HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1929-12-26, Page 7r+7I13 ,nerves are .fed by A the blood. Poor blood means starved nerve .tis- sue, insomnia, irritability sad depression. D. Williams' Pink'Piila will enrich your blood stream and tebuild your over-worked nerves. Mise Josephine M. Martin, of Kitchener, Ontario, testi- fies to this " 1 suffered from a nervous breakdown," she write/. "1 bad terrible sick headaches, di elem.; felt very weak and could not sleep; had no appe- tite. I felt always asifetome• thins terrible were going to happen. After taking other treatment without success; on, my sister's advice, I tried Dr. Witliame Pink Pille,and now ail these symptoms ars gone, • and I ani strong and happy again." Boy Dr. Williams" • Peak Pills stow at your druggist's or any dealer is Medicine or by mail, 50 cents,postpaid,, from the Dr. Williams Medi- cine Ce., Brockville, Ontario. sit Pee Dee DrYirilliante PINK PILLS LL •'Ji tseeseseew Ka(s IR ea ' • A Business f creme( though wounded, took refuge in elle victims fall, and distinguishing be - Plain Tales From the Seas In these days,ot, ;rapid transport, when people move, live, and think at. to speed, most of us' have our little weakness for the "good old days" when things were a bit quieter -=a bit more easy going. We look at the sixtylnile-an-hour sept'ese,and ,hanker after the .stage -coach, for instance: • The romance and glamour of those clays • oall to tis from books ,and pic- tures; but we sadly acknowledgo':.that. they are gone for aye. Even the` great adventure of a sea=voyage is denied us now that liners start to the minute and arrive on the 'ccoucl. The "Survivors, egStory "Those were the (lays!" sere sigh, when we read of smugglers, pirate •kings; ,mutiny on the high seas, and other gory aloinge. '10 -day our smug- glers are rum -runners,; our pirates have their "opposite number" in the hi-jackers, and mutiny simply doesn't. exist! 'dwell, that's where; wo go wrong. Mutiny isn't a.s much a back•nember as we imagine. There have been cases of•mutiny, just as desperate and blood- 'thirsty ,as any in the history o the sea, in thle present c'entury. Take the story, of the three -masted. barque, Veronica, of 1,167 toile burden, which sailed from Ship Island, Mississippi, 'for efonte Video, with a cargo of tim- ber., • A forlorn group of men, picked up from. an uninhabited island off 'the coasted Brazil, declared themselves ".to be the sole snrvivoi's of the Ver - mike, and told a terrible tale ot• fire at sea and the foga of the rest of the crew. Spared Because He Could Cook But one of the rescued was Moses Thomas, a negro, and his tale ran on different and still more terrible lines. The other survivors were four young Germans; Thomas .swore that these four had murdered the. captain, the 5 and the crew, et oY mates, and the rest then 11f:91 the vessel. Thomas hiss.- self was .spared because ho was the only one who could cook! 'epeetefor the grace of Heaven," he Royal York Buys Champs In order to ensure, a Lull larder for to have been flnishecl in Canada. It was quite a dramatic momen steers ''vere brought into the Coliseum and herded in the center of ,the ring. The mauagament also purchased the Grand Champion Wether of the fair and 'in addition the first prize carlot of ten lambs. A final purchase was the Grand Champion Steer, "Play Boy"—a perfect -specimen of the Shorthorn Class—Was raised by Ern est Hobson, Denfield, Ont. The•Roya York Paid' $1.25 Per lb. or a total o $1,083.. "Play ,Boy" weighed 375 ibe He is shown in the above ,cut. ' • the , coming festive season the :Royal York' hotel entered the'.list of buyers it the Rayol Winter Fair, Toronto, and veered the special •carload lot of champion steers whigh created a great sensation among cattle experts throughout the fair. 'This, Champion herd of fifteen band picked steers, bred and raised on the famed Mac- Intyre ranch in southern Alberta, weighed in eft slightly. 'uncles 1200 lbs. apiece and was heralded on all sides a thefinest bunch of beet cattle ever s t when the WHEN YOUR BABY CACHES A COLD 111 Fate Ring Placed on hibi$ Tragedy Followed Use of Welding " Band by. Rudolf's Bride Class lined Advertisements SITITA fOestS VACANT lit Q10 Mals1 tv.AN l l.i11 4�l tt�tt. iSte 1F I pay. easy work lain n wli lle ,learn - leg barber trade under famous Moles wmerlcan plan. world's, most reliable barber school system Write 'r pall immediately for free eit(ttlf)gue. MOler Rarber College, 121 Queen West, Toronto Vienna.—it is a popular tradition /^� �tl.N,r c l7LLctY" 5, �•�JFlli y 1 T 9. that marriage lenge should not be used ,Vrolsterns lisade Lone dry, TnatructLOn tlrlce, That there Is sometheng in it free. Iron, ,,aterproofing. Agents wanted. i:anlicing COinpa'uY; 116 iadttIi Drive, To- is •proved by tiro rings which were roxtto: xiiade for rho wedding • of Empress' Maria Theresa to Emperor I+'ranz paw To - awl. d u+sed a secc.edeinie at the wedding of Crown Priuee Rudolf with Princess Stefanie of Belgium. The elebt years oY Rudolf's married lite were filled with matrimonial strife and ended with the drama at the hunt, ing lodge of Mayerling, when the Crown Prince shot his friend, Baron- ess Vetsera, and then made an end to his own life, These rings are shown in the newly opened "Ecclesiastical ceir. ABB a le, -/ • condition; vette radial battery eharg" -iT CTRIC LIGHT P A , GOOD er. Cheap, Peter Abrogast, ?1SStohell, Ontario. Religion and Politics "Good housing is not less `religious' than the building of cathedrals, The regulation of the conditions of labor is, to say the least of it, as important as rules for theobservance of Sunday. Honesty between, nations is no less Treasury," -whose famous collection a desideratum in religion than hon - has been enlarged by the "Treasure of esty. between man and man," writes the Capuchines," which hitherto was not accessible to the public, - The monastery of, the Capuchines 1)r. F. 'W. Norwood, .of the City Temple, on the subject of religion and politics, In the Daily Express. held a 'privileged position under the "Between vested interests (whether -Hapsburgs, who- were baptized by secular or°ecclesiastical) and justice Capuchin .monks and, buried in the 'betwen man .and man there is ever monastery's vaults in the Neuer Mar -a yawning gulf, but to do justice un- ket in the heart of t io city. In recog- der obedience -to a od of Justice is the nitron 'of^the many services of the saving principle either in religion or monks. to the Imperial family, the Iat- politics. -ter made them precious gifts, and in- "All human life is a series of gen- dividual Hapsburgers bequeathed them eralisations and compromises. He- art works and sacred objects. cause there are .so few who can put Sacred 'Relies on Display the cause of ° humanity above a par- ticular system, there has grown UP added to the treasury to remain there a distrust concerning the mixing of re ion. But the two entombed like their donors' until after polities and g the revolution when• the, treasurers are •not irreconcilable: on the con - tell the talo. He Was Mr. S., who trary, they are inseparable. held an appointment in India, and were handed over to the state, which"The trouble is not confined to re- in at Singapore With his wife has added them to the ecclesiastical legion. I wish we could keep out DE in a vessel containing, a large number exhibition in the former imperial 'pal- office ever isit we o mistakes a class of •Chinese convicts. It was these ac men ,who Mutinied and forced the -e e' . for a nation of a nation for the whole Some quaint mementos, including British crew to walk the Plank. I» spite of all precautions little ones the •reliquaries of the pious Empress family of nations, They are merely bitten by the same.insect. A Night 'of Horror will takecolds--especially during the Anna, ire in the collection. There is "Meanwhile we are likely to potter Mr. S: s turn came at midnight. He-• changeable days of. our Fall season. a tree of embossed .gold, which bears on as we are, until we learn in the could not swein.a stroke, the sea was �4hen 'the first 'symptoms appear— as fruit IittIe receptacles containing fulness of time that God Almighty is full of sharks,.land was a thousand a ' nc1 the shi was •in cam miles Re y , et p plete possession of the convicts. Yet he lived to tell the tale at a London. concluded, "I was murdered,- too!" dinner -party! The Germans ,made away with their "In Palling off the plank he caught victims one by one, the last' being the a rope towing overboard. By this he first mate and the captain, who, hung, invisible, hearing..,;euccessive Corn "The country must get away from the infiuence of old controversies;" said Lord Melchett at a recent meet- ing of the,Empire Producers:.4ssocia- tion. "The Brittsh people already believ- ed in the -development• of the Empire as an economic unit. They were work- ing 'Por an ideal.object, and a prac- et tical tormseveau'idslid e" o lae'reaehed. The machinery and methods to be used would have to he varied and elastica One of the most practical methods of achieving the desired .ob- ject was concurrently with the Im- perial Conference to hold an Empire Conference of Business Men to dis- cuss new developments there were and what measures had better be ad- opted for the prosperity of the Em- pire, "There was no central organiza- tion in existence which could deal with these matters. The agenda of the Imperial Conference" was always •so full, and those attending bed al- ways to consider domestic politics were executed in a batch, atter a trial� however, there were survivors to• tell that it was not possible to get going at the Central Criminal Court, Lon- the tale. storing its sessions. Theroiore, it was `don, And so ended the story of tate I One evening, while the Trevessa of the utmost importance that those mutiny of the Flowery Land, a vessel was in the middle of the Indian who understood British trade and Im- perial trade should sit down together to a frank and free discussion of the navigation -room, only to be brutally tweet' the dead and living bodies by murdered later on, when. the main - eery found 11' necessary to enter the room where they had'barricaded their quarry. The cook's story, backed .up later by one of the Germans, who. gave evidence against his fellow-niu- tineers, reads' like a lurid flight of imagination. Few novelists could,have conjured up a more terrible tale. Yet tills happened in 1502. Murder for Murder's Sake The story of the Veronica is, gra- phically told in "Strange Tales of the Seven' Seas," by T. G. Lockhart. ili:r. Lockhart's book lives well up to 'its title. Indeed, as he him- self says ine his preface: "Reading them through in .bulk, I .end there is' rather more bloodshed than I bargain- ed. for. As in the okl-time 'penny dreadful,' there is a murder on al- most every page Mutiny. is the theme of more than half my stories, and mutiny is a desperate, bloody busi- ness." ,,On February 22nd, 1364, five seen the absence• in the former case of the last frantic struggle for existence. • At bowels. thus driving out constipation length his chilled fingers lost •bold and indigestion and relieving the bay- of abyof the rope." • of the many'childhood ailments which But Providence was kind. As Mr. 'are the direct result of a clogged con S. made his final effort to keep afloat • dition of the bowels or our stomach. his legs struck a hard substance. It They are absolutely safe—being guar - was one of the ship's boats which anteed to contain no drag at all harm - was towing astern, half -submerged.' inl to even the youngest Babe. .They So , he managed to-supiaot't himself cannot possibly cls Harm—they always Ulf dawn came, when, he was -discover- do good. ed and brought.back on dark. Later - Baby's Own Tablets are sold by all he was confined to his cabin, but one medicine dealers or will be sent by or other of his captors came each day mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. to inquire what he would like for Williams' Medicine Co., Broekvilie, dinner! Ont. • Foundered in Calm Sea sneezing, redness of the eyes, running teeth and other relics of saints. s. The greater than any system whatsoever, nose—Baby's Own Tablets should be receptacles hold relics of the Virgin and simple justice Is the crown both 'given at once. They will rapidly mother, it is said, also of St. Peter, of politica and religion" break up cold and prevent more seri- the.••founder of the Church; St. Cath- ous complications. .Mothers who keep a box of Baby's Own Tablets in the home always feel safe. In fact' they are like having a doctor in the house. They are a gen- tle but thoroughlaxative that sweet- en the stomach and regulate the King spinner of "tall stories" Afghan Iaihas g Orders ever had an inspiration to match that? In the sequel, the mutineers were.cap- Calcutta—Telegrams have reached tured by a British naval boat. India from Icing Nadir in Kabul re. Famous sea mysteries, such as the questing the dispatch of various mer - cases of the Mary Celesteand the ,chandise including 2000 gallons of Waratah, are •touched upon by Mi'. petrol, and asking for quotations for Lockhart, who quotes other cases of copper and silver. • equally mysterious accidents where, eThis is taken to mean that Nadir Gasoline From India which sailed from London in July, Ocean,'her holds began unaccountably 1.36.,3, for Singapore. to fill with water. The crew took to. ` I Among her corgi aver( several bags problem wtih the endeavour' to find of metal coins, polished to look like solutions. sovereigns, and actually worth about "There was no doubt that with good one penny each. hound these .bag( will and a real desire to promote 'the grew up a legend that the Flowery Empire economic unit that any ap- Land was a treasure ship, and this parent.difilculties could easily be over- legend had a great deal to do with come. The country, irrespective of what followed. party or faction, was paying more The crew were a very mixed crowd, attention to the.,requirements of the only -five of them being English—the ' economic situation. More and mare (emcee John -Smith, his brother interest was being taken in the' noes - tion of greater inter -Imperial trade. The statistics showed that the, only direction in which British trade Vas advancing was in itner-Imperial di- rections. This alone should be suSl- - oient to convince any doubters. A start should be mado to develop this growing trade on organised lines." -------0-1,--- , Peers Surprised "Eleven Peers who were' members of the late :Government were astound- ed. at figures quoted in the llouse or Lords by the Earl of Midloton show- ing how ing the bloated size of the War Ofiic and Admiralty staffs," says the Daily. • Mail. • 'at the War Ot]ice,at an anneal cost of £455,000. Now', to administer an Army smaller by 273,000 fighting men, 2,673 men are employed at a, cost of .£861,000. - "At the Admiralty a staff DE 1,S02 "In 1014, 1,514 mea were employed hopes to 'mintcoin in Kabul, but un- til the Kabul Govern.nient establishes credits it is improbable that its re- quirements eau- be supplied. Habibullah seized all tho available motley in Kabul substituting: leather the boats, and most of them canoe and paper money. Ne bele ,small safely through the ordeal; but- not . quantities are still in circulation yet one of thorn could ever explaiewhat no' value is attached • to Habibaliah's caused the sudden and tragio leek. i money. . Nadir Khan is therefore More recently, in July, 1027, the negotiating with foreign banks in the next morning left Calcutta only to founder hope of arranging loans anti is under - nest inorning on a calm sea jttst atter tstood to have dispatched many cables entering the Bay of Bengal e'cap- to •'Italy. and France on this urgent tain was roused by a strange tremor. question. So far hots ever, consider - Going on deck, he foitnct pour- ation of the risks .involved his pre - watering over the - rail on the starboard vanedn with those addressed, banks George, who was a passenger, the -first) side. Everything possible; was clone being loth to invest money in a coun- and second mates,and the ship's boy. ! to sage the vessel, but in vain. There try desrnptecl and torn 'by internecine The others represented nearly a dozen !I was not even time to get out the strife. boats; the steamer sank: with twenty- one men still on board. A••Itfarine Court, after hearing all The Wheat Pool's Policy. . the evidence available, decreed that Quebec Soleil (Lib.): (Germany, "the cause of the foundering of the Franco and Italy have imposed high Shahzada was water finding its way tariffs on foreign wheat.) Canadian into the interior of the vessel danger What wheat -growers seo the n er and caused the water . to enter is . un- admit that European Governments are known." doing all in their power to increase As- Mr. Lockhart adds: "Wo l sand local production. They realize that1in our ships to sea equipped with all that wishing to give the Canadian farmer s science can provide for the safety of the greatest possible protection, they crew and passengers. Yet the. int have united against him all the pro- calculabie remains; and the inoalcu• cluctive forces in Europse which for- lable Is at once the charm and the danger of the sea." erine, 51: Joseph 'and St. Chtistopho- ros. Another reliquary of the same em- press has the shape of a miniature al- tar, richly ornamented with ;old and set with precious stones. In the cen- tre is a picture showing the flagella- tion of Christ and thesetting up of the crown of thorns, • The • picture, of elaborate mosaic work, consists of countless ' Tittle patches of variquary, richly set with pearls and rubies, contains in •a niche a thorn of the crown. Christening Robes In the course of the centuries the Capuchine monastery received from its patrons many precious church utensils and embroidered vestments, which are exhibited in glass vitrines Most of the ]atter are the work of archduchesses. The christening of a Hapsburg was always a great event, and surrounded by tradition -hallowed ceremonies. The garments, which the newly born archduke or archduchess wore on such occasion, generally were elabor- ate miniature state robes with heavy -_- gold and silver embroidery and line Lace. Several of these garments are to be sen in the Capuchine treasure, among them one worn by Francis Josef at his baptism. It served for a whole generation of baptismal candi- dates and also was donned by Arch= duke Maximilian, the later emperor of Mexico, by Archduchess Marie Anna and the Archdukes Karl Ludwig and Ludwig Victor. different nationalities. There was much' -unpleasantness Tight ,from the start of the voyage, which culmitiated on the night of Sep- tember .70, when the ship's boy, Jim Early, Who was at the look -oat, heard the mate cry. out: "Murder! Help! Captain Smith!" • Young Early, sinning courageously forward, saw.,the mate lying on the poop, with a ,half-breed member of the crew belaboring hint with a "heaver," a wooden tool used for splic ing ropes, Prom that moment . the work of cold-blooded murder went ahead until only one of the officer's remained. When it ;came to sharing out the lent, it :Pelle to the lot of this officer to tell the mutineers that the "tred- sure," which had cadged, so much. bloodshed, consisted of worthless tok- m.en. in 1914 cost £484,000; now, to cue. The Flowery Land was .atter• administer a mural smaller Navy, 2,- wards scuppered, the survivors estate Ills are employed at a .costo £1,187,- Ing in two boats' and reaching the •-000." coti.st of Brazil. In so many et these tale's of terror. GREAT MUSIC the Motive' is very ;small in, compar- Great music le always sad, because icon with the cost. ' Liven were taken a rfect''•'and such is regardlessly a,ncl ships burned or auti it zeds Us thb 1e ' far a few -pounds gain. At time , it the tllt if#Drente between what we ale. and that which the muse( suggests, is true, there . Were "grievances" •'al• U we find leged by the mutineers; but usuelly. thateven ill the rhse of j Y iit•woulil seem to be 'just murder for aome'teat a: --....e.--.. murder's salve. .• • -"LTever 1al:ty cards with a bad loser," , Oi'ie of the Most curious of thoto ie the advice of a; Weans sportsman. •,r,tronge-•tales r ca11 t e' ni eiiof c, Pat -'that is• better toxin• playing with a , man who was good winner. 1 to walk the jalanlr, and yet lived to •-----e Tragedy We bought her the swellest gown on sale And thought it a lucky catch, But all the day she wept because She hadn't a hat to match. The moment • a -lite is trolly to Christ, it begins to •grow. given LUXO F -OR THE HAIR Ask Your Barber --He Knows We Pay the Highest Prices for DRESSED POULTRY Write for quotations The Harris Abattoir Co. Ltd. St. Lawrence Market, Toronto 2 bought eat from tis It is The Dispute "Thousands wonder, Thousands ask: Why the struggle, 1.Vhy the task? "Why the burden, • What the yoke? Is it all The devil's joke? "Why the bar, And why the bond, if there is nothing There beyond? "Head and heart Quarrel and cry; Head shouts: nothing! Heart ---you lie!" —Philip M. Raskin. KNOWLEDGE A merchant went to a sculptor and wanted to hire him by the day to merit' oug wheat carve a statue, "Wretch," was the re- quite true that the British market { DIY, "I have been twenty-five years learning how to make that statue us. But John , in remains largeig open to twenty-five (lays. " Bull is not sols; to`Pay more than he should for his wheat and he buys at -. , the best possible price, wheat from alt}me' lie ii�"`"'�.•..--ri =- ►1 ne parts of the world, from the Argon - Old saws red paired and sharpened to give good work. Complete stock on hand of new circular end band saws. Write us about saws SIMONDS CANADA SAW CO, LTD. MONTREAL • TORONTO 7-29 VANCOUVER - s''. JOHN,N•8, That Imitating Cough A halt teaspoon of Minard's taken internally with molasses will stop a cough, and prevent complications. ,� 916 t,9e RVC .•.''{... troy vets afrzess BIEM OISES ., eusiMCACN Wd't' OP EANS`1 i.s elx. 1N N®S7R, L5 0...EAR $1.25 Ali Orettbtt Descriptive. alder en rt test A. O. LEONARD, Inc. 7n Filth Ave.. New York' cur tine, the *United States, Australia enol Canada. Britain, eve must not forget, has forty nmillioit n;ouths to feed and the bread item is a large one in the national budget. Site must buy in the cheapest possible market, without re- • geed to the cost of production in the "I though you said the colt could market where .she seeks her supply. win in, a walk?" "Well, they wept and entered him ,Mlinard's Liniment far Chapped Hams in a running race." Search not who spoke this ar that; CHARACTER Character is' a-garmueut which the taut ntarit V1181 Is spoken,-- Thomas , itsv!sible 'lingers of the gcul are ever A. %.entail's. weaving,--G•eorge Eliot. • !=01` 'ibblrliac'hC--Mnard s L.helvrt'eitt. � ISSUE No. 51—'29 PUBLIC NOTIO TO EMPLOYERS OF LABOR Attention having been directed to the,s;-city of work fn h'(time, ei1��nyF1's l�ibr]r are ask-, edi ttois tryCity andathelphe topresent relieve tit e"ytu1ation byof engaiaillg only bona tide residents of Tort on any available work. NON-RESIDENTS Notice is hes diyr given that 110 assistance or relief will be given to nos -residents of the City on •account of their being out oL,e ployment. • a•, w. SAMUEL teERIDPI ayor's Office, Mayor,, oronto, December 12th, 1029. �e'