HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1930-01-09, Page 1Vol. XXX No 3gi H ZURICH o THURSDAY MQRN,INO, JANUARY 91930, Chester L. Smith,Pull*ct ii ;; ;L25 a year, U.S. $Y,5( am: }, 81.50 IN4r RNA RS, $2 MAY .84' IIMAROSIX To all our Readers and Friends we extend. Season's Greetings Our Corner Spring is .corning:. Thi: days growing longer. +t- 4r' By the way,; what has happened to the people who used to contend That :axe ` the .olct fashioned: winter was a thing of .the past?. Have you brokern. any of sou \w Year resolutions: Set. Making love does not take sr* long- as it used to, according toa Namara writer, And. It doe -set ,Aap, .made r,n long, either. +---Le If aII the unwanted,'. .' i at Christmas we ist1 gid? -tI•sey would no doubt; rake, transcontinental road 2tost .of the tragedies in. This wvtr rld are caused by the actions of people :Who are :neither G!rsrolty rl lit nor wholly wrong. School Report • The followig is the ' e m t, of S. S. < --a vn 'given No 4, North Stanley. • to end Sr. IV -Total 790: Marie Rohner, another 68. ' Jr. IV -Total 90: John Watson 4?Q••••••dt••••••••swcbb• '•l••sto4, q 41••••O..•.0•1Y4$444-4.4.404",!) 4 • 4 -4 .4 :• • .• • :2 Are all mare up, and ready for our Cued- :` itors. Kindly call for same before they • • are mailed.- * FRED THIEL ZURICH 1 444444444444!6++44P 44444r44Kt 444444.44-4Wt%,0446>41)00+4:t; 04 Our 1929 , ccounts • • 4 4 4 e • •e • • 4 + 4 • • • eiNteet600.0•••Olga9f6fer,40 Y e•etliee-R • • WE. GREATLY . 'MANIC 0833 - MANY CUSTOMERS & FRIENDS FOR THE !GENEROUS 'SUPPORT GIVEN DURING THE PAST YEAR .AND IN' APPRECIATING 'WISH ONE ANDS .AL1..A appy New year -V.EPAIIRING'NEATLY;DONE Braves Boot Skop WINIttO$ D ZLAY z e • • • • • 4 • • • • • s A • • • • •i -4; 4; 2' •' •. a • 1 2 a 4146iNOO4$84140.641100•060t0i••• •••••••••••414+'410.•.4+.••brr440+4104taw44441)444!•6.4.0••• k, .Look! t, . I FOR +..a MEN'S frV1COAT.; T. '$28100 :far .. __ :$18.'00 W j MEN'S OVERCOATA, Beg. A2; I9 Isar _---_-- _.,_--- '$15.00 O 1�IEwa t�1V.'ERCO'A`LSy, �I3 g , ,"!:'6:100 for -- - - ... - _ - - , $1,0.75 4 M 1'-S,WEA. S Al.L, REDUCED' o • • IVIEN,'S LEA TIIE.' TE IVINDHIMAKER, Reg •p. i.6•tI lar . _ ...:$4-4'0 MEN'S ALLWDOL E ERAR, .Reg. $1.40 for.., _ _ .... _, $Y.10 a eb Men's Stan leld? Ned tale a1 derwear, Reg_ 025 fair ----- :$L;7O Boy's Windbreak$3:'Ju for . _ - :2 • Here! ARGAINS 4 0 0 0 DOW'S SWEATKELS AT ALF PRI 4 Men's Lined .Mitts„ 41,./10 Lor._.._.-,.__ ... _.,__,E0e ;40 Men's L nedi Miiuhs;. Reg 'Me- for SSe Mens lined Mitts,,:hgy i7tt4J *THESE ARE -ALL No. T COWS .AND AT PRICES 'VOLT 'CA'I'N-, g M NOT AFFORD; TO MSS ACME, 'IN AND LOOK. TIMM 1DYER, AS WE FEED:., SURE, YOU MALL, SEE SOMETHING AT TRICE'S 4, -ruler 'WILL MAKE 'YOU HAT.. Y GTHER, QO:i a Ate, TvLd RKP__M AT LOWEST PRICE • EMBALMERTS AMT) at. • n• [O?F'M`S i•4444••••••••x441** rt? i4 as• • r � - ir a 0 30323 iMVl4MtWYd: AS6 yP,�ar�ssaAiNa� 501, Gordon Scotchmer 483, Beat- -rte"'"--- rice Houston 454. Sr. III -Total 680; Keith West- lake 403. Jr. III -Total 680: Bert Greerr 443, Stuart Watson 401, Antionette Rau 346. First -Total 50: Wilfred Rau 40. Sr. Primer -Total 50: Melvin Greer 50, Gordon Westlake 46, Ethel Watson 32, Madge Houston 23. Jr.. Primer: Tolal 50: Billy Arm strong 41, Andrew Rau 20. V. Herbert, Teacher. OLD AGE PENSION The Old Age Pension Committee of Huron County Council at the De-; ember meeting reported the follow- ing: ---At the last meeting of the Leg islature of Ontario, the Government adopted the principle of the Old .Ag Pension System as proposed by'the Dominion Government, and assumed 50 per cent. of the obligation that au ch enactment would impose upon this Province, By this legislation; al so, i, was decided to grant pensions of 020. per month to each person, mae f e nale, who had reached and i AIM Mr. Newell Geiger' left on Monday for ; Toronto University. Miss Cathern Merner left on Sat- irday for Elmira, where she is at- tending High School. Miss 'Grace Pepper, teacher of the Babylon Line school, was the guest of Miss Helen Foster over the week- end: Miss Isabell Manson R. N•„ of Detroit, was a holiday- visitor with her 'father, Mr. John A, Manson, of the Goshen line, Stanley, I}T. N".',,'oitt Woods and Miss Meda Su -erns who are on. the Toronto pub- lic school teaching staff, left on Sat- urday for that city to resume their professional duties. ��s�merAs�•s - �rvti tit -fitful -kr! Gents Wrist Watches $7.00 to $35.00 Diamond Newest Mountings Ladies: Wrist Watetees $20. to$150. $8.00 to. $S kkT EVERY ARTICLE SOLD FROM OUR STORE BEARS OUR GUARAN- TEE OF SATISFACTION. DON'T OVERLOOK OUR GOOD WILL PROPOSITION Ytz-Dozen Tea Spoons with every Diaxriond. and. every Wedding'gt';:zt;RF;, OPEN UNTIL CHRISTMAS. HESS, THE JEWELLER ,i;tp.'iI`. ++.1 i-fi++,%4- *+++4r4rl +++.140•4•+++++++ -+4+4 +*+44, .' .'t3.'V the age of 70 years or over, who we .4„ 1VMr, George Fria e is again using' to to densall each day earring mail al L1 andother running the stage pretty well on tins•,. • 1lr. Roy Walker, a teleghapf oper- ato . of the Canadian National, is vis- iting with his brother, Harold Walker teller. of the Zurich Branch of the Bart: of Montreal. l'i=,.ssrs. C. Eilber and Chas. Hagan offiei•''ted at a bailiff sale on the 16th ens .a£ Stephen on `,Tuesday, and have a vivid story of their experience with the. bad. roads. They went by. way of the Blue Water Highway, but returned on the 14th, con., which they found in fairly good condition. But the Blue Water route was bad. re British subjects by birth or nater- good advantage him auto on the t s 44, alization, and had resided in Canada ' 44 for the twenty years preceding the P?' V•, paenger^, tl ea parcels, and application, and in Ontario for five , years of those 20 and made _ } =fir other re. gulations as to means or lack of means, so that only those who were really in need of help could qualify By this act also the Dominion assum- es 50 per cent. of the pension grant- ed, the Province 30 per cent, and the County 20 per cent., so that for each pension granted the county pays $48 the Province $72 and the Dominion $120. The, co;:tnnttee has since its orGanization received and dealt with 423 applications, nearly every one of which had to be investigated by one of the committee and reported upon before being finally dealt with, Of these 423 the committee recommend- ed 357 and of those recommended, only 6 were refused by the censions of $20 per month. 36 were for some lack of evidence or the time stipulat- ed in the Act. Of those recommend- ed. 270 were for full pensions of $20 per month. 36 were for part pension ranging from $120 a year to $165 depending upon their other resourc- es. The average pension granted was for '$18.85 per month, so that the 306 granted will receive a total pay- ment of $5,771,75 per month, or $69,261.00 per year, and the pay- ments of this total will be borne as follows: -Dominion of Canada $34- 630.50: Ontario Government $20,- 778.30; County of Huron, $13,852.20 and we presume that these totals will gradually lessen from year to year. BACKED BY 21 YEARS J OF ;EXPERIENCE We are happy to pre- ' sent the New Kolster Radio to our friends. The New Kolster, in cabinet beauty .as in performance is this year, more than ever before, "a fine set". You'll agree after you've seen and heard the Kol.tter. ELMER OESCH TELE NEW t ' ` T jt TORTE THAN EVER + .../t FINE SET Dr. H. H. Cowen has again his famous snowmobi.l inaction and can. be seen skimming though the coun- try with only the rear wheels turning as there are runners on the front, and the axles are cut short on both front and rear to fit the sleigh run- ner widths, when the road is good it most certainly goes along nicely; but must be a bugbear on the bare spots. The Ladies' Aid of St. Peter's Luth eran church held their Annual meet on Tuesday evening, January 7th. After the business transactions the following officers were re-elected: President, Mrs. E. F. Klopp; Vice - President, Mrs. Rev. E. Tuerkheim; Secretary, Mrs. C. Walper; Treasur- er, Mrs. A. Foster. Rev E. Turk- heiin then extended a hearty vote of thanks to the officers and members of the Aid for their kind and good work they had done during the past year. A considerable sleet and ice wave swept over this part on Wednesday mornin, and the trees and wires are a rather beautiful sight. We were told by the weatherman over the radio and the daily paper that we wo- uld experience zero weather by Wed- nesday morning, as it was extremely cold in the West, and it was rapidly corning this way, but once again these predictions did not come true and we arose on Wed. morning with rain falling which later turned into sleet. The fifty fifth Annual Report of The Hay Township Fanners' Mutual Fire Insurance Company which inclu- de the Manager's, Treasures's and Auditors' reports, have been printed and in a few days will be received by the varios policy holders who are en- titled to such a copy of statement. During the year 1929 578 policies were iosued, insuring property to the amount of $2,152,800.00, and the to- tal number ' of policies in force is 1992 covering an insurance of $7,- 927,750,00. During the year 1929, the total amount of losses .amounted to $13,892.25,• which is the third highest in the history of the Company and the policyholders are warned a- gainst the dangerous cigarette smok- er around the barn and outbuildings.' which is in many cases the fault of the fire when the reason given is "unknown", The annual -meeting of the company will be held in the Town Hall, 7rrich, on Monday, January, ,,.,;'t. 1 !330, at 2 7^ m. 'Thr fnl1 o'i'ig i r'ire"tora' torn of o,..^e will 0,,...n' -.A. 7, :'.f^'i'. 0, '".011 and .1. P. Rani, .:13 r f whom are eligible fbxre-election. • + + + + + + +• r • • • • • • • •+ • • • • • • • • 4. + + + + + • 4 + + + + • • • 0 FRIT ON • + CLASS USED CAR BROKERS; PHONE + 4. pV f +4'i'+++4.4-T.^'E+ ++++++++.4*i :' °'I.144i•da..i°.,.'.F".i@•++++ +•I+i7'sti*Ei'e* AT THIS GRAND YULETIDE SEA- SON WE CANNOT EXPRESS OUR GRATIHUDE IN ANY MORE TAN- GIBLE WAY THAN BY WISHING OUR MANY FRIENDS AND CUS- TOMERS A. MOST afzzz,ziel3 77; Happy New Year HIGH 82 ZURECLEi • -40 Christmas r etln. We invite Our Customers AND FRIENDS TO CALL AND EE OUR; DISPLAY OF CIRRIST.4 4 MAS GIFTS SUITABLE FOR CHILDREN AND CORoW'i6,;UM FANCY DISHES, TO'T'S, PICTURE ROOKS, XMAS,. CARD AM BOOKLETS, CANES NUTS, 1 ,Ah?CE$„ LEMONS, RAI55 •NS's, CURRANTS, PE.ELS, ETC., ETC., DOUGLAS GENERAL . e00.4 f4410 - PHONE 17, Eyj t