HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1929-12-26, Page 1Vol. XXX No z 1 H ER ZURICH, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 261929, Chester L. Smith,, ;• $1.25 a year, U.S.. $1.5(11* 11.50 1H ARRLARS, 02 Mar BL CalLIMINCI To all our Readers and Friends we extend Season's Greetings LOCAL MARKETS • teorreeted every Wed/101daty) '! :Butter, creamery »... 45 OldHens ... x g; Ducks .... 15, Chickens . » » _ :1-48 -Geese, dressed. , .,»-,..- -.._ 18 'Turkeys, dressed+ __., • 27c Wheat ... _»_........ 1:.29 c€ lots .. .. .. Barley • » - - Buckwheat Flour cwt. .. _ - Bran ton Shorts ton _ . _ - - - < .SFai@i7lb Dried apples • •, .9 Dutch sett onions » » . - - - g Se .59 4.75 i #ne eof the worst snow worms that :liras been '.experienced he this section. was .experienced on Wednesday of Itst -week, Twiten a strong wind- de- -veloped :from the east and was ac- ueonapaYtieI by a heavy la)]. of real the and sandlike snow. A great many residente of the community ad- vise :us that the high.•ow^banks as a iesalt sof the storm, have netter be- fore beim seen so ntonerous, and a goodly number of villageis took the day eiff and motored to London, much lo :their regret,as several autos had to We :lei when the roads were prac- tically impassable, and these 'vi33ag ers :reverted back to the ..Caeoudiad National for "safety first" and -:fund there much more Convene ••• 11444444.444' 4444444`►~r•`14444444 IDsS # a�E+64 a r •r • • • • • • - • Mason Szt • .isch Upright Piano, PIANO • • Will sell at right price for quick sale. A real buy FRED THIEL ZURICH 4 , e • Ag, • • • • • • • d� • • • w • • 4•••4+4 44444144444.444444444.44444444•••4 444444•4Gel•OS Vit••• ffi esesoo6r •Seoroe t4I•.i • SLIPPEJS • • The Tho a • Family Gi HERE WE HAVE EVEII Y 3CIND OF SLIPPER _FOIA EVERYBODY SLIPPERS FOR TINY FOUR, 'TO .THOSE; WH1c1 FATFIE7i READS HIS MWENING YEAJ°ER Women's Felt Jialieas., a siplestaiia Assortment •-F ,eo4orx., Women's Felt Comfy an& Leather Barudi it Slippers. .:'See e'er. Niwav Women's • 1 Overshoes in tI"iz: laasst Styles. Men's :BIcck xnit Cbtanslate Kul I ! Romeos. Felt Bowitour- :ae & Choc. Slippers, Cliitldres ac;f'c l . Slippers • ' AM throe Make i hent Xmas. iC%1 • WHERE i OD Sl1OErs COST MESS REPAIRING 1ddEATLY DONE Bmf t u WINDOW I�fl�I:,AY 111 •00011 +1041• 4 .4,114i•+4NW •+A•O•NM•�••..1.** ,4. b• .4.4�i�. Vi .40 A err Xinat1 To E.: a._i d o l: Il FRIENDLY EELA'1`IONS.Al A. SOURCE OF 1 WCH ISATlSF'AC " TM • .gal! M P.R,IDyE ' TOWS„ AND AIC "'MI•I;IS`' TIME OUR 1NE WISH .,0X A. "VERY MERRY -4g . ' ��' 1 SI AND A./PROSPERO11 .S .:NEW YEAR ' HA .IVIS 'AND MINERAL rourocutps F 7tl..awt,erfl ai.k! lh'-ttikte 4litsuc . ( IY , II or :+� 7 .4 •4 0 •e -0 y c 4 6 0 • a •w• 4 4 «0 I • • e a 6 ,e« 0 • fent. We have not seen an auto on our streets since, and by all appear- ance it will be spme time before we will see them whiz by. For the: past week now we have had a real old Canadian Winter weather with one clay a storm from the east, and then the next day o storm from the west. Some farmers on the rural` routes' have not had their reai1 man come through for n.eanly, a week,, and it sure is a big p3 bl eto""gget through with old "dobbin" i`t the sleigh. TheI ice storm then ori'Friday damaged _t goodly, number of telephone and :hy- dro"• lines, and . although the power Was off on Sot'urday, yet the -lies of the Local Sy' tern is again in, good. condition. • Drinking, Very Costly In addition to a few cases of voil- ation of the Highway Traffic Act, (Magistrate Reid, at Goderich, had a considerable number of L. C. A. cas- es before him rete As the re- sult of a carousal i 4estaurant at Clinton, Officer$ Whitesides rounded up a number d offenders wino came before the magistrate. One man whit, had got a supply of liquor and sold it to others was fined $200' and costs and three were assessed each 100 and costs, the charge against them being the possession of liquor not acquired on their permits. In connection with the same affair an- other roan \Fi 1a fined $10 arid costs for being intoxicated. Magistrate Reich held court at Seaforth and heard a charge of having liquor in a public place, imposing a penalty of $100 and costs. Next Sunday morning at 10 o'cl- ock the reorganization of the .Bible School 'Will be effected at the Even- gelical Church. On next Tuesday evening, New Year's Night, a most refreshing and inspiring Watch Night Service will be held. The Quarterly.. Conference Board will meet at 8.30 Sharp, with every member • of the board present: At 13.15 p. m. a pre- paritors Service �ffl follow, when the pastor will bring a New Year's mess- age on: "Pim and its use", at the conclusion of this a lantern slide ster- optican will come to you an the subject "The Iligfiway of Life" with slides. The remarr nig time until the sexton :h the dot elf 12 eo'&dock will ring out the old. year and ring in the new, will be deveited' is prayer; praise and testimony_ The Choir will lbs present and will readoe in en - thusiastic congregational'• singing; and will favor they audien'cce with a. nuin- ber of special' music sere:eti'cnrs. Caine. 'along and help us say goad bye to the old year and' good manning sg tatlfie 3ear 1930. BACKED B 11 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE We are,happy to pre. sent the New Kolster Radio to our friends. The New Roister, in cabinet ,beauty as in performance is this year, more than .. ever before; "a fine' set .... You'll, agree after you've seen and heard the Kolster. ELMER OESCH THE NEW KOL$TEH MORETRAN £VER.•. Ir. and Mrs. Ev. Hoist we.. stnsas 'visitors at Crediton. Miss Elizabeth Rennie is spending a „few days at London. Mrs. Wilfred Jervis of Holmesville is holidaying with her parents, Mr. and, Mrs. SyIv. Witmer, Babylon line. Mrs W. L. Siebert, who spent the past few weeks visiting in Montreal, returned to her home here. Miss May Schwalm of London, sp- ent the holidays with her parents on the Blind Line., Mr. Clayton Hoffman of Galt, is spending the vacation with his par- ents here. iMe. and Mrs. Fred Turner of God- erich, spent Christmas at the home 14 Ir. and Mrs. Earl Weido. Mi Aitliii Pigeon, teacher of the Zurich Contiiihation School, is spend- ing the holidays at his home in Strat- f od, MVIrs. W. C. Callfas and daughter, Elda Left on Thursday afternoon, for their new home in Kitchener, we wish them every success. M. Nesbitt Woods, of the Toronto prthlie school teaching staff 'is spend- ing the holidays at the home of Mr. ands vlr�s. T. L. Wurm. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. F. Braun, and two sons of Forest, spent Christmas at the. home of Mrs. Braun's father, Mr. Wm. Lamont. c Miss .ttiern Merrier, who is att- ending Higt School at Elmira, is sp- ending the Vacation at her home in, the village - Owing to, aauto • traffic being closed• the railway trains experienced an old time Giieistinas' congestion, on ues a eveniti . t e and T d y g h ere were two trainsfrom the south through Hensall' and several' lou late. --Then with the horses on the stage, which takes about an hour longer in from Hensall, oto almost thiitics ft is mid- night before the' evening: mail comes in. Mondoy • next' • is' Norniitation Day, or in other words the day of which the varios members of our municipal councils will give account of their stewartship. &n the tbwan lid in the afternoon the Council of Hay Town- ship will have their session, and this meeting should be attended by all ratepayers who can possibly Fre pres- ent. Come with your very best of constructive ideas and you sure will get a welcome hearing. This- Council has just finished its first terser since it' was elected and organized' last JJanuary, and we must say they have made a very creditable showing as far as the financial' part is con- cerned, as their year's operation shows a net bata:nce• on hand of $1394.03, and should' they be re- elected it looks as if lower taxes that is as far as the Township rate is concerned, might be the good news to the ratepayers of Hay for 1930. Hower, with the County rates contin- ually soaring higher, eve cannot look for much reduced taxes, as the coun- ty council will have another account to meet next year namely, the Old Age Pension account, which will run upto several thousands of dollars, and of , which part comes directly out of the taxes of the county. Then the portion due the county of the paving of the London Road, will prob ably be another item worth mention- ing. The years' operation of the liar Municipal Telephone System. also shows a nice balance on hand. In the evening in the Town Hall the Nomination for Police Trustees for the Village of Zurich will take place, and we expect to see a good crowd out for this meeting, as it usually af- fords considerable entertainment for those intensely interested• in the work carried on by these village Fathers,. sorry the financial report ewes not bespeak so well itt this 'Account as there is a deficit of around $304, But we know this able; body, of men will be able to fully explain this deficit and just wrere every dollar of tax r.zonqy was trent to ,,� ocl .zdy `11ta ge Coine out and 'attend the a Interest - i ng nieetings •and shirty the public spirit of • interut. Gents Wrist Watches $7.00 to $35.00 Diamond Newest Mountings $20. to$150. Ladies' Wrist= Watch &, $8.04 tce SWUM' ARTICLE SOLD FROM OUR STORE BEARS OUR GUAR.... TEE OF SATISFACTION. DON'T OVERLOOK OUR GOOD WILL PROPOSITION 3i -Dozen Tea Spoons with every Diamond. and. every Wedding _i 17.1; OPEN UNTIL CHRISTMAS. HESS, THE JEWELLER FIVE �E + + + + Outstanding SIVE. Used Car BARGAI NS SPECIAL CAR. IS BEING OFFERED AT A REAL BARGAIN 1928 PONTIAC 4 -Door SEDAN IN EXCELLENT CONDITION FINISH, FENDERS AND UPHOLSTERING LIKE NEW. Tl l'ti• "SEEING IS BELIEVING" • FORD SEDAN STEW TIRES, BUMPERS, SHOCKS, SPECIAL $135.00 FOARD COACH 1926 MODEL, BUMPERS, FINISH IS ORIGINAL AND LOOKS LIKE NEW SEE THIS SPECIAS. FORD COUPE 1925 MODEL, NEW BALOGH' TIRES, BUMPERS, F1N) B„ FENDERS AND .HOLS bi ING LIKE NEW SEE THIS ONE 1927 FORD COUPE 2 TRACTORS PIANO I BUGGY C FRITZ & SON HIGH CLASS USED CAR BROKERS PHONE 82 ZUE CIE ++++++++++++++++++444444.44+441414144++++++++40- Christmas +++++++++++++++++++++++4++44141+*++.lI++Q++++, Christmas Greetings We invite fur Casfiomers AND FRIENDS TO CALL AND SEE OUR DISPLAY OF CII .li5cl MAS GIFTS SUITABLE FOR CHILDREN AND GROWNU;PSe• FANCY DISHES,. TOYS. PICUl*E.ROOKS,, XMAS. CARDS ,A ND ( BOOKLETS. CANDIES, NUTS, ORANGES, LEMONS, RAIssINSe CURRANTS. FEELS, ZTC„, ETC. R. N. . wed'' U LA GENERAL IEIi CHAJV T PHONE i BLA