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Zurich Herald, 1930-01-30, Page 5
b7Ursa3ay; Xarrnw tb. q.. PUSIN1033 CARD, : ' mr,;Ey E . FL oLMEs R'.9lvR*.ISTp1B, SOLICITOR, NOT LA.IRi Y PUBLIC, ETC. *'I8'I"""I ICE—Bamilton Street, Just oft 'ena Square, GODERICH, Ontario. Special attention to Conneel and Court Worlka *Ir, lifolenee may be consulted at tlederich by Phone, and Phone' charges reveled. Dr. II. H. COWEN D. S. D. I) S. DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ BLOCK ---al RIO E Every Thursday, Friday, Saturday At E„A1 TLB1WS BLOCK, DASE[ W OOO1) Every Monday, T ueeday Wednesday and OSCAR KL.©PI' iaraduate Carey M. Jones Nat - anal School of Aus'tioneerasig. Try o for Registered Live Stock, it Breeds). Tends isa keeping -with prevail,iztg prIcee. Choice farms for sale. Will 'ill. anything Anywhere, - Zurich. Lobose 13-93• air write. Licensed Auctioneer FOR HURON at MIDDLESEX AM IN POSITION ISa e, regardle a O CON - duct any sin to .size or article to del1, I tywlicit your business, and if not eastislied will make no charged ?or 'Serviced, I3aahvvo+@d. Arthur Weir 'Phone 13--5'f Overstock 29x4,40: 33x3 Tires, Tubes. Low Prices NOWT; .a a.. S. Woim DASIIIWOO ••••Mt••••••MN•••• ,urichs' Popular MEAT MARKET ANNOUNCING ,,L i WE HAVE PURCHASED ili+ROlt THE FIRM OF YUNGBLUT 1st DEICHERT. T1US 'WELL ES+TAB 11,3SHED MEAT BUSINESS, AND SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE C, Yungblut & Sou COAL 1930 Announcement *PIING PRICES NOW IN EFFECT FOR Scranton Gaal Coke Alberta Coal and Soft Coal 11. :SPECIAL DISCOUNT OF 50 co. 3er Ton will be allowed for lash.. '•Velar Early sae prices will taltateo .'a Aume lith. Case & Son ?itolaa 31 • i y Yowl 'Want$, For Sale, Loot, :Found, Notice, Etc. Ads IN THIS COLUMN For Sale 12 Stocker Pigs, about 60 Ibs. each for sale. Apply to Aaron Oestreich- er, :Dashwood. • DISPERSON SALE. Complete Dispersion of the Earls - tori Herd of Registered Ayrshires- 25 head—to be sold by auction on TUESDAY, JANUARY 28, 1980 At 2 p. m., at Earlston Farm, (1 mile southwest of C.N.R.. Station), Seaforth, Ont. Apply for Catalogu- es to J. A. McKENZIE, Prop. FOR SALE 2' bull calves pure bred Holsteins, apply to Wm. Sparks, Bronson Line, Stanley. FOR SALE A beautiful 8 piece dining room sute for sale' cheap. Apply to Remie Denny, Drysdale, Ont. FOR SALE Orre auto seat cutter in No. 1, con- dition, for quick sale, also a buggy pole. Apply to Milne Rader, 14th con., Hay. wyncE We specialize on the following: Ford Transmission Linings. Ford Rear Ends; Ford Springs; Ford Valves Grinding; Brakes re -lined on all makes of Cars; We give special attention on oiling and greasing all makes of cars; Radiator anti -freeze attention, Tire Repairing; Have your springs oiled. Leonard Prang, By -Law Bo. 1 , Zurich. 1930 TOWNSHIP OF HAY COUNTY OF HURON A BY-LAW to raise $20,000.00 to aid in the construction of tile, stone or' timber drains. 'The Coursed h of the Municipality of the Township of Hay, pursuant to the provisions of The Tile Drainage :1,::t, enacts as follows: 1. That the Reeve may borrow from time to time, subjectto the pro- visions of this By-law, borrow on the credit of the Corporation of the said Municipality such, sum not exceeding in'itht whole $20,000.00, as may be determined by the Council, and may in manner hereinafter provided, issue debentures for the said Corporation in such sums as the Council may deem proper for the amount so bor- rowed, with coupons attached as -pro- vided in Section 5 of the said Act. 2. „That when the Council shall lie of the opinion that the application of any person to borrow money for the purpose of constructing a tile, stone or timber drain should be gran- ted in whole or in part,. the Council may, liy resolution, direct the Reeve to issue debentures as aforesaid, and to borrow a sum not exceeding the amount applied for, and may lend the same to the applicant on the com- pletion of the drainage work. 3. A special annual rate shall be imposed, levied and collected over and above all other rates upon the land in respect of which the said money shall be borrowed, sufficient for the payment of the princrpaal and interest as prbvided�by the Aot,. +.used the' 3tly day c,f'1,anaary, A I X, 1930 L. N. RA'DEit 4teeve^ A: F. HESS, Clerk. NOTICE MUNICIPALITY OF THE TOWNSHIP OF HAY TAKE NOTICE that the above is a true copy of By-law passed by the i!Iunicipality of the Township of Hay n the 2nd day of December, 1929, and all persons are required to take notice thatany one who desires to apply to have such By -lay or any part thereof 'quashed must serve notice of his application" upon the, ead or Clerk of this Municipality within tvrenty days after the date of re lest publication of this notice, nd must make his application to the uprenre Court of Ontario within one r iontli after the said date. This notice as first published on the 15th day f January, 1930, and the ,last pub- cation will be on the 29th day of .anuary, ,1930. • A. F. HESS, Clerk. IENSALL o LIVE ?OU LT R Y WANTED *dm overly day till sseelealt,p+ie sem, row' raa a mag w1..sa om t, n st Caslt Prices --cal! l<+ Cream and Eggs W. O'Brien Atustomp.: *00 tl a 8 w Ali 0 J A new commandment 1 give u' to you. ':li' iiat Ye! love one another; it have loved. you, that ire also love 9eT Ono alalotato t, ZURICH HERALD v Mr. Wm. Co'irsitt, of I icxrsall was a visitor in town on ,lM.ionday, iYir. C. J. ,Salmon is spending' a ew days at London this week. Miss Susie Westlake of Bayfield, visited her ariencl Miss Susie ,John. son, on "l uesday. Mr. !Clayton Pfile of Dashwood called on auricle friends the kieguin- ill,^' or'. tyre weep. Miss Lydia E. Faust entertained a manlier of her friends recently alai served a five o'clock Tea, Air. and M. Win. I crcher ot. a.41o1 y Hollow, called on Zurich fri- ends one day recently, Reeve L. H. lilac;; is attendies, ,;b.e Jailer , u anion of tare Heave au unty t.)ouncil tiroder1eit this weett. 'r.lie skating at the local riiak has becomemore reliable the last two weeks, as there rs an abundance ui .irost win steady weather. Pleased. to report that Mr, Leeland ;uie u;,, son ,o.t ern and ears. Oieei vv..0 iris been quite 111, a improving nicely. • , oery to report -that Idrs. hoary Neeb, just east of town, is confined to her bed with an infection •of the blood. The local ice houses. in town,liave received their • annual 11111 of nice clear and frosty ice, which will• help materially in six nrontlie from new to keep things cool. • Rev. and Mrs. C. Schrag,' Mr. and .',Irs. Chris. Gascho, and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ginger. ich_ of the Bronson Line; Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Schwartzen- truher of the Goshen Line, south, at- tended the funeral of a relative . at ew Hamburg the past week. Among those who attended the funeral of the late John A. Manson. en Monday, froth: a distance besides his children are: hi; sister, Mrs. Cath- cart ,of Peterborough; Mrs. A. P. Manson of Toronto; Mr. Ed. Doug- las of Hyde Parke; and Mrs. Mc - Cash of London. Do you notice how the days are al- ready lengthening, soon we shall a- gain be looking over the garden fence and look how the neighbor's potat- oes and cabbage are growing, only a little patience. • Sorry to report that Rev C. Schrag while attending the funeral of a rel- ..tive at New Uanxbetrg, the past we- ek, took ill and has not been able to return to Ms home till the present We hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kaercher of the Lake Road and the latter's sister Miss Addie Surerus motored to Lon- don on Monday last, where Miss Surerus is undergoing treatments at the Hospital, as she has not been enjoying her usual good health -•e of late Mr. and Mrs. C. Fritz as well as some other friends have received some interesting communication from the formers' son Ward, of whom mention was made last week of the party he was accompanying. to Flor- ida. Ward says they are walking a- round with sleeves' rolled up and.the• collars of their shirts turned down, in the ocean bathing every day, and thinks this the best' country in the warld for winter' time. We experienced some real cold we- ather over the week -end, and old Jack Frost was just in his glory when he dropped the mercury to a- round 10 below, and we thought it was unusually cold, and it meant a few more trips r. day down to the coal bin, and shovel in a few more dollars of our suininer's savings. The roads which were last week opening up nicely for the autos, are again all tied up and what transportation there is:+,must iieliend on old Dobbiin and the sleigh. The awarding of the "Robert Rakes Diplomas and Seals" for faith= ful and regular attendance and other specified requirements, proved to • be an item of interest at the opening "of the 'Bible Sehoo4 Session at Emanu- el Evangelical . Church last Sunday morning. About' 25 awards were made by, Mr. J. E. Gascho, the' wide awake Supt. of the School, who.was in charge of the exercise. Four mem- bers of • the school were present at every 'session during the year and• each of them received an appreciable gift in token of their loyalty and faithfulness. They are Mrs. J. K: Ehlers, Miss Peal Pfile, Claire Geiger and Romayne Geiger. It pays, in more than one way, to be faithful in service. S. HURON ,AGRIC. SOCIETY The annual meeting of the South Huron Agricultural Society was held in the Commercial Hotel, Hensel', on Friday afternoon last with a good attendance of members present and the auditor's report presented to the meeting showed the Society to have substantial cash balance in the treas- ury. It was decided to hold a Seed Fair on Tuesday, Feb. 25th, and the annual Spring Fair date was set for provisionally for Friday, April llth. The following officers were elected: President, Dr. A. R. Campbell; lst Viee, Owen Geiger; 2nd vice, W. R. Dougall: Directors, Alex. Buchanan, George Armstrong, Bert Peck, Wm. Consitt„ W. D. Sanders, H. C. So1- dan, Bebt. McLaren, Thos. Shcrritt, C. 0. Monroe, Sery-Treas., K. M. rem, Auditors, It Atrnold and 0, - The well known and well estab- lished firm of J. Gaseho ♦'s Son, are et present holding a two week's Winter CIearing Sale, and are daily doing a wondertally large business considering the condition of the roads and weather. This sale has be- come an aanpal: event and tho b ug- a,ins are always real and genuine. It will pay ye,:i wall .to visit their stot to during this event and pick ep the Many good staples they are offering '6 1.411 remarkable. hey prices. ,1t:.- etre and don't miss it, a. the time along rapidly acid to act at v•tc and attend this sale means Many dollars ill you); pocket. ueyfield Agrii.olt reel Society Meat The annual meeting of the Bay- field Agricultural Society was held i Jan15th at the town hall. Con - Adoring the bad state of the roads, ,.irr.-err t:'as a good. attendance. 1' h1. McNaughton was appointed• clrair- nt.ii of the meeting. - The president, John McClure, give a short ad bees, ?nking the director; for their 'neer; ty co-operation and was pleased with the success of the Fair last year ani 14 financial conditions. There ar.i i:cw of the smaller societies having as good a cash balance, The annual re- port of the secretary showed a larger number of entries than usual. The audi,ore fond the books showing a hal .nce on hand of $514. - Suggest- ions W(!ri2 made to improve the prize list. The election of officers and dir- ectors resulted Pres., 3. McClure; 1st Mee pres., Wrn. 3. Stinson; 2nd vice prey,, R. Penhale; secy., A. E. Erwin: Treas. F. A. Edwards. aud- itors, F. Keegan, J. R. Catn.eron; Directors: Mrs. T. M. Woods, Fred Middleton, R. McMurray, W. W Wis 51117 PAGE ME *w►.r• • w rrrwA�Mvw*,rw+rw,w r.w�+rY r"••M•••f9`R*•F•orl►?•.**iM'!7 4• arm Implements . Ie • F o s WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR FARM IMPLEMENT AND • S, WILL RE GLAD TO SUPPLY YOU WITH JU ST THE KIND •OP MACHINERY THAT YOU NEED THE MOST, AND THAT WILL 4 e GIVE YOU MOST VALUE PER DOLLAR OF COST. 6 CARRY A FULL LINE OF PUMPS; PIPING AND FITTINGS, AND BESIDES -WE INSTALL OUR PUMPS. �► a LET YOUR NEXT CREAM SEPARATOR BE A DE LAVAL . . We have the Agency for this District, GARAGE SUPPLIES WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF GARAGE SUPPLIES AND : 4 s CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH ALMOST ANY KIND OF AUTO PARTS, AND BESIDES CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON SAME 1 DO EXPERT BATTERY WORK ON REPAIRING AND RE. • e BUILDING BATTERIES YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED a Tires, Tubes, Gas, Oils aril Greases' L. A. Prang -• Zurich 414 4 seseeeenteoloofeeeeeeeeeee oeseeee.soens eeoesOF}eesseee* a te*e-oidDAi.�lf PP+++I++4+g+3.i^ate+++++4f++•2 44 044, a q+ e++.1.44+'E++i++I++1+,0,1+ b++F+4-.,te,g.,1.,t„ 1 The wmter ., $ IS THE IDEAL TIME TO REPLACE OLD FASHIONED FLOORS . 4 OR DOORS WITH THE MODERN HARDWOOD FLOOR OR 4es ' 4. a.'• ert Dunn, W n. Stewart, J. W. Reid4 FRENCH DOORSgr Sam Houston, T. M, Snowden, Len+$F• LET US QUOTE YOU ON COLONY HOUSES ALL SIZES AND :i., 'Talbot, Wm. Sparks, J. Rathwell, E. Foster, Mrs. Seed, Mrs. N. W. Wood 4 KIND BUILT UP AT THE MILL FOR SPRING DELIVERY +£' Mrs. J. W. Reid, Mrs. F. McEwen, fi'. Mrs. W. Stinon, Mr. T. Snowden.+f+The annual fancy dress carnival isAA��cL..E�i r�1to be held duriug Easter week. It • "� was decided to interview home talent PHONE 4. regarding the concert for Fair, night.Leeeenennen 4. The dates set for the fair are Tues- day and Wednesday, Sept. 23, 241 CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Gustav Bon and dau- ghter wish to take this way of exp-; ressing their heartfelt thanks to all/ those who so kindly aided them in starting up their new home in Blake: We wish you all a .prosperous /930. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Manson and family. wish to express their grateful thanks and ap- preciation for floral tributes and kindness shown by all their friends and neighborn in their sad bereave- ment. ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church "A Chia#sings . Cleri.e for ii elaat- ' int World." Friday, 8h: Luther League. Saturday—Choir Practice. 10. a. m: .German Service. /1.1S Sunday Seheol. 7:30: English Service. Everybody Welcome to all Sav,iese. E. Taerlilsolea, Paster. r Evangelical Church Notes ZURICH -- ONT, Tuesday, 7.15 p. m. -4r. League. Thursday l'.30 --Prayer and Praise. Friday 7.311 p.m. --Senior League Friday 1.3S p.m.—Choir Practie• Neglected Truths It is better to say a good thing, about a bad person than to say a bad thing about a good person. It's sad 'religion that is never strong ex dept when its owner is sick. If you're, unable to find a place, or an opening in life, create one; surely you can do as much as a musquito: Ne really great and wise man thought himself, so. The biggest room in the world is the room for improvement, and the soul of improvement is the improve- ment of the soul and the best time to se to it is to -day. What kind of a church would my church be if it's members were just like me? Why don't you attend church) I']l tell you sir! The first time I went, they threw watet in my face. The second time they tied a woman to nie, and Pve had to keep her ever since. Yes said the person, and the next time you go they'll throw dirt on you and what good word can theysay in enology of your life SUNDAY SERVICES ;}T""' Warship I A. M. Subject—Christian program into all the Nations, 11 a.m.-able School. J. E. Oasebo, Superintendent. Worship: 7.30 P. M. Subject ---Part. Il' -:- Chxistianities Program. �,. > "1411; ":1AMAIIMMIMOMMAMMAMONIOMMIVIMONK 9 ZURICH . 41041/840114104000041404111001540 t> asiassaa easeesaaa teele►s.ect Stock Foods .Dr. Hess' Stock ai d Poultry Food # ALSO MASTER BRAND LAYING MASHES, PIG CHOW, COW 1 i CHOW, BEEF SCRAPS, OYSTER SHELLS, ETC. YOUR 1929 COAL NOW IS. THE BEST TIME OF THE YEAR TO PUT IN YOUR SUPPLY OF GOAL FOR NEXT WINTER. OUR SPECIAL IN- DUCEMENT IS SO CENTS OFF FOR CASH SALE, AND BESIDES WE HAVE THE LOWEST PRICES FOR SUMMER DELIVERIES. ACT NOW! L.� Schilbe & Son t��n, •ess00 0 WA••s�IMAIVIA:i`•(■ V0pi i 1 Zurich Drug Store We have a full Line of all the requirements of School. Supplies All : author zed"Text Books kept in Stock of000s •••r•M••••••••••••• Toilet Sets, Manicure Set and Military Brushes. Perfumes Toilet Waters and Perfum. or iters. +a! Fine Stationery and Fountain j fir Pens. fir KODAKS AND FILIMS Dr. A J. MacKirni . •