Zurich Herald, 1930-01-02, Page 5Thursday, Tantoa,xS 2nit, 192'S R,1SINi 'CARDS .DUDLEY E. HOLMES IdAil t1STER, SOLICITOR, NOT I AtY PVBWC, ETC. 193•FICB—Hamilton Street, dust off the Square, OO»ERICH, Ontario, Special attention to Course e1 and Court Work lir. R4:410803 may be consulted atI1ttoderich by Phone, and Phone charges reversed. Dr. B. B. COWEN L. D. S. D. 1 S. DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ BLOCK.—ZURICH Every Thursday, Friday, Saturday A HARTLEIB'S BLOCS, DASHWOOD Every Monday, Tuesday Wednesday and OSCAR KLOPP fira&itate Carey M. Jones Nat - a1 School of Auctioneeriug. Try sae for Registered Live Stock, tAll Breeds). Terms in keeping ,With prevailing prices, Choice Fars for reale, Will dell anything Anywhere. Phe! 18-93 or write. Zurich. Licensed A,ctioneer FOR HURON & MIDDLESEX. ♦M IN A POSITION TO CON- yiact any auction Sale, regardless tC1 alae or article to sell. IInot oiicit your buainees, and w for satisfied will make no chars Arthur Weber -- DaahWood. ;fie 15-67 Overstock 29x4,40 3Ox3x Tires, Tubes. Low Price 32E. B Wei DASHWOOD 'Wants, For Sale, Lost, Pup toss 'Found, Notice, Etc. Ads IN nits comma POR SALE A beautiful 8 piece dialing room sate for sale cheap. Apply to Remie :i.)ontemy, ' Drysdale, Ont. FOR SALE One auto seat cutter in No. 1, con- dition, for quick sale, also a buggy pole. Apply to Milne Rader, 14th con,, Hay Young Men. Young Women OF THE DISTRICT The Ontario Department of Agric- ulture Extends to you THE SEASON'S GREETINGS And invites yon to attend the Short Courses IN ACUMEN.= AND HOME ECONOMICS; Tez be held in EXETER JAN. 7th, to JAN. 31, 1930• Tuition Free—No Text Books re - flaked. Agriculture—Town Hall. Home Economics — Mr. Senior's. Hall For further particulars and complete Courses in Courses in outline of the courses write: G. A. McCAGUE, Agricultural Representative, Clinton. NOTICE TO CONSIDER BY-LAW AT MEETING OF COUNCIL Take notice that a By-law for raising $20,000.00 under the prvis- ions of The Tile Drainage Act, will be taken into consideration by the Municipal Council of the Township of Hay, at the Town Hall, Zurich, on the 13th day of January, 1930, at the hour of three o'clock in the after- noon. .P1 11011NNOISNRNNRNNMNNi Zurielts' Popular MEAT MARKET ANNOUNCING THAT WE HAVE PURCHASED 'VROM THE FIRM OF YUNGBLUT sE DEICHERT, THIS WELL ESTAB LISHED MEAT BUSINESS, AND SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE 1. Yungblut & Sou iN/MNNNIlNNtlA11w•ll1lt COAL 1929 Announcement- It - A. F. HESS, Clerk Township of Hay. NOTICE _• We specialize on the following: Ford Transmission Linings. `Ford Rear Ends; Ford Springs; Fora Valves Grinding; Brakes re -lined on all makes of Cars; We give special attention on oiling and greasing all makes of cars; Radiator anti -freeze ___tention, Tire Repairing; Have your springs oiled. Leonard Prang, Zurich. FOR SALE Knotter Knitting Machine, nearly new. Apply at home of Mr. C. Schrag. Miss Nancy Gingerich, own- er, R.R.2, Zurich. tf-22 Produce Wanted Highest cash prices paid for cream, Eggs and Poultry. Thomas Meyers, Phone 116 Zurich The Imperial Life SPRING PRICES NOW IN EFFECT Assurance CO. of Canada FOR HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO Scrantoi;. �j/��1 E. E.WuerihArent `+V`^'1 ZURICH Phone 11-11 inarantee andAccideat Insurance, Coke Alberta Coal ,legit and et . t Co. inCanadat and Soft Coal A SPECIAL DISCOUNT OF 50 Cts. Per Ton will be allowed for cash. Order Early as price* will advance on Juno 15th. Case & Son iPllonss 36• HENSALL 4 »w . L I VE POULTRY WANT E D Sakes; or ery day till 3 .-,,T ,p,m. aAMA food Fowl sante szict7rning when brought in, Highest Cash Prices forCASI> PAY11;14 ll'I.iiT ®rrl� --CABB FOR w Cream and �° �s- t ,;a:� ter,. W. Ori HENSALL T EWA Oa(?feta.:11141,,,. 'ow alms. Phone ;lira COAL 1929 ! COLD DAYS ! YES, THE COLD DAYS ARE HERE .AGA it ARE YOU PREPARED, WE ARE Prepared rrith a large Supply or Fuca GRADE FUELS Genuine Scranton Anthracite, Sol, .twat+ Coke, Miller's Creek Soft, ('Pocahontas, Can def, Galt Alberta, and Stuart Pea Coal for Banking , iscouNT of 50c per ton allowed ,-.,1:UIR1CIO ,,.HERALD OCAL: NEWS Miss Lylyan Rose spent Christmas day in London. Mrs. H, 11. Cowen was a visitor to Dashwood on Tuesday. Don't forget to now write it 1930! Mr. Lennie O"Brein, left this we- ek for Detroit. Born—In Zurich, on December 25, to Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Smith, a son. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Datars Sr., are spending a few days at London and Kitchener. Miss Helen Foster of Toledo, is sp- ending her Christmas holidays at her home here. Mrs. Jacob Kellerman and daugh ter Grace of Dashwood visited with the forme:, -'s sister, Mrs. C. Fritz. Mr. Ervin Schilbe has returned to Toronto, after visiting at his home in town. Mr. Kenneth Routledge of Detroit, is spending vacation with his parents in town. ' Mi-. and Mrs_ Orville Steinbach of London, were holiday visitors in the village the past week. Miss Ethel Hess returned to her home after spending a few weeks with her sister in. Elmira. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Johnston, of Blake are spending a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Weido. Mr. Ted. Wagner of Toronto, is spending his vacation with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Wagner. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Meidinger of Dresden were Christmas visitors at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Meidinger. • Con YOU get SERVICE on the car YOU drive, we stock genuine Ford parts all models 1912 to 1929, Sandy Elliot, the home of the Ford. Messrs. Wes Surerus and Ed. Kalb' tleisch o f Detroit, called in town one day last week. They were over at- tending the funeral of the former's father, the late Benj. Surerus. Pleased to report that Mrs. E. Oesch is able to be around the house again and helping with the house- work, after her recent attack of sciatica. • Mrs. Victoria 1VIeyers, Blake, wish- es to announce the engagement, of Jreda,'ghter., Alice M. Meyers, to 1 Mr. Aruold t3, Beller', son of 1W, r g clI,lays isin VMonera Streal.iebert Is spending Boli Mr. Wm. Consitt of Hensall called • on •Zurich friends on Monday. . • Rev D, Leibold of Wellesley con •• .ducted devins services in the Bron- son Line Mennonite chureh over S"unday. • Mr. Daniel Gaseho of New Ham - ho bunsmishere. spending the holidays at his • e Sorry to report that Mr. William i S. Johnston is confined to his bed with a badly sprained leg. We hope ¢ it will soon recruper;:ttc. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Peachey and Dube, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. David Gingorich in town, ° - _ PAGE B FX'Y • • arm • implements WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR FARM IMPLEMENTS, AND WILL BE GLAD TO SUPPLY YOU WITH JUST THE KIND OE MACHINERY THAT YOU NEED THE MOST, AND THAT WILL; GIVE YOU MOST VALUE PER DOLLAR OF COST, CARRY A FULL LINE OF PUMPS; PIPING AND FITTING AND BESIDES WE INSTALL OUR PUMPS. LET YOUR NEXT CREAM SEPARATOR BE A DE LAVAL We have the Agency for this District. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Turner and i an, Grant, of Goderich, are visiting with relatives here this week. Mr. Dan Schrag of Kitchener, vis- ited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. Gingerich of town, and also other relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. F. Braun and family of Forest, who spent a pleas- ant week with relatives here, left on Saturday for their home hi Forest. Mr. Theo. Wagner of Waterloo, visited for a few days with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Wagner of town. A Real Apple Tree Ken Cameron's orchard near Luck now, has a Northern Spy tree which has a great record. This year there hung on its branches at picking time 25 barrels of apples. Twenty barrels went into first grade, three were fair- ly good and there were two barrels of poor and damaged apples. In the past twelve years this old tree has produced 169 barrels of good apples and in- the eight years 1918 to 1925 it produced 120 barrels.—Ex. At this time of the season we take the opportunity of wishing all our readers and friends a nost Happy and Prosperous New Year. As we look back over the past year we can only say to, ourselves that in the big book of time "what is written is writted" yesterday's mistakes, short- comings, and follies, as weel as deeds of kindness and acts of righteousness and happy days of life are all record- ed in that big book of life. And we ook into the ushered in year with Chas. Keller of Dashwood. The mar- d riage to take place early in February s • The nomination for Police Trus - neat expectancy and await great G-ARAGE STJPPLI]CS i • WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF GARAGE SUPPLIES, AND 40 r CAN SUPPLY YOU • WITH ALMOST ANY KIND OF AUTO •� e PARTS, AND BESIDES CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON SAME i• DO EXPERT BATTERY WORK ON REPAIRING AND RE. r BUILDING BATTERIES i ° YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED w P Tires, Tubes, Gas, Oils and Greases; L. A. Fran _ Prang ,.Zurich A oo•o•••oee•eeae.eeoeo4seeoo •+41.040+4404.1►++•a•s•oa••a.�•• It 1 def ++++�1++++d�++++++++,F•� +.0 1.4444444et tetet++++411 + 1 Winter3.1 The SeaSOn 1 + + IS THE IDEAL, TIME TO REPLACE OLD FASHIONED FLOORS 4. + + OR DOORS WITH THE MODERN HARDWOOD FLOOR OR 4. i FRENCH DOORS + LET US QUOTE YOU ON COLONY HOUSES ALL SIZES AND i KIND BUILT UP AT THE MILL FOR SPRING DELIVERY 'it" 1'. 0. .�:( _�,, r�, PHONE LBILEISC ,. T 69 _ - ZURICH 4.44'++++4 M4*+.+++++++�Fa•++++++a..p{..h+444 •!.}i.4 ++++�i..i.+.�+ a1RMR�8�R0MM1118860H oM/RN6N*t/1/.tI.0MMR.NS!!�I Stock Foods evelopemnets along all lines, and ome of us make many resolutions, T which often are not kept, but Dr. gess' Stock and Poultry Food b prob- ably ° ALSO MASTER BRAND LAYING MASHES, PIG CHOW, COW 3 tees for the year 1930 was held in. the town hall, on Monday evening,, with a fairly well attendance, and. the usual routine of business was gone over. A goodly number of Cit- izens were being nominated, and after it all simmered down the three old ones were the only ones that qualified, and consequently there will be no election. The choir of the Evangelical church on Friday evening last, after the weekly choir practice, held a real get together social time. - The pastor Rev. Dreier gave a very- suitable ad- dress, games were played, and a real good program of enjoyment for one and all was experienced. The gathering was very fittingly closed with a dainty lunch being served. A most admirable spirit of unity is pre- vailing with this fine bunch of christ- ian workers, and their regular select- ions from Sunday to Sunday are.ap- preciated very much by evenyone who worships in Emanuel Evangelical church. We believe there are a few people throught the country who borrow their neighbor's paper in order that they may become acquainted with the news. We are at a loss to know what is gained by it.. Inthe case of the weekly home paper, we venture to say that as a matter of economy. it is a failure. Just how much is saved? Shoe. leather still comes high and' in' their going to and from then. neigh, bors they will wear out more than the price of the paper. Then, they do not possess the independence wh- ich they may when they receive a paped of their own—Exchange. d roken. But such is life,and the` next, best thing to perfec- tion we can do is to be a "man" in our daily life, and treat others as if they were people of equal standard in social life. Let 1930 be a banner year to us all in mental and spiritual things as well as in material ones, and this old world will launch out in- to prosperity as never before. ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church "A Changeless Christ for a ins World." chang- Friday, 8h: Luther League. Saturday—Choir Practice. 10. a. m: .German Service. Mt 5 Sunday School. 7:30: •English Service. Everybody Welcome to all Seivicss. E. Tusrkheim, Pastor, Evangelical Church Notes mum— ONT. Tuesday, 7.15 p. m. --Jr, League. Thursday 7.30 --Prayer and Praise. At home of Mrs. J. England. Friday 7.3/ p.m.—Senior League Friday 1:30- p.m—Choir Practice New Year, New Man, New World In our retrospect between the two years, ghosts arise to haunt us; ghosts of dead hopes; neglecter op- portunities, which are closed forever; Slain ideals are shaming us; remem- bered sins are embarrassing disturb- ing and annoying us. The ghosts of what mighthave been (had we not lived on too low a level) are disquiet- ing and disheartening indeed, but all of these ghosts may be banished, hope can be revived, love enthroned, oy restored thru a firm reliance on God for the future. These scary ghosts gather,around none but those who use religion only as a toy to play with, or as a ":spare tire on an auto, which they hope they will never have to use. Some keep religion in the attic of their mind, where it has no contact with actual life and where the cobwebs Of worldliness and van- ity hem it in and paralyze it. So in this season of spiritual rebirth when the soul is all aglow with the pres- ence of the living God, let .us resolve to enthrone God in our life and ex- alt Christ before the world. SUNDAY SERVICES Our local sportsmen and hunters are taking in a great deal of sport these days by lining up in rank and h t CHOW, BEEF SCRAPS, OYSTER SHELLS, ETC. YOUR 1929 COAL NOW IS THE BEST TIME OF THE YEAR TO PUT IN YOUR ISUPPLY OF COAL FOR NEXT WINTER. OUR SPECIAL IN. DUCEMENT IS 50 CENTS OFF FOR CASH SALE, AND BESIDES WE HAVE THE LOWEST PRICES FOR SUMMER DELIVERIES. I ACT NOW! 1 L. Schilbe Son oosoor osoommWaltiNeWMAMy{9y,�yN�� osom y�,�eyrtMy,�ymy'LN��s�yo�yNyrty�ey�N MI Zurich Drug Store 1 CHRISTMAS GIFTS We have a nice assortment of articles which will make file and starching over hill and dale and rounding up the famous jack rabbits which arer getting very plent- iful in• these parts, and farmers com- plain they are doing considerable dameges browsing on the fall wheat fields. So on Tuesday a large army of local hunters lined up and took a couple of sleighs with teams and in- vaded Stanley Township, and the results were a record breraking day for our boys, as when they came home in the evening all tired out, they had the handsome bag of 72 Tacks; wluch should greatly .relieve the leek nusiance of that part of Stanley for a while. The hunter having the highest record was Mr. Chas. Meyers, who shot 7 jacks, While the- guns of Mr. Ed. Gaseho and Ivan Yungblut silenced the car- eer of five jacks each. Mr. O'Brein the local produce dealer is shippit•�l Worship 10 A. M. Subject --Holy Communion. 11 4.nt,—Biblo School, WI. 1. Gaseho, Superintendent. Wor lilpn 7.3'(1 P. M. 'Subject: tord to whom shall W( i ..•;f :, lcc,. go" 'Thou hast the worth; of eternal s a eery palatable :feed life, Jolts Gqcti , bootie »rYaitta .5i 404tH% the carcases all to New Hamburg. where they are being utilized in the industry of raising black :taxes. Tho :woks average about ten pounds a pie('c' in weight, and at Mitac rtttr.• ^noo '5 hunt l aggod about 72n poundy of fresh rabbit flesh t�,•hich beautiful and useful Christmas GIFTS MlMRt/l�.11dtlRseltll�S!l�Nt! Toilet Sets, Manicure Set and Military Brushes. Perfumes Toilet Waters and Perfum- izers. Fine Stationery and Fountain Pens, KODAKS AND FILIMS Ur. IViacKinpon, Luneg MMANikliAMPAVYMMAIMPAMMIVM