HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1929-12-26, Page 4401444441"iotelerietetee 4+4 4, letelet*Illeteadi4 +t< 4 ALE :f " M SE ti 'i' r CONTINUES UNTIL EVERYTHING WILL BE SOLD . + UT OU IG TO THE BARE WALLS We have bad 'Wonderful Success during this Sale, 'which speaks for itself, that We are Giving absolutely tile Biggest Values that Money can buy to -day. $ The more You buy, themore you save, which is good Business on Your Part. Daily we are offering new specials to the .Public, and + in order 'to'benefit thereby you must come •often. Good Staple Goods selling at the low Sacrifice Prices jUSt why we are turning this large stock into 'ready 3 90 Cash, in so short a time. - Ccsme often and share in these never -heard -of Prices. VOTE: t'±GH .ST MARKET PRICES PAID FOR DRY APPLES *' K WURM Phone4. 140 +! ▪ ~++++++++++4+++.*i.,, ++++++++++++++++++++++4-44,'+' a++a'+' flead Office: Montreal BANK OF MONTREAL wished 1817 ASSETS d LIABILITIES 31st October, 1929 ASSETS Cash on hand and due from $arks and Bankers Notes of and cheques on other Banks Dominion and' Provincial Government Securities Canadian Municipal Securities and British, Foreign and Colonial .Pub- lic Securities other than Canadian. Railway and Other Bonds, Debentures and Stocks. Cal. and Short Loans on Bonds, Deben- tures and Stocks . Quick Assets $148,338,437.09 63,4o7,357.64 k�. 98,670,889.98 25 033 797 02 5,906,828.59 154 912,66745 $496,269,977.87 Loans and Discounts and other .Assets 441,228,561.2o !Bank Premises ' 145oo,000.00 Customers' Liability under Letters of Credit . . 13,338,458,06 $965,336,997.13 LIABILITIES TO THE PUBLIC Notes in Circulation Deposits Tetters of Credit Outstanding, . . Other Liabilities, ...... Total Liabilities to Public.:. $45,465,136.5° 811,723,556.89 13,338,458,06 18,37 x,102.16 $888,898,253.61 Excess of Assets over Liabilities " to Public ... .. . . . ......... $76,438,743.52 101917 DRYSDA rhe annither of the vicinity. at - Blake school c+oneer , all „h...a a e routs Montague who i. at- t.anding:.,the College of the, Sacred ,‘,;rts at Sudbury, is home for that Holxlays. ath.is „Antienette.Laporte,. who 9In- ......t, a re ie ,. ti. uxr.o':-,visau brothers in Detroit" has returned to her home. Mr. Lydon Deaaomnie, who spent the eunnmer and' fall sailing the great lakes, returned home, hail and hea- rty. The Misses McCormick, teachers of the local separate schools, are spend- ing the holidays with their parents at Parkhill, The pupils, assisted by the young people of the Seperate school of Hay Township, held a very suceess- ful concert last week. Although the weather and roads were very disagre- eable there was a good turnout and the evening was enjoyed by each and everyone present. Sorry to report that Mrs. George Denomme is not very well. Miss Beatrice, their daughter. of Detroit, returned home to attend to her mo- ther..' Mr. Regis Denomme has been, con- fined to the house for a few days. H I L L SG-R.E E N Quite- a number attended the con- cert in Blake School on Thursday evening. Ali report the concert the best yet. Mr. Lawrence Brightmore, of Lon don is spending the holidays at the. home of iVIr. and Mrs. J. H. Coch- rane. Mr. Clarence Reichert of London, is home for the holidays. Miss Agnes Love is spending the Christmas holidays under the parent- al-roof: arent-al-roof: Mr. Ste -wart Beattey, teacher in S. S. No. 7, Stanley, left to spend the holidays at his home in Londes- borough. Mrs. M. Reichert held a birthday party on Saturdey evening, in honor of her daughter Doreen. Mr. and Mrs. W. Turner- _:and family attended. the funeral on Thurs day last, of Mrs. Turner's grandmo- ther, the late Mrs. Stephenson, at 1Caiaton- ,Miss Elda Stephan of Clinton Bus- ; bless College, is spending the holi- days at her home. The Y. P. S., are holding a birth- day party is the basement of the church on Monday evening, Decem- ber 30th, at 8 o'clock. Games and contest will be put on also lunch at the close. Everybody welcome. BLAKE S. S. No. 9, Blake, held their Christmas Concert, December 19th., and it was in every way a decided success. Notwithstanding the .poor condition of the roads the school- house was packed to full capacity. A 'fine program was given which show- ed careful preparation on the part of the teacher, Miss McDonald and her pupils. A splendid play entitled "Aunt Julia's Pearls" was given by the young people of the section. At the close of the program 1,Iild red Hey presented the teacher with a beautiful brown leather purse and a set of silver salt and pepper shakers while Beartice Manson read the fol- lowing address. Dear Miss MacDonald:— We are gathered here to- night to take part in our Christmas Entertainment, and' we would like if you would accept this gift as .a sli- ght:token of our apprecation and love for your untiring efforts in tea- ching and training us to be good and useful citizens. Our sincere prayer for your future may be summed up in the following:, "May you have the health to enjoy, the heart to enter into, and the power to give to others a share in the ,Blessings that Heaven has sent to you.,, Signed on behalf of the Scholars. DA..SHWOOD Messrs. Ed. Kraft and Mervin Tie- rnan motored to Detroit last Wed- nesday. Messrs. Lorne Tieman and Eug- ene Tiernan, who are attending Wes- tern. University in London, are spend ing the holidays with their parents. Miss Grace Kellerman of Toronto is visiting her parents during the holidays, Mr. 0. Pedersen is all smiles, its a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fassold visit- ed the fornier's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Philip Fassold a few days last week, Mr. Milton Saur of Stratford is sp- ending Christmas holidays . with his parents here. Misses Margaret and Sadie Meld who are attending Collegiate in Lon- don, spent the holidays with their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Held, Miss Anna Tiernan, who is attend- ing Mac. Hall in Guelph, is holiday- ing at her home here. The local school concert was held on Thursday evening and an enter- taining prog,ani was presented by the pupils. ' Many parents were pres- ent and they were well pleased with the entertainment. Mr. Mawdsley and Miss Aliemang teachers, are spending the holidays at their homes, l'.1iss Dorothy Williams of the Coin- r,o,rcial, spent the week -end in Ex- eter. Mr. Trawler of the 13e11 Telephone re.. was in town, a few days atat we- ek and installed 'a test -panel in the local telephone cil"nre, `) be meet storm hart week caused cen8idel dannore to the teleph G ie Wars In ttaas tuntrxC4, Mr, Rosenberg of Kitchener, .is the guest of Miss Olivia Weltu aver the holidays, Dr, and Mr::s,- Taylor spent Christ- mas with friends in London. Mrs. P. Mcisaac is spending the holidays in Detroit. . Mrs. Ireland returned to Stratford after spending some time with her sister, Mrs. E. Tiernan, Mr, Leonard Birk of Guelph, is spending the holidays with his par- ents, Mrs, Kuntz of the 14th con;, is vis- iting her daughter in Lansing; Mich. Miss Myrta Hoffman of Kitchener is spending Christmas holidays with her parents. The annual Christmas Sunday school entertainment of the Evangel- ical church was held an Monday ev- ening and was much enjoyed by those present and who braved the storm to attend. Despite the inclem- ent weather there was a veryfair at- tendance. The program. consisted of a Cant- ata entitled "The search for a King" was well rendered, each taking their' parts well. The League of the Lutheran church gave a program in the basement of the church on Friday evening when Mr. Clayton Pfile was presented with a purse from the Ladies' Aid in re- cognition of his services as Choir Leader. t - Dear Mr. Pfiles-.;, In appreciation of your work as Choir Leader, we; the Ladies Aid wish to show our gratitude to you for the 'faithful way in which you have laboured. We wish alsso to congratulate you for the fine sel- ections you rendered us each Sunday and we hope you may be spared to, continue this work which you so ably performed. In order to convey to you our appreciation we ask you to accept this purse, not for its value, but as a token of our esteem. May God ever bless you in this Christian, endeavor. Signed on behalf of the Ladies." Aid. School Report December School Report, S. S. No. 5, Stanley. Edith Merner 592, Campbell Mc- Kinley 468, Russel Hayter (absent) Sr. III. Total marks 500—Marg- aret Lamont/478, Allen Armstrong 258. Jr. III. Total marks 650—Isabel Robinson' 522, Dorothy Armstrong 511, Elva McClinchey' 442., Hazel Hayter 417, Sr. II. Total 450—John McClin- chey 357, Lolus McClinchey 273. Part I—Mary McClinchey, George McClinchey, Jean McClinchey, Elm- ore McClinchey, Emma McClinchey, CIifford McClinchey. A. E. C., Teacher. 1111111N111111lll iliii1111111iiK111111illlllll11111111111111111111111111111111II1111 1111 d 11111,.11411111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 THE NEW ESTMCKOUSE Radins'P easure Craft . By the World's 4'ioneer Radio Engineers, introducing the New Super Sensitine 'Toned Radio fre- quency and Super—Heterodyne Circuits surpassing by tett times 1the Selectivity and sensitivity -of any previous circuits, placing the Westinghouse far in advance of any receiving set on the market. TONE—Close youreyes and you will instinctively feel yourself in the :laze fof the living Artists who =16 eutaitaining you. I'OWER1 UL --d esponds to your control like a giant .racing motor, This is the only instrument that can fully satisfy the most critical radio enthusiast, Nothing less than the xea'lisnm- tof.tbe.entertainers r can compare itself to this marvel of the 'radio •age, the realization of the Westinghouse Radio engineering .aims TO SEE IT IS TO ADMIRE IT! TO HEAR IT IS TO DESIRE 1Tt+ BY ALL MEANS HEAR ATL . HESS RADIO :ELECTRIC SALES WITH SERVCE a C „111111111111111111111111111 Jtt1111111111IIIII11i111111IIIIIIIIIIII111111Il1111111)111 1111111!1111' 1I111(111i1ii111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 G. e000rasses000es0000soee00000 ttse rscoossosssaossokosos • • +• s” I As we sell morel New Fords we get s,. • • e • 0 • 9 • 9 • • • 9 more used cars • e�« LOOK THESE OVER • 1928 Ford Coach $550.00 1928 Prmtiuc coach Moe new $675.00 1926 Overland Coupe $390.00 1926 Chevrolet touring $200.00 1924 Studebaker touring $150.00 1927 Ford Truck $275.00' a • ....$125.00 a O. 1927 Ford Coach $275.00 • .1 1925 Ford Coach $150.00 1921 Ford Coach $40,00, • I926 Ford Coupe $225.00 • FORD TRUCK, 1923 AT •• • SANDY 1 ELLIOT WE SELL AND WE SERVE FORD CARS j ZURICH EXETER j .NNe•e1••eN •• ADA. .aadLO The Family Gif Let it be for this year a RADI You cannot fully appreciate Kadin until you: know more about FADA NOTHING COULD BE MORE SUIT- ABLE UITABLE FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY THAN A NEW FADA. SOME- THING FOR THE WHOLE YEAR. The new FADA. models are a profitable investment. '"ears of ontertain- anent are built into them." At the new low prices and liberal deferred payments F'ADA is not only worth investigating—lt is well .words buying THERE IS A FADA MODEL FOR EVERY' HOME. John Hey, Jr. Zuritit •:s