HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1930-01-23, Page 8P. ACF; Eicn'r Mr T I -E STORE WITH THE STOCK ID INTER Olouring Sale Leginning Saturday January 28th Ending Saturday Feb. 8th T/ LIS CLEARING SALE IS AN ANNUAL EVENT WITH US AND W. ARE AGAIN PUTTING FORTH SPECIAL EFFORTS TO MAKE THIS A REAL SALE. WINTER GOODS ARE MARKED DOWN IN ORDER TO CLEAR AND MAKE ROOM FOR SPRING G:.)0DS NOW ARRIVING. DO NOT MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY C SECURING SEASONABLE GOODS AT REAL BARGAIN PRICES. WE OFFER No. 1 QUALITY GOODS AT ALL TIMES CANNOT QUOTE ALL OUR BARGAINS HERE BUT ASK ;,aJTO LOOK UP OUR LARGE BILLS, AND BETTER STILL CJiVIE INTO OUR STORE DURING THIS SALE AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. EXTRA SPECIAL 330 lbs. of Roasted Rio Coffee to sellat per pound 27 Cents Get a Supply at this Record Breaking Low Price J. GASCHO &SON F 7' ODUCE WANTED PHONE 59 11 1930 Auto Licenses LICENSES CAN NOW BE RENEWED FOR THE YEAR 1930 FEES ARE AS FOLLOWS: ALL CARS 'UNDER 25 H. P. OVER 25 H. P. D:..•`VERS AND CHAUFFEUR'S RENEWALS TRAILOR ILOR LICENSES $5.00 $10.00 $1.00 $3.00 COMMERCIAL VEHICLES SAME AS LAST YEAR. BRING YOUR 1929 PERMIT CARDS PROMPT SERVICE! Before you Invest --INVESTIGATE! Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO -SERVICE AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? ose e+moistosealt •fwwN•410410.6sra•e•••'i••H .04.Qi • 1 • • • • • To Plan Your Summer's Program of Work, Repairs, • w NOW! Is the Best Time And Improvements Let Us show You the best kinds of Fencing for the Field or the Home Lawn Fences. We handle the best Money can Buy. If you decide todo some Roofing or Eve -Troughing this year, we invite you to call and see us and get our estimates, as well as show you our goods., A Nice New Piece of Furniture in the Home will be always appreciated. We can supply anything in this line, and the prices are very Attractive. If in need of new furniture, don't forget; we have it! •*aim 1 ,zV:e,wc$$» eALD Extra S clais FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY MEN'S HEAVY WOOL SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, GARM. $L59 MEN'S FLEECE LINED UNDERWEAR, GARM. 6Oc MEN'S SWEATER COATS, REG, $3.00 VALLUE, AT $1.59 MEWS SWEATER COATS UP TO $5.00, FOR $8.50 MEWS PLAID FLANNEL SHIRTS FOR .- $1.:15 MEN'S WOOL SOX, PAIR; 19c, 39; 596 A FEW PIECES CHECKERED GINGHAMS, YD. , 18' LIGHTPRINTS, AT PER YARD • 20e LADIES' SILK HOSE, PAIR AT $1.00, 79c LADIES'' AND CHILDREN'S HOSE, , WOOL AND CA:IHMERE REG.. VALUES UP TO $1.00 AT PR. 59c Ladies' Vests and Bloomers, Reg. $1.00 at 69; Reg. 75(C at59c CHILDREN'S Underwear and Stockings at REDUCE PRICES FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY Corn Flal'ces•„ at. 3 Boxes for ................ 25c Purity Quik Oatmeal, with China, box. 33c Purity Quick Oatmeal, without China, Box 24c J. W.MERNER YELLOW FRONT STORE PHONE No -1.145 ITEMS OF LOCA t INTEREST Mr. Herb. Mousseau made. a busin- ess trip to Exeter on Tuesday. A fast game of hockey was played on Tuesday evening between the Clinton and Seaforth teams, the lat- ter winning by 4-0. A number of our local boys are playing with the Seaforth team, and are to be con- gratulated on their success. LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Wednesday) ....... 45• ... 314 4%. 50 9=18 15 18• 27c 1.20 ........ 60 Butter, creamery ... Eggs ,. ..... Old Hens -.. Ducks Chickens Geese, dressed Turkeys, dressed Wheat Oots.... .... Barley 70 Mr. Milo Snell of Exeter was in Buckwheat ..... 80 town on Tuesday. Milo had a new Flour cwt. .... .... 3,511 4.75 Chevrolet 1930 model and was dem- Bran ton 34.00 onstrating it to the boys in town.1 Shorts ton 36.00 The local Chev. dealers, C. Fritz &I Dried apples • 9 Son, are looking. forward for a big. Dutch sett onions .... 8 season in this popular low priced six line. Beginning with next Sunday morn- ing's worship, Emanuel Evangelical Church, Zurich, will incorporate the Junior Congregation consisting of boys and girls into the regular wor- ship period and assign to tnem a regular and active part in the make up of the service in God's Sanctuary. The boys and girls as well as pastor' and people are awaiting this happy outcome with much joy and blessing Don's miss it next Sunday morning at 10. o'clock. t Mr. Bruce J. Klopp has purchased from his brother, Mr. Bert. Klopp, a five acre parcel out of the latter's faun fronting on the Zurich Road. Mr. Bruce has had erected on the premises a neat little dwelling and a number of chicken houses, colony houses, etc., and is still erecting more quarters for the fowl. He in- tends going extensively into chicken farming. Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co OF WOODSTOCK The Largest Business of any Canadian Company doing Business in Ontario- Amount of Insurance at Risk on Dee,'. 31st, 1928, $22,206,275. Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $160,378.74 Rates -$4.50 per $1,000 tor 3 years. E. F. Kropp -Zurich Agent, Also Dealer in Li$htnind Rods and all kinds of Fire Insurance The people of the district are again warned to keep their dogs well tied up and shut in on account of the dreaded rabis epidemic which is prevailing among the canine tribes at present. Mr. Win. Switzer, Dep. - Reeve of Stephen, had a calf bitten by an infected dog, and the other day the calf died as a result. Please try and co-operate -with the author- ities and prevent this dreaded disease to spread any farther. Weeds and Advertising Advertising is like a farmer's work. Cultivate a field, harrow and drag it as you will for a year -for ten years. Then quit for a single season and the weeds and brush will spring up and claim it. So with advertising. Let a concern advertise for a number of years until it has created a big vol- ume of business. Then cease adver- tising for a short time and its busin- ess suffers. Competition, is so keen that to survive in the business world the merchant must tell the public what he has to sell -not once, only -but constantly. New Highway Connection Toronto Huron Old Boys At Home. The president and officers of the Huron Old Boys' Association of Tor- onto announce their thirtieth Annual At -Home in Temple building, corner Bay and Richmond streets, Friday evening, January 31st, at 8 o'clock, Gentlemen's tickets $1.50, Ladies, $1 High Class orchestra, euchre and bridge broadcasting between 10 and 11, refreshments. D. D. Wilson, Pres., L. M. Pringle, Treas., ' E. Floody, . Secy, Lake 3276. Many Meetings in February • During the past year the Blue Water Highway Association decided • • to affiliate with an United States As- sociation sponsoring the highway al- ready largely completed from Miami, I i1 • Florida to Port Huron, Mich., con- nectingi`at Sarnia, Ont., and the Unit- ed States Association have agreed to issue 100,000 advertising folders eS /an. 8 pecially drawing attention to the San. 9 merits and beauties of the Blue Wat- Sam 13 er Highway in the Province of Ontar- io, along the shores o Lake Huron and Georgian Bay and on to Lake Simco.. This happy merging of int c.�st1 is In g'e y credited to thv untir- .3 rmar' 24A, 01.0k Seasonable Hardware • 1: WE CAN SUPPLY THE PUBLIC Waif SEASON ABLE HARDWARE AT MODERATE PRICES t.• Let Us Shove You * OUR FULL LINE OF ORA.NITEWARE AT LOWEST w PREVAILING PRICES j `+" ' * Good Supply Of Krauser Smoke Cure . on flotki + + + + + I+ + FIIRNITURE Full Line of .Furniture, in Living Room Smites,, Dining: Room Suites, Bed -Room Suites, Kitchen Cabienets., We also have the Famous Simmons Bed*rings and} 1+ + Mattresses, a_ Guaranteed Article. Best on the Market • To Day. f WE ALSO HAVE SOME USED FURNITURE FOR SALE VERY CHEAP. Johnston ec Kalbfleisch I Hardware & Furniture. Pho • . ne 63 ++4++I++II+d++in++++++++++++++'Y1'Y.+++444+++++IIS ++++++1r+fi+'4"i+++++++4 5. Lockie Wilson, secy. of the Agr- icultural and Horticultural branch furnishes the following list on annual conventions at the King Edward hotel, Toronto, during February: Ontario Field Crop and Seed Gro- wers' Ass'n., Feb. 4th. Ontario Plowmen's Association, Feb. 5th. Ontario Assn of Fairs and Ex- hibitions, Feb. 6th and 7th. Ontario Vegetable Growers' As- sociation, Feb. 12th (Preceded by an- nual meeting on Feb. 11th at Parlia- ment Buildings.) Ontario Horticultural Teb: ' 13th and 14th. Farmens• and others interested should clip these dates for reference. Association ZU 1 RICH HOCKEY LEAGUE San. 16 i h h f San. 20 San. 21 Jan. 23 1 � d Jan. ?R „ 4.nd unceasing efforts of Wm. G. Jan. 30 ZURICH - 0,\I -r. C+..:-tts, of a' y Stone Oklp, Va. He is. Feb. 4 •0N••wMNf •rA I one. of the old-' boys who never forgets Feb: (i �A!•IIOl$AMS his native country, Fah. 11. Maroons -Bruins. 1Vfniericans--131ackHawks Maroons -Americans Bruins -Black Hawks Maroons -Black Hawks Bruins -Americans ' Bruins -Maroons ' llack Hawks --Americans Americ^ns---Maroons Black Hawks -Bruins LL Black Hawks-MVlaroons Americans -Bruins Rit1111lUUtilleililG (illglGl!EI IRI(lIUEMNIUMMIIIIIk1iUk!1?7NNI11IIU11111 911l 1101llMUlCllll 1l8 ICIIIIIIIRIUEIL9lLyilIIIT• 'MN,ijic .' Illill' RIC NOTIGE! Auto Tops Buggy Tops Wagon Repairing, gaining, . Etc. Second Handed Buggies 1! IIN1111111111101110011g1INt!! .ESS - ZURICH tll�illlUIINIUIlU4M1111UUIl;Nllik�1U61nrl�'��1U111Uliiill[AIUIIiIUIUIUU'UIC� fl(Il1N116ii111U1t�111{NUffUCUU±11fUlUlUkIHUI�IIIi!6!�U�$??h�k'rle`IIEdUl6fllllill6l;Yq�(UUIIItiIUJ?6I1 bnF+Fr+ +++i ++.i3k:k411* i++i+*+t++3++8+ i++ .141 g++k++E+4.++II+++f++d+++++++++4**** :. 4- 4- T1O ALL OUR CUSTOMERS AND FR1EDNS WE EXTEND HEARTY 1. LE. .Serzsonz's greetings + I, 1 4. • + 4. • H. Mousseau Zurich f f }a+4.4+I++ ++9+++4++f4++F.f..l +++++F4+.r..p+44+S+.t++f+W+.1.,t++ +4+M+A+ ' 1 HERALD OFFICE Do You Know? THAT WE ARE ALWAYS AT, YOUR SERVICE FOR GOOD PRINTING THAT WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH PRINTED WJf DDINS INVITATIONS AND..,A.NNOUNCIIMENTS THAT WE PRINT CALLING CARDS; STATIONERS, SUCH AS LETTERHEADS, BILLHEADS, ENVELOPES AND STATEMENTS THAT WE ARE AGENTS FOR TWO LEADING MANUFARIF UI:IBRS OF COUNTER CHECK BOOKS, AND CAN SUP- PLY ANY QUANTITY AND SIZ14 OF .CHECK BOLO ICS THAT WE CARRY IN STOCK WRITING PAPERS, RNV>t OPES IN ALL SIZES, CARD PAPERS, CARBON On TTBACING PAPER, SHIPPING' TAGS, MEMORIAM ST- ATIONERY, NOTE BOOKS, RECEIPT BOOKS IN TWO SIZES, FOOLSCAP, ETC., ETC. THAT WE FILL YOUR ORDINARY SIZE INK BOTTLE WITH GOOD FOUNTAIN PEN INK FOR be. LAIfI(!- GER QUANTITIES AT BIGGER RED'UOTIONS THAT wE PRINT POICI1N(.4 Ii+Ll.L8, AUCTION SALE POE- TESS, MERCANTILE POSTERS AND ALL'OENRRAL PRINTING OUR Si' 'OCT ALT #;