HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1929-12-26, Page 8TETT: STORE WITH THE STOCK The Christmas Store °MAKL THIS A REAL " MERRY CHRISTMAS FOR ALL YOUR • .FRIENDS BY DOING YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING HERE, W:.ER'E YOU WILL FIND A GREAT VARIETY OF SUITABLE GIFTS FOR EVERYONE. FOR WOMEN F�pI::'.r TAPESTRY RUNNERS, AND CUSHIONS TO MATCH. .'ON BEDSPREADS IN ROSE, BLUE AND GOLD. SILK AND WOOL SWEATER COATS, GEORGETTE SCARFS, BATH TOW- ; EL: WITH CHENILLE BOARDERS VERY NEW, LINEN •'TOWELS, NEW SILK LINGERIE; FULL FASHIONED,,HOSE, FaUCASOLES WITH AMBER TIPS OR HANDLE; HANDKER- CHIEFS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. FOR MEN NEW SWEATERS; SCARFS; CAPS; MITTS, GLOVES; FINE - SH1R;['S, NECKTIES, PAJAMAS,. ,SOX, BELTS; PURE LINEN AND SILK HANDKERCHIEFS. Chir aware and Toys A Complete array of Chinaware and Toys of all kinds on display En rear of Store. Walk to end of Store and inspect these lines. You will be sure to find many suitable Gifts to interest you. New Fruits, Nuts and Candies w D CARRY A LARGE STOCK OF NEW FRUITS SUCH AS RAISINS, CURRANTS, PEALS, CANDEED PINEAPPLES, SLICES GLACE CHERRIES, SHELLED WALNUTS AND ALMONDS,, ORANGES, GRAPEFRUIT, CRANBERRIES, WALNLTS, ALM- ONDS, FILBERTS, PEANUTS, CHOCOLATES, CREAN'S, AND OTHER CANDIES IN GREAT VARIETY. J. GASCHO SONS Product Wanted Phone 59 JOINT DBBBNTURES HURON and ERIE DEBENTURES Can be issued jointly in the names of two or more persons. In the event of the death of any one of the investors, <': Debenture is payable at maturity to the survivor or survivors without recourse. to Law. This its a popular way of investing money and many investors in Huron and Erie Debentures have taken advantage of this plan. 5% Is now paid on these tried and true Debentures, twice a Year. Applications received at any time by: _ - Before you Invest --INVESTIGATE! Andrew F. Hess, Zurich MY MOTTO—SERVICE AND SAFETY 'Rave You MADE YOUR WILL? 1 .`ItsWNIMs•f* •N4*srs ** TO OUR MANY CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS WE WISH TO EXTEND Season's Greetings AND MAY THE NEW YEAR CON- TINUE WITH OUR FRIENDLY BUSINESS RELATIONS. STADE & ONT. i WISHING EVERYBODY A ! Merry Christmas. AND A HAPPYAND A PROSPEROUS New Year J. W. MERNER YELLOW FRONT STORE PHONE NO. 145 ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST We have again mai arrangem- ents to renew auto' aml driver's lic- enses for 1930. Service day and night. E. Oesch, barber; Zurich. We have the parts* and experienc- ed mechanics, try env. Ford service, Sandy Elliott, Genuine Ford Parts, all modelh 1912 to, 1929. carried in stock. Mr. Lloydon Denommi , son of. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Denomme;. of Drysdale, and who spent the summer sailing on, the great lakes, has returned to his parents for the winter months. Lloydon •was a sailor on the Verona the ship that we mei'tiorred last week on which Mr. Dennis. Denamme was• a sailorthis past summer.. An unfortunate accident occured the other day to Peter A. McArthur; a well-known resident of Grey Town- ship. He -was assisting his neighbor to dehorn some cattle, when one of the animals threw him and then fell on him, breaking one leg of the man at the ankle. Free Trip Winners from Huron Co- unty Compete for Scholarship The T. Eaton Company donated fifteen scholarships of $100.00 each to be applied on two year courses at the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph for winners -of the free trip to the Royal Winter Fair. The a- wards will be made to those winning highest marks in a written examinat- ion. Seven Huron County boys com- peted and Mr. W. Jas. Turnbull, of Ethel who made the highest marks will compete against winners from other counties. There is talk of making it com- pulsory for people to put a return address on all mail matter proffered at the postoffice. This, is to da away with the expense of handling mail which for one reason or another .can- not be delivered to the person to whom it is addressed. The Govern- ment, it is claimed, expend some $500,000 annually over such mail matter. It is a...simple matter to write one's name and address on all mail matter, and when this is ` done if it cannot be delivered to the person for whom it is intended, it will be promp- tly returned to the sender. Otherwise it may go to the dead letter office, there to lie perhaps for weeks or months before it can be looken into. STANLEY TOWNSHIP Mr. Ruskin Keys of Ford City, Stewart Keys of Toronto, and Mer- vyn Keys of Seaforth, have returned to -their respective homes on Baby- lon abyloaf. Line to spend the holidays: Mr. John Reid returned last week to Flint, Mich., after spending two weeks with friends in Stanley. Miss A. McTaggart, teacher of the Babylon Line School is spending the holidays at his home at Walton. The death Angel came very sudd- enly on Sunday morning and called away Miss Sarah Jane Stephenson, daughter of the late George Stephen- son of Babylon Line. Miss Stephen- son, who resides with her brother, Edward Jr., had reaired as usual , on Saturday. night. but before morning she had passed away, having reached the age of 60 years and was of a quiet disposition and held in high re- spect. Three brothers and one sis- ter survive viz: John and Edward James of Babylon and Robert of Parr Line, and Mrs. Rider of Michigan, who have the sympathy of the cotn- munity in their sudden bereavement. Mrs. Jahn Stephensop Paste¢ The death occurred on Tuesday, December 16th, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Robert .Armstrong, of Huron street/ C1Xnton, of Anna No., w'Odow of John Stetahansori Of Stanley township, at the• ripe age Of 87 years and 'three months. Mrs. Stc3phenson was born In England and catnc to ', C<.�iuiM �sit.. her parents—at the age of seven.' They cattle to Stanl+5y set tll tili,,n farm onthe Goshen Lint; Nearly seventy Varao Ani • Vis' Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Ca OF 'WOODSTOCK The Largest Stress of any Canadian Comfy doing. Business III: Ontario - Amount of Insurance at Risk on Deo. 31st, 1928,; $22'206;275. Total Caslain: Bank and Bonds • $160,378:74 ° Rates—.$4.5o per •1 e o tor 3 yearn. E F. K1oppl<---Zurich Agent, Also DealeriaLidhtning Rods; Ind all kinds of Rice Insurance FINE DISPLAY OF XMAS. GIFTS CHILDREN'S. HATS, REG. $2.25 AND $0...00 FOR $1.00 2 VELOM TAMS, REG. $1.25 NOW 50c. ALL MATRON'S HATS IN BLACK Reg. $5.QQ and $4.50, For $2.00 MATRONS IN COLORS ' Reg. $4.50, For $1.85. ALL FELTS AND VELVET FOR YOUNG MATRONS AND GIRLS At $1.90. FLOWERS AT HALF PRICE COME EARLY AND GET FIRST CHOICE AT THE HAT SHOPPE ONE DOOR WEST OF MEANER'S BLOCK, w. Vera V. Siebert united in marriage to her late husb- and and went with him to his home,' also on the Goshen, where they lived until his death eighteen yaars ago. About four years ago' Mrs. Stephen- son tephenson went to reside with her daughter in Clinton, but during the past sum- mer she spent some time with her sons in Stanley and seemed to be in fairly good health, considering , her advanced. years. For about seven weeks before her death, however, she had been Confined to bed and sulTer- ed considerably. The late Mrs. Ste- phenson is survived by two daugh- ters and three sons; Ralph Stephen- son of the. Parr line, Stanley, W. H. of Marlette, Mich., David John on the homestead on the Goshen, Mrs. R. Armstrong, Clinton and Mrs. D. Arm strong of Pilot Mound., Man: All were present at her passing,- flaying gathered some days before. She was a woman of ::::'• happy and genial ` disposition, wocial, and 19udd 6i friends, . ' 'sly a eICVOgt � isiaan Iriii'ta until :hs�r health galled, was a ' eal6r a•# '�S'I1d4nt at 99 church ser- vices She was bSfduRht up a Maty.- odist but :on her marria • Went to the Anglican church .t g n Ch with heli' hush , and, The funeral took pl.cl+ An Thursday afternoon from the Ont• aria; St. church Clinton, with • inter- ment in 136ylield cemetery, Rev. A: E. Doan, d, • Glintonofl5ciating,.The fitltat- tribttte9 were many. 'wine be- spokd the :hive And • dateno iaf tAirhi It rut was held. ..f". .1,.w. : . .1 .. I i + + 4. WE EXTEND TO ONE AND ALL + +. OUR BEST 'WISHES FOR A • + 4. 4. • Merry hroi.af m + as• • .t. Thorsils:A Ire'ondkr 19210 104,04444+1+4104- +'t'tok* 40+Skil**** **4 4 !�! 4440+�l40+ GI1EETINGS! + + AND A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR 1 ohusto , & KaibileisCh Hierdwaare Furniture. *one 63 ++++ 44++++++++++ 4***;,. , ,.&.I.q..p,I„6.q.I, "44+.+444444,1_,.... iiii?1z1g1lY margo'" 6ll1:'iilfl!? Ui'tifli" " ' �I?llffli'f( ikNUllfllfl!(l((6all �s rIlra I lantaliileall'tl ltllf�ll((IlliE1(UUi119Ut?li{f. 0111111II NOTICE! Auto Tops Buggy Tops Wagon Repairing, Painting, Etc. Second Handel Buggies HESS a ZURICH Ella9aMill9sl9tl ?�AiIi1IEll12 iaalif1" .L",`lA!'it� ', i', +illy ,ryl?!{iii9il11h`i1111lRIOt leRgia? I(f11UIftT�fl{',11?It}?i llISIBil ITI o+++4i4+toti*****+i **++++i* i� d444++++++-Eiji++tom**** t • 1 44- • TO ALL OUR CUSTOMERS AND FRIEDNS WE EXTEND HEARTY . ea son'$ greetz4 ffs t . Mousseau Zurich Fig+ +#+++++++++++++4+4.+.1 k+l+44444,+`E++444�.+10.t,+F+l44 , t�. HERALD OFFICE Do You Know? - TEAT WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE HOE GOOD PRINTING THAT. WO CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH PRINTED WEDDING INVrrATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS 'THAT WE PRINT CALLING bkRD9 8 AIQlt�1 9, 0"' AI! LBTfr$BRA ., HILLHEADS1 ERVI?t GI40 T T r. PO' 0 LEAD STA�i EMEN _ H ARB AGENTS FO$ LEADING MARCHANT �,' i WAGESi , OF O D t t C`HEfv'K BOOS, AND CAN 8IIIlr . (JANTITY AND SIZt CIF CUB1CK BOQIt,II f ORRi9 IN �, " STOCK WRITING PAPSDg, BNVE TEAM WE �1�1��Y' IZVA. CARD PAPERS, CARBON OR .,. TRACING PAPER, SRic,Fll 'G TAGS, MEMORIAM RT ATIONER`ft, NOTE 8O014, i4RG ,t BOORS INTWQ 8IZB$ FQOLSCAr, ETC.), /OGt r, . . iP,T THAT Wit tt1 'kWh OftiAN:&1t t NU l ar ;► WIT.$` GOOD F01IIii'tAI PRT IBX' talk, , lf.. BR QUANTftJB$ A'9' I"4'I{31tttt It DVeti rix I`HA'l' PItXNT Post d as �.., ,a .., c�'1? � ; .ILS v a OAT �• t �y . .......... Ova~ � 1C �r��r+�Lrl 1 tact ` Qom. feisamort a