HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1930-01-02, Page 4TUE POUR EIS ING .1. a+ • nllTi 'fig, 4 •4 4 •+ • . • ,„,.. OUR BIG. z `SELL! f �' OUT SALEI .1- -CONTINUES -ONTINUES UNTIL EVERYTHING WILL BE SOLD 1 TO THE BARE WALLS We have had Wonderful Success during this Sale, j which speaks for itself, that We are Giving absolutely 4. the Biggest Values that Money can buy to -day. 4- +i+ The more You buy, the more you save, which is good 4. .4. Business on Your Part. +1+ t + Daily we are offering new specials to the Public, and a++ in order to benefit thereby you must come often. Good Staple Goods selling at the low Sacrifice Prices 1 is just why we are turning this Iarge stock into ready $ Cash, in so short a time. 4. Come often and share in these never -heard -of Prices. .'+ NOTE: HIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAID FOR DRY APPLES 4 T. L. TRPhone4. 140 4. 4+ +++++++++++++++++s.. , , +++++++++++++++++++++++++4 I•+++.+ .STANLEY TOWNSHIP et the municipal nomination h eat Varna on Monday all the old rncil were elected by acclamati Viz: Reeve, Art Keys: Councillo 6o3uz Etue, F. Stewart, Goldie G /barn. and M. Hanley.' Mrs. Alice Armstrong of Pilot Hund, Man., is visiting friends in &tanley this wek. Miss Zetta Merner, who is teach- -Sing school at New Dundee, is spen 'ng the holidays at the home of h Warents, Mr.r and Mrs. Ed. Merne Me Elgin McKinley and fami send Mr. Fred McClymont and fami peni Christmas at the home of ireeelge Coleman, Egmondville. mss Mabel Calver is visiting this '7tteek with friends in Clinton: gave a good account of themselves. We cannot remember of ever hear- eld f ing a better board of platform speak- ers as this council at present are,and on, everything seems to be running off TS, , very smoothly, and as they were all ra- re -elected by acclamation, there will be no Township election in Hay Township this year. DRYSDALE d- The passing of Mrs. John Duch- er arme occurred very suddenly at her r, l home here on December 26th, after ly three days illness at the age of 57 le 1 ly years and one day. She was a Life- long resident of Huron County, a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Denomme, and a kind and lov- ing friend to all who knew her and had a large number of friends who will miss her in their midst. The fun- eral service took place at St. Peter's Catholique church with Father Du- charme of Windsor, and son of the deceased officiating and Fathers White and Dillon of Windsor deacon and sub -deacon and Father Power of Zurich, Father Brisson of St. Peter's Seminary, nephew of the deceased, and Father Marchand parish priest in the Sanctuary. Deceased is sur- vived by her husband and seven chil- dren: Rev. Father Ducharme, of Win- dsor, Sovereign of the 14th con, Hay. Abel .of London, Ont.. Mrs. Maurice Durand of Detroit, Mrs. Adolph Sofa, Mrs. Wm: Denomy and Mrs. Lawrence Gagier of this place. May her soul rest in peace. il-IILLSGREEN Ir. Geo. Stephenson of Walker - 'tin spent a few days with his par- rA%, fir. and Mrs. Robt, Stephen - +sort. Messrs. Keith Love of Toronto, I niversity and brother Russell, of ./feandon, spent the holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Love Mr - and Mrs. C. Moir and son of Vim/sail, were Saturday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. Love. Wire. W. Reichert and daughter, eu inerva, and Elda, spent a few days ash friends in Zurich. .Misses Anna and Agnes Love sp- vent the week -end with their aunt, mss. L. Anderson of Centralia. Mr. Glen Love of Hensall, called sem friends in this vicinity on Friday. .Mr. and Mrs. W. Love spent a few etarys with friends in London. T.P.S. The Young People of the 714"341 1sgreren church held a birthday :party in the basement of •the church 411111 iilIonday evening. We opened the *meeting by singing • Hymn 177. Rev. 3aGr- Connor led in prayer. The scripture lesson was then rena from /VIstthew 2: The devotional part > ala taken by Miss Eileen Tur- a:sex, Hymn 374 was then sung. Miss mine Jarrott then gave an instrum- 41rnt'al- A reading by Miss Muriel Cariile- Misses Jeanette McAIlister and Annie Carlile then gave a duet. i&1 . Thea. Bennett then delighted us with an accordian selection. This wee followed by an an advertising rad bicycle contest and games. Then Etire birthday offering was taken up 'which the Young people are deligh- ted to say they have reached their esbjective. The audience then joined acn a Cadtata of Christmas songs, so- Av parts were taken by Miss Jean llvison of Kippen an d Rev. Mr. Con - mor Miss Annie Jarrett then gave. 'tet ;paper on the Hillsgreen Advertiser. .iter which lunch was served. The Ani efing dosed by singing Hymn No. '74_ , Rev. Connor led in .prayer. Beginning on Tuesday evening of a lett week, the stores in town will silose every Tuesday evening until the 'first week in April. And we ask the public to kindly bear this in arirind, that the stores of town will .'foie the next three months be open on Zatarday evenings only for the ac- ectunodation of the buying public. Xsiomination for the Township Co - "until ?passed off very nicely on Mon - .y afternoon in the town hall, Zti:r- 'iths with the Clerk Mr, A F. Heti lira the chair. The Reeve covered the Veunty Council part of the meeting =air a very ,e editable way, and th Lys'., +a,�t)�iltYrelr Svli: +'crilowe HAY On Tuesday evening, December 17 the pupils of No. 14, Hay, held their Christmas concert. A large crowd turned out to hear the interesting programme prerpared. • A raised platform added much to the success of the evening and costumes were used for practically every number. Robt. Thompson was an interesting chairman and kept the ,people enter- tained between numbers, while Miss. Florence Petty was the capable pian- ist. Messre Koehler, Thompson and Phillips contributed violin and mo- uth organ selections. Some of the numbers deserving special nentioe were amuseing dialogues, "An Irish Drill" depiciting an Irish quarrel; "A Mock Wedding," a Christmas peg - cant called "The Music Box," which contained 23 characters from all the old songs and rhymes with even two tiny tots dressed as "When You and [ were Yaung, Maggie." Everyone realized that one of the pup;rs, Myr- ta Thompson, was quite an accomp- 'ished rnuscian, when she played a eery difficulty piece on the piano. :'hree little girls, Margaret McGreg- t•or, Beatrice Willert and Gladys iarrott delighted everyone by dant• 'ng the Highland Fling. After the ong programme was over, Santa oundcd in and amused all with his 'oily remarks as he unloaded the `ee. Mr. McGregor and Mr. Creme•oked arter the finances and announ ;ed that although only a small eh- u'ge of 15c, was made they realized ,e sum of $12.00. DASHWOOD Mrs. J. .I;idt of" New Iitrnburg sp- it Christmas Holidays with her rno- •'S 1,rs. Stade. ira Tiernan of Hamilton .Spent :else/rale ;aith hits p r,.'nte-. ei ss e Pearl ,and l(il)t( Schade of ion, are ,,rend, 1g a few day ZURICH* HERALD under the parental too.f this week, Miss Rose Guenther and friend of Windsor have returned afters end- ing the holidays with the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Guenther Mr, .arid Mrs. R. Baker entertained a number of their friends on Thurs- day evening. All report a very ple- asant evening, Miss Lucile Willert of Birmingham Mich., suent Christmas'. with her par- ents. Miss Theda Hayter of Windsor is spending the holidays with her par- ents. Miss Verdi Baker o1 London is sp- ending the holidays visiting et her home here. Mr, and Mrs. A. Oestreicher enter- tained a number of their friends to a bridge party on Friday evening. Miss Anna Stephan of London, sp- ent Christmas at her home here. Miss Nelda Fassold of London, sp- ent Christmas with her parents. /Mrs. Decher and two children of Zurich spent a few days with her mother, Mrs. Rader, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kraft spent Christmas day with friends in Sar- nia. Miss Cunningham` of Kitchener, vis ited her sister Mrs. L. Morenz a few days last week. Mrs. Morenz and Miss Cunningham attended the wed- ding of their niece on Saturday. Dr. and Mrs. Taylor entertained a number of their friends to a bridge party on Monday evening. HENSALL Lulu McDonald of London, is sp- ending the holidays at her Koine here. The Hensall Fire Brigade put on their annual Christmas Tree on Monday afternoon last. Considera- ine the bad weather, a big crowd was present, including several hundred children. Mrs. H. John of Guelph, is visit- ing with her mother, Mrs. Henry Cook, who has been in poorr health for a few weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Cook. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Stowell, from the West, are spending the holidays at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Drysdale. Miss Mattie Ellis left for Guelph, where she will spend the holidays visiting wit her sister, Mrs.. Fred. Smallcombe and other friends. Isreal Lindenfield of London, sp- ent the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Lindenfield. Harry Joynt and Harry Cook, of Toronto University, are spending the holidays at their homes here. Mildred McDonald of Guelph, is a visitor, in town. James Tayy of Western Univer- sity, London, is 'visiting his home in town. Mrs. David McHarg, of London was a visitor in town with her mother Mrs. T. Peart. Mrs. Pope, who has been in Dash: wood for some weeks visiting relati- ves, returned to her home here, but intends shortly going -away again to visit members of her family, Mrs. P. Fisher has returned from Gravenhurst, where _she had been visiting her son Dr. M. Fisher. Miss Maxwell, of Whitby College, accompanied by her .niece, Jean Max well, are spending the holiday sea- son at the home of Mrs. J. • W. Peck and family. Miss Grace Brock and brother loyd left for Hamilton to spend e holidays with relatives and fri- nds. L th e The Hensall Public School herd their annual Christmas concert on Friday afternoon last and a most pleasant entertaniment was given. On Tuesday evening last, Christ- mas Eve., there were two passenger train coming in from the south, the first being a special train well loaded with passengers and •it was followed about two hours later by the regular train carrying the mail and passen- gers as well, and was well patronizeil The rural Mair couriers found it impossible to give full service for a couple of days, owing to the unus- ually bad weather and state• of the raods and had to divide up, as best they could, taking onehalf of the route one day and the other half on the following day. COUNTY NEWS • Thos. Keys Passes Without warning except a few hours illness, Thos. Keys passed a- vay on Nev. 29th, at his hone on .he 14th con., of Stephen Township. Although he had not enjoyed good tealth during the past year his pass - ng was not quite expected. On the previous Sunday he had attender hurch and assisted in the commun. on service. • Through his death Ste• )hen has lost an honoured and res- pected citizen. Mr. Keys was born rn the Babylon Line, Stanley Town - ;hip, Huron Co., on April 22, l85e. \t the age of fifteen he moved with rs parents to the Shipka district ;here he has lived until 'the time of lis demise. In 1881 he married Miss '+lary Elizabeth Sharp. He is sury 'ved by his widow, one daughter, Pearl et hone; two sons, Albert and iflmost of Shipka, • end one sistes, Mrs. Handford of Manitoba, IVIareistrete Reid, at Goder•ic�h th Ater menthes' heard a chase • Wanai60 Mefougall of stealing a bar- rel. of cider from the farm of Kings- ley Harris, Goderich Township. Mr. McDougall was committed for trial. Thomas and Frank Jgrdine, charged in connection with the alleged taking; of money frpm S. Marninngstar, we- re given another remand of a week. • What mighgt have been a serious fire happened recently on the farm of John Wetzel, Stephen Township. He was in the act of threshing and the Smith's machine had been placed .in the barn the night before. While threshing the previous afternoon the men in charge had smelled smoke a- round the separator and made an in- vestigation but failed to locate any fire, The following morning when Hirtzel's son went to the barn he found the fire had been smoldering in the bottom of the separator, some; of the charred wood having fallen to the floor. The fire was brought under control before any damage was done outside the separator. Hon. R. B. Bennett, who was; announced to speak at Clinton on Januery 8th, has notified the com- mittee that he wil be unable to carne on that date, and the banquet to oe held in his honor, has been postponed to January 29th. 1 a e p c t ti a L n t h W p d at St ill se in ag ye in ly rie ye in mo un Co lyt Miss Evelyn Howard, of the Col- ege of Education, Toronto, is spend: ng the holidays with her parents, Mr. nd Mrs. G. S. Howard, of Exeter. lr. and Mrs. Howard and Evelyd sp- nt Christmas at Brucefield. It is announced that a new charm tore system known as the Purley Hardware ,Stores, Ltd., for the pur- ose of operating a chain of hard- ware stores, has originated in Kin- ardine, where the office is located emporarily. Later the head office nd warehouse will be located at istowel, and we understand that a,. umber of stores will be operated hroughout Bruce County. Fred Delbridge , of Winchelsea, as disposed of his splendid farm to m. Stephen. The farm is equip - ed with splendid buildings and hy- ro. There passed away on Dec. 22nd, his residence, Exeter John T. ewart in his 79th year, after an /less extending over a period of veral months Deceased was born Durham County and at an early ge moved with his parents to Bien- ard township. At the age of ten ars the family moved to the farm. Usborne now owned by Jas. Bal- ntyne. In 1888 deceased was mar - d to Isabelle Campbell and for 34 ars made their home in the farm Usborne. Seven years ago they ved to Exeter and resided there til his death, in politics he was a nservative, and in religion a Pres- erian. TAMPArtArs , tunny 2nd, 1929 .iIIIIIIIifll111I111111111111I I11111IINI111111111 1111111111111111 11111IHIIII 1 1 II H, 1111111,i1iI1111,11.1111/JIIIIlUNIBi111111N11 P11 1(111111 IIIIIIilllll II 111111u THE NEW WESTINGHOUSE Radjos'P, easurie Craft 13y the 'W'orld's Pioneer Radio Engineers, introducing the New wrier Sentsil:'ine Toned Radio fre- quency and Super --Heterodyne Circuits surpassing by ten times the :Selectivity and Sensitivity of any previous -circuits, placing the Westing/sou-se fair in advance of any receiving .set on, the market. TONE --Close your eyes and you will instinctively feel yourself in he presence of the living Artists who axe entertaining you. !POWERFUL—Responds to your control like a giant racing motor. This is the only instrument that can fully satisfy the most critical radio enthusiast, Nothing less than the realists, of -the. entertainers can compare itself to this marvel of the radio age, the realization of the Westinghouse Radio engineering aims TO SEE iT IS TO .ADMIRE IT? TO HEAR IT IS TO DESIRE IT! BY ALL MEANS HEAR TTI HESS RADIO► ELECTRIC SALES WJTH SERVICE C =I .111111IIil111iIIHIIIIIIi1111111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIII111111111111Il1111111111111111111111IIIl1i 1111 IiiiiIl}Il11l1llllilll111llilii1111111II1IIIIIII 1111111111111ININIIIIIIIII1111111111Ii 4141000000000000110000000000000000000000000••••000000110 •00•••a 00001100000000000 000•0„ 00••••••i0••a • • • 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • LOOT THESE OVER • !: ✓ I928 Ford Coach $550.00 1928 Pontiac emelt Ince new $675.00 • O 19,27 Ford Coach $275.00 1926 Overland Coupe $390.0.0 : • #i 19+25 Ford Coach $150.00 ]i9f 6 Clsevrtouring • niet $200:.00 7 1921 Ford Coach $40.00 11924 Studebaker touring $T5Oc00 • •1926 Ford Coupe $225.00 1927 Ford Truck $275.00 • •• FORD TRUCK, 1923 AT _ 0 • • • • • • As we sell more New Fords we get = more used cars • • • SANDY ELLIOT I WE SELL AND WE SERVE FORD CARS • ZURICH - EXETER41440,0111001•11111.11441.111._ 4••'ilk The amily Gif# Let it be for this year a RADIO The new anent are payments You cannot fully • appreelate Radio until you know more about FADA NOTHING COULDRE MORE SUIT- _ AISLE FOR THE `ETTiDLE FAMILY THAN A NEW FADA. • SOME- THING FOR THE WHOLE YEAR. FADA models are a profitahle investment- Y+rs .of entertain - built into them. At the new low prices and literal deferred FADA is not only worth investigating—It is onion worth buying THERE IS A FADA MODEL FOR EVERY HOME. John Hey, Jr. &Irk •