .Sunday, going by 00000004000100444000044408440004e40000400001000004O water. But white men :ieedn't way of Hensall and up the highway. B laugh. Many a white man BOUGHT The road to Hensall was very heavy Florida water when the boom was on (as no car ,had been through forsome time. "idea eason Sacrifice Sale AT BROWNS BOOT SHOP CLEARING an Lines.of 1Rubber .Footwear, Socks., Felt Shoes. Also many Lines in Children and. Women's Slippers .and THIS MEANS BARGAINS, 'THE LIKE OF WHICH YOU'VE NEVER .SEEN Our Whole Stock is involved. Nothing is held back COME IN'" :SEE JFOR: YOURSFL`F IA REPAIRING. NEATLY DONE Brown's SEE OUR tSkop wINDOW DISPLAY , a year or two ago --and thought it • : was land. •, ®' The town of Hanover has a sensa- •tion over the charge that a school principal strapped twenty-nine pupils • : for failure in a mucis examination. 44! Newspaper reports do not state in • what key the youngsters were expect- ed to howl during the chastisement. • 4-3. SHensan Reeveship Protested 'For some time rumors have been Mr. Harry G. Hess experienced a very painful fall early last week when going down the steps in his liv- ing quarters in some way his feet slipped out from in under intheice and Harry landing on his bach with the result that he was confined to the hose for a few days and has to be very 'careful in working. An interesting gathering took place <current 'that Mr. Owen Geiger and at the home of Mrs. Lydia Pfile and Miss Pearl on Monday evening, when the good people of their former nei- ghborhood of the 14th con., visited them for a social evening, and need- less co say a most enjoyable time was experienced by all present. A most hearty lunch was anjoyed dur- ing the evening, and all returned home, having enjoyed themselves im- mensely. In our last week's issue we trade mention of the new local agent ap- pointed by the Massey-Harrih Com- pany for Zurich, as Mr. Thiel, this should have been Mr. Norman Siemon who hails from Bredhagen, and is in- deed a likely looking young man. The building eventually located for the present to keep the machines, etc. on hand is Mr. Jacob Deichert's barn. We expect Mr. and Mrs. Siemon to move to town shortly. and became residents of Zurich. Ins supporters at Hensall intended • to protest the election of Mr. Robert A Higgins on the ground that he was receiving salary from an office under appointment from the County Coun- cil which ordinarily would disqualify him from being reeve of Hensall. Mr, Higgins is one of the Old Age Pen- sion Board and it is claimed has been drawing $10.00 for each session of the Board and also $4.00 per day and mileage for investigating claims. His contention is that he is only a Com- mittee man and not an officer or em- ployee of the County. Much discus- sion has taken place throughout the Province as to the qualification of Councillors in Mr. Higgin's position and legal opinion has not been unan- imous so that the present will be in the nature of a test case. The Mas- ter -in -Chambers at Osgoode Hall, Toronto, has appointed Tuesday, the 13th inst., for hearing the argument of Counsel. Mr. J. G. Stanbury is The party of boys who made the retained by Mr. Geiger and Mr. R. C. motor trip to Florida. consisting of Hays, the County Solicitor, of God- Ward Fritz, of town; Gordon Surerus ,`, erich, will represent Mr. Higgins. of the Bronson Line, Harry Zimmer • ! Huron W.M.S. Executive Meet. of Dashwood and Donald Graham of Executive of the W.M.S. of the Goderich, returned, from their most Huron Presbyterial of the United wonderful trip on Saturday evening. Church met in Clinton on Jan. 31st, The boys encountered practically no last. Themembers gave encouraging snow till they got to Detroit, and reports. Mrs. McKenzie, the Christ- had no difficulty in getting through ian Stewardship Secy, reported hav- as far as Dashwood, but from Dash- ing beard from 41 auxiliaries. 25 of wood to Zurich, by way of Goshen this number reached their allocation. Line, they were obliged to get a team Mrs. Scobie, the Mission Band Sec- ,in front of their car, and thus they retary reparted 18 Mission Bands :arrived home in Zurich about nine with membership of 816 and their giv ;o'clock, and surely were welcomly ings exceded that of last year. There received by those who were present. are nine groups of C.G.I.T. with a They made the homecoming trip in membership of 146. Mrs. Greer,the two days and a night, stopping only treasurer, remitted to branch tress- long enough for a few refreshments urea, the sum of $19,018.50, which is and taking gas, etc. The trip was over $400 more than last year. Out made in a Model A. Ford Coach, of 62 auxiliaries, 22 exceeded allocat- owned by C. Fritz & Son, car brok- ion, while last year there were only ers of Zurich, and whoever buys 14. The finance committee recommen- this car from this firm will indeed be ded the use of envelopes. Miss Con- assured that this is a well tried car sift, who was unable to be present, that will stand almost. anything. The reported 41 life members, and 26 boys report as having practically no members were called by death. Mrs. car trouble, and look very much tan- ned in their facest and tell us they practically lived in their bathing suits fo: two weeks in that land of st,n- shine and ihrsters, aria emphatically •ejoice t've. their splendid trip, Who 4 gill eco next winter? 0 • e 1 1 a • 0 • 110•041441•410.! b•••4•.••!hap •••p a•••••••••• • Look! ;llere! •• FOR RGAINS r: - HEN'S OVERS "4t , 0311 `. MEN'S OVER &''LS,, 25.i41 Tor _ ..._ _ ... - MEN'S OVERCARA'£ a, I6410i for ,. ».----- .. -- MEWS.""S EATERS ALL 'REDUCED MEN'S. LE' 7:'tr3c;t'3ti IIVEINDBREIVRER, Reg.:$"6.001 far IVIEN?8. A1I WOOL. lIT1 III 'k WF, Rkili4 11 g. $,LVi for Men's `Siiaafieirt "Its l nd wear, Reg. '152.25" fc r .Boyzs vorra.breakes ` 8 . '$S Liar .. - - . - BOWSISWELANAMS :.a.'T VILMCIPPRICR $18.06 d --_ $15.00 $10.7S - Men's Lined MULTI, Meg. $1.18 Nor » - - - » _._ _ _•_ ..... :. _ S.Oc Men's Lined Mites, 14 ;. no. ler 55c Men's lined Mitts,, Hag. slit: Afar 40c THHESE. ARE, ALL. 3hT•. it COCOS AND ,AT PIFLICES VOID CAIN-. :NOT AFFORD' WOMBS- BS- C( EIE IN.A11TIa1.IDDDC THEM OVIEifv. t ' AS WE FEEL.:Slip, VOLT WILL SEE SOME:THLNG AT PRICES ' 7! lt& WitLI. MA 'AVIIDT-, OTHER 'GOODS ALSO 11L= -ED . i11T I L OWSZ;i` Miters • s W.E;offan&2o Doan, 1Vlnsstouary Monthly secy., rep- EMBALMERS A tl;l`IIill&., DIR.ECT11 ortcel having 1,428 subscribers, tot - EMBALMERS over last year. Much syin- ,r,.".i w ...e,'�.•,a��' ls. ' R6 �. 'li'rtthy was, expressed for Mrs. .Hogg q in i" uilness. It was decided !a hole. t:•M•v *### 000# w �s,w#0at•rcul#arc:v�r 4044 r�wt►+r• o„ 4-"444• +.. 44,,, 1�4 ��1 e�x.ial itt Scot or4h 'on April 8',), OFIiI.AiiS =MIL Waterm The wise school belle takes a Waterman's Fountain Pert back to class. It means quicker and better work -high. er marks -and lots more leisure time! We have a Waterman's thatwillexactly suit YOU: WE HAVE A MODEL TO SUIT YOU $2.50 to $7.0o OTHER PENS FRO1VI $1.00 UP, Hess, The Jeweller COAL 193 COLD DAYS YES, THE COLD DAYS ARE E..,a AGAIN! ARE YOU PREPAREErrl. WE ARE Preparedwith a large Supply of HIGH GRADE FUEL Genuine Scranton Anthracites it way Coke, Miller's Creek Sa ,. Pocahontas, Cannell, Galt dlrsitewass,,„ and Small Pea Coal for Barrauff DISCOUNT of 50c per tom arkr sNisa for CASH PAYMENT ONLI Carate .,: HENSALL OFq Office Phone lOw House Phone 11111l �• +4-3-++++++++++++++++++#14.14+4,41•44+;14444+444++.114;114 4" 4' i•+•f••1•+•i••i••.•1••t••3••P•Y.t..t.+.I.#14.14+d +4,4•rb4••3••l- i•4••i8 ••!••M4•F•A+.114;11 4 OUR USED CARS p .i. + + + + + 4 4. 4 4• • •4• .+ M •Y• 3• • • • • • • • • ++++++++++++++4.44++++44+4+++++++++++++++++1#14#2-44* +++++++++•4•+++4.44+++ »14••Fv°»t.^i•4•+ ••F••E•E•F••F•h++ +++ "2G4• WE DO NOT KNOW OF EVER BEING ABI; TO Open a season's Business in the USED CARS, that we were able to show our Customers such a fine Asortment. these popular grades of Autos.- -The quality of these Cars is of the very Best, and we invite anyone that is. interested in a good car at a very moderate price viiE do well to first see is and get our prices. SPECIAL CAR iS BEING Ob'P'ERED AT A REAL BARGAIN. 1928 PONTIAC 4 -Door SEDAN IN EXCELLENT CONDITION FINISH, FENDERS AND UPHOLSTERING LIKE NEW.. T.H S° "SEEING IS BELIEVING" FORD SEDAN NEW TIRES, BUMPERS, SHOCKS, SPECIAL $135.00 FOARD COACH 1926 MODEL, BUMPERS, FINISH IS ORIGINAL AND LOOKS LIKE NEW SEE THIS SPECIAL FORD COUPE 1.525 MODEL, NEW BALOON TIRES, BL 1fs'ERS,. FINISH,. FENDERS AND UPHO LST I. lhiG LIKE NEW SEE THIS ONE, 1927 FORD COUPE 2 TRACTORS PIANO 1 BUGGY 0 FRITZ & SON HIGH CLASS PHONE 82 USED CAR BROKERS ZURICH 4 4 -- Bargains! argai For the next two weeks we are offering Bargains on our Stock of HEAVY, WINTER GOODS, 51.ICH AS UNDERWEAR, SWEAT- ERS, EAT -ERS, WINDBREAKERS,. SI3,I1RTS;, STOCKINGS, WOOL BLANK- ETS, ETS, FLANNEL.E`ATE BLANKETS, FLANNELS, MACKINAW' FLANNEL, PRINTS. GINRH MS, ALSO MEN'S AND BOY'S HEAVY RUBBERS AND SOCKS, MITTS AND GLOVES, ETC.. R. Ne DOUGLAS GENERAL 411MFEROH4f '" PHONE 11 97 EiLA a�- i'