HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1930-01-30, Page 8TI -TE STORE WITH THE STOCK Fi ale Beginning Saturday January 25th Ending Saturday Feb. 8th TI:13 CLEARING SALE IS AN ANNUAL EVENT WITH US AND W ARE AGAIN PUTTING FORTH SPECIAL EFFORTS TO MAKE THIS A REAL SALE. WINTER GOODS ARE MARKED DOWN IN ORDER TO CLEAR AND MAKE ROOM FOR SPRING G;7.2.`.."S NOW ARRIVING, DO NOT MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY ' 3ECURING SEASONABLE GOODS AT REAL BARGAIN PRo.:ES. WE OFFER No. 1 QUALITY GOODS AT ALL TIMES W CANNOT QUOTE ALL OUR BARGAINS HERE BUT ASK 'UTO LOOK UP OUR LARGE BILLS, AND BETTER STILL CME INTO OUR STORE DURING THIS SALE AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. EXTRA SPECIAL 350 lbs. of Roasted Rio Coffee to sellat per pound 27 Cents Get a Supply at this Record Breaking Low Price J.'G .7'44 SCHO & SON ET:ODUCE WANTED PHONE 59 blek.C651110S11019 3 Auto Licenses LICENSES CAN NOW BE RENEWED FOR THE YEAR 1930 FEES ARE AS FOLLOWS: ALL CARS UNDER 25 H. P. OVER 25 H. P. DRI.;ERS AND CHAUFFEUR'S RENEWALS TRAILOR LICENSES 1 Sam COM1VIERCIAL VEHICLES SAME AS LAST 'YEAR. BRING YOUR 1929 PERMIT CARDS $5.00 $10.00 PROMPT SERVICE! Before you Invest --INVESTIGATE! Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO -SERVICE AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? WIMININIMMINMEMICROMI:11;10110112111M115.01B IltabliaLLW025101, i; imee.1111E11100010***11111111.11011.066/1111111•11111111100.11•404141,011 NOW! Is the Best Time 1 ZURICH llEitALb • Thu • da 1"-"7-1 8 h -________trombvntcp, est-, 18 Y) „.„-Ati 44 4ir +0,41,4444++++++++++4111.+44.41+4414++++++.44444.4.4440404 tra 'Specials FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY MEN'S HEAVY WOOL SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, GARIVI. $1.0 MEN'S FLEECE. LINED UNDERWEAR; .. MEN'S SWEATER COATS, REG. $3 00 VALUE AT $1.59 MEN'S SWEATER COATS UP TO $5.00, FOR MEN'S PLAID FLANNEL SHIRTS FOR" MEN'S WOOL SOX', PAIR $3.50 $1.15 19c, 39c, 59c lac 20e LADIES' SILK HOSE; PAIR AT.. .. ...... . $1.00, 79c LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S HOSE, WOOL AW CASHMERE REG. VALUES TTP TO $1.00 AT ER......, Ladies' Vests and Bloomers, Reg. $1.00 at 69c;":07 75-c at ..59c CHILDREN'S Underwear anci Stockings at :ItEDUcEP PR-ICKS A FEW PIECES CHECKERED GINGHAM'S, VII LIGHT PRINTS, AT PER YARD FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY' ONLY Corn Flakes, at 3 Boxes- for 25c Purity Quick Oatmeal, with China, box. 33c Purity Quick Oatmeal, without China, Box 24r J. W. MERNER YFI LOW FRONT STORE ' PHONE No. 145 ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST • We are in receipt of a communi- 'cation of Mrs. L. Eichelberger, of Pryor, Oklahoma, in which she' states of the unusual winter they are exp- eriencing in that far away state, and says that they have a good deal of LOCAL MARKETS ,Corrected• every Wednesday) Butter, creamery 45 Eggs 30, 40, 50 Old Hens 9-18 Ducks 15 Chickens ................1I-18 snow this winter and no sleighs which Geese, dressed 18 . puts people in a rather unfortunate Turkeys, dressed27c position, and goes to show low ittt Wheat ...... 1.20 snow people expect in that state. HURON COUNTY COUNCIL .. . .... 60 ... 70 80 3.50 4.75 34.00 36.00 ,Barley Buckwheat Flour cwt. .... Reeve A. C. Baelcer, Warden Bran ton Shorts ton The Huron County Council met at Dried apples the courthouse, Goderich, on Tuesday Dutch sett onions of this week for the first session of the year. All of the 29 members in attendance. The first order of bus- iness was the election of a warden.' Reeve A. C. Backer, of Brussels, was, Western Fanners' Itiutual the unanimous choice. Reeve Baeker was unopposed, and it is stated that I Weather Insurance Co this is the first year a warden was 1 • ever elected h:: acclamation. The' OF WOODSTOCK newly elected --warden thanked the The Largest Business of any Council for the honoi conferred on him. He said he would: endeavour to Canadian Company doing discharge his duties in a worthy man- Businessin Ontario- ner to meet the approval of his col- leagues. Mr. Baeker spoke of the Amount of Insurance at Risk on Deo. 9 many problems confronting the Co- uncil and stressed the need of pract- icing economy and cutting down exp- enditures werever possible. He beli- eved in the pay as you go policy The Council passed a motion of appreciation of the warden's able E. F. Klopp-Zurich address. The reports of the two pretented at this meeting. The ex- and all kinds of Fire Insurance public school inspectors, Magistrate C Adeni, Also Dealer in Lidhtnind Rods A. Reid, and Gov. Reynolds, were penditures on the county highway sy- stem $175,316.54, and the Council adopted the motion that the Ontario depart- mentstem the past year amounted to of Highways be notified of this and requesting the statutory grant 31st, 1928, $22,206,275. Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $160,378.74 Rates -$4.50 per $1,000 for 3 years. upon that amount as provided by the • Act. County Clerk Holman and Re- eve J. W. McKibbon of Wingham, were appointed to the criminal audit board for 1930. H. Keys, L. H. Rader and W. J. Henderson were ap- e pointed the good roads committee. • • The striking committee to name the standing committee for 1930, includ- e ing the old age pensions committee, • was named as follows: N. W. Tre- • wartha, Wm. Mole, J. Middleton, J. Wright, and J. W. Beattie. This committee will report ,at Wednesday morning. To Plan Your Summer's Program of Work, Repairs, And Improvements 1 1 • STEPHEN COUNCIL e The Council of the Township of Stephen convened in the Town Hall, Crediton, on Monday, January li3th Money can Buy. 1930, at 11 o'clock a.m. All rnemb- • ers were present and subscribed to the Declaration of office and ,took • his seat. The minutes of the prev- iour meeting were read and adopted . That a by-law be passed appointing : the following officers and officials, 6 viz: Assessor, .Truant Registrar and ii. Sheep Valuator, Jos. Guinan; Audit- • ors, J. Graybil and C. Christie; Care - 1, • taker, E. Guettinger; Board of Hea- e lth, R. Goetz, and Wm. Switzer. Med Iical Officer of Health, Dr. S. V: Rail- ton. Secy of Board of Health, Hy. tinier; Sanitary Inspectors, Eli Law - I dOnIt son Geo. Merner and W. B. Oliver; School Att. Officers, Eli Lawson, Geo. • 1VIerner, and W. B. Oliver. Athletic -. • Field Committee, R. Goetz, W. Sweit -tar, T. Trevethick, F. Gaiser, .T, W. a ' 1.41S17S011 Mrs. IL Young, and IVIrs. D. 0 7 O Mcisaac .: Cow Tag Inspectors, Eli ILawson and Placid Desjjaardine. Vence Viewers, H. Mills, J. Morlock., 11164110416411.1141k114,11000100114114410444.11111111.11101.0444******** •M. Shapton, 'IL Geiser, IL Itydn- , ti. ' nenr.Y-Enber Cler- ZUFliCH ... 0NT. I: ,,,r::;), W. 3'. Brown, J. Gilt J. Hod- in the Town Hall, on Monday, Pleb- • 1 gens. Pound Keepers, B. D. Cook, riwy 3rd, at 1 o'eloek pail, I ' Christie, t'T . Rata, H. L. Kraft, E, The Council atemrned to meet 'again ., , Let Us show You the best kinds of Fencing for the Field or the Home Lawn Fences. We handle the best • If you decide todo some Roofing or Eve -Troughing this year, we invite you to call and see us and get our estimates, as well as show you our goods, A Nice New Piece of Furniture in the Home will be always appreciated. We can supply anything in this line, and the prices are very Attractive. If in need of new furniture, forget; we have it! STADE & WEID Eagleson, G. Walper, A. Baker, A. J. Amy, 0."Finkbeiner, A. Baker, S. Pollock, Desjardine, G. Clark, W Stade, G. Steeper, Brophey. Dog Inspectors, D. Eagleson, N. Schenk, J. T. Hirtzel, Road Foremen: N. Baker, W. Sanders, L. Davey, G.Hir- tzel, A. Baker, H. Schenk, R. Gower, W. Schwartz, A. Regier, W. Becker, M. Madden, 0. Willert, R. Ratz, W. England, L Houlahan, P. Desjardine W. Isaac, A. Latta., T. Isaac, A, Web W. Baker, R. Hodgins, N. Baker, W. Bowman, E. Gaiser, P. Eieenbach, F. Triebner. That By-law No. 431 pro- hibiting dogs from running at large, having been read three times be pas- sed and signed by the Reeve and Cle- rk and sealed. That By-law No. 430 to authorize the Reeve and Treasur- er to borrow certain sums of money to meet current expenditures be pas- sed. That the Petition for drainage work filed by Geo. Link be accepted and that the Reeve sign the same on behalf of the Township. That Dr. S. V. Railton be appointed Med- ical Officer of Health. • That the foll- owing Road Foremen's pay sheets be paid, viz: P. Eisenbach, Rd. 26 $3.00; W. Becker 10 2.00; W. Isaac 17 2.00; J. Finkbeiner 8 10.40; T. Yearley 9 14.40; H. Schenk 6 11.20; W. Bow- man 24 108.75; R. Ratz 13 3.80; N. Baker 1 3.00: A. -Latta 18 1.50 and 4.00. And the following orders; W. Coats, Reg. By-law 2.8'5. Grand & toy, Ltd. B.D. 8z M. Binder 7.50; Centralia Pol. Vill. refund xd. acct. 45.83; Sundry persons, election exp- enses 147.08: The Stewart of the On tato Hospital, re: Alma Williams 19.50: Wickwire Print Shop, print- ing 64.00: Municipal World supplies 12.67; Can. Bank of Conn. commissi- on on cheques 4.80; Tp. o Usborne bal. due on E. B. 45.38; Can. Bank oC Cm -ten. eoPecting taxes 107.82. • t Deasonable .11ardwaek I WE CAN SUPPLY THE PUBLIC WITH SEASON4 ABLE HARDWARE AT MODERATE PRICES Let Us Show You . $ OUR FULL LINE OF GRANITEWARE, AT LOWEST PREVAILING PRICES, + • _Good - Supply Of Kraus'ef w 81/40-- , • FURNITURE t • Full Line of:Furniture, in Living Room Suites, Dining • Room Suit,w, Bed Room Suites, Kitchen Cabienets. t • We also have. the Famous Simmons Bed Springs and I: Mattresses, a Guaranteed Article. Best on the Market To Day. WE ALSO HAVE SOME USED FURNITURE FOR SALE VERY CHEAP. I Johnston & Kalbfleisch I ptiardware & Furniture. Phone 63 t. 1 opeammagiollarmingrammizimorliistwormumumaismoduismatma NOTICE!, Auto Tops Buggy Tops -4 ag,m Espairing, Painting, Etc. Second Handed Buggies riESS - ZURICH 1' TO ALL OUR CUSTOMERS AND FRIEDNS WE EXTEND HEARTY Season's greeays 4. 4. H. Mousseau Zurich 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. • ¶ffAT WE FILL 'YOUR ORDINLRY SIZE INK BOTTAI 4, WITH GOOD FOUNTAIN PEN INK FOR fa LAIte6 t GER QUANTITIES AT BIGGER REDUCTIONS t TrIAT WR PRINT POSTING BILLS, AUCTION SALE POS- MEILCANTLLE POSTERS AND ALL ChninnAL • PRINTING mJR riA-10,1-v HERALD OFFICE • Do You Know?dar THAT WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE FOR •GOOD PRINTING t THAT WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH PRINTED WEDDING INVITATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENfLB THAT WE PRINT CALLING CARDS; STATIONERS, SUCH Z LETTERHEADS, BILLHEADS, ENVELOPES AND * STATEMENTS THAT WE ARE AGENTS FOR TWO LEADING MANTIFAOrt MUMS OF COUNTER CHECK BOOKS, ANDCAN sup- • PLY ANY -QUANTITY AND SIZE OF CHECK BOWIE THAT WE CARRY IN STOCK WRITING PAPERS, ENVIIBI- OPES IN ALL SIZES, CARD PAPERS, CARBON OK TRACING. PAPER, SHIPPING TAGS, MEMORIAM ET- ATIONERy, NOTE 130010, RECEIPT BOOKS IN.TWO • - SIZES, FOOLSCAP, ETC.,EITC.- x4+444.444,44+++++44444444,4•44.441+44.404.4.44+444.44.444440