HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1930-01-02, Page 8rikor. E rrTry THE STORE WITH THE STOCK WE WELCOME THE OPPORTUN- ITY WHICH COMES TO US ONCE A YEAR TO EXTEND TO YOU THE COMPLIMENTS OF THE SEASON, AND TO WISH YOU A SUBSTANTIAL MEASURE OF HAPPINESS AND PROSPERITY DURING THE YEAR OF NINETEEN -THIRTY J. GASCHO & SONS ProduLt Wanted Phone 59 1 SOINT DEBENTURES HURON and ERIE DEBENTURES Can be issued jointly in the names of two or more persons. in the event of the death of any one of the investors, the Debenture is payable at maturity to the survivor or survivors without recourse to Law. This is a popular way of investing money and many investors in Huron and Erie Debentures have taken advantage of this plan; 5% apGi� fi: Eli,YcG«w?s 3 -gyp •...a u r . rZwe . - .. •.••s.. ✓- mote 'el Is now paid on these tried and true Debentures, twice a Year. Applications received at any time by: Before you Invest --INVESTIGATE! Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO—SERVICE AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? f ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • TO OUR MANY CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS WE WISH TO EXTEND Season's Greetings AND MAY THE NEW YEAR CON- TINUE WITH OUR FRIENDLY BUSINESS RELATIONS. STADE &. WEID ZURICH - ONT, ', I • i • I • .pa ter FIENAKw WISHING EVERYBODY A Merry Christmas AND A HAPPY AND A PROSPEROUS New Year J. W. MI3RNRR. YELLOW FRONT STORE PHONE NO. 145 4. 4, Thursday, da aila7 214, ?92911 • 14! 3.*d•+P4d•• F! 40404 i•E44+4.4•4••i•4• GREETINGS! 4• ik. WE EXTEND TO ONE AND ALL OUR BEST WISHES FOR A •t 4• Merry Christmas • ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST True happiness cannot exist with- out goodness, and goodness • comes first. Orie of the highert ranks of nobility is that of the "children who will not lie." Before the Magistrate Two' young fellows were charged before Magistrate Reid at Goderich, with having acted in a disorderly manner in the Chinese resturant of that place. They were allowed to go on suspended sentence on paying costs of $5.00 and agreeing to settle for the damage they had caused in the resturant. A Grey Tp. man was up on charges of theft. The evid- ence showed that he had taken chick- ens, grain and other .goods belonging to a farmer for whom he had form- erly worked. He was sentenced to the Ontario Reformatory for six mon thswith an indeterminate term of six months in addition. . Borrowing Your Neighbor's Paper,, January Rod and. Gun Following the recent announce- mentment of the sale of the magaz- ine Rod and Gun and Canadian Silver FINE Fox News, the first issue of this nat- ional outdoor publication has ap- peared from the new office of pub- lication at Gardenvale, P. Q. This January unmber is not only up to the high standard of past issues but also indicates promise of. rapid• dev- elopment to an even higher standard among Canadian publications and greater popularity. The general con- tents of the magazine are bright,in- teresting nteresting and well illustrated with It wealth of healthy, breezy outdoor ar- ticles. The silver fox department is also very good, containing a full re- port of the show at the Royal Win- ter inter Fair. Rod and Gun and Cana- dian Silver Fox News is published monthly by Rod and Gun Ltd., Gar- denvale, P. Q. Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co OF WOODSTOCK The Largest Business of any Canaan Company doing Business in Ontario - Amount of Insurance at Risk on Deo. 381st, 1928, $22,2.06,25. Total Cash in Bank and. Bonds $160,378.74 Rates—$4.50 per $1,000 tor 3 years. E. F. Klopp—Zurich Agent, Also Dealer ill Liihtniod Rods - and; all kinds of Fire 'Insurance M iilinery Hotel Employee's Wife 111 Mrs. Dee was a happy little, wife and mother who went - about her housework singing and taking caro of her little two-year-old girl. Soon for some reason, rahe began to droop and lose weight. Such a deep dough came that it pained her lungs con- tinually. Her husband was anxious about her, but as he had to work long hours in a big hotel, he could not nurse her or help very. much. The doctor said she needed the greatest care if she was to get well again, and for Mrs. Dee this seemed an utter Impossibility, But no—there was help at hand. She was admitted to the kindly care and skilful medical attention of the Toronto Hospital for Consumptives at Weston. In three months' time she increased in weight from 98 pounds to 122 pounds which was a splendid gain indeed, and she soon went home to a very happy little family. Funds are needed by this hospital for such work, and your subscription will be gratefully received by W. A. Charlton and A. B. ,Ames, at 223 Col- lege Street. Toronto 2. BUSY FARMER NOTES A thorough cleaning of walls, ceil- ings and windows makes a big im- provement in the appearance of the stable. The cobweb -covered walls and windows are unsightly, to say the least. The Laying House in Winter Pullets to give maximum results, must not only be well bred and well fed, but must also be well housed The laying house should be dry, comfortable, thoroughly ventilated and: bright and cheery. Leaking ro- ofs should be avoided and the floor should be sufficiently elevated above the ground so as to allow good drain- age. By all means use dropping boards under the roosts h.nd clean tem off regularly. When the pullets are brought in from range in the fall, they should be given all the fresh clean air possible. It is surprising how soon vermin appears on some live stock after it is established for the winter. These pests breed fast and cause much an- noyance to the animals. One suggest- ed remedy is to dust sabadilla pow- der i'n the hair. Another is to dust in one part hellebore to six, parts cement. Avocations sllould b e DISPLAY OF XMAS. GIFTS CHILDREN'S HATS, REG. $2.25 AND $2.00 FOR $1.00 2 VELOM TAMS, REG. $1.25 NOW 50c. ALL MATRON'S HATS IN BLACK Reg. $5.00 and $4.50, For $2,00 ' MATRONS IN COLORS Reg. $4.50, For $1.85. ALL FELTS AND VELVET FOR YOUNG MATRONS AND GIRLS At $1.90. FLOWERS AT HALF PRICE COME EARLY AND GET FIRST CHOICE AT THE HAT SHOPPE ONE DOOR WEST OF ' MERNER'S BLOCK, Vera V. Siebert made at ten-day intervals if vermin has made its appearance. O.A.C. Short Courses Short courses in agriculture, hort- iculture, orticulture, live stock, farm meats, dairy matters, drainage, poultry raising and beekeeping opened at the Gu- elph Agricultural College San. 1, and continue until April 1930. In almost all the courses there . are no fees or costs, except that the student pays railway fare and his own board and lodging. There must be one or more departments in his chosen field of industry, in which every young er would like to be proficient; and in what better way seri he attain that than by attending one of the cours- es named. 1 Farmers Not immune a 'Woeking outdoors in the fresh atr. as they do, you would har4ly *onset to bed a farmer• in the condition of Fred! .• however, farmers oyerworlt themaidres, too. especially When they Ire young and an biti9gik And have i'imtt ' W. fup,Qppo Fred gat the 12u, not only imee ut gevdta1 tithes, Couldn't shake it o arta anally the trouble settled Irk h1t lungg. • 'It was a lucky daY'' for me," said Fred. "when the doctor; got me into - the Muskoka Hospital for Consump- ti'rea, for I was going down hill fast!" So he was, but now with expet`t meds- cal care,rest and proper food, to i< pghting his way beck to 4eelth and home. Thus Saes the ]iuiskoka Hospital bring relief and hope to the victims of consumption, but handteappel ty 1sr•ic of nieistot--it mast appeal t++ !Fu:u tor aid. lease send a ornattributfort i*t`tlit Iron • steam *Iii .it.. X .&,.lice, Isco . . X21 +R`Sak�.'ar:.*a`1f.tM�€st '1t'.ori ,'t: • AND A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR .t4.I + Johtii & Kalbflejsch . Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 �S••T�•F•Fi•++,1•-F•9$••t•�•F•3r+•E•i•+ Epi44944•F••F•'�''r'F•E i••ff•�fi•� +{rv•E•€•�6+.F.1•.S••p.Q•.l..l•.F.4:.b p.1/ Etlllll!i4 pl ,gl r ` '; 11E1G3iiitllilflfl111111 0{q iflllllfi IIIIIIIMIIiVIIiHtllidwltlW(fll!>.�y111494@; 'TATE 7}JP IRILW INI1U111411 T=11211I111V NOTICE! Auto Tops - Buggy Tops Wagon Repairing, Painting, Etc. Second Handed Buggies HESS - ZIIRICH kNflpl i[4't> � `' R'=� NIDIpU�Ii""N:'C� NIIIII11911, II11111111111T111U111111Ni 111111212;011lNBll1 : "t.;�ry1311111111011'1 ;,�'t71INIIHNIlao. t•' •1•d•4.4.4. t f d' d t +++.1.-1.-16.1.4.++44+444+ F•1• k E•+.1 +4 fi't•4••t•44.1.__ _ a►, ,g. 4,4 1 4. • TO ALL OUR CUSTOMERS AND FRIEDNS WE EXTEND HEARTY +�(J e(.r o / C7rG�P✓fi',7 f 8 } 11. Mou.sseau Zurich 14444. 414.+44.4.4++++44.4.1.+444.40+444.41 4 4 4�, farm- I+ HERALD OFFICE Do You Know?Vg TEAT WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE FOR4. 4. 6100D PRINTING ,,if. T$4;T WE SU1PLY YOU WITH PRINTED WEDDING *I • ..' a r'' ti (i i : INVITATIONS ANP ANNS1I1.lV.CE NIT, 4r7 THA WE PRIM OALLIN CARDFI; STAY/ EE% RYTCR alp A.!!,,LETlFRRBEADS, BILLHEADS, ENVELOPES AND STATEMENT TELT WE ARE AGENTS FOR 'TWO LEADING MANUFAM VEERS OF COUNTER CHECK BOOKS, AND CAN 19171►- PLY ANY QUANTITY AND SIZE OF CHECK BOOKS THAT WE CARRY IN STOCK WRITING PAPERS, ENVElio OPRS IN ALL SIZES, CARD' PAPERS, CARBON OR 4. ' TRACING! PAPER, ,SHIPPING TAGS, MEMORtAAlt St* I ATIONBRY, NOTE BOOKS; RECEIPT ROOKS wrote • SIZE IN i t r SUERS, FOOLSCAP, B ;f `A`$AII`WE' FILL TOUR ORDINARY� >tQ't'RZ)• t WITH GOOD S'OtINTAIN PEN INK FOR be LARB'•. GER QU'AN'PIR`IES AT BIGGlER EEUUCTIONS THAT WE PRINT POSTING Bal.S, AUCTION SALE POS- TERS. 'MERCANTILE POSTERS AND ALL OENISBAL r PlltiNT1NO, Ode GP ReTA'GT' .