HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1930-02-13, Page 1Vol. XXX No SS ZEURIC1-1. T'`i4• R8DAYMORN et the FEBRUARY ' 13 1930. Chester L. Smith, Pu lis:1 , $1.25 a year, U.S. $1.50 in ^P::€larima MO INARTtI;ARS.$2 AY au: CHL#N*W erald renew all your *,004,r,4 �2• 4 4.§k4“ov/ 41• v4, cr, 0, ai 4.4 1-iavi lg bought para of a. Bankrupt [-fairness • Stock 1 am going to ran off these ...Goals at a great reduction" of regular prices. Be Qr sure and get 3rour supply while these bar- * gains last. Following are a few items: 0• 1. RN S3 te L)' JJ 0 4 4044 • 15 SETS TEAM BREECHING HARNESS, A REAL BUY .4r,. • 760 SETS TEAM LINES, 1 -in. WIDE, AT A BIG REDUCTION aID - • 250 SWEAT PADS, PUT IN A SUPPLY ALSO ,A LARGE NUMBER OF COLLARS, BREAST STRAPS, MARTINGALES, BELLY BANDS AT MONEY SAVING PRICES. EY.AMINE. THESE GOODS AND BE CONVINCED SALE LASTS O'Y UNTIL THIS STOCK HAS BEEN SOLD • {{�,� jyy��°M { ,` Z LI R g ,�► H C p R LiO�t W THIEL 0 PHONE 102: 80 SETS TEAM PAD HARNESS, A BIG SAVING 30 SETS TEAM BRIDLES, AT A SNAP 400 1:-iri- P1Ail E STRAPS, A REAL BARGAIN 0O.40040fJ0 041+$ed+i44A02 sd 0 4 8 8 4 8 4 y 4 • 0 4 4 a 4 0 4 u 0 e 0 0 0 4 4 4 6 4 4 V 40 a se at 411 AT BROWNS WNS BOOT SHOP CLEARING Lines of Rubber Footwear„ Socks, Felt a A • 0 a 4 4 4 Shoes. Also many Lines in Children and Women's THIS MEANS BARGAINS, THE LIKE OF WHICH YOU'VE NEVER SEEN Our Wilde, Stock is involved. Nothing is held back epi COME. IN AND SEE FOR YOURSELF a� REPAIRING NEATLY DONE Slippers and Pomps. a ,- SEE OUR a vowp WII`I2Q�v F3YniIl c£Y a 8 o 4 Afro ;liU siialt:+EMagli ,PaZ9> atitea-aIt.V.00 J$ 43314 r 1.4:r(fi�o"04:d,>ia','"Q900 0**40000,14.6r0100, ?400, +4 13.4 4.4(t'4800 0.004,4 C, 04404 ,:e R �vq� �g AIMS MEN'S. O RC.X#eraT' ', Ikea. 325.00 for . -»-» . < $18.00 MEN'S OVEECOATSi Rg- $25.00 for ........ _ _.. _ , _, s10 00 4 MEN'S OVER.COX. , Reg. '$16.0€1 far ._.» 1.0.75 ramss SWEATERS ALL REDUCED 3r - T a MEN'S LE TH '1"TE " i?S'i.2vDBRIalAKE£t, Reg. $6..&8 for $4.40 ]MIN'S A1,LWGOL. 1ThaiE.RWE:&P� mak. 11-50 for ... '$110 Men's Staa erd BerIa Libel Underwear, Reg. $2.25 for _ °$1:70 . Boy's Wintlhre elri , Reg. $3.50 for - »_.$2.'511 PS , V.'r RS AT HALF PRICE • n • Men's Lined M% ,, Bxeg.. .1.'.YI f _ . _ _ ..., . 30e Men's Lineal 215e_ feet ,. . _ .... :65c Men's lined Baize Beg. Mitre fawn ..., , _ . - ... , . . » 40c 'THESE AREALL nra, I GOODS AND AT PTt4IIIES 'YOU 'CAN - 3 1( N»► NOT AFFORD TO MESS. COA1:; IN ,AND LOO'3t e138lEM OVER, ► AS WE EEL SD, 'YOU 14111.1. SEE SOMETHING AT PRICES THAT 'WILL 3MFA'KlE 'ti OU HAY., • • i EI;:OF .i N MOM OTHER L G DS ALSO MARKED AT LOWEST PAITC1ES l c� 'ALI'iil:° aRS .'�i11,1' XILMI ?I 2412 :$6 4 a ly papers and Tt agazi es OUR CORNER One of the best of the. 1980 acces- sories for automobiles driven by worn en is a tire -changing husband. .t.: e..q. T-wo million people came over the Niagara frontier -last year as tour- ists. That constitutes a mighty bib business. A womanmust have some change —it it's only moving the davenport .�.-»a. This country, like other countries, is suffering from -too much legislation The return to long skirts may be all right for some people, but it 'sure must be tough on a poor artist that draws hosiery ads. STANLEY TOWNSHIP On Wednesday last, Fred Watson, of the Bronson Line had the misfor- tune while splitting wood in the bush to cut his foot so badly with . the axe tl'at he had to be taken to Clinton Hospital where ode toe had to b -e re- move. According to latest reports the injured foot i, doing nicely and Mr. Watson is expected home shortly. The Audubon Bird Society of S.S. No. 4, S. Siaitley, held their annual meeting at the'honte of Mary Camp- bell on Saturday, when the officers for 1930 were elected. Mi•. A. T. Douglas of Hyde Park, formerly a resident of Stanley, visit- ed for a few days with friends in the vicinity of his old hone near Blake. BLAKE :1lr H. Elsie of Dashwood is .spend ang tha w, l k with her friend, Mrs. E. Desch of town. Alvin Nicholson of the West, .1visiting with her mother, Mrs. S. 11 eBride, also other relatives. 111,-s'srs Ev, Hoist and S. Zimmer - plan attended the funeral of the late John Williams at Crediton on. Tues - 44. r. John Deichert • returned on T'ue,:nay from New Hamburg, where he at(:ended the funeral of the late Mre. Deichert, and visited relatives, i41r. Harvey Gelinas and sister Miss Phoebe, returned home last week, after „pending a few weeks with fri- end.; and ire11',tivee in Detroit. r'.:. Weerth was at -London the past week, t.thhig in the, salesman - Ship cearse :t by the Ford Motor Corep;, ty A e, - vir. Wuerth is now in a position to tell, us alI about the Advanced mechanical features of the New Ford. The Zurich Branch of the Wom- e ri iatitute are treating their bus- 1 +,, and the members of the Hay Coe -! it to a swell banquet this Wed- alesday evening, and a real evening i.. .:, ;:tore for those fortunate enough. invited ttatend. AVEC' 1 by1ei,,iis�c'o? Stela,. lecoinp , �. .V+.4i3.OM. i;a,rn,at called on friends in the s'illage faint week. Mr. and. Mrs. Wtn. Company and little daughter of Brantford are vii iting at the home of Mrs. E. Clarke Miss Lydia Gingerich, R.N. of Sea forth hospital, spent a few days nat her home on the Bronson Line. Miss Sarah en.on of U* is a11, sp- tnt the week -end under the parental roof. 'iss Alberta Finlay is spending a few weeks with friends at Yarmouth , Conn, 1 i I.o.ToT Lir. 1•I old .to: ne:(.on of Co ieh, :.li fit the, week -end at his hemi i., the village. n. A?l' rt Keys of Exeter called on friends in thevillage last week. Miss i f a? e aret Douglass who is at- tending Normal a:. London, sp, t the week, -end ,at her home in the village. Mr. and , T t ma" 'on spent Friday with feet) le in Tlensall. SCHOOL REPORT Report . of S. S. o. 6, Hay fX the month of January, Jr. IV—Doris Grab 85, Alin C,'n•- g;erich Rel. Louis Farwell 80, Martha •oste_r 77, Olive Witmer 76, Kenneth Greb 64. Sr. IIT—Winidfred Battler 98, Gladys Gingerich 85, Orlando Bat- tler SO. Jr. 1TT-_( ace 1.x','iin ('9, Joe 'Hoff- man tial., Lorne Gingerich 86. II Class ---Irene Foster 88, Anth- ony Hoffman 88, Rose Hoffman 82, Fred Farweil 62. t first •Class A--- Truth Witmer. ..First Class E• --•Neil Gingerich, -Le- onard Le-onad i:t01. a*wi, ., ..S•t HelEnon, • Sr. Primer Class—Lennie Ginger- ich, Cyril Gingcerieh, Arthur Foster, Keith Wildlong, Gerald Gingerich. No. on Roll 25. Grace E. Pepper, Teacher T. • SCHOOL REPORT Of U. S. S. No. 1, Hay and Stan- ley tanleyfor the month of. January, V -Marie Laporte, Leonard Den- ornme, Verona Denoinnie, Jr.IV Lot?iee Sreenan, i+lorence Geoffrey. Sr. III --Geraldine Laporte. Jr. In --Franklin Corriveau, Law- rence Ayotto, Richard Ayotte, Harry Sr, II --Roselle Cora'h'Tau, Emma Deaionnnne, Una,;eanc Aubin, Louis Denonttne, Tommy Denotnme, Gerald ine Geoffrey. 3r. I1 --Verna Sitenari, Alfred Dose oimne, A'lexine Ayotte, Marie. Farrel., Regis Aubin, Clarence Geof- fi'ey, Sr...Fr,--^Jerome Denotnino, Doris Ayotte, Charles Sre'enan, Teddy T'a'rielt Anil^t, Andrew r Denorame, Irving Snyder, Eldin s)en- f,ntnitrrt Grace Snyder (absent), L, E: Rose, Teacher. tended the big hockey match at Sea - forth on Monday evening, driving to Hensall with the horses and from thereon took autos, The game we 'the last .in the group, and Goderich was the winner ' and is now in the, play offs with other group winning. teams. A very unique birth<i y i a rty honor of little Do, ; .i. cl 'u! Patricia O'Dwyer was held on ti t`o'day evr.tt- ing, when about twenty-eight of the little •tots gathered an ee leed a nee,. 'nfoyable time teg _het. Th, rooms and tables were appionriat,•1.y decor- eted for the occasion, and it was in- deed' an all-around enjoyment. • Messrs Herb. Mousseau, Harold Walker and Arthur Pigeon were Fri - *lay visitors •at Stratford, having gone down Friday evening' and took ire the Walkerton—liitehall play off hockey game at Stratford, We wa- d :r,,tan Mr. "Walker has a h•'othe•r playing in the Walkerton team. A wide-open invitat"on t:,t.•nel- e:d to all to en joy a very happy and +:,•lightful event at the Evangelical Church 'on Thursday evening, b; dcig at 7.30. It is the occa ,on ca the Religious Education In:tstnte. Lantern slides on India: its 3igkitr Old scenes, custom , manners, rs, anal ,eattive life will be shown. Two ad- esses will be given and special mese is ::e - is provided, To meet tate e a l,e rases incurred : in procuring the lantern elides a silver offering is lifted at the dao', Here is one event, you ;just dare not miss. Mrs. Henry Peine Died' in Detroit The death occurred un rDetiait:hnasi Pri+lay of Catherine Deicliert, widow GI: the late Henry Peine, after a lnt- , ring illness. The deceased was a :laughter of the late Mr. and Mrs.' Henry Deichert and was born in New Iiainbur.g 73 years ago. She was mar- ried 50 years ago to Henry Peine and :'or many years re idol in Zurich and London. Since the death of her h ,a - band 26 years ago she made her home LI Detroit. The. deceased was, a faith- ful adherent of the Lutheran church. There are left in deep bereavement bvo sons and two daughters, namely: Olide and Edward at home, Allred of Kent, Wasl'anon, Pinel (,FT llnt,i )Tr.. Hegation, Detroit and two grand children. She also leaver four sisters. lifrs. L. Peine end Misses Margaret a +ld Lovina Deichert, of this town: and Ivirs. D. Weisrniller, of Toronto. Phe remains were brought to the Tome of the Misses Deichert from velem the funeral tool;: place on Mon - '24.0 services was cone .uteri 1 y the Rev. Mr. Mosig: of Trinity Luth- ,•an Chur'..:h took 1^ in the familyi d i i 'R.i+ 1,Ve ;tnr.or.ery.... -rey Hamburg Indere/ i- t m s The wise school belle takes a Waterman's Fountain Pen back to class. It means quicker and better work—high- er marks—and lots more leisure ttitnel We have a Waterman's tha'twillexactly suit YOU: WE HAVE A MODEL TO SUIT YOU $2.50 to $7.00 OTHER PENS FROM $1.00 UP. Hess, Me J w elira COLD LkYS YES, THE COLD DAYS ARE HEM AGAIN! ARE YOU PREPARED?' WE ARE Prepared with a hatislt Supply of ?IMF! GRADE FUELS. Genuine Scranten Anthracite & way Coke, Miller's Creek Poeahcntae, Cannell, Gait Alhae. ,,. and Small Pea Coal for Bankimax DISCOUNT of 500 per ton il1<an. :: for CASH -PAYMENT ONLY Caritelcrx HEN SALL a ',, Office Phone 1.0w Hopse P>•,a ye, 15,1" �r>.Fr;.'r•?••D•o�.F+•i,4•.;..3••F•?..i••p+•$.•p•.F•4~F'$••F••�+•$,y { si..;.i..;..R..p.s..;..k�a'e•g••��r•�+.mica: •� � � ;x, OUEJ USED OARS WE DO NOT KNOW F EVER E ING ABLE TO Open a season's Business in the USED CARS, what we were able. to show our Customers s' 41 a fine A oera ten'"S' these popular grades of Auto ,. • .The quallty of f.1. ;ci'r Cars is of the very Best, and �c .�...:: ` "^s; sae thrl interested in a good car at ge price will. do Well to.first see us and get our prices.. SPECIAL CAR IS BEING OFFERED AT ' T r, I'ARGAIN, 1928 PONTIAC 4 -Door SEDAN IN _i(_ .'t ,7 : _N'l' CONDI'_kf ?N FINISH, FENDERS AND UPHOLSTERING LIKE NEW. THIS "SEEING IS BELIEVING" <a4m,.nc,u,vmuwaewnm..uaaccee:,aa_..rnn._^M,-m rd FORD SEDAN NEW TIRES, BLIMP—EPS, SHOCKS, SPECI_L $135.00 FOARD COACH 1926 MODEL, BUMPERS, FINISH IS ORIGINAL AND LOOKS LIKE NEW SEE THIS SPECIAL r n o li e a4 �rK 4 r4: 1, .11 , civ;.'. ..." J' NEW HAL O '11 A,. 'l' It ".''? "Its, h'`1'... 1:: 1 FEND.El':S AND UPH0!.STIZ '` ING LIKE NEW ,SE: THIS ONE 927 FORD COUPE TRACTORS - PIANO i BUGGY HIGH CLASS' U5 D CAR RQOKERS PHONE 82 r «� .4.. -3, d".Inrciii' •i,G•1+•••1••i+I••e•+++1^w'••'r+i•1••1••i•t•+i>+•E44.2,i- •f•<E•or14,1+ +4,3> 4 m ti � Barg!a il.+• a For the next two ‘Tvee1.s we a I°- offering B r aile8 On our ok G, HEAVY WINTER GOODS, SUCH AS UNDERWE. FR, SWF',e ERS, WINDBR'rAKERSS„ SHIRTS, STOCKINGS, WO€ L, Q;l..,,1'4.Iy:- ETS, FLAN NEL.ET"tap BLANKETS, FLANNELS, IVIA:CK.If .h4li FLANNEL, PRIN'T'S,. GINGKO/IS, AI..SO MEN'S AND fitOV.,4 HEAVY RUBBERS ANL), :SOCKS), :MITTS AND GLOVE::, UC GENERAL 1'a ' al¢s° :$ td,d 3', ' PHO' II S7 l.i BLAk -1 a