HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1930-02-13, Page 7Does rhea natIis.nx hinder your work s wJHILE working in a VYquary r 'as a driller," , writes Mr. John j. Hogan of South March, Ont., "1 was seized with rheuma- tism in the left shoulder. T followed treatments for some time without relief. 1 had heard so much con- cerning Dr. Williams' Pink Polls that I decided to give thein a trial. They were certainly the medi- cine that 1 needed for it was not long before 1 was as well as ever. Now I take them every Spring as a tonic." This is one of hundreds of cases in.which these blood - enriching pills have proved effective in eradicating rheu- matism. Buy Dr. WiMame' Pink Pills now at your ding - gist's or any dealer in medi- cine, or by mail, •30 cent., postpaid, from The Dr. Wil- liams Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. 5-36 54\ PER BON Dr.Willicanas9 EL P11114S "A HOUSEHOLD NArr1e [N E4 COUNTRIES, BURDENS One cannot bear one's neighbor's burdens—you may break your own heart out of sheer pity, but your neighbor will not be a whit less op- pressed: . This is not denial of the power in sympathy, counsel, af- fection, or comradeship; the power of such gifts is incalculable, but they cannot be transmitted, they can only be exercised for the neighbor's here- fit and encouragement. They cannot lessen the burdeu; they cannot affect those 'unuttered and unutterable thoughts which dart through the soul, those hours of absolute and unreach- able solitariness, those moods when no one really counts and uothing real- ly matters. ---John Oliver Hobbes. RED -D 1 210DSB TRACTOR plow, discs, cultivates, harrows. Al so tineslawu in ow ing, seeding, spray- ing, etc LAUNDRY JONES 6 tr Distributors B4 :Lister Block, ECAMILTON, ONT. I.. Itching Ends in Minute "Bad eczema for months. Single application of 'Soothe -Salva' ended itch and burn in 1 minute. 1 box ended disease for good." Jane Paula, "Soothe -Salva" ends Eczema quickest time ever known. Itching stops instantly. AO druggists. Eskimo Marne Tells I Owl Laffs Strangest of Stories "No feet" Recalls Trial of Starving Man Who Eats His Own Feet Edniailtou, Alta.—Ono of the strang- est stories over told, unbelievable Ir it were not ' wilt: Wed in an 'official R.C,111,P. report, reacbep Edmonton from Sgt. D G. 3 titer, in charge ,of the Mounties post` at Bathurst Inlet. The story is that of a man who ate his ownfeet, Told in the plain, unvarnished lan- gaage of the Sergeant, tite story is dramatic enough and has behind it a theme of human suffering and forti- tude almost unparalleled. In the wilds of the farthest North- lands—beyond the fringes of civilize - tion and ir, to section of the seemingly endless wastes of the Arctic lives Eskimo No Feet. Lack of his pedal extremities has given him Ws name and he takes con- siderable pride in his disfigurement. His story reached this city only now, following receipt of mall from Cambridge. Bay. "No Feet," says Sergeant Baker, whine out on a hunting trip early this winter got lost' in a storm, and unable to find his way back to his Igloo, froze both his feet. Before he was rescued, he came near death from starvation. .As be reached this dreaded point, he realized that as his feet were froz- en and as they would be of no fur- ther consequence in his mobility, that he might as well use them as food. • Accordingly he severed the feet from the lower portion of the legs. and ate there, thus sueraining Life tm til aid arrived. He is active and walks around on his knees. Also he can run along side a eng-sled as Ion; as lie keeps one hand on it for guidance. Hs: Is tansy and is said to enjoy Life. Another misfortune has overtaken him. His wife is both blind and dumb. But No Feet may soon have to fere- go his sobriquet. The Hudson's Bay company has ordered a pair ol actin- cial feet for him and .as they are ex• pectecl soon, he may shortly be wa'k- ing as he did in days of yore. es- esaa, tee "What's the reason DeSwift does not apply for a divorce?" "Wily his Wife has taken to mono- planieg and he thinks he might as well wait." • To Fit the . Case They were iisiiing in the (asst. "1 say, Harry," said ono youth," "what kind of bait are you usin • to catch yohr fish With?" "Meat bones." replied other. "Meat bones," exclaimed the lirst. "What hind of fish do you hope to eaach?" "Why, dogfish, of course'." was the reply. f• "Asking 'Eur'ope to disarm is like asking a man in (Chicago to give up his life insurance."—Will Rogers. THE HEALTH ALMANAC 1930 EDITION is now on the press and will be available shortly. The demand for the Almanac from year to year is very heavy; the entire edition for 1929 was exhausted some time before the end of the year. For those readers who desire a copy of this year's edition, an application form is printed below. • Department of Health, ' Parliament Buildings,„ Toronto. Please send me a copy of the health Almanac for 1930. Nance P.0 • Ontario v att4ADAres For Troubles due to Acid I N o(OeSTION ACID STOMACH HEA(LTDUaa HEADACHE GAS5.S •NAUSEA t c3 Sick stomachs, sour 'stoniaclis and indigestion usually inean excess acid. ;The stomach nerves are over-stimu- la,ted. Too much acid makes the stomach and 'intestines sour. .Alkali kills acid instantly. The; hest form is Phillips' Milk of Magnesia, be- cause one ilarinless, tasteless dose neutralizes many times lts V01111no in acid. Shite' is invention, 50 years ago, it has eetualned the standard with Iihyslctan,5 everywhere, Take a spoonful hi water and your unhapVY condition will probably end in five minutes. Then you will always. know what to de. Crude and harmful iinethoels will never appeal to you.. Go prove this for your own sake. Ittmay save a grant inany clistigi•eeable ltours, Be sure to get the genuine Phillips' Milk of 1Ia,;ttelftt prescribed by pliysi.. clans for 60 retire 1.t corercting ex- cess' addle. Each bottle contains full directions—ani' arttgstore'. Valentine But one light l know, But one gleam 1 It1'iee, 'Tis the radiant glow Sllini(1g from, 'your eyes.. But one flower I'd find, But one bloom i seek, "Pis the, fair -enshrined Rose upon your cheek, But one boon I pray, But one wish is mine— Sweet, for aye Sind aye Be MY Valentinei tether Starter! It? It is estimated that two ::billion a year is expended on Valentines, It might be said that here is a ease of Art for beam's Sake. "Sarah," called her mistress from upstairs, "I trope you turned the gas on in the kitchen as I told you". "Yes, ma'am„" answered the new servant, "can't you smell it?' Never in the history of the 'world have the women been able to' please the prudes. The prudes used to' scold women for .lacing. And now they say it is immoral for a woman to go about without a corset. No• wonder the women: finally have decided to de as they please. If , you walk as a friend you will find a frieud wherever you 'chose to fare; IF MERE IS A BABY IN YOUR ROME There Also Should be a 13o;> of 33aby''s Own Tablets To keep her little ones well' is the cenetant aim Of every 510111er and to help her iR this task she should.ale Ways keep a box, of 13€i'by's Own Tab- lets in the home, These Tablets• have saved many little lives when illness ('.:tine on suddenly, ' The majority of troubles which af- filet little one are those which arise from a disordered condition of the stomach and bowveis. It is iu quickly correcting these disorders that Baby's Own Tablets show their.' value. They banish constipation and indi- gestion; correct colic and diarrhoea; break en colds and simple fevers and allay teething paths. Concerning the Tablets, Mrs. 111. Roberts, Cap aus Os, Que., writes:—"I always keep Baby's Own Tablets in the house :as I know of nothing to equal them for llttte ones. The Tablets are sopd by medicine dealers or by snail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville; Ont. YOUR TRUE SELF Have a soul of your own. Be your true self.. Think, realize, reflect, un- til you have a measure of unborrow- e(1 conviction, which establishes a centre of repose, and is a source of happiness and contentment—a centre If you go with mirth to a far.sla•auge which yields to no outer tumult, but land you will find that mirth is is ever receptive to the Divine Self',— there; notation W. Dresser. For the strangest part of this queer old world is that like will join like, And who walks with love for his fel- low-nlau an answering love will strike. You can tell the female worm. When it turns it isn't trying to get a better view of the ankle. What this country really needs, many folks believe, Iva •"post no bills" sign on every mail bcx. One difference between' a sweet- heart and a "sweetie" is that the sweetheart says, "You -order" Organizing is e art of getting men to respond like thoroughbreds. When you cluck to a thoroughbred he giv. s you all the speed, strength of heart and sinew in hini. When you cluck at a jackass he kicks, Tho boss should renianiher how hard he used to Work wbeu lie saw the boss coming. • Household Hint A fairly .toed quality of "jackass brandy" can bo made by using the following iugredients: One wildcat, two Gatling guns, one pint muriatic acid, four rattlesnakes, three pounds of red pepper, seven railroad 'spikes, one skunk, four bullfrogs, two pounds of fish scrap, and three ounces of smokeless gunpowder. Stir well and set in shade to cool. . 1 It's all right to prepare for the; worst, but better still to hustle for the best. Most of the girls now have im- prompto complexions. '111ey Hulse then: up as they g along. "If it took as long to spend money as it does to earn it half the stores. would go out of business. He—"The talking movies are still in their infancy," She"Perhaps that le why they lisp." His Worry Hubby' --"Another new (tress1 Where am I to get the money to pay for it?" Wife—"I don't know. I'm your wife, not your financial adviser." You are definitely middle-aged if Your doctor doesn't know .what is wrong with you and blames it on the. gal bladder. He—"Can I take you home" She—"Sure; do YOU lire far?" COMMON BLESSINGS A night's sloop, what a miracle of mercy it is; and a new day and 'the waking up with health to face it; aye, oven a pleasant heal with one's household, is not that wertlt a thanks- giving? Or, an interesting book, an hour with an old friend, aSunday's quiet resting after a strained and weary week, or some new light of in- terest of leaning in one's favorite line of study—it is such things as these, far more than great special blessings, which snake up the shin of happy lite; and it is such things, ;if one would think of them mole, and not be always taking them as a mat- ter of coarse, which would fill our. days with thanksgiving,—Brooke Her- ford, Use Minaret's for Nearalgia, —ss. CALAMITY Calamity is tho occasion of vitate°, and a spur to a great ntiud, The ,very apprehension of a wound steatlos a Man when ho"'dint Beare amts; but ittt old soldlcl« bleeds boldly, beoattse he knows that a• -plan may lose blood land yet vin the (lay, --Seneca, ISSUE No« 6- • "30 Minard's is Best for Grippe. • LIES It is the glistening and softly -spoke lie , . . the patriotic Ile of the historian, the provident lie of the poli- tician, the zealous lie of the partizan, the merciful lie of 'the friend, and the careless lie of each man to himself, that cast that black mystery civet -hu- manity, through which we thank any man who pierces, as we would thank one who slug a wei in the desert.— Ruskin. LIFE Life is to be fortified by many friendships; to love and to be loved is the greatest Happiness of existence.— S. Smith. YOUR HAIR NEEDS LV TO GIVE 1T HEALTH AND LUSTRE ASK YOUR BARBER .R ..felsa, see e' ora Coughs & C'olds A speedy, safe, proven remedy for children and adults. Acts Mc Flail; - ASisGL£ SIPPwvesrr IIA Ladybird Frees Firs Of Predatory Bug London. --Thanks to the ladybird, the giant Douglas fir whose growth ttutii recently was being hindered If not completely clieekecl in Scotland bythe destructive insect chermes golleyii are flow showing signs of re- sistance and recovery, To -day athero is more greenness about these "Iords of the forest" than there has been. for two years. These facts were brought out at the annual meeting of the Aberdeen branch of the Royal Scottish. Arbori- cultural Society in Aberdeen. John Mlchle said the chermes cooleyii was discovered in the New Forest In 1913 and had spread north to Inverness,. leaving the west coast of Scotland un- touched. Johnston Edwards, the Ding's fors ester, said ho found at Balmoral that the ladybird had increased enormous- ly during last autumn and said he be- lieved they would end the threatened destruction -of the Douglas fit'. E. C. Duthie said, lis hoped that when it was known that the trees could be made particularly immune there would be a more optimistic outlook, GIVING Hallf the world is on the wrong. scent in the pursuit of happiness. They. think It consists in having and getting and in being served by others. It consists in giving and serving others.—Henry Drummond. N: "What do they mean by the 'witching hour'?" Y; "Don't you know? That's the :tour when the wife greets you, with 'Which story is it this time?'" DO YOU SUFFER FROM CO STI TON ? Countless remedies are advertised for constipation. Many relieve for the moment but they are habit form- ing and must be continued. Others contain calomel and dangerous min- eral drugs, which remain in the sys- tem, settle in the joints and cause aches and pains. Some are harsh purgatives which cramp and gripe and leave a depressed after effect. Avoid lubricating oils which only grease the intestines and encourage nature's machinery to become lazy. I A purely vegetable laxative such as Carter's Little Liver Pills, gently touches the liver, bile starts to flow, the bowels move gently, the intestines are thoroughly cleansed and constipa- tion poisons pass away. The stomach, liver and bowels are now active and the system enjoys a real tonic effect. All druggists 25c and 75c red pkgs. Failing Hair Turn to a proven hair grower— Minard's of course. Will cleanse scalp of dandruff and promote a healthy, glossy growth.. Rob into scalp four timet weekly. aassi6ed Advertisin HolasZIyou n ;Z,3 i'tVI«li1' '.11J1ui4DAY r1". Of each week we etre having special sales of levees. including well matched teams, greys. blacks roans and bays, lers requiring; 110del'e5 tt ure in. 7:07111 eondltloti ami t.<ady to l;o right into : work, now Is the Lima to get temp, ileo horses on hand tit e.11 t.baso. private sales every. day. Our llur Hess Department 1F well stocked with new and second -band harness of all description. 1Vri; us for catalogue. Tim Repository, 10-21 .Nelson :•oronto. •(Coulter. i;r-os-, Props.) A TIE:a`'rrs T List 01 "wanted Inventions" and Pun Information fleet Free on flee West. 11TE AAri5SA'!t• CO„ Dept. 'W. 273 Bank St.. Ottawa Ont. —13u1ahLanningbam wrltes,Thou- sands gain S to 1S lbs. in 3 weeks with new honked Yeast. Skin clears like magic. Nerves, constipation vanish overnight. Get Ironized Yeast tablets from druggist today. RUB IN artless 9F CARS- 1 NSERT IN NOSTRILS.. Encs HEAD NOISES earaard EAU OM 51.25 All Animists Descriptive folder on reddest A. O. LEONARD, Inc. 70 Firth Ave., New York City like magic," says r. A. Chatigny. Thousands write kidney and bladder ills, constipation, indigestion, gas, back- ache end overnight with "Fruit.a-tives". Nerves quiet. Sound sleep at once. Get 'Fruit-a-tives' from druggist today. jealsairesede essay Clem- rout- Skin of Disfiguring lilon,islrce use Cutieura Sample Soap, Ointment, Talcum free. Address,' "Cuticura," Box 2616, Montreal, Canada. Citn.t.K EOn.3ZE5 "1,Is ecf OS' .u,•u- saii.fa through use "' Ur. J 11. e•;uii,l's Ureen 81uuutain Asthma Compound. Its pleasant smoke vapor soothes (Sitd relieves. Originated in 186e by Dr. ;Rind, soneialtst in respirratcry dis- eases_ Also relieves catarrh. Standard remedy at druggists: 35 cents, Ge cents and 61.50, powder or cigarette farm. Send for DEED TRIAD Davit - age of G cigarettes, lanadt n Dis- tributors, I.ymans, Ltd., Dept. CM. 286 St Paul St. West, Montreal, Can. D `Gu . S AsTrn a COMPOUND InsertedPoint Saws The special stcelusedislnadein the Simonds plant and is the same wear -resisting steel that is used in the most. expensive cutting tools, Simonds Saw Bits hold their sharp edge under tile most strenuous use andgive exceptionally long service. SIMONDS CANADA SAW CO. LTD MONTREAL • VANCOUVER - 2r:e ST. JOHN. N.D. .. TORONTO . 799dstL�R':raum4'!fY c`IdY1a9.'sG . . %Ness efr n 1drU) Children will fret, often for nti apparent reason. But there's al- ways one sure way to comfort a restless, fretful child, Castoria! Harmless as the recipe on the wrapper; mild and bland as it tastes, But its gentle action soothes a youngster more surely than some powerful medicine that is meant for the stronger systems of adults. That's the beauty of this special children's remedy! It may be given the tiniest infant—as often as there is any need. In cases of colic, diarrhea, or sitililar disturb- ance, it is invaluable, But it Ilas everyday uses all -mothers should E_ A 00 a ND 1h:Fro7d,tary"snlndilitn WldnsAd An•i g'0A•epueGankets• similatalinetivtrud eylheat• tinethe5to'M 1awurea.ted amitieste Th A•etry Nomoh he Ditestioa Chwrfutneiseadeate atd,t nehM1er O gure.Molnhhc1' ' Minemt. NevNAncovc ;a,�,,,rasrersi��m^an� inn« 1 i`.. A hdpfuilinte4vfor Constipation we Diarrhoal 'and fevertatmesa end toss OPstrsa resuniodtaaretroaHatchal fabSitassittwbnd inS C9t(i'fAUn ea (ae Dese sfieYuulatexs to - Wow understand, A coated tongue calls for a few drops to ward off consti- pation; so does any suggestion of. had breath, Whenever children don't eat well, don't rest well, or have any little upset—this pure vegetable preparation is usually all that's needed to set everything to rights. Genuine Castoria has Chas, H. Fletcher's signature on the wrapper. Doctors prescribe it, How well you look! "1 ant urilirp you again to express my sincere gratitude for the continual success J' have ntuintautad tirroush 9111/ artily dose, of 0rltscllall. Only lust week a 111070 met me (lrho surf Ma a ,faro'onths 1100 ' hen I was crippler[ with rheumatism). His ,first reanark tract !:neo welt I looked. I replied, ' Yee, I tsars only gruschen Salts to than,a fin said he was f6e1i'fl 'off colour' and would start the lirns- cheat habit next day. 1 alua?Js recnnuu.^tett Irttschen Salts.' 1t,. 1, wOOLNIT._ Orae lel letter as 31, foe Sega.,r.cn- lirusclten Sulu is obtainable at drag and department ;Amos is Canada, at lin, a bottle. A bottle contains .•n,ivah to last for 4 or 5 Mouths—good health for ball•a•cent a say, h dieleasseseelela "1 have to work in the store and do my own housework, too, and 1 got nervous and run-down and was in bed neatly all summer. The least noise would make me nervous. L was told to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound and 1 have taken seven bottles. It has made me strong. or and put more color into my face. I am looking after my store and housework and my four children and 1 am getting along nicely now." --Mrs..l Malin, R. R. No. 5, Barton St: Bast, Rana/tort, Ontario, Canada. ikAadl lrisih sa tyiti ,Lues 1l bntltia; t