HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1930-01-30, Page 41. 141
+HT ,
. .
We have had Wonderful Success during this Sale,
which speaks for itself, that We are- Giving absolutely
the Biggest Values that: Money can buy to -day.
le more You buy, moresave, which is good
Business ,on Your 'Part.
' Daily we are offering new specials to the Public, and .1 -
in orderto benefit thereby you must come often.
Gid Staple Goods selling at the.low Sacrifice Prices
is just why we are turning this large stock into ready m
Cash, in so shot a time. 4€
Come often and share in'these never -heard -of Prices.
IVI Phone
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Attra •
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til" •
A •
New Beautiful Bady Lines Quick Getaway•
2 Positive Brakes And Ease of Control
Other People drive them because they can afford the
•• Same Comforts
,as The New Ford Sedan, Five Tires and License at your i
1 Door for :Only $725.00.
1 New Models Now on Display} in Zurich
s Three Million Model A Ford Cars now in Operation.
Ask about our Easy Payment Plan.
,Piterse149• Phone. 62 I
•••••• s .Ns s ss sNM
=3lliiidiligiriillI1NU1i{1il Niii111111111Iilill111111111111illlilllllllllll01111111111ililiilllllli!HHUlllllll 1111111ilDllHi1111111i01111iPHIDi11111111111111lllliilliii IIIIII11r
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Radios Pleasure Craft
By the, World'st .Pioneer Radio
Engineers, introducing the New
Super Sensitine Torsed Radio fre
queacy ' :and 'Supir—Heterodyne
Circuits surpassing by ten times
the Selectivity and Sensitivity of
any...prerious circuits, placing the
Westinghouse far in advance of
any receiving set on the market.
TONE—Cove your,'.:eyes •and yo
will instinctively feel yourself in
the presence of the living Artist
who are entertaining you.
POWERFUL—Responds to your
control like a giant racing- motor.
This is the only instrument that can fully satisfy the most critical
radio enthusiast, Nothing less than the realisnn., of. the. entertainers
can compare itself to this marvel of the radio age,, the realization
of the Westinghouse Radioengineering aims
L1111111111111111!i1111110111111 iOIMUMIUUOIIIUlU11111101011111111111111UU101M1MI111lIIIIMIil1111MU111111I1111M11U1111111111lU1111M1111111M1U1U 11111111111181111 UI111111
IUIr. and Mrs. P. Campbell and
11 the of Hay, were Sunday visitors at
Vihe Rome of Mr. and Mrs. H. Love,
Mr. Arthur Broderiek spent the
. eleeeele-end 'wit'h friends in Exeter.
Epri Pore returned to his
Mme after spending a couple of
•.e irks with YlZ. giftsyrd Moir of Hen
Quite a number from this vicinity
Mended the funeral of the late Mr
rohn A. Manson of Blake on Mon
,lay. Much sympathy is extended tr
:he bereft family in their hour e
Y. P. S.—The Young People's
hold their regular meeting on Mon-
day evening, January 27th. Miss
Gladys Stephenson's groupe being in
harge off the prop -mune. Miss Eil-
een Turner paha ding. The meeting
Ods opened by singing hymn 558.
Rev, Connor led in prayer, Hymn 782
was sung, the seript>ire lesson was re-
ad by Miss Gladys Stephenson. The
devotions were taken by Miss Eileen
fiarner. Mr. Thos. Bennett then
gave a few selections on the accord=
ian, Mr. Norman Alexander of Kip -
pen gave a topic on "Peace of Con
Terence:" Hymn 779 Was sung; Miss
Eileen Turner led in sentence prayer.
The study was taken from 2nd chap-
ter of "Great Waters," by Rev. Con-
nor. The offering and business wn's
then taken. It was decided to hold
a box social on Monday evening Feb-
ruary 17th, in the basement of the
church. Mr, S. Betty's group will
be in charge of the meeting on Feb-
ruary 1.Oth. Themeeting elosed by
singing :hymn 758. All repeated the
mizpah benediction.
Hay Mutuay Fire Insurance Company
The annual meeting of • the Hay
Township Farmer's Mutual Fire In-
surance Company was held in the
Town Hall, Zurich on Monday, with
a fairly well representation 'of the
policy holders present, and much in-
terest was Manifested in the `meeting
in general. After going over the
usual routine of business of -the year
the election of officers -was then held
which .resulted in favor ,of the three
directors, Oscar KIopp, J. T. Rau,
and Reinhold Miller of Dashwood in
place of Mr. John Pfaff, who has be-
en a member for a long time and
who has retired. For auditors Messrs
A. F. Hess and Arthur Weber were
elected for the year, while. the Dir-
ector's term is three years. At the
executive meeting following; the an-
nual meeting Wm. Switzer was ap-
pointed President, and also the follow
ing resolution passed: •
January 27th, 1930.
Mrs. John A. Manson,
Zurich, Ont.
Dear Mrs. Manson:
I am repuested by the Dir-
ectors of The Hay Township Farm-
ers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company
to express to you and your family,
their sympathy in this your hour of
trial and bereavement, occasioned
by the sudden death of your husb-
and, the late John A. Manson.
We are greatly shocked to learn of
his untimely death. He was a valued
member of our Board of Directors,
always .manly and frank in the disc-
ussions which were brought forth and
his place will be hard to fi1I
God alone can comfort such grief
as yours and that this consolation
may be yours in the fullest measure,
is the sincere wish of all.
On behalf •of the Board of Direct
ors, I remain,
Yours'. Very -Truly,
Henry •Eilber, Secretary.
Badour—In Stanley Township, on
Jan. 28th, to Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Badour, a daughter.
Hoffman, at Goshen Line, Hay Town-
ship, .to Mr. and .Mrs. Simon Holt:"
main, a daughter.
Mrs. F. Watson of Detroit; who
has been visiting her • parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Wna. , Snell, wee- called to
her home on -.•Tuesday, owing to the
illness of her husband. • ' '
Eugene Tiernan% of Lbndon Univer-
sity spent a few days, with his par-
ents here.' .
'Messrs. R. Goetz, Louis Rader and
Wm. Sweitzer are attending County
Council in Goderich this week.
Rev. A. W. Sauer was called' 'to
Stratford on •Tuesday morning owing
to. the illness of his son Milton, who
underwent an operation for mastoid
in the Stratford Hospital. We hope.
for a speedy recovery.
Death of Mrs. Lduis Restemeyer, Sr.
The death took'�plaoe on Wedges
day January 22nd of Mrs. Louis
Restemeyer at the age of 76 years,
3 months and 21. days. . The 'deceas-
ed had been .confined to her bed for
the past . six years, and death came as
a great relief. Besides her sorrowing,
husband she leaves to mourn her loss
one daughter, Mrs. C. Burgemaster,
and `three sons, Henry, Louis and
Otto. The deceased was a inennber
of the Lutheran church and the fun-
eral on Saturday.°afternoon was con-
ducted by the pastor, Rev. Ness. In-
terment in the Bronson Line Cemet-
(Intended for last week,):
Mr. Herb Geiser, of Detroit, spent
few days with his parents here last
Mrs. F. Watson, of Detroit, is vis -
ting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wer..
Mr. Harry Zimmer left last week
an a motor trip to Florida.
Mrs. J. Guenther visited in town
. few days last week.
Revival services are being cond-'
.acted in the Evangelical church.
.Rev. .Ness •occupied the •permit
ee. Lutheran Church in London on
Mr. C. Mathers. oi` London..sper
week -sed with Mnurioe Kiumpp.
Miss ,rs'ldn ]>r.;f, les left for Loe-
Mr. and Mrs. '1' ,lzlu.mpp entaertain-.
t.m'tbor fi4' i1 q,. fy ,rr•lr rix {'c;'
Mr. and Mrs. Moffatt spent a few
days with friends in town.
Mr. Derr, of Saskatchewan, call-
ed: on Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Koch on-
Mr. and Mrs. P, Mcisaac entertain-
ed the former's mother,. Mrs. R. Mc -
Isaac and the parents of Mrs. Mc-
Isaac, Mr. and 1VIrs, L. Kleinstiver to
a turkey dinner on Sunday. Mrs.
Mcisaac is 84 years old and Mrs.
Kleinstiver 86 and the latter was
out to Sunday School forty-four tim-
es last year. They are all enjoying
pretty fair health and have been
estemed residents of this community
for many years.
Of the Jackson Grocery and Restur-
ant Stock and Fixtures to wined up
the Business. .Here area few of
our many Bargains:, 4 Pkg, corn-
flakes 25c, 5 jelly powders 25c, Ypres
es polish, 2 for 15c, 10c jar rubbers
5c, Eggo baking powder 10c, Rab-
bits. cleaner 2 cans 1.5c, 10c pkg.
pickling spice 4 for 25e, lemon and
orange peel 2 lbs. 25e, Ilonami 1,0c,
Pure olive oil 15c, lamp glass at 5c,
Teas and all other goods -en sate
cheap. Also cash register safe, elec-
tric coffee mill, 30 lb. computing
scale, also 5 lb. corn. scale, account
register, 2 silent salesmen 6 ft., cake
display stands, refridgator, cheese
case, soda fountain, small show cas-
es, chairs, tables, etc, Clean sweep
sale. Store' open. day time also ev-
enings Would sell all in one lot, cheap
good location. Store and dwelling..
H. D. Woods in charge.
Fred Bonthron has purchased from
his brother, Jas. W. Bonthron, the
brick cottage opposite the post office
and intends making a number of
substantial changes to it.
Mr. and Mrs, Garnet Case were re-
cent week -end visitors with friends
in London,
Sorry to report that Mrs. Adair
Reichard, one of the early residents
of the village, suffered quite a sev-
ere stroke the other day.
Master Ray Reid of London, who
has been visiting with his grandmoth•
er, Mrs. H. Reid, for a week, has re-
Mrs. E. Boyle went to Toronto, to
attend the funeral of a relative.
Mrs. L. Yaeger, of Regina, Mrs. H.
Currie of Sutherland, and Mrs. E.
Moody of Brandon, are at present
visiting .with their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. W. Hobkirk.
Robert Green has accepted a pos-
ition with a firm in Chathom.
Pleased to learn that Mrs. Agnes
McDonald successfully underwent an
operation in our local hospital and
soon hope to see her in the enjoyment
of good health again.
The store on the south side of King
Street, opposite the Commercial Ho-
tel, which has been occupied by E. F.
Jackson, new of Stratford, for some
years, was re -opened the past week
for the sale of the stock and fixtures
therein, under the management of
W. H. Wood, of Galt.
Miss Minnie Reid, visited with Mr.
and Mrs. J. D. Reid of London, dur-
ing the past week. •
Mr. Nathan,Peck, who has been in
poor health, for. a few weeks, is now
recovering nicely. •
The . regular meeting of the Meal
hydro commission was held the other
evening 'with 1411 members present..
Reeve Higgins was re-eleeted chairm-
an of the board for the year, and.l'A'
Rennie Secterary. d- Passmore was
re-engaged for .another year to man-
age the plant. .A number of improve
merits were talked over and some
will be carried into effect immediat-
ely. The metres for domestic light-
ing will in future be read once ev-
ery two months and payment every
two months,
A farmer in Carrick township re-
cently lost eight cattle from black -
The County Council meets at God-
erich this week, beginning on Tues -
clay afternoon for the first session of
the year. The Warden's chair goes
this year to a Conservative, and'i
Reeve Backer of Brussels, one of the
veterans of the council, is the prob-
able choice of
the caucus.
A Bruce county farmer did some'.
plowing on. his farm last week. And
he says it wasn't snow -plowing either.
They are enterprising folks up in
At the annual arieeting of the Ex
eter Agricultural Society it was re-
commended tlrat the directors put',
on a competition in field crops. Thi's
can only be done when there are the
required number of entries and an
appeal is being made for such ent-
.A new schoolhouse of modern de-
sign has been erected in S.S. No. 5,
Turnberry and was opened at the
beginning of the present term. It
replaces the building that was destr- acres fall wheat, Also 100 acres of
ed by fire last fall. good pastur eland, being Lot 11, 7th
Oliver Davis and little daughtetr, coax., Hay Tp., with running - water,
•of Fort Erie, returned to their home well fenced, some bush. - For further
on Friday last, after visiting for a p"as iauiars apply to George Clary
few days with the formers parents„ Prop., Hay P.O..
Mr. and .Mrs. S..Davis at Exeter.
Vast improvements are beingrnad'e -At:
at the plant of the Western Canada
Flour Mills, Goderich, at the harbor. ZURICH HERALD'
The work of installing the new pow -
Established 1900
er plant is well under way. E. Leon
and & Sons, London, who have the,ci17 syl EVERY WEDNESDAY
contract have erected the Ises • esf the 1 -
Connolly boilers ?Id the first. t3iilis ; Z±tOQhT FAQX THE_
and irfbrmai engine.. Herald Printing g 0' Tice
The remains of the late Mrs. Wm. i;,
H. Kestle, who died at Parkwood Hos ' SUBSCRIPTION RATES -- i$1.25 SI
pital, London, were brought to Viol year, strictly in advance; $1.50 in
home of her brother-in-law T.' Kestle arrear or $2.00 may be chargees".
of Exeter and the funeral held" to If. S. $1.6e year in. advance. Rd
the Exeter cemetery. Her, maiden- paper discontinued until gift
dame was Jesephine • Gillba kk Mie ' � are paid unless at the
and Mrs. Kestle at one time farmed option' of the .publisihea T3
at Thorndale and about 16 -years a- dater e3 which every !Subscript.
go' moved o Exeter from St.. J"e roll is paid is donated; on the
having erected a fine brick house on Lab*.
Ice cutting operations are under Display Advertising made knows
way, at the Goderich Harbor in ,prep on application.
aration for the moving of theegrain ins; articles of not morre-
freighters in •order . that 01..e: winter then four lines,; For Sale, Tor,
storage cargoes still floating may be Rent, Wanted, Lost, Found, rets
unloaded at the elevators. About _ 2 ' ?ab iaaert;on 25e.
men under the supervision, of Capt.: Farris Or Rest 11 state' ;for 'sale $2.00:
H. Hudson of Midland, are engaged for 'first -month,' $1,06 for each:
cutting the ice, which is dame mostly pee., three insertions $1.00.
with crosscut saws. ' Professional Cards not exceeding -
The remains of the IateWin,Lewis one ine.b,$5 per year.
Who died at Coruda Mich., were Auction Sales — $2 per single in -
brought to the home of Mr. and Mrs martian if uotover four inches in:
F. W. Clark, Crediton and were iih-
terred in Exeter cemetery. The Rhv.
Hage/stein officiating Mr: Lewis was
born in Crediton and for a number of
years. had a tailor shop there and
later moved to Algonquin Park- where
Thursdays January s0th, 198o
he was employed by the ,Oovernmout.
for a number of years. '
.After a trial which lasted .almost:
thee fun days, Wm. McCrae, of
Cuiross '1'p., was found guilty art
January lith, at Walkerton, of steal•
log ca'tt1e from 'Thos. Goodrellow, of
tiw same Township. A large number
of witnesses were examined on both
sides, with the chief interest center-
ing around the idents;' of the cattle,.
Mr. Goodfellow contended that the
cattle were Ms property while Mc-
Crae claimed he was the owner, but.
Goodfellow had a number of witnes-
ses Who :.swore to the fact that the
beasts belonged to him, while there
was but one witness for McCrea who
swore they belonged to him,
5 -
100 .acres of good land, in Hullett
Township, vreli underdrained, 2 good
spring wells, large barn, with straw
shed, and ,stabling under all, . Good
S roomers frame house with cellar.
No reasonable offer refused. Apply
to Chas.:Saundereock,.Phone 250 r
25, Seaforth Central. E. R. 1, Lon»•
desbkoro P.O..
Consisting of- 100 acres or choice
clay lean, being Lot 14, N.B. Steph-
en Township. There .is on the prem-
ises a large bazkbarn, good outbuild-
ings, good frame house, plenty of
water, well fenced, and drained, 6
Address :all communications to.
mace - Meir.
►:. a.niaa::.Las 104, 1
ori ea sa inn s because
of the. Fatah .lase Of lily .
rrttlerns. A safe general
rule to remember is.the
truer the 'perspective rete ,
the Treater tlse risk
in tie -
iF.atnb shed slis
There they will earn a
reasonable interest anal be safe .
Zurich Branch: C, H. JOY, Manager.