HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1930-02-13, Page 8• r •p ZURICH HERALD T STOTiE WITH THE STOCK ri BS .011 MI lines of Winer Goods and also on many lines of Seasonable pring Goods. Sowe special stock taking di • bartins Come and see • Y.( k N EW GOODS l'U'W SPRING GOODS NOW ON DISPLAY SUCH AS PETER 1 VICTORIAN FABRICS, PRISCILLA. CLOTHS, FUGI SILKS 11..AIN AND FIGURED BROADCLOTHS. ALL GUARANTEED FAST COLORS. GROCERIES SODAS. 2 LBS. FOR SALMON, LARGE TINS, ONLY 23c 19c 49c .7!.1ED TEA PER POUND AT RIO COFFEE, SPECIAL AT POUND 27 Cents 011)UCE WANTED PHONE 59 •--.,3-1.....ors-rosn•ttorrocarlammorucesceuettpwAsamealaSsirManen• ,..p.m.m...r...popssAgatal..--........,....•••mourmo.r.P...--Ar,•••••••••aanteapproreensrmtexmcgo.r. •-• .deoL,P. data , • Li ses LICENSES CAN NOW BE RENEWED FOR. THE YEAR 1930 FEES ARE AS FOLLOWS: ALL CARS UNDER 25 H. P. $5.00 25 H. P. $i.0 00 i[vL;Rs AND CHAUFFEUR'S RENEWALS $1.00 TR.a.!LOR LICENSES 1. .. . $3.00, COMMERCIAL VEHICLES SAME AS LAST YEAR. BRING YOUR 1929 PERMIT CARDS PROMPT SERVICE Before you Invest --INVESTIGATE! Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich )IY MOTTo-SERV10E AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? • C1.1.1.111WOC•11.1.1tadegoPuake.114,...1.....111WRI00.1....MIINAIIVSsolirtr.lilralarellegartfaapORIZZOKSVPIMISICIIMMIRO Below we are listib • a few of our Specials. Be, sure arid get your supply at these prices MEN'S HEAVY WOOL SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, GARM. $1.59 MEN'S FLEECE LINED UNDERWE4,11, GARM. 69c MEN'S SWEATER COATS, REG. $340 VALUE, AT $1.59 MEN'S SWEATER COATS up TO $5,00, FOR $3.50 MEN'S PLAID FLANNEL SHIRTS FOR $1.15 MEN'S WOOL SOX, PAIR ' A FEW PIECES CHECKERED GINGHAIVIS, YD. .. LIGHT PRINTS, A.T PER YARD LADIES' SILK HOSE, PAIR AT . . ........... $1.00, '79c 19c, 39c, 59e. . ...... ..18e 20c LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S HOSE, WOOL AND CASHMERE REG. VALUES UP TO $1,00 AT PR 59c Ladies' Vests and Bloomers, Reg. $1.00 at 69c,. Reg. 75c, at 59e CHILDREN'S Underwear and, Stockings at REDUCED PRICES J. YELLOW FRONT STORE ER PHONE No. 145 aznarorsanziourviaretielaroruirsans.rwassmarorcis.lasi•INSI ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Finlayson-Vol1an a • - A quiet wedding took place at the manse, Kippen, on Saturday, Feb - :Luau lst, when Rev. R. R. Conned officiated when Irene Elizabeth, sec- ond eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Volland of Tuckersmith, was -united in marriage to Lorne C. Fin- layson, son of Mr. and Mrs_ Jas. Fin- layson also of Tuckersmith. The bride wore a dainty dress of pink georgette and was attended by her sister, Beatrice, the groombeing as- sisted by his brother Arthur. The ceremony being over, the. happy co- uple left on the 4.40 train for Flint,. Mich., where they will spend a short, honeymoon before settling down to the sterner realities of life. 44! to*, cf tyarae aaaeoeste***evaitaaaiasotii*ao*Giattataeareafgaaakaa so N 1 Is the Best Time g 4*. Dominion Election „lune 30th A prominent Toronto paper states that the King Government is going! coatitry on Jane :30th, being sol informed at itarii.anitit btuttlingt.., oy a I.A.oinin.ent, Liberal leadel. 'With the announcement of the election comes the statement that W. E. N. Sinclair, Liberal Leader in the- Ontario House, will remain in that capacity this ses- sion, but after the election of June 30t1i, Mr. Sinclair will be elevated to the Supreme (ourt. Harry Sifter', according to the report, is the next provincial Liberal. leader. Mr. Sif- ton will be given Mr. Sinclair's rid- ing of South Ontario, and take com- mand of the Liberal forces in Ont - To Plan Your Summer's Program of Work, Repairs, 6 And Improvements Let Us show You the best kinds of Fencing for the Field or the Horne Lawn Fences. We handle the best Money can Buy. If you decide todo some Roofing or Eve -Troughing this year, we invite you to call and see us ,and get our estimates, as well as show you our goods. 1 • • A Nice New Piece of Furniture in the Home will be always appreciated. We can supply anything in this g line, and the prices are very Attractive. • If in need of new furniture, don't 1 • forget; we have it! STADE & WEIDO ZURiCH - ONT. I 4ivetti tato tat* Coe otaaaosio0006•••••••••••••••00140 ario. Huron Old Boys Meet At Toronto .:2V1,41,, MARKETS , teorraeted every Wednesday) Butter, lb. 40 Eggs, dozen. . 30, SC, 40 Wheat 1.15 Oats 55 Barley 65 Buckwheat 80 Flour cwt 3.50 4.'75 Bran, ton 313 00 Shorts ton .36.00 Dried apples 9 Dutch sett onions 8 Western FarmersMutual Weather hisurance Co OF WOODSTOCK The Largest Business of any Canadian Company doing Business in Ontario- , ,ant of Insurance at Riala on Deo,. Sist, 1928, $22,206,275. Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $160,378.74 Itatee-$4.50 per-Z1.00C for 3 years. E. F. K lop p -Zu ch Adent, Also Dealer in Lidhtnind Rods and all kinds oE Fire Insurance The 30th annual at home of the Huron 01(1 Boys' Association of Tor- onto was held in the -.temple Build- ing, Toronto, on Friday evening last, and was the "best e'ver' in Wimet- ory of the Association. It was de- cidedly a grand reunion of old assoc- iates, and there was a snap and en- thusiasm with the whole proceedings that bids well for the future el the Association. Dancing was carried on in the beautiful assembly hail, while euchre and bridge were played in the adjoining Leonia, about 30 taciee icr euchre and eight tables for bridge. Barton Till's big °maestro suppnea the 'music for the dances, wheel laenzie s Orchestra supplied the mus- ic for the old time dances, The pro- ceedings were broadcasted about 11.- 30. Bert Cutt, o Gait, a Goderich, boy, rendered a soio; greetings were extended to the various towns by T. M.P; to •Seaforth. E. prPAA ThuradaY, Peb1471 1"3t1i. IDF3k,„:* 4,1444714.4.44++401444440444.444*++++++44+++++++++++va+ t: T., 4 Seasonable Hardware t WE CAN SUPPLY THE PUBLIC WITH SEASON- : , ABLE HARDWARE AT MODERATE 'PRICES : .r.,; '+ 4, 4. Let Us Show You OUR FULL LINE OF GRANITEWARE AT LOWEST Good Supply Of Krauser Smoke Cure o Hand FURNITU Fuli Line of Furniture, in Living Room Suites, Dining Room Suites, Bed Room, Suites, Kitchen Cabienets. We also have the Famous. Simmons Bed Spring and t4 Mattresses, a Guaranteed Article. Best on the hibiket To Day. 4r. WE ALSO HAVE SOME USED FURNITURE FOR r, SALE VERY CHEAP. PREVAILING PRICES. Ionic *Mille object of agreeing upon the compensation which should. be paid to Mr. Pollock for the export - oration of a certain portion of Lot No, 1, in the Aux Sables Concession in the Township of Stephen, pursuant to a plan. prepared by George A. Mb- Cubbin, O.L.S., M.E.I.C., and. dated May 15th, 1929. The Reeve fur- ther stated that Mr. Pollock asked $1200.00 for the land, and the Coun- cil,were to furnish the material for the necessary fences and gates and erect them. This was considered un- reasonable and -it was agreed by the Reeve and Council that no further action be taken to try and mutually agree upon the amount of compen- sation. ' :That the report of the Auditors vita; audited the Township o± Stephen books for the year ending December aist., 1929 be received and adopted. That the Clerk correspond with t11e Clerk of the Township of McGil- liVray asking him if he can say when lie expects that their Township will be able to divide and repay the sur- - con - • E „. Johnston & Kalbileisc ee• 4. 01, azdwana & ,Furniture. Phone 83 t 4.4.4.+÷..++++++++4.4+++++++;t4qAtiw++4.+4.+++++++++44i-i.4-rt-i4h Laren to (4oderichtributing Municipalities for the con - at, The event closed phis funds pro Iota among e noody to Clinton and J, A, Me - 1 a.m., all satisfied with the most struction of the Aux Sables River enjoyable time. STEPHEN COUNCIL. The Council of the Township of Stephen convened in the Town Hall, Crediton, on Monday, February 3rd at 1 p.m. All members were present, Minutes of the previous meeting we - Improvement Drainage Scheme. That the following pay sheet and orders 1e passed: "gyp. Becker, Rd. 10, $4.40; Otto Willert 12 4.20; ditto 16.60; IVI. Mad den 11 3.00, ditto 9.80; Placid Des - Jardine 4.00 and '7.00; A. Webb 20 4.00; E. Carroll tile 7.50; Sundry Persons allowance and rebates IV c read and approved. rin Drain 380.10; N. Schenk dog That By-law No. 432 of 1930 forInspector 1.24)5 ,J. Ifirtzei dag borrowing the sum of $4000.00 Open ' a .( a ea ban. 4a L i'4' Debentures to pay for the erection Qt ''C.otiti.‘inisusioi1.Z'Oa.;32'.Agorlieul°tInnrilali i a school house and to equip the sant' ['Rep. of Huron re Short Course at Auto Tops Ar p .4ze. Buggy Tops a MI Repairing, Paintin Etc. -,..,. Second landed Buggies - il 7.,...-- ..,.. .,_ :.;......1... HESS - .ZITRICI-1 ,_„ • gmlingiallimagoilt;;;,:,,,:,•,ctL ,,,„;.,L,,,,,,:, i,,i;,,-..,onipt,Niai,,. 14,.',,.',A 11!!!!:Ni,it:;..,2;21iii.1114llit,ilailiillE.V011i .++Al.÷÷+•:`i":..+I.:$/•itt Pt.++ k"'++ 44+i. +44444+ 44+4 41° gt. -Cr 4. 4. 4, 4. attention for your sick or ailing Auto 'n School Section No. 1, of Stephen By-law No, 433 to appoint Munie- Exeter 15.00; Ontario Hospital, re law No. 434 to pay -rebates on the , Byt, Aoltnartya6eWili,llaiatimdistocilotlhoinago 1.0c..!2.1k...To. 171,._ ipal Officers for tell year 10t80: vide for exiienditures on Roads ill:v.014s p:ip.t4ie5 . Atliltoonrto.I.O.Llt0a.mpC,N1 esatpeanacsial 31.74; get). Wolper, error in Wein Drain. By-law No. 435 to the Township of Stephen during the. assessment 2.06'; John Chambers, Pt. ( 1980 oath having 11"31, paymerit Ryan Drain 50.00. three times be passed and signed by - Pithe Council adjourned to meet a "Fownship1 ro.tt'ac,c7111-etrithe'r'ti°t°'.. rau'llo7y,tiliVlearTv3nriI:4119''301aet(11°Pn.'111.- visited the premises of Solomon Pab. . BilberJ Cletk' The Reeve reported that he had t C•OVO 01 '"*" "" ' v"" " • f. E. E. Is ever at ICT„AZ your service with the best of EXPERT WORKMANSHIP ON REPAIR WORK, AND OVER- HAUL JOBS ON ALL MAKES OF CARS WITH CHARGES VERY REASONABLE. WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES, TIRES, BATTERIES, ETC.: ALSO DO ACEYTLENE WELDING. GAS OILS GRESES IL Mousseau Zurich .10 4? 4. 4. 4. * 4, oar teaeaae4÷+++++++44+-aa-aaettea-aae•aeana.te4ea.a.s.s..a.aaa-aa..aa.a.ae4a.4.ataaaaa4 11 tkitittitiokialksHIE~IalaadatillabbttiglaVeKtlitiMatiattot*Agelektrakkailt ti . la 4. 07',"cr. ITIOE 11 .1. tr.. i HERAL"lI ,ti,,, + .c. + • ,, + .... 4' THAT WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE FOR FIRST ii 5. - CLASS JOB pRINTING! 4 THAT WE SUPPLY AND PRINT WEDDING INVITATIONS 4. AND ANNOUNCEMENTS, ALSO CALLING, CARDS, 113USINES5 CARDS, ETC. .1.' THAT WE CARRY IN STOCK, AND ALSO PRINT, STATION ERY SUCH AS BUSINESS LETTER HEADS, ENVELOI4ES •t' ..., STATEMENTS, BILL HEADS, MEMORIAM CARDS SHIPPING TAGS, ETC. ; THAT WE CARRY IN STOCK GOOD WRITING PAPERS CUT TO ANY SIZE, ENVELOPES IN MOST CALLED FOR at SIZES, CARD PAPER, BRISTOLS, CARBON OR TRACING. PAPER, BUTTER PAPER, MEMORIAL ENVELOPES; ,C AND MEMORIAL WRITING PAPER. A GOOD WRITING INK FOR 5 cENT& t.AitGER QUAN- MIES AT SIMILAR REDUCTIONS. Do You Know?efir THAT WE FILL YOUR ORDINARY SIZE rNat. BOTTLE WITH * THAT WE PRINT POSTING BILLS, AUCTION SALE POSTERS + MERCANTILE POSTERS AND ALL GENERALPRDITING 4‘,..444.44.******************4**********airatt**44.4****.ek. 4. 4. •