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Zurich Herald, 1930-01-16, Page 5
"i`Irulrsday, 'Jami y' *!t1Et`.it, 1930 • $U$INZ$S CARDS DUDLEY E.HOLMES 'BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT IARY PUBLIC, RTC. 9pFFICE-11arailton Street, 'Nast off the Square, GODER1CH, Ontario.. Special attention to Counted and Court World VII. Holmes may be conenttted at flederich by Phone, and Phone charges reversed. Dr. B. I. C O W S N L.D.S. ru.D DENTAL SURGEON At BLITZ BLOCK—ZURICH Every Thursday: Friday, Saturday At UAI TL3uIB'S BLOCK, DASH -WOOD Monday, Tuesday Wednesday OSCAR ELOP1 Graduate Carey M. Jones 1 t- tinal School of Auetioneering,Stock, Try Live tate it forBreeds). d ). Registered in keeping with ire prevailing rices. Choice with prevsalle. Will wall anything farms Tor sale. Anywhere, - s Pie 18-93 or write, gverY and Zurich. licensed Auctioneer FOR HURON & MIDDLESEX AM IN A POSITION TO CON - duct any auction Sale, regardless a to aide or article to +sell. I ;solicit your business, and IT not satisfied will make no charges for Arts' Dashwood. Arthur Weber — .ne 13-57 Overstock 29x4.40 30x31 Tires, Tubes. Low Prices N0 w..�,.».•�, S. VTOiZL. ■ HWOO1 Zurichs' Popular MEA`` MARKET - . ANNOUNCiNCR- FgAT WE HAVE ' PU'RG'BASED B+R©M THE FIRM OF YIDIGBi UT ! DEICHERT. TM WELL ESTAB IMBED MEAT BUSINESS, AND SOLICIT YOUR, FATRONAGG $. Yunghlut & Son GOAL 1930 .Announcement OPIUM ruICEs now UI EFFECT FOR Soraliton. Goal Coke Alberta Coal and - Soft Coal jA SPECIAL DISCOUNT OF b0 Cts. Fer Ton will be allowed fer cosh, ibri or Early as prices i.tiU miasma ea • J.►aa 193. Case & Sou IlERSALL ;fey•'" -o' ! PoUL' R V WANTED ovaryi sty sill loalsieekihr# Mi est teed fwwl' sesssse. ■ude W1100 115.11514 aghast Cask Pees -gAgui /mg cream a E.as W. O'Brien litLersis as - t11400 !D7 TOUR Viants, For Saito;" Lost Found, Notice, Etc. Ads IN !.111L9 L'OL'UMi DISPERSON SALE Complete Dispersion of the Earle - ton Herd of Registered Ayrshire; -- .25 head to be sold by auction on TUESDAY, JANUARY 28, 1930 At 2 p. ne, at Earlston Farm, (1 1 mile southwest of C.N.R. Station), Seaforth, Ont. Apply for Catalogu- ea tet J. A. Mc 'NZIE, Prop. FOR SALE • 2 hull calves pure bred Holsteins, apply to Wm. Sparks, Bronson Line, Stanley. MEETING. OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The Council of the Corporation of the County of Huron will meet in the County Council Chamber, Goderich; at two O'Clock in the afternoon of Tuesday the 28th day of January 1930. All accounts against the Co- unty, and applications for Old Age Pensions should be in the hands of the Clerk on or before Saturday the 25th inst. to ensure action at this Meeting of the County Council and the Old Age Pensions Committee. Applicants for O. A. Pensions should see that all questions are properly and plainly answered and all forms properly executed. Be sure your POST OFFICE and the Municipality you live in are correctly given. Municipal Clerks are asked to send by nail as soon aspossible Certific- ates of EIection of Reeves and De- puties. GEO. W. HOLMAN, County Clerk. Goderich, Jan. loth, 1930. ANNUAL Insurance Meeting The 55th Annual Meeting or the Members of The Hay Township Far- mers' Mutual Fire Insurance Comp- any will be held in the TOWN HALL, ZURICH On MONDAY, JANUARY 27th 1929 .At. 2: o'clock, p.m. BUSINESS: Receiving the Direct- ors', Manager's and Auditors' Report. Election of Directors and Auditors and the discussion of such Business as may he in the interest of the Company. Henry Eilber, Secretary John P. Rau, President. STRAYED. Unto my farm a tan and black hound with ring around neck. Own- er apply to Theo. McAdams, Bronson Line, Hay. FOR SALE A beautiful 8 piece dining room cute. for sale cheap. Apply to Bernie Denomly„ Drysdale, OnL FOR SALE One auto seat cutter in No. 1, con- dition, for quick sale, • also a buggy pole. Apply to Milne Rader, 14th con., Hay. WOWS We specialize on the following: Ford Transmission Linings Ford Rear Ends; : Ford Springs; Fora Valves Grinding; Brakes re -lined on all makes of Cars; We give special attention: on omni$ .;rind . ggessiag X11 makes of cars;' R cEator anti -freeze attention, Tire Repairing; Have your springs oiled. Leonard Prat a+•,. Zurtclt. FOCAL NEWS Mn Wes. Canis; of Kitchener, is spending a week in town, Constable Jul. Block made an offic- ial visit to Clinton, on Tuesday.. Pleased to report that Mr, Henry Koehler, who had a sudden attack of illness the other day, is improving Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kipfer Were visitors with friends and relatives at Kitchener, for a weelc recently. Mr. and Mrs. W. Trimmer of the 14th, con., attended the funeral of Mrs. Truemner's aunt, the late Mrs Cook at H'ensall. Mrs. Kaiser and son Gordon, of r+ondon, were visitors' at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Axt, the past week. At the recent annual meetine o4 St. Peter's Imthera.n congr.eentien. the folloirine ZxrP • r1'r'rn es teeste- es: P. C. TCilbfleisrh. T. F. Klopn. Theodore Heberer.. O. Kloop, R. F. Stade and Albert Kalbfleisch. Messrs. W. S. Toh:+ nston .ted A.. A'. Hess were at Crediton on 's'hr�rsda,v of last week auditing the books of the Hay Township Farmer's lVCr tees Fire Insurance-Cotepaev. malting the trip by auto and Mr. Len. Prang be- ing in charge of the car. The recent thaWs have made it pos- sible that the large Orange Crush truck from. London, was able to get through on Tuesday. and he reports the roads from London to Exeter as mite passable. but from Exeter to Hensel very heavy, 'While Mr. Chris. Heyrock was Walking through the bush of Mr. C. O. Smith, of the Blue Water Highway the other day he encountered a two foot garter snake, which seemed' to be as lively as in midsummer. Per- haps spring is just around the corn- er in this lage region. St. James Lutheran Church Elmira held their annual meeting with the pastor, Rev. Lloyd Kalbfleisch, as chairman. The congregation raised approximately $3,500 for current expenses and over $1,100 for benevo- lences. Harold Dreisinger, choir lea- der, was granted an honorarium and the pastor, Mr. Kalbfleisch, an very attractive increase in salary.—Lon- don Free Press. The usual January thaws again made their appearance the latter part of last week, and then the beginning of this week we had another heavy rain on Monday and Tuesday. The snow stems to be getting quite mel- low and is an easy victim to the rain and mild winds, and the autos are a- gain seen quite freely on the streets. Mr. George Thiel is using his big Hudson sedan on the stage from here to Hensall, and the raods from here to that town are said to be in good condition for the season. The Zurich Branch of the Wom- en's Institute held their monthly me- eting, Monday evening January 13th, The _Committee in charge were Mrs. MacKinnon, Mrs. J. Gascho, Mrs. E. ,Heideman, and Mrs. T. McAdams. The meeting opened with singing, after which Margaret Hey gave a recitation. Mrs. Dreier then gave a reading—A New Year Psalm: Ruth Johnston then gave a solo. A con- test in which all took part was then very much enjoyed by all. A vocal solo by Mrs. Harry Hess was apprec- iated and was well rendered; after the . business part was taken through by President, Mrs. E. Klopp, the members all took part in giving a New Year's Resolution. .A very da- inty lunch was then served by the ladies in charge of the meeting, after which the meeting was dismissed. A rather unusual event took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm.. Reichert, of the town' line Hay, on Monday afternoon, when Mr. W. J. Hess, 'this son Albert, and Mr. Fuss of town arrived on their farm equipped with masks, etc., and well fortified to master a large hive of honey bees -that have been the, occupants of the Reichert home, for a few years. The hive had lodged it- ' self :n the :opening betweed the brick word'veneering the ,the ,inside wall, having gained eartance along side of the window, and it just happened to be at the wall where Mr. and Mrs. Reichert's bedroom is, and mand a night • with the continuous buzzing of the '}fees, Mr. and Mrs. Reichert were Wiled off, to sleep, but we are not in a' position to statejustwhat their dreams would be with such sur- roundinga. However if they thought it jazz or razz band music or the sweet , carrols from an unknown world, these melodies are now a thing of the pest, as Mr. W. G. and Com- pany made a complete sweepof the joy, first taking off the brick work nd thgn sawing their way in to whe- re thd t iar i&z.t Wilke securely and snugly, tied up for the winter. Most of ur thing a swarm of bees hiber- nates for the winter like the ground- hog, or bear, but not so with this swarm, as they were very active and ready to defend themselves, and if you will take a look at Mr. Hess' un- der chin, where several crawled in under the clothes and done their meanest, you will agree with the writer, that even in winter time "we ike the honey much better than the ees." The company after gaining dmission .found honey in combs to Worship: 7.30 P M. tke aliment of about fifty pounds, Subject—Life: Row use it,?+, and r'° 44,„ Vary choicest honey, too. j et M* 1. DM*, PPIMA* Prod Ice Wanted Highest cash lam paid for cream, Egg,;, and poultry. Themes moo. Phone 116 . Zurich Mi N MQRIAM In loving memory, of my deur hus- band, Harvey Colosky, wItO diets at Detroit,. one year ag!o, Ja4nua0 148th, 1923- . God in ghat~, Ile gives us strength to hear our heavy" cross, lie is the only one who knows how bitter was my loss.�� >f n'him a thousanl y tinea, along my wrr way. ;For life is not the saint; tta Mei, Since he was called away.. He left, behindan aching heart, that loved hint .most sincere. That never can, and never will for- get, you, l .avrselr deal. Oils :axing gifeR F> s. 1 a b Iiw amount of money in clreulat- ion in the United States—gold, silver and paper -,---is about $40 per capita.. The.local Board of Health have been notified that for a limited time ell dogs in Hay Township must eit'aer be shut up or kept tied, as the rabies epidemic is infecting many dogs in Western Ontario at present, and has come es c105e as Stephen Township, and all dog owners are asked to co- operate with the authorities and try and keep this drt aded diseas under control, which is confined not aiu.le .0 tee canine iamixy, but huxuan be- ings are also subject to the disease, :ud if not treated in time will mean. sire death to ax;yone so effected. Mr. Wm, Sparks_ of the Bronson, Stanley Tp., has probably the best .ecord Holstein cow that could be found far and near. During the ear- ly winter the eow freshened, and recently was put under test, which •esult was 90 pounds of milk in one day, or 80 lbs,, for a period of 30 days with a 3.2 test or a little better than 22 lbs, of butter fat per week. A male calf 6 weeks old was recently ,old to Mr. Sam Gingerich, of the same line for a nice price, The, grandfather of this cow was that fine old sire that was imported from Buffalo by Mr. 0. Cabana some ye - In the keenest competition, em- bracing entries from all important agricultural districts of the North American continent, Alberta farmers won 43 prizes at the recent inter- national stock and grain show at Chicago. Two grand championships —wheat, Major G. H. L. Strange and oats, J. W. Biglands—went to the province. Major Strange was also first with white field peas and Nunemaker Brothers, ' of Brooks, first with red clover seed. Major Strange's success is especially re - malleable as he has only been a termer four years. NOTICE The ANNUAL MEETING of the ZURICH AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY Will be held in the TOWN HALL, ZURICH On FRIDAY, JANUARY 24th, 1930 At 2.00 o'clock p.m. Sharp. BUSINESS—Election of Officers. Receiving Treas. and Auditors' Rep- orts, etc. E. F. Klapp, President. A. F. Hess, Secy-Treas. ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church "A Ckaagaloaa Christ for a okang- iag Worli." Friday, 8h: Luther League. Saturday—Choir Practice. 10. a. au . Gorman Sorriest. 11+: $ Sunday School. Tc30: Zagliok Sorriso. Erarykog*' Woao.at. to all Soc ricoa. Z. T.Wkkaiai, Pastor. Evan gelical Church Hetes LU1tICn _. only. Tuesday, 7.11 p+ m. -,Yr. League. 1nurrxiay 7.3o -emelt and fraise. Friday 7.311 p.m.—beaior League Friday SUS p.m.—Choir !rectiea Successful Living He who lives well achieves success. He who joins the trust of pure wo- men and the. love of Iittic children; who fills his niche and does his duty leaving the world better ' than he found it, achieves success. He whose motto is: "Good, better, best never let it rest, Till the godd is better, And the better is hest" is a success His life is en inspiration and his mem ory a "benediction. The successful man does what he ought to do, and not what pleases him. He knows that to please self is our undoing. The successful man plans life's end, from the beginning. If at -first you don't succeed try hard work. Give a qual- ity service, that is in a class by itself Dive a forceful life, a brimming life and not only the Ordinary average. Give yourself unanimuisly to every duty. Adorn your task by the extra touch. "Whosoever asks thee to go a mile, ge with him twain". Thus you will be encircled by a wondcrous grate and charm and power. SUNDAY SERVICES �,<•! Worship ib A. M. Subject—Life: What is it? It +r.m.•--.Tibia School. J. E. Gsoc19, Snperinteedent. PAGN Irmo 6M+••Aiiairlr�lr*lrll!A+Ip.1•,•1rr+,a,�••,A41i+ft►PA�fAAAAAOAAIi*AAAA....'11i1 •iFarrn ' Irnplements WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR FARM IMPLEMENTS, AND • o WILL BE GLAD TO SUPPLY YOU WITH JUST, THE KIND 011e MACHINERY THAT YOU NEED THE MOST, AND TFIAT WILL •e s CARRY A FULL LINE OF PUMPS; PIPING AND FITTINGS. 1 AND BESIDES WE INSTALL OUR PUMPS. o LET YOUR NEXT CREAM SEPARATOR BE A DE LAVAL; • We have the Agency for this District. 4 GARAGE SUPPLIES : • WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF GARAGE SUPPLIES, AND i CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH ALMOST ANY KIND OF AUTO ,t PARTS, AND BESIDES CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON SAME: : DO EXPERT BATTERY WORK ON REPAIRING AND RE. BUT GIVE YOU MOST VALUE PER DOLLAR OF COST, b b s t 0 a 0 TTERIES YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED Tires, Tubes, Gas, Oils and Greases; L. A. Prang - Zurich • • i • •A •• .44064®obsro14e 4404H6***0.06.40 •60006641b*4*i40e4.b064,04.E4.d /++++++++++++++++++++++++++ . e 4.M+4'F4At++AA3' + i A+i411 i The Winter1 A Season IS THE IDEAL TIME TO REPLACE OLD FASHIONED FLOORS +i+. + OR DOORS WITH THE MODERN HARDWOOD FLOOR OR + 0 FRENCH DOORS 0 A • LET US QUOTE YOUON COLONY HOUSES ALL SIZES AND +KIND BUILT UP AT THE MILL FOR SPRING DELIVERY 0 # 4.4' + C. K 1113FLEI6C P 69 - ,� ZURICH 0000011/11/1111111111011100411.1100M0111 001110000001111•••••••0011000111111. +fri+++ +:1!4A•F�Fif+I^• +++i�J•+++:..F+++•�.&4+ ++F+ +FAA++++ +•ty..p.I.q..�.�$+ Stock Foods 1 Dr. Hess' Stock ar d Poultry Food ALSO MASTER BRAND LAYING MASHES, PIG CHOW, COW CHOW, BEEF SCRAPS, OYSTER SHELLS, ETC. YOUR 1929 COAL I NOW IS THE BEST TIME OF THE YEAR TO PUT IN YOUR SUPPLY OF COAL FOR NEXT WINTER. OUR SPECIAL IN- DUCEMENT 15 50 CENTS OFF FOR CASH SALE, AND BESIDES WE HAVE THE LOWEST PRICES FOR SUMMER DELIVERIES. ACT NOWT L. Schilbe & Son 0110101141111401.07==11541•111r415•7410511111111•11 =��� {ARlARti� las �u�� ft1<<�RO�`�ttR\�f 1 Zurich Drug Store 1 We have a full Line of all the requirements of School Supplies All authorized Text Books kept in Steck Toilet Set., Manicure Set and Military Brushes. Perfumes Toilet Waters and Perfurn» izerss Fine Stationery and Fountain Pens, KODAKS AND FLIMS 1 R• 1 w ws rt Br. A. Jo Maainuoul Zurjohl