HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1930-02-13, Page 4• +.."44.444044,44.1044++++++++++++ '++.;.k+«i-+•►iAr++#+•i+ «+F+t+f7'++3,d' rb 4 4 4. 4. J ov .i. The more You buy, the more you save, which is good Business on Your Part. 41 Daily we are offering new specials to the Public, and •J• in order to benefit thereby you must come often. Good Staple Goods selling at the low Sacrifice Prices T. r•. 1 S LING 131G T' N WILL - E SOLD • CONTINUES UNTIL tL B�EZ� Y �l�lx �n !� ..;r,, TO THE BARE WALLS ;n, We have had Wonderful Success during this Sale, iivhi .speaks for itself, that We are Giving absolutely j. the Biggest Values that Money can buy to -day. is just why we are turning this large stock -into ready Cash, in so short a time. Come often and share in these never -heard -of Prices. NOTE: HIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAID FOR DRY APPLES t Phone AvA 9 140 le es L. -4.-.3-14+++-1-÷+÷+++++++++++42..9-1. 4.44-1-4-1-4-++++4.--1-++++++++++++4 1l IUINUUI UIIIINUI inl iUi llMU1NNIHUU111111 lffl II 1111 IUU!NIIUIIUIUIUUIIIIIIUIIIUINUUU 9lIUIUIIU IIU IIUIU IIUIIII THE NEW WESTIVARCPE Radios Pleasure Craft 13y the World's Pioneer Radio Engineers, introducing the New Super Sensitine Toned Radio fre- quency and Super—Heterodyne Circuits surpassing by ten times the Selectivity _and Sensitivity of any previous circuits, placing the Westinghouse far in advance of any receiving set on the market. TONE -Close your eyes and you, will instinctively feel yourself in _ the presence of the living Artists who•are entertaining you. POWERFUL -Responds to your control like a giant racing motor, •4 - This is the only instrument that can fully satisfy the most critical radio enthusiast, Nothing less than the realism., of .the.entertainers Call compare itself to this marvel of the radio age, the realization -of the Westinghouse Radio engineering aims TO SEE IT IS TO ADMIRE IT! TO HEAR IT IS TO DESIRE IT! BY ALL MEANS HEAR IT! HESS RADIO ELECTRIC SALES WITH SERVICE U�.IIilU!UI 11 1Ut IIIIIUUNIUIUN1U!IIUU! INIINI IIUUUIUIUi 1111111 11111 JIIIUII UIUIIIIIIIIIIII11111UIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIII IIUhIU111NN% DASF WOOD 'Mies Alice Hoffman and IVIiss M. , illemang spent the week -end in .Str- : i i'crrd and Kitchener. :far. R. Baker has returned after anenzdiaag a week with her daughter o.. Loudon. quite as number from here attend the funeral of the late John Wil- liams in Crediton on Tuesday after - m. i a4 ''iflur local boys and Grand Bend *laved a friendly game of hockey in 1E—beater rink on Friday night. The aseere was 5-3s in favor of Dash ^avood. HILLSGREEN -Y:P.; .—The Young Pegplc held a' eair meeting on Monday evening, :.bruany 10th with ,Mr. S. l3eatty's ^group in charge of the programmne. Miss Martha Carlile organist, and lilies Annie Jarrett presiding. We op ee ned +our meeting by singing Hymn 1.84,. Mir. Carlile led in Prayer. Hym '« was then sung. Scripture lesson was read by Miss Muriel Carlile. The IDesotion and prayer by Miss Annie Ifa'arott. Hymn 581. Miss Helen An- derson erson thel gave a paper on "The .21ratish Navy's: Rev. Connor then lhook the Missionary study from the ltd chapter of "Great Waters" Miss .,Ane ie Garble and Jeanette 1VMcAll.ist- .a:t• then sang a duet. Mr, Alp Phil- -ps then gave a mouth organ selection Zir: offering andbusiness was taken '`the Secretary's report ma road. emir 591 was sung, meeting closed lees singing the Mispah Benediction, 'oto if`W P. S. are holding t Box arArellit in axe base;ielit of the church , 'Monday evening, February 17th, Vol .8 Woloot, A good programme is irrirnie. being arranged. Also a debate Re- solved that success in life is clue to character more than circumstances. Everyone is cordially invited to come. Miss Anna Love spent a few days recently with her brother Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Love of near Kippen. Mr. Wm. Jarrett is attending the Threshermen's Convention in London Miss Gladys Stephenson returned hame after spending a few days with friends at Zurich. Mr. W. Carlile has sold his farm to Mr. J. B. Forrest of Hay. DRYSDALE Miss Beatrice Denont1e, wrio sp ent some time withher parents heron Mr. and Mrs. George :Denotnine, hat returnedto Detroit, to resume he: duties. Mrs. George Denemme evho has been on the sick list for some time, we joyfully report is able to be out among her many friends again. Mr. Frank Granville of Chatham, is at present visiting with friends and relatives. The many friends of Mrs. Chas. D. Bedard will be sorry to learn that she is at present confined to her bed. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Corriveau we- re" the guests of IVIr. ;and Mrs. Mar, cil Corriveau of the 14th, concession Sunday last. - Mr. John Dueharine has returned home after spending two weeks in ;the Border Cities. t Miss. Florence Rau' of Detroit is home to spend the winter with hen' !home I A very enjoyable evening was sp'. ant last Saturday evening, when large number of friends gathered e' the home of Mr. and Mrs, F.Y. J, Den iohmic, ;Town Line, to celebrate tin birthday nitnivorSary of Mrs ben- ZURICH HERALD Wf.,�f'p Mir zedward Brisson Who has been. in Zurich for .sore time has return- ed to his home for the remainder of the winter, His many friends will ep preciate hisreturn. (From another Correspondent) A big surprise pitrty was held :at Mrs.. the home of 1'dx•, and,lrs. Ed. Deni (mnme on Saturday evening, when some 35 People gathered for a sur- prise birthday party in behalf of Mrs. Denonune. The evening was •s a in eat with MUSIC andda ren out �Gt games, lunch was served at 12 0'400 and a real good time is reported by all present. Miss ,Ana Bell Ducharme is bonne after spending a few weeks in JJe- troit. Pleased to report that Mr. Joseph Corriveau is recovering after. a sev- ere illness. Mrs. Chas. Badour is very ill with rheumatism. Auction Sale •Of REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the Power` of Sale contained in a certain nnort gage, which will be produced on the day of Sale, there will be .offered fox sale on: TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 3Sth, 1930 At WATSON'S HOTEL, KTPPEN, Ont., at 2.30 pan. The :following Real Estate: West half of the West Half of Lot. number 14, in the North Boundary of the Township of Ilay, in the Co-• untyy of HIuron, containing 25., acres; more or less. There is situate on the property a two story frame house, practically new. TERMS OF SALE—The farm will be put up subject to a reserve bid, and other terrns and conditions_ made' known on day of sale. 10 perTcent of purchase price and day of sale,; balance 30 days thereafter. For further particulars apply to: Frank Taylor, 'Auctioneer, Exeter. Carling & Morley, Solicitors for Mor- tgagee, Exeter, Ont. HENSALL CLEARING SALE Of Store fixtures at Hensaal:,Elect. coffee mill, cash register, 30 -Ib. com- puting scale elect, 5 -ib. scale, acct. register, cake ,display stands, refridg- ator, safe, 2 silent salesmen, glass cases, small case, soda fountain, cha- irs;'tables, cheese case, etc. Store op- en day and evening, balance of groc- ery stock at sacrifice price.. Not 'ev- ery day you get opportunities to buy away below wholesale. -Everything must be sold. •—H" D. Woods,in. charge. , ', r m. Consitt ' was in Toronto last week on business and also taking in the opening of Legislature. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Snaith and chil- dren of Dashwood 'spent the week- end visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Consitt. Regret to learn that Wm. T. Cald- well is quite poorly. He is 84 years old and feels the weight of his years. Mrs. Wait. Horton, who has been here from the West for some time,. and who was visiting lately in the nor thern part of the county, has return- ed to the village before returning to her home in the West. The euchre and dance put on by the firemen in the town hall was lar- gely attended. From 45 to 50 tables were going up to 11 o'clock when an adjournment was made for lunch, af- ter which dancing was enjoyed. The Bell Telephone Co. have a c:_>ff of men, here putting up new wires and cables and trimming up some of the trees. No. 4 Highway will be kept open for motor traffic- for the balance of the winter. E. Epps and Sons of Varna, have the contract. The firm have had several breaks with their plow and had considerable difficulty getting through owing to the depth of snow. The home of Mr. and Mrs, George Fee was the scene of a happy gather- ing on Feb. 4, being the 50th arnniv- erhary of the wedding of Mr. and' Mrs. Walter Fee. Owing to a recent bereavement in the family the oc- casion was celebrated quietly. Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore were visitors in Clinton. The local hydro commission held their regular monthly meeting on Tuesday evening last when a lot of. business was transacted. The Board of Health held its first meeting on Saturday last, Reve Hig- gins was appointed Chairman of the Board and James A. Patterson aline- inted secretary, Dr. Patterson as medical health officer. The board in- tends to have a medical inspection of all the children attending school. a- baut May 1st, also to make an inspec tion of 'the school premises. Rev. Sinclair received news of the. death of his father, at Sarnia. Rev and Mrs. Sinclair attended the fun- eral on Thursday last. 'While „playing hockey, at Seaforth on Monday last,, Lloyd Passmore was badly Cut by a stick, He was taken to the hospital where several stitches were put in.. Lloyd was brought to his borne 'on Tuerday afternoon. Goderich : Fair will only have two days this year. At the auetion sale of horses held at the barns' of J. C. Dow, Exeter, on Hondoy last, a number of horses we - Word has been received that Fred- erick Feist, of North Central College Naperville, 'Ill., whose home is at Crediton, won the Oratorical Contest held)on February the 3rd. He is now oxator of the College and will ompete with other colleges. Mx. and Mrs, Jno. Gibson of wt ox - Ater, announce the engagement of their daughter, Mary Ellen, to Wil- fred L. Me'llis, son of the slate Thomas 1Vlellis, of Kippen; ` the marriage to take place in February. Wm. Andrew, of Exeter, agent for J. R. Watkins Company, has disposed of his stock and interests to Martin C, Laub, of Dashwood, who will take over the district in the near future. For the year 1899, thirty years a- go, forty-two births were registered at the town clerk's office and for the year 1929 there were seventeen births registered by town clerk A. W. Blows Some ' difference- If the population of Mitchell is not increasing, it is not hard to guess the reason why! While cutting holes in the ice at the Goderich harbor for fishing pur- poses, Capt. Peter MacDonald back= ecl into one of the holes that he him- self had made and went down out of sight. Fortunately Jos. 1VIcPltail hap- pened to be close by and noticing MacDonald go down he grabbed a pike pole and hooked it into his coat collar and rescued him. It was cer- cainly a narrow escape, but MacDon- ald was none the worse for the cold bath. ri n�ie" cleathh occurred at his home in Seaforth on Jan. 25th, of William C. Montgomery in his 71st year. Some thirty-six years ago he was united in marriage to Margaret Fraser, of Blyth who survives. Three children died in infancy, bue he is also surv- ived by one son, William Montgomery of Toronto, who carried on a jewell- ry business in Hensall for several years. The funeral of the late Mrs. Eva Finkbeiner who died on Jan. 29th, at the home of her daughter Mrs. Ern- est McAlphin of McGillivray Town - hip, was held Friday afternoon Iast. Brief services at the home after wh- ich they proceeded to the"Crediton Evangelical cemetery for burial. Ser - ices were conducted at the Evang- elical church. Rev. Sippell officiat- ng. Her sons and daughters and a umber of • grandchildren were pres- s n COUNTY NEWS re sold, ,the prices r:'.ngine' front $7,' to $100, eat.. The factory and office of the Dom- inion Road 'Machinery Co. of Godes. ich are situated at the corner of East St. and Cambria Rd, Goderich, where maehinery is manufactured to meet every requirement in the an construct- ion d maintenance enanc e of roads. This to tr include's power maintainers, large and small graders, crawler tractors, stone crushers, elevators, gravel bins, screens of all sizes and makes municipal al suit- able i able for contract= and nn N purposes, slash scrapers, wheel scrap- ers, drag lines, streetsweepers, snow plows, pick plows, construction plo- ws, etc.` The 54th annual meeting of the, Usborne and Hibbert Mutual Fire Insurance Co.' was held at Farquhar on Monday last. The financ airleport was the best in the history of the Company and 'showed an increase all along the line. The amount at risk has now passed the ten and a half million mark. The amount of prem- ium notes on hand and the cash bal- ance showed a substantial increase while the losses during the year were. partically low being $8,128.89. The amount of assets is $839,147.'77. All of the directors and officials were re- elected. . After a little more than a fort- night's illness Mrs, Ratleweli, wife of Thomas Rathwell, Clinton, passed away at her home in her 72nd year. Mrs. Rathwell, whose maiden name Sarah Harper, was born .in Kinloss, Tp., Bruce county and at the age 6f 21 was married to Mr. Rathwell and', they continued to reside in Kinloss for 24 years, later going up to rip - ley'. 30 years ago they moved to St- anley Township on the 2nd con„ liv- "rfiurrrday', 1?'abruary 13th, 1930. ing there until they retired and came,. to Clinton, 18 year,. ago, They hast' a family of .12, .8 sons and 4 daugh- ters.. ZURIM'fiERALI? Bstabli h d 1900 ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY NOON FROM THE Herald Printing Office• SUBSCRIPTION RATES — 1$1.25 year, strictly in advance; $1.50 in arrears or $2,00 may be charged.. '113. S. $1,50 year in advance. No paper discontinued until all arrears are paid unless at the option of the .publisher. The• date of which every ?Subscript-, Sora is paid ;la donated on the IrEabl)ADVERTISING RATES Display Advertising made known oto ,application, Miscellaneous articles of not more than four lines, For Sale, To Rent, Wanted, Lost, Found, tete. each insertion 25c. Parra or Real aEstate for 'sale $2.00 for first month, $1.00 for each 50e., ,throe insertions $1.00. Professional `Cards not exceeding ono inch $5 per year. Auction :tales — :$2 per single inr- ]sertiiei if not over four inches• in length,. Address all communications tem THE HERALD WORIClif ONT. We Recommend the New Kolster because we are Convinced:. of its superiority over any other make of: radio at or neat filla price. Let us demonstrate: this finer set.. NEW PRICES --Model C. K. 35 A. Only $18S. Other hiroxfo1s .at. Similar Reductions E. OESCH, AGENT — ZURICH T E YttTEW MORE TAN EVER ,..,.A EINE SET • 1Powerful valve -in -head,, • engine. Removable cylinder sleeves. Heavy 3 -hearing crank- shaft drilled for pressure lubrication. . All parts sealed against dust. Bandoperated crutch, easily handled Isom the, ground as• well as from..: the tractor seat, 6, Finaldrivc of streng steel' roller chains, enclosed' and operating in oil. 7 Three forward's speeds„ 3% and 43.' miles: per hour. 6^,'Irreversible steering gear.. Outside turning radiu8-1O £ 1. 2. 3. 4. J. l RE is another new Case Tractor -the: Model "Cs a 2-3 plow size. This: tractor, which is a smaller brother to the Model "L", offers some- thing, entirely new inpower: output and alt-arounduseful- ness. New . Po roues for &rlee and Weight. The tractor is low and compact.. .only 48 inches high. . .weighs but a . trifle. more than two draft. horses.. yet it pully .2-3 plow bottoms, a small to medium size thresh- er hreeer with allattachments, or other machines of comparable capacities. Less power is re- quired to move the tractor. . moro is available for prcfit<ab1e work. New Speed- for 1Fartn Work. Three forward speeds, 23 , 33,i and 4%. mites •.an hour, provide the proper'. speed for highly efficient per- formance of every kind of' field job. This enables you to' do more work in a day. New Range of Useful.. ne. The tractor is adapted. to •a wide range of drawbar, belt and power take -off opera- tions.. Because of its com- pactness and light weight, it - can be used for more different kinds of jobs—more days is the _ year. It turns in short space and is easy to handle in dose quarters. We consider it a privilege. to show this new tractor, be- cause we know that its many advantages mean new' oppor- tunities in profitable tractor farming. There is a new illus- trated folder waiting for you:: Come in and get it. JC4`IrX' IIEY; .1 , 1t-G?w'!'1A