HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1930-01-23, Page 13 .41 Vol. XXX No.202, ZURICH. THURSDAY MORN fkkICI JANUARY 23,(930, Chester L,, Smith, Prt Iistt': $1.25 a year, U.S. $1.50 z *L50 IN ARR.4ARn,$2 MAY Jam 004as ler. To ali our Readers and Friendswe extend Season's Greetings OUR CORNER. The Ontario Safety' League wishes to warn people to watch_ their: step. 'Thirteen pople, in Toronto alone, were killed by falls: during December 1929. •-r£ More than 300;0.00 owners, of radio receiving sets in. Canada, paid the an- nual license fee of one dollar the past year. About: one-half of the num- ber are residents of Ontario., The Dominion. Government has set aside 29 islands in the Georgian Bay for a national park. The Blue Water Highway, leading, from the south co- unties to the Georgian .Bay, will car- ry much of the traffic to the 'new park, and will become even more im portant than it is at present. Dissapointed Audience r A. large crowd was dissappointed, on Friday evening last when it was Learned the Rev- 11. Savage, of Pon- tiac, Mich., known as the foremost' Radio Preacher of this district, was unable to arrive in Exeter to give his lecture in the Main St. United Church Mr. Savage motored to Lucan from London and finding that the highway -4 -4• • • -4 - .0 ..4 .4 • • 4 O 4 • are mailed". 0 • • • I FRED THIEL ZURICH i • 4444.444444 Ci 4•4 4.• 44�oc 44040444.4440.414.44.404.44r A4 Our 1929 Accounts Kindly call for .same before they • tN110111 tilSO * se******Stegitg00400441414100000410, ea n Sa:rifice AT BROWN'S 'BOOT SHOP. CLEARING all Lines of Rubber Footwear, Socks,- Felt Shoes_ Also many Lines in -Children and Women's Slippers and .Tamps. THIS MEANS BARGAINS, ' THE `LIKE OF WHICH YOU'VE NEVER .SFF.I Our Whole Stock is involved. Nothing is held back COME ;IN .AND SEE }DR 'YOURSELF REPAIRING NEATLY DONE (molt Brower BootShop Wy SWBEE DISUPL,AY 0I • •o 1 • 3 • • e • e •e 1 1 • • • 0444,4041140044444e44M44 s444.4•••444e44444.• ••••• , Look! }Herm FOR BARGAINS 46: MEN'S OVERGOA.''1"S„ Reg.. 2;id RS for .. - - - .;;$18: i0 1k, MEN'S OVERCOATS, Seg. $2 5:019 Ear ST5.80 -MEN'S OV.i•BCO'A.TS, Reg. `16:00 dor ...--......... ...... ... 3110.75 V 40 19lEt6PyS SOFEAMRS ILL REDUCED 1b: MEN'S LEATHF ' IID- BREAKE'RR, Reg. $6.091 for ---_ ~ 4.44 :3: MEN'S ALLWOOL > NDEI1WF 8, 'Reg.11.iO for _ .... - - - -.- $1,30 Men's Stanfield Bed. Tiihatl id z , ,Reg. $2.25 fair. A1.70 Boy's Windbreaks Rog. .5l .:for -..$2:S5 ROY'S SIREATEIRS ..^I'';II ALF'.PRI c, ep Men's Lined MiCIA: Reg.:U13R :for .. ... Alae Men's Lined! Mitts,, Reg. ``mac. for • S'Sc Men's lined Milts, R -56 0. los _ - 2179c THESE ARE ALt No. ?1 GOODS :AND AT PRICES 'MU CNN - NOT AFFORD TO MESS. COME IN AND LOOT t THEM OVER, .AS WE FEEL SURE % Ill WILL 5EE SOMETHING AT PRICES HATMILL AWAKE 'YOU :HAY. • OTHER COODS CO;MAD MARKED .ED ilT O :i T rzatals 177 • • w!. • Ertmeoutwas IMP 11 AIRRECTORSc f+ ! IO1 Al :l • moms .aR9 my Zs Sou Ali Sr 404041`444.4 was blocked between Lucan and Ex "'-''' eter telephoned that he would be unable to be present. Main St. ch- urch and many others who were so desisious of hearing Mr. Savage, were dissapointed. There were sev- eral everal who drove into Exeter from a distance of fifteen miles and it is said one party come, thirty miles to hear this radio preacher. ••••••o*G* .+44.******** A*e4lbaoodr**4D•� e000000 o o • • • 4 e +t► 4 4 • F 4. °e' Are all made up and ready for ourm a dis• tance • 6 li sit r Welcome Greetings! Aberdeen, Sask., Jan. 151930 I am •enclosing money order for this year for that good aid paper "The Zurich Herald" would not like to be without it as it is always like a letter from home. We have quite a lot of snow this winter; and has Mr. Ehnes, who spent the winter been very nice so far, with the at. the Williams home, left on a trip Thermometer registering at 52 this to Florida last week. morning, "Phew". Wishing you a Mrs. Wilfred Jervis of Homesville, Happy New Year. is visiting at the home of her parents Yours Truly, Mr and Mrii, ;ylv. Witmer of the David Schnell. B ylor,. Lire at present. - ---'o#::'orest, . wee Sunday unday visito,rs with . 1D'o4Mur.nuoa1njHMioaMursWse., BJrujce pBsot9sfsenferth rs. Jane Guenther, who spent tli last few weeks in Mitchell, and Dahwood has returned to Zurich. ilessrs. Earl Weido and Jim John- st1 motored to Goderich on Mon - d6 night to attend a hockey match. Mi. Myrvin Stelck, of the 14th. coni+, Hay., has just returned from a fev.i week's trip to Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Windsor and Detroit, and re- ports an excellent time. Mr. John B. Laporte, of the Blue Wath: Highway, and who spent the past/number of weeks with relatives ai1cilfriends at Windsoa:,.,Detrot, and O14 noixits, has returned" to his 'home. - The thaws the past week have been a great hindrance to the skat- ing and hockey matches at the local rink, and so far a great many of the games had to be postponed on ac- count of no ice, but this week the w,:auier looks more settled, and the boys are having their daily workouts after supper or evenings. The annual meeting of the Zurich Horticultural Society will take place in the Store of J. Gascho & Son, on Wednesday evening, January 29th. That means that every member of the Society as well as everybody inter- ested in flowers, etc., are requested to be present at this meeting. - The annual meeting of the Hay Township Farmers' Mutual Fire In- surance Company will be held in the Town Hall, Zurich' on Monday after- noon next, Jan. 27th, when the usual business transacted at this meeting will be executed, and officials elected. Every policyholder that possibly can should be present and see what their company is doing. Don't •'forget the annual Agricult- ural Society's meeting in the Town Hall, Zurich, on Friday afternoon of this week, when the Directors and officials will give their feport. The Secy-Treas., will also give his annual statement, and the appointments of officials for the 1930 board will take place a this meeting. Every one in- terested in the Fall Fair activities, is urged to be present at this meeting. The "Bethany Sisters" Bible Schol Class of Emanuel Evangelical Church, Zurich, of which Mrs. (Rev) W. Y, Dreier is teacher, and Mrs. J. Hey, Jr.,, is president, gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sylvanus Witmer, Babylon Line, on last Wed- nesday evening to reorganize the class and to spend a happy social time together. The husbands were also invited to attend and fully en- joyed the splendid program as well as the refreshments and the fellow ship which this happy occasion pro- vided. Messrs. Ward Fritz of Zurich, Donald Grey of Goderich, Gordon Surerus of the Bfonson Line, and Harry Zimmer. of Dashwood, left on Friday morning on an extended motor trip to Florida, They are car- rying their tent, stretchers, cooking utensils, ete., and when they will get in wanner climates intend to tent and camp on the way. Mr. C. Fritz received word which was written from Lexington, Kentneky on Satur- day morning, and during Friday they drove river fiVr: llrtndred miles. The boys are anticipating a real outing and expect to be away for several. weeks. _ • Mr. Gid. Koehler made a business trip to London, last week. 7)r. and Mrs. P. J. O'Dwyer mot- ored to London on Thursday last. .Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hauch of Dashwood were Wednesday visitors in town. NOTICE T'zc arin1lal Meeting of the Zurich Library Association will be held in the Library Room, on Monday even- ing, January 27th, at 8 o'clock. All members are requested to be present. NOTICE The annual Meeting of the Zurich -Horticultural Society will be held in the store of J. Gascho & Son, on Wednesday evening, at 8 o'clock, everybody interested in horticulture, arc"requested to be present. J.. D Gascho, Secretary. - IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of our dear son and brother, Harvey Colosky, who died at Detroit, one year ago, Janu- ary 18th, 1929: More and more each day we miss him Friends may thing the wound has healed. But they little know the sorrow That lies within our hearts concealed God knew that you were suffering Anil the hills were hard to climb So he closed your weary eyelids. And whispered "Peace be Thine" Sleep on dear Harvey and take your rest God called you home he thought it best One year has passed, our hearts still sore. As .time ^goes •on we miss him more His loving Father, Mother and Sister BACKED WY 21 YEARS OF EXpER1ENC 'We are 'happy to pre- sent the New Kolster Radio to our friends. The New Kolster, in cabinet beauty as in per'formance is this year, more than ever before, "a fine set ". . You'll agree after you've seen and heard the Kolster. ELMER OESCH "ill= NEW IKOLSTER. RADIO MORE THAN EVER ... A FINE SET Waterm The wise school belle takes a Waterman's Fountain Pea back to class. It means quicker and better work -high• er marks -and lots more leisure time! We have a Waterman's thatwillexactly suit YOU! !OIAL 193. WE HAVE A MODEL TO SUIT YOU $2.50 to $7.00 OTHER PENS FROM $1.00 UP. Hess, The Jeweller 1 COLD DAY YES, THE COLD DAYS ARE Iii, sem, AGAIN! ARE YOU P1 EPARED'1L WE ARE Prepared with a lams~ Supply of HIGH GRADE FUELS Genuine Scranton Anthracite:, Sal- way Coke, Miller's Creek Sc, Pocahontas, Cannell, Galt Ali ,,, and Small Pea Coal for Rasnkin:1r DISCOUNT of 50c per ton al ans , for CASH PAYMENT ONLY �..1�.1.- ai te10 .,. ENSA L CrIfTla,. pfice Phone low 114usg Pfumer fl '' .h 4 - WE DO NOT KNOW OF EVER BEING ABLE TO Open a season's Business in the USF!) CARS, that we were able to show our Customers such a fine Asortment these popular grades of .Alutos. • - Tile quality of these Cars is of the very Best, and we invite anyone that ire interested in a good car at a very moderate price, wilt do well to first see us and getour prices. OUB USED CARS SPECIAL CAR IS BEING OFFERED AT A. REAL BARGAIN - 1928 PONTIAC 4 -Door SEDAN IN EXCELLENT CONDITION FINISH, FENDERS AND UPHOLSTERING LIKE NEW.. 'r "SEEING IS BELIEVING" FORD SEDAN NEW TIRES, BUMPERS, SHOCKS, SPECIAL $135.00 FOARD COACH 1926 MODEL, BUMPERS, FINISH IS ORIGINAL AND LOOKS LIRE NEW SEE THIS SPECIAL FORD COUPE 1925 MODEL, NEW BALQON TIRES, BUMPERS, RS, FINIS:! ; FENDERS AND UPHOLSTER JNG LIKE NEW SEE THIS ONE 1110.01.06101<10,11.4. 1927 FORD COUPE 2 TRACTORS PIANO 1 BUGGY C FRITZ & SON HIGH CLASS USED CA.R BROKERS PHONE 82 zurac i. ,t? ux - 4, Ohristmas Or eii We invite Our Customers gs AND FRIENDS TO CAI..#I.. AND SEE OUR DISPLAY OF CHRIST- MAS ;: MAS GIFTS SUITARLE FOR CHILDREN AND GIR> WIII. 1 FANCY DISHES, TOY$;, PECTURE ROOD XMAS. AADS Ain": : BOOKLETS, CANDIES, Nlir S, ORANGES, LEMONS. 1FR ti.ISS:ZSi, CURRANTS, PLS,, ETC., ETC., R. DOUGLAS GENERAL SiCeltOff ANT PHONE U 97 SLA K