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Zurich Herald, 1930-02-13, Page 5
Thursday, February 13tIt 1930. Z GH HERALD RLDSINESS CARPS i Wants, For Sale, Lost, PI3T YO>r7B lFound, Notice, Etc. lids fluDLrY E HOLMES a liiEtI31STI� i, SOLICITOR, N€ i' LEY PUBLIC, ETC, l�b'L'E—Ilamilton Street, Jatat got! the Square, GODBRICTI, Ontario. Special attention to Coustcel and Court 'Works. Mr. 'Eirrlmes may be eonaulterl at ticsalericin by Phone, and Phone charges reversed. Dr. IL Il. COWS ' L. D. S. D. D S. DENTAL SURGEON At D"EITZ BLOCK—'AIRIC I"I ,,very Thursday, Friday, Saturday At IIARTLEI13'S BLOCK, IIASB W GOD Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday OSCAR KLOPI' 'Graduate Carey M. Joues Nat- al School of Aurtitaneering. Try ime for Registered Live Stock, AAgl Breeds). Terms in keeping prevailing Prices. Choice with tor sale. Will teli ,anything :4100/Where.Zurich. Phone 18-93 or write. Licensed Auctioneer YOB HURON & MIDDLESEX AM IN A POSITION TO CON- dux:t any auction Sale, regardless ace to size or article to sell. 1 solicit your bu;simeas, and if not ass iefied will make no c1 argea for Services Dashwood. Arthur Weber -- one 13--57 Overstock 29x4.40 3©x3' iirs3 Tubes. Low Prices NOWIr "11 Z�$• w*' S is1IDIYO VPIli 1140(900••0••00.0 Zurichs' Popular .EAT M. ARE ,' ANNOUNCING 'THAT WE HAVE PURCHASED FROM THE FIRM OF YUNGSE T DEICHERT, THIS WELL ESTAB LISHED MEAT BUSINESS, AND .SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE . Yung gut &Sun COAL 1930 Announcement SPRING PRICES NOW IN EFFECT FOR Scranton Coal cote Alberta Coal' and Soft Coal A SPECIAL DISCOUNT OF 50 Cts. Per Ton will be allowed for cash. kOrdoer. Early as plaices willadvuatce on Juno 15th,. Case & Son &one 35 MENSAL'. LL VE POU LTR V WANT. Taken every day tills 3 o'eleck,p.m. ms, slot feed Fowl same morning When bronaybt Highest Cash Prices Oren and Eggs W. 'O'Brien ;Elattei gat OA* 1Cls 7i" iiE'S Covcrhi'N FOR SALE 1 good milk cow fresh three weeks Also one heifer milking "at present, apply to Elmer Thiel, Blake. For Sale 12 Stocker Pigs, about 60 Ibs. each for sale. Apply to Aaron Oestreich- er, Dashwood. FARM FOR SALE 100 acrea of good land, in Hullett Township, well •underdrained, 2 good spring wells, large barn, with straw shed, and stabling under all. Good 8 roomed frame house with cellar. No reasonable offer refused. Apply to Chas. Saundercock, Phone 250 r 25, Seaforth Central. R. R. 1, Lon- desboro P.O. • FARM FOR SALE Consisting of. 100 acres or choice clay loam, being Lot 14, N.B. Steph- en Township.' There is on the prem- ises a large bank barn, good outbuild- ings!, good frame' house, 'plenty of water, well fenced and drained, 6 acres fail wheat, Also 100 acres of good pasture land, being Lot 11, 7th con., Hay Tp., with running water, well fenced, some bush. For further particulars apply to George Clark, Prop., Hay P.O. FOR SALE 2 bull calves pure bred Holsteins, apply to Wm. Sparks, Bronson Line, Stanley. FOR SALE One auto seat cutter in No. 1, con,- ' clition, for quick sale, also a buggy pole. Apply to Milne Rader, 14th 1 con., Hay. NO'V'ICE ti We specialize on the following: Ford Transmission Linings. Ford Rear Ends; Ford Springs; Ford Valves Grinding; Brakes re -lined on .11 makes of Cars; We give special attention on oiling and greasing all cakes of cars; Radiator anti -freeze :en tion, Tire Repairing; Have your •springs oiled. Leonard Prang, Zurich. A man does not get much for noth- ing in this world except an obituary notice and he is gone before it ar- rhres. Here ani Tiers In 1922 Canada produced minerals estimated to be worth x;180,622,000, an increase of practically $6,000,000 over the previous year. A British silk manufacturing firm has decided to establish a laxge plant near Quebec city for the manufacture of artificial silk yarn. A train nearly a mile iong and drawn by a single locomotive re- cently carried 165,000 bushels of grain over the Canadian Pacific western lines. Almost sixteen and a half million bushels of wheat were exported from the port of Vancouver during the period September 1, 1922, to May 31 of the present year, accord- ing to figures issued by the Mer- chants Exchange. Among the large number of un- accompanied women on the last westward voyages of the Canadian Pacific liners "Montclare" and "Me- iji*" were twenty-three who were conning to Canada to be married in 'various parts of the Dominion. , An official in charge of the cattle shipments from the Port of Mont- real recently stated that nearly 40,- 000 head of store cattle would be shipped from the port this year. He declared the rash seasons would be the months of August, September and October. On her last eastward voyage the Canadian Pacific liner "Empress of Canada" established a new trans- Pacific record of 8 days, 10 hours and 55 minutes from Yokohama to Vancouver. The previous record, 8 slays, 18 hours and 31 minutes, had been held sinee 1914 by the "Em4 press of Russia" of the same line. If public deposits in banks and Goan companies can be taken as a fair indication, the Canadian is the liaravorld's richest pian, according to a statement made by, F. A, Hatch, re. tiring president of the Ontario di• vision , of the Canadian Manufac. Curers' Association. These deposits amount to more than two billion dolsA.ev 446# slo canal", - 6t AL NEWS Mr. Iayweed was a business visit;. or to Toronto this week. Mrs. H. H. Cowen was a Msttor to; Dashwood this week. „ Pleased to report that Mrs.. II Neeb is improving in health. Mr. F. C. Kalbfle'isch made iness trip to Parkhill, the past Wi M. E. Smith of Detroit, is visit his parents, Mr. and M41is. Wen Smith. Mr. Harold Johnston of Goderte % was a week -end visitor at the boxre;' of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Weida. Mr. Oscar Nlopli the .past weep tended the convention at Toronto'or the Ontario Fairs and Exhibition sociation, as a delegate from Zurich:' Agricultural- ' S ociety. Mr. and Mrs. Fred, F. Hess of. Hensel!, are spending a few days at' the home of Mrs. Gertrude Hess,.:. and also visiting other relatives a1n,d friends. They sure are always wei-'' Mr. Ward Fritz who is with three ether boys on a trip to Florida, writes home stating that they are now at Jacksonville, and are leaving neat week for home. The boys will have :Some very interesting incidents to re- late when they return. A number of out sportsmen made another rabbit raid to the west of town, and after the afternoon was well spent in rounding up `the jacks they returned to town with 11 fine big fellows. Seems after a patch has been gone over a few times, and a few crops taken off, the yield is not so heavy as first in the season. come visitors to our burg. Owing to an oversight our date line on the front page of the Herald gas not changed last( and we sincerely trust ons subscribers were thinking that they were getting a paper frim the previous week, but upon a second; look on the other,pages one will see the right date namely February 6th, The cold old winter seerns not to :o be losing any of its grip, and the cold and stormy weather continuing. Froin day to day, although this Wed- nesday sae notice .a little 'milder, but ?✓e antiei_pete this will be followed up with aactl:er rough spell, It has be- en some years since we experienced so much snow, and it willtake a lot of real warm weather this spring to take it all away. A eery interesting birthday party was held- at the home of Mrs. G. Hess .nd daughter, Miss Anna, when' a lice little gathering of relatives and friend:, gathered in honor of •Mrs. Hess, who celebrated her 87th birth- lay. Although Mrs. Hess has been :onfined to her bed for about two rears, yet she is so bright and cheer - 171 that •one cannot help but lei happy '1 her midst, Also pieaeed to rc Doi'' .h t !mfr's. 'Hess is co'?:'; sera' 1• ;n health than for some time. hence ;he was able to enjoy this happy e:-- ent all the more. Mr. A. Robinson, of Mitcheii, who s well known in this district as the Massey-Ilarris District or ::eneral 4ent, is in town this .week, accom- )anicd by Mr. Norman Thiel, of Brod iagen, and who intends coming to Zurich to live acting as local agent providing he can get suitable accom- odation. Mr. Thiel is a married man .nd would move to town. They have ;o far met with great uiii;cesty ie "-sding a suitable place that could be acat .d for this business. Mr. Thiel 's r very agressive and promising young man and would be a good as- set to Zurich and would like to sec lig come. We wish the pesimist who •ays that the small places are going .o nothing would show up just about .row and find a -vacant business- place 'n Zurich. Surely Zurich is holding Its own. A very interesting event took place on Tuesday evening, when Mr. 0. J. Salmon offered to take the Jr. League members of Emanuel Evan- gelical church with his team and sleigh for a sleigh ride party to which the Juniors all hearily ogreed, and "who would not" on such a fine night and, so suitable for the occasion. The avening was at it's best and the moon was pretty to look at. The hap- py children twenty-four in number, accompanied by their pastor, Rev. W. iC. Dreier; and their Superintendent, Mrs. Chester L. Smith, and Assistant Superintendents Miss Edith Grob and Miss Mildred Geiger; all comfortably seated in the sleigh, then drove from the church sheds. The roads were lovely, although the pitch holes were numerous, and amidst singing and cheering the happy band drove thr- ough the country about live miles. After returning! to the basement of the church for refreshments which the parents of the children had so `t a,buitdautly supplied for heir needs, and before serving the same, the happy company all sang, after Which Rev. Dreier led in prayer,' and it is needless to say that all were ready to take part in the 'refreshments as well as in the sleigh ride. A good and hearty clap was tendered to Mr. salmon in behalf. of. the League and many thanks for the kindness. All a ai returned to thein• homes much re- Worship: 7.30 P. i4iX:•, sa riDr�A „ MacKi du1.110.11 freshet' and feeling, that the evening; ouo�ect Lnristi�lnitat, s program, sleighrtde Tarty had been, a success iT. Part V.I. 1 from beginning to end: llY� Ir. the old days barbers practised medicine and surgery: now, how- ever, most of them continue in the surgery only. • • At the January meeting of the Huron County Connell a Motion was Inas sed that the good roads commis- Sion consider the advisability of yak - chasing an asphalt paving outfit for county purposes, as with such an out- fit at asphalt top could be put on seine of the county roads et t, cost that saes 1d result in a greet :awing ;in the u,,lcc ep of toads and would lso save the expense of oiling. To Celebrate 12th at Payfie'd. The fl .ngemo'i of South Huron greet in i:;;eter and decided to cele- beate the 12th of Jely in 1:3ayfiield. North uron will unite with South Huron to make the eelel ration a enc - cess. 'Flu! various lodges of the die - taints were well repeescrted. The el- eotion of officers resulted ar followe: Co.Master, Ed. Mole, Seaforth; T- _Pa,.0 1•.�:1>ter, II. Po ;'e, :"r.. nt!'fl.lia; r)•''- puty Master, N. Miller, Clinton; Chap loin, E. M. Dignan, Exeter; ioec. Sec. II 141. Hanley, Clinton; Fin. Sec., M. Schoerihals, Clinton: Treas., G: Davis Winchelsea. A number of our more ambitious young 'inn who have become tired of the rather confined condition we are expe ? i.mn , ig ata present owing to the deep snow, armed themselves with pick and shovel last Tuesday and made a rather hostil rush at the •Zur- ich Road towards Hensall. But at- tenmts of this kind are not always so easily overcome, and after several hours of real hard work, they chang- ed their mind and returned back to town, and will try and content them- selves now until old mother naturs sends us some warm weather which is after all the only solution of turn- ing the snow and ice on the roads in- to water. Dashwood A message the following Woman is Claiming $7,186.00 from St. Thomas states unique claim is now being heard in surrogate court by Judge Duncan C. Ross of this city •The claimant is Mrs. C. Stebbins of •Dashwood, Ont., who is claiming from the estate of the ]ate Alonzo Palmer the suis of $7,186.00. Mr. Panner was well known around Sou them Ontario a; a carnival o ac ane, died in II;oiti:ern Ontai°io on { 28th of last year. "Mrs. Stebbins; op- erated concessions in connection with the Panner shows, and claims that from time to time she advanced sums of money to Mr. Palmer to operate his shows. As a going concern the property would be worth $15,000 to $20,000, it is said. BORN 'dal'.: of—On Sunday, February 2nd on. lune Water Highway, Stanley, .To lila and Mrs. William Talbot.. ^. dasl;lrter. ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church "A Changeless Christ for a Chang - •r ing World." Friday, 8h; Luther League. Saturday—Ch oir Practice. 10. a. m: .German Service. 11.: 5 . Sunday School. 7:30: English Service. Everybody Welcome to all Set vices. E. Tuerkheim, Pastor. Evangelical Church Notes ZURICH — oNT. Tuesday, 7.15 p. m. --Jr. League. Thursday 7.30 --Prayer and Praise. Friday 7,30 p.m.—Senior League Friday 8,30 p.m.—Choir Practice Food for Thought Thought is' the lightning of the soul. What the ignition sparkplay is, in causing gas explosions, and conse- quent power, in the cylinder of your car is what thought is in your life; A power for good or evil, for weal or woe. As a man thinketh so is he. If his thought stream is good and pure, his life will be so. My whole life is flavored, characterized and built up by my thinking. If I think much about pleasure, sensual enjoy- ment and bodily gratification then I live for self and degenerate, but if t live to bless others and become a partner with God in world -making, then I rise into Godlikeness. What a challenge! We are thinkers before we are actors, therefore watch your. thoughts for they will glorify, or wreck you according to their quality Think ennabling thoughts self -ward, manward. and God -ward, love much, laugh heartily, work hard, give free- ly, be kind, be charitable, sincere and true: that's enough! SUNDAY SERVICES Worship'' 10 A. M. Subject — Christianitie's program, Part V. ti a.m. Eiblo School, J. E. Gauche. Superintendent • • • • • • WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR FARM IMPLEMENTS, AND • WILL BE GLAD TO SUPPLY YOU WITH JUST THE KIND OF MACHINERY THAT YOU NEED THE MOST, AND THAT WILL • PAGE i rvo Farm Implelpents GIVE YOU MOST VALUE PER DOLLAR. OF COST, CARRY A FULL. LINE OF PUMPS; PIPING AND FITTING AND BESIDES WE INSTALL O1,1R PUMPS, LET YOUR NEXT CREAM SEPARATOR BEA DE LAVAL. We have the Agency for this District. GARAGE SUPPLI WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE Of GARAGE SUPPLIES, AND CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH ALMOST ANY KIND OF AUTO PARTS, AND BESIDES CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON SAM1.. DO EXPERT BATTERY WORK ON REPAIRING AND RE- BUILDING BATTERIES YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED Tiros, Ides, Gas, Oils acrid Greases• L. A. Frang -• Zurich �Y 4 1 1 • 4 4 k e 4 a 4 4 4 • 0 0 a 4 4 8 3+snyr'.;.,3.,r+++++F++++++++•a•++++++ ..e.+++++++++F.kf•,+4.0.+04 4 e The Winter Seaso � IS THE IDEAL TIME TO REPLACE OLD FASHIONED FLOORS OR DOORS WITH THE MODERN HARDWOOD FLOOR OR FRENCH DOORS LET US QUOTE YOU ON COLONY HOUSES ALL SIZES AND KIND BUILT UP AT THE MILL FOR SPRING DELIVERY C. XALLFLIasci pHoNE 69 s o ZURICH +++++++++++++++++++++++++++4,400+++++++++++++++++++.43" Stock Foods 2 I Di. Bess' Stock al d Poultry J Food • ALSO MASTER BRAND LAYING MASHES, PIG CHOW, COW 1 CHOW, BEEF SCRAPS, OYSTER SHELLS, ETC. YOUR 1930 COAL NOW IS THE BEST TIME OF THE YEAR -TO PUT IN YOUR 0 SUPPLY OF COAL FOR NEXT WINTER. OUR SPECIAL IN- DUCEMENT IS 50 CENTS OFF FOR CASH SALE, AND BESIDES g WE HAVE THE LOWEST PRICES FOR SUMMER DELIVERIES. ACT NOW! 1 L. Sebilbe & Sofl 1 a • 1 e 1 1 4•O.•11M00 lo4loo•agoelleam<es4o-gu;kesgso,oeeomeemsctomeeoz,c2 011 rWWWSIMAMMMIWWWAVMMAMMAMWA541 1 Zurich Prug Store 1 1 1 1 in Steck apc K et Fine Stationery and Fountain K _ +t Pens. s We have a full Line of all the requirements of School Supplies •ssse•s•o••e000090000866•• All authorized Text Books kept 1100.0000000.0.000.00000011 Toilet Sets, Manicure Set - and Military Brushes. Perfumes Toilet Waters and Perf um - i zers. KODAKS AND FILIMS .vs ", ,'r* t*".! e iiiittlANIftftetttiMNO iftWiAltfM"MalitMlIM