HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1930-01-09, Page 5Thursday. Xgranary 9tIz, 1929 01131$ICARDS LEYIF/ .Et OL1 ES UAl AIST'l il, SOLICITOR, NOM IARY PUBLIC, ETC. 'OFFICE- amiltot Street, Just off •Fine Square, OODERICH, Ontario. Special attention to Caramel end Court WOr10. 'i°lfr. Holmes may be consulted at lekoderrieh by ]Phone, and Phone, ' charges revereea. Of. H. 11. COWEN L. D. S. D. D S. DENTAL SURGEON ZURICH At,, DEITZ BLOCK— yery Thursday, Friday, SatUrdra At H ABTLEIB' S BLOCK, • DAPUWOOD Every 'Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday y OSCAR KLOPP M. Jones Nat Graduate C41ey Nat - Mead School of Auctioneering. Try ane for Begiatered Live Stock, It;pll Breeds). Terme in keeping 'with prevailing prices. Choice Parma for ,sale. Will ,yell anything .611y-where,Zagreb: phone 18-93 or write. Licensed tucticaeer FOR HURON & MIDDLESEX Allti IN A POSITION TO CON - duct any auction Sale, regardless ae to size or article to sell. I eodcit your business, and for atistied will make no ter -glees. Arthur Weber - Dashwood. 'Phone 1S-57 OverstOO 29x4.40 3Ox3's Tires, Tubes, Law Prices N 0W! 4 IL S. Wein DASHWOOD NAON.NI NNN.NN. Zurichs' Popular. MEAT MARKET ANNOUNCING • THAT WE HAVE PURCHASED 'ItOSI THE FIRM OF YUNGBLUT iR DEICHERT, THIS WELL ESTAB • LISHED MEAT BUSINESS, AND SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE M, Yungblut & Son .... COAT 1929 Announcement STRING PRICES NOW IN EFFECT FOR Scrantoi CoaI Coke Alberta oil and Soft Coal • A SPECIAL DISCOUNT OF 5* Cts. Per Ton will be allowed ,• for cash. eider Early . prices will Sidelines as June 11St . Case & Son law>se SS HENSALL LIVE POULTRY WANTED our/ r�tiokk„P.m. US �told E'. rites 111191'03Bd :Oboe brought 11a, Highest Cash. Prices L. --CAM ROTA- t Cream and Eggs W. O'Brien atEtzisiiim ***el PUT YOUR Wants, For Salto, Lost, Found, Notice, Etc. Ads IW THIS COLUMN ANNUAL Insurance Meeting The 55th Annual Meeting or the Members of The Hay Township Ear- raers' Mutual Fire .Insurance Comp. any will be .held in the TOWN HALL, ZURICH On MONDAY, JANUARY 27th 1929 At 2 o'clock, p.m. ;BUSINESS: Receiving the Direct- ' ors', Manager's and Auditors' Report. Election of Directors and Auditors and the discussion of such Business as may be in the interest of the 'Company: Fleury Eilber, Secretary :JOhri P:. Rau,. President. In I Ca LOCAL NEWS . Miss Do'nella Ruby of Kitchener, is spending her holidays with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wnr, Ruby. Miss E. Rennie, who spent a week or so at London, has returned to Zlur- ichfor the winter. 1PIIitA4p Misses Agnes and Laura •Dietrick left for Detroit last week, Miss Helen 'Phil has left for Lon- don where she has a position for some time. Miss Anna T'arwell returned to Clinton after spending the holidays at her home. Mr., and Mrs. Simon Grob and dau- Mr, Geo, ?(, Tl'fri•wel] is spending a ghters Doris and Edith and Mr. and ' few days with Mr. and Mrs. D. '1', Mrs. Jacob Gingerich and family, 1 1;arry at Dunville. were Sunday visitors at the home of i Mr.. and Mrs. David Gingerich of the 'o. Ethel •ilio trick village. ]'io,ni. niter spendin Miss J. E. MacDonald who spent the :holiday season at her home at Kincardine, has returned and taken up her wors as taeacher of the Blake p llie school, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. ,Kercher, who spent the past months with the tat- ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. Sur - erns, are this week moving unto their new home recently purchased ^" the road from Dashwood to Grand BeZurid. i= R rich school 'reopened on Mon- I day morning with the former staff of? teachers ready to take up the work, after the Yuletide holidays. TheI Kiddies were all seen scampering off for a few months steady going again tilI Easter holidays, which will come the middle of April this year, when they will again have a few days off before the final drive for the•; mid- summer exams. when they will give an account of the year's progress made. STRAYED. Unto my farm a tan and black hound with ring around neck. Own- er apply to Theo. MeAdams, Bronson Line, Hay: FOR SAL A beautiful 8 piece dining room sute for sale cheap. Apply to Remie Denomy, Drysdale, Ont. FOR SALE One auto seat cutter in No. 1, con- dition, for quick sale, also a buggy pole. Apply to Milne Rader, 14th con., Hay. NOTICE. Mr. J... -W. Merner, General mer- chant is staging his annual Special Rue •-• 'Ir i.noqu saoggfratt xno.4 rias, Sale of all staple goods, and invites the people of Zurich and vicinity to attend this big money saving event. come very often yourself and you will find that you will be well repaid fors --coming by taking advantage of the big Bargains offered to the buy- ing public. Remember Saturday, January 25th, is the last day, and after that date things will go back to regular prices: The old tuner who "never saw a TO CONSIDER BY-LAW AT' January without a thaw, and has MEETING OF COUNCIL seen thousands of them" is very true Take notice that ta, By-law for in his predictions this year,; as Ann. raising $20.,0QQ..OQ under the prvis- ary came in with a good shower of ions of The Tile Drainage Act, will rain which was indeed a great relief be taken into consideration by the to many farmers, who had a scarcity Municipal Council of the Township of water all fall and winter, and 'a of Hay, at the Town Hall, Zurich, on goodly number were obliged to draw the 13th day of January, 1930, at water with the horses, which is any - the hour of three o'clock in the after- thing but a pleasant job. But since noon, then, or the beginning of this week, A. F. HESS, we have experienced another good Clerk Township of Hay. shower of rain with a good thaw, and we notice that whole fields lying low are flooded with water, and the want of water now is a thing of the past. The rains and warm weather have taken away practically all the snow where it•layed thinly, while the big banks are quite prevalent and are a menace to the roads, as the auto, which is again the vehicle of transportation, finds it very difficul- ty to get through at many places. If the people would turn out with teams and shovels, in a few hours the roads could be made quite passable.. We are now living in an age when, the public demands passable roads for the auto when at all possible. A great many farmers have poor equip- ment for horse travel, such as sleighs or cutters, and few farmers have at present a light driving horse that can skim over the roads and take the monotony out of `Dobbin and the 4 f Sleigh" driving. NOTICE We specialize. on the following: Ford Transmission Linings. Ford Rear Ends; Ford Springs; Ford Valves Grinding; Brakes re -lined on all makes of Cars; We give special attention on oiling and greasing all makes of cars; Radiator anti -freeze attention, Tire Repairing; Have your springs oiled. Leonard Prang, Zurich. Produce Wanted Highest cash prices paid for cream, Eggs and Poultry. Thomas Mayers, Phone 116 Zurich GOAL 1929 ! COLD DAYS ! YES, THE COLD DAYS ARE HERE AGAIN! ARE YOU PREPARED! WE' ARE Prepared with a large Supply of HIGH GRADE FUELS ,Ge+nnine., Serantsa Anthracite, Sol ;: r way Coke, Mille's Creek Soft, Pocahontas, Cane's% Galt Alberts, and Small Poo Cod for Banking DISCOUNT of: 50c per ton allowtd for CASH PAYMENT ONLY Caz telozi H gN'SALL ONT. Office PhonelOw ' Bonn P11o110 1OJ CARD OF THANKS ' The bereft family of the late Benjamin Surerns .. wish to greatly thank the neighbors and' friends,4also the Zurich Choir for the assistance an sympathy rendered during the ill ness and death of the departed. A. certain Missouri editor refused to publish' obituary notices of people testa W.Toying, failed to subscribe to his newspaper, and gives this poin- ted reason: 'r'People who do not Lake the home otivz paper are dead anyway, and thoir passing away has 'no, news, liable:* The monthly meeting of the Wom- an's Mission and Aid Society of Em- anuel Evangelical Church, Zurich, was held on Thursday afternoon, Jan. 2,. 1930 when Mrs. (Rev.) W. Y. Dreier president opened the session with song, scripture and sentence prayers by all the ladies present. She then called on Rev. W. Y. Dreier to conduct, what proved to be a most impressive and solemn installation service. He first addressed the offic- ers and members of the organization on the subject "The imperativeness of a religion that can be seen and heard, demonstrated - and expressed in consecrated, forceful and telling service!'•.,,His• message impressed all with the urgent need of intimate, lov- ing, loyal and obedient association with Jesus whose we are and whom we serve. He then ceremonially in- stalled the elected officers into their respective offices by asking them cer- tain weighty questions, the answers to which involved a promise of fidel ity, faithfullness and affectionate ap- plication to the work that will fall to their hands to do. This organization is doing a great piece of work --the church. Miss L. Faust addressed the meeting on the subject: •The effect of the gospel on the social, domestic, educational commercial and agricult- ural life of Africa. The president read, a paper on "The glad New Year' acrd took up the monthly business of the organization. The o.. cers elect- ed for the new year are: Pres. Mrs. (Rev.) W. .Y. Dreier. Vice -Pres., Mrs, C. Fritz. Second' Vice -Pres., Miss L. Faust. Secretary Mrs. T. L. Williams; Cori:, Set., Mrs. L. W. Hoffman; Ladies' Aid Treas., Mrs. J. E. Gascho; W. M: S. Treas., Mrs. 0, Surerus; Organist Mrs. C. L. Smith; Assist. Organist, Mrs. W. H. Hoff- man; Librarians, Mrs. O. Fisher, Mrs. Alex Mousseau; Auditors, Mrs. A, Weber, .Mrs. W. O'Brein Librarians W 1ne 'Circulating Library, Miss L. E. l+gust. at Detroit, Mr. E. A. Deichert, of Detroit, vis- ited with his friends and relatives in town a few days the past week. Miss Anna Overholt is spending a few days with .her brother, Melvin, on the Blue Water Highway. Bliss Charolette Farlve]1 returned to Detroit, last Monday, after spend- ing the holidays with her parent& returned to her a few months Sorry to report that Mr, Mases Geiger of the village is not enjoyingi his usual good health the past few weeks. Misses Lauretta and Priscilla Far- well left for Waterdown, where they are attending the Notre Dame Acad- emy. Last Thursday evening a number of people from the vicinity of Zurich enjoyed a very pleasant sleigh riding party at the home of Mr. and Mrs - Oscar Klopp. Enrolment at Macdonald College, which is the agricultural faculty of McGill University at Montreal, is greater for this term than at any tune in its history, there being 400 students registered in the various courses. At the annual meeting of the rate- payers of S. S. No. 7, Hay, or known as Zurich Public School, held recent- ly, the treasurer Dr. A. J. MacKin- non reported that the section was in a satisfactorily financial condition. Mr. Fred 3. Haberer was elected as trustee for another term of three years. Warning is Issued The radio branch of the Depart- ment of Marine at Ottawa, has issued the following: "The owner of every radio receiving set in the Dominion is required by law to pay a license i fee of $1 per annum. The depart- ment has a lengthy list of unlicens- ed sets in each district and in justice to those who have licenses a syste- matic check-up will be made immed- iately. In order to avoid the unpleas antness of court proceedings, all are urged to procure a license. ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran . Church "A Changeless Christ for a chang- ing World." Friday, 8h: Luther League. Saturday—Choir Practice. 10. a. m: .German Service. 11.15 Sunday School. 7:30: English Sortie,. Everybody Welsoms to all Sot vices. E. Tuerkheito. Pastor. Evangelical Church Notes ZURICH - ONT. Tuesday, T.15 p. m. -Jr. League. Thursday 7.30 --Prayer and Praise. At home of Mrs. J. England. Friday 7.30 p.m. --Senior League Friday 0.30 p.m. -Choir Practice Th. New Yaar. The new year ih a new way. It may be part and parcel of a travel that stretches on and on, far beyond your horizon, or it may end abrupt- ly, therefore take Christ as your guide and the bible as your road map. The new year is the border- land of welcome and of Good-bye. There is so little between them and so much on either side of them. The untried year gives us another chance to make good where we have failed, to benefit by our blunders and fail - ales. So let us lift up our hearts a- new and set out to slay the enemies within us. What are they? Love for ease and contentment, evil temper, pride,. indolence, lovelessness, greed envy, jeolousy, religious indifferance If we smite all of these, sure victory lies straight before us. The untried year, will be a busy one. So let it be for wark is a promoter of goodness and happiness one of the best cures for trouble and sorrow. • Here is hop - ng that when the mighty bell rang out 1929 into the land of long ago, also rang out all the bad things and rang in all that is good and true and beautiful within the power of each nd ail of us in the formation of god - y character. UNDAY SERVICES a 1 3 Worship 10 A. M. Subject --The spirit filled and liv- ing word. 11 *.m. -.:Bibb School, J. E. Gascha, Superintendent, erahip: 7,30 P. M. Subject---Pressitt,, an.. r; Yr prittft Ptilitht PAGE .rIv,E *wM►+rvyrrw 1401! W11,10rlr+rl�� i��wWann ��o�#��♦ af��Ri,�w+4r*4��rrer�• • Implernents WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR FARM IMPLEMENTS, AND WILL BE GLAD TO SUPPLY YOU WITH JUST THE KIND OR MACHINERY THAT YOU NEED THE MOST, AND THAT WILL GIVE YOU MOST VALUE PER DOLLAR OF COST. CARRY A FULL LINE OF PUIMIPS; PIPING AND FITTING AND RESIDES WE INSTALL OUR PUMPS. LET YOUR NEXT CREAM SEPARATOR BE A DE LAVAL We have the Agency far this District. • 4 4 i 9 4 at 4 4 0 • GARAGE SUPPLIES w► • WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF GARAGE SUPPLIES, AND • 4 CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH ALMOST ANY KIND OF AUTO o PARTS, AND BESIDES CAN SAVE o DO EXPERT BATTERY WORIC ON BUILDING BATTERIES IR NG AND ME apa� M 1 4 4 4 a 4 4 4 4 4 4 'YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED Tires, Tabes, Gas, Oils anti Greases' L. A. Frang Zurich 1 .4 i+3040.1944 444 4404P4i:GO .4 4014 449440486,44.041. ye,a4 4 44.0 4. The Winter Season 1 IS THE IDEAL TIME TO REPLACE OLD FASHIONED FLOORS434 4 w a. 4. OR DOORS WITH THE MODERN HARDWOOD FLOOR OR 4494 4,FRENCH DOORS 4; 4I• 4. aLET US QUOTE YOU ON COLONY HOUSES ALL SIZES AND 41' KIND BUILT UP AT THE MILL FOR SPRING DELIVERY ; le, 1?. C. K fir- LI317 PHONEC ZURICH i'++ 4¢'144.44444+b•E44Fd44A•e4•F4•e•a..1.4F+✓cdrtt•.!. �. :es�06�e�a0o®s0®+�s+ca>fo6oar ��.��.'�t.r..a.�ttrt>w.at�tat'�.tat'tt�tt�>Nt�attt:t� Stek' Foods f Dr. Hess' Stock ar d Poultry Food 1 ALSO MASTER BRAND LAYING MASHES, PIG CHOW, COW CHOW, BEEF SCRAPS, OYSTER SHELLS, ETC. YOUR 1929 COAL NOW IS THE BEST TIME OF THE YEAR TO PUT IN YOUR SUPPLY OF COAL FOR NEXT WINTER. OUR SP.ECIAI.. IN- DUCEMENT IS 50 CENTS OFF FOR CASH SALE, AND BESIDES. WE HAVE THE LOWEST PRICES FOR SUMMER DELIVERIES. ACT NOW! L._Schilbe & _Son wra�mwvmm 1 Zurich Drug Store 1 We have a full Line of all the requirements of School Supplies•. N.NSMwN.SEM..N'Mil 0 All authorized Text Books kept in Steck iseeeee•••••eme•oom0000 Toilet Sets, Manicure Set and Military Brushes. Perfumes Toilet . Waters and Perfurn- I zerss Fine Stationery and Fountain Pens. KODAKS AND F'ILIMS IC a tit or ata rr Dr. A. J. MacKinnon, MONYMANAMAMNINANANA9AyAmmik