HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1929-12-05, Page 8PA TW4 STORE WITH THE STOC4fr Our Stock of ',Fall &Winter..Goods.. Is in readiness for your inspection Bay where you have, a choice of Goods and sizes to select from at reasonable prices. AVE HAVE YOUR SIZE IN ALL LINES OF UNDERWEAR, SWEATER COATS, OVERALLS, WORK SHIRTS, MACKINAW COATS, SOX AND HOSE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. SEE OUR FINE RANGE OF BOY'S WEAR; BLOOMERS, LONG PANTS, SHIRTS, SWEATERS, ETC. WE ARE NOT GOING OUR OF BUSINESS, BUT WILL CON- 'TINUE TO SERVE YOU. TO BEST OF OUR ABILITY, WITH No. 1 QUALITY GOODS, PROMPT SERVICE AND BY EXTEND - /NG CREDIT TO OUR PATRONS. OUR MOTTO: A SQUARE DEAL TO ALL. Fresh Groceries at lowest possible Prices Always in the market for good Produce J. GASCHO & SONS Prot u,t Wanted Phone 59 Anew. maart, JOINT DEBENTURES HURON and ERIE DEBENTURES Can beiss; 4d jointly in the names of two or more persons. In =tie event of the death of 4uy one of the investors, the Debenture is payable at maturity to the survivor or survivors Without recourse to Law. This is a popular way of investing honey and xnany :investors in Huron and Erie Debentures have taken advantage of this plan: 5 Is now paid on these tried and true Debentures, twice a Year. Applications received at any time by: Before you Invest ----INVESTIGATE! Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO—SERVICE AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR WILL'? a alaaat•,s...... ..SP,N••••s•: • The Best Place to Buy HARDWARE 1 • SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE, FROST WIRE FENCING, GOLD MEDAL TWINE, SHERWIN WILLIAMS PAINTS, GOOD- YEA.R TIRES AND TUBES, HECLA FURNACES. QUEBEC STOVES AND HEATERS, HEATING, PLUMBING AND TINS- S MITHING, A SPECIALTY INING AND BED ROOM SUITS, CHESTERFIELD SUITS, SPRINGS, BEDS, MATTRESSES, CHAIRS, ETC. SEEDS BUYERS AND RETAILERS OF ALL KINDS OF CLOVER:' AND GRASS SEEDS. SEE UR FOR PRICES AND QUALITY' If in need of new furniture, don't forget, we have it! i ZV R,I C$ M$**ALIO Trhurik14, NOviiher 604 109, —^.y�'.y-y ,�—.+�,.*yy,y_y4�a.�y,, �•^-"+.^.•�..`.. �IIIM/ '�••I ._� ......... ..... .fl•• *11 �.'111'1'41.M'b++!i+'F$"LM+'1'4'4'1Mt"I'{,4.'I'M"1' Men's and Boy's Underwear, Woolen, Fleeced. Line, Two piece, or Combinations, Hats, Caps, Sweater Coats, Socks, Etc. All at the Right Prices LADIES' AND CHILDRENS' UNDERWEAR AND HOSIERY. WOOL BLANKETS, FLANNELETTE BLANKETS, FLANNEL- ETTE SHIRTING, PYJAMA CLOTHS, AND EVERYTHING NEEDED FOR THE COLD WEATHRR.' CALL AND SEE OUR LINES DRIED APPLES TAKEN. COMMENCING' MONDAY 0 CTOBER 28th, WE WILL TAKE DUTCH SETT ONIONS, AND PAY HIGHEST MARKET PRICES •FOR SAME. J. W. MERNER YELLOW FRONT. STORE PHONE NO. 145 ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST! Guelph Winter Fair — December 9th to 12th. The new chief of police at Paris, Ont., bears the name of Brimstone. He should be a terror to evildoers. A father's best investment is his children; when they turn out well poverty has no terrors for him. An education is worth more than a Packard; your education will pay far more than it costs, and it can neither be burnt, stolen or wrecked. No amount of gold painting can ever make an evil character good.The possession of millions cannot wipe out one evil deed. SCHOOL CONCERT . Blake School Concert will be held on Wednesday evening, Decefnber 38th. Admission 25c. and 15c. Come and enjoy a real treat. If five thousand Mennonites wish to leave Russia and come to Canada, surely there is plenty of room for them here. If they are like the Mennonites already in this country, they would be industrious, law-abid- ing citizens and an asset to Canada.' 1 The defeat. of the tarn borer is said to be in sight. Agricultural scientists are developing a variety of corn that is proof against the borer. It will be a few years yet before it , is developed fully and in suffieiieent quantities to supply the market; but the mere fact that the borer plague can be checked without stopping the growing of an important crop: will be no small encouragement to agricults urists. Mr. J. Reid, Mitchell, who has the contract of dredging the Slack Creek Drain, will soon have the big under- taking completed. The contract cal- led for the dredging of the stream from the Zurich Road in the little swamp to the south Boundary of Hay and about two miles south into Ste- phen Township. All that remains to be done is a short portion south of the Zurich Road, and if the weather continues favorable it is expected that the ditch will soon be completed. • STADE & WEIDO ZURICH ONT. 't.1l ,9100,t!....60111,IEt B,11001iI .N Pik... Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co OF WOODSTOCK;,, The Largest Business of any Canadian Company doing Business in Ontario - Amount of Insurance at Risk on Deo. Slat. 1928, $22,206,275. Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $160,378.74 Rates—$4.50 per $l,000 for 3 yearn, E. F. Klopp—Zurich Meat, Also Dealer in Li$btning Reds and all kinds of Fire•1nsurance Millinery FINE DISPTA ALY: OF XMAS. GIFTS CHILDREN'S HATS, REG. $2.25 AND $2,00 FOR $1-00 2 VELOM TAMS, REG_ $1.25 NOW 50c. ALL. MATRON'S HATS IN BLACK Reg. $5.00 and $4.50, Fcr 52.00 MATRONS IN COLORS Reg. 54.50, For $1.85. ALL FELTS AND VELVET FOR YOUNG MATRONS AND GIRLS At $1.90. FLOWERS AT HALF PRICE COME EARLY AND GET FIRST CHOICE AT THE Pension Cheques Mailed. Mails from the Parliament Build- ings on .Thursday last carried over 16,400 cheques, the first payment to old age pensioners, with the total val- ue of $305,985.' The next payment will include a large number of addit- ional applications which were receiv- ed or passed as eligible after Nov- ember ist. Those received before that date and not sanctioned until later will receive payment for two months' pension, and will be mailed out early in December to enable pen- sioners to receive their money before Christmas. A number of farmers in this sec- tion were called upon to pay a pen- alty and costs when game wardens laid a complaint that they were ke- eping wild geese or wild ducks on their premises without the required permit. The costs and fine in most cares were around $20.00. All people who are harboring wild clucks or wild geese are required to write to the Department of Game and Fisher- ies, and a permit will be issued, the cost of which will be only for the asking. A Champion A Shorthorn owned by Ernest Robson of Denfield, was declared as grand championsteer of the royal Winter Fair at Toronto. A Scot. and a Canadian judge were unable to choose between the Shorthorn and an Angus, owned by the University of Alberta, and one of the United States judges was 'called. He gave the award to the Ontario entry. In t'is grand championship class were the champions in the various breeds of Commercial cattle, the winner of the baby beef contest and the champ- ion grade. The winner of the baby beef championship was a pure bred S orthorn owned by Fred Grahhouse o." Walton and the Herford steer championship went to O'Neil Bros., of Denfield HAT SHOPPE ONE DOOR WEST OF MERNER'S BLOCK, Vera V. Siebert "CARD OF THANKS The bereft family of the Late Mrs. S. Rennie wish to greatly thank, the neighbors and friends for the kind assistance and sympathy rendered during the illness and departure of the deceased. Rates of Seeding In an experiment conducted at 0. A. C. for a period of eight years the results show that the greatest yield per acre with winter wheat was ob- tained from sewing one and three quarters bushels of seed to the acre. Whcn the amount of seen sown per acre was taken into consideration the yield at the one . and three-quarters bushels rate of seening was only sli- ghtly higher than that obtained from sowing one and one-half bushels per art The Only Home She Knows Little -blue - eyed, auburn t haired geacie, was born in the Toronto Mos- pital for Consumptives, where her mother, not yet in her twenties, to a Patient The only hotne (Gracie has aver known, or is likely to know Sot sante tittle to Come, is the Queen Mary Rodpital and. Presenter/Wu. 14o, she has not her mather'o aiintent, but eondtant care is needed that she ma:4r not dewolop the disease. Sometimes she gots to fate: her mother, but can only talk With her at some distance, for it would be dan- gerous for cinother to take her in her *rine as she lough no to do. Such. are the dramas, he trsg+.d,es asnd the reacuew daily enacted at these hoopitale, In their newer-end,inr, 1ifk- saving /rot*. ' dour help is „urgently needed '.3r01.1 please send a ectitt.r,1,utiu . , 1i. Charlton a,.a.(t A. 1 .: M. ,M., i cei1ee14 Street, to trtto fir. .,, + Seasonable Goods 4a �.. : Now is the time of year; to - fit -out your home with new Furniture .4. Also SimmonsGuarau.teed Springs j,. j. • and l0Mattresilos • SNRN 41�/N04••••••••SSM ', Scarfe's Celebrated Paints and Varnishes FLOOR FINISHES,, OIL STAINS, PORCH ANDIYLOOR ENAMEL CHL-NAMEL4. VARNISHES }+ esesse. . aos••SS.�i i . paseim �i All Lines ofHardware' 1 4: and Tinware - GET OUR PRICES ON WIRE FENCING AND BARB WIRE 4 I + SEE US WHEN IN THE MARKET FOR PUMPS. ,� PLUMBING AND EAVETROUGHING, PIPING, ETC,, ATTEND- ED TO AT SHORTEST NOTICE. MILLER'S INCUBATORS AND BROODEETS CALL .AND SEL US Jbhnston C Ka1bflejcJi • Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 ',P;++++++++++++++++++++++++44+++++++++++46+++++++44444. 51111i!iS:'IMIS;ti3iIM111111111@.h'•s1IUl("6�!'t11th1111hl'ul7SIRIiIII111111i11191!I<!I!{IL !lIIIU'71 11k lr,l�x' 'yl1L7GIliG i !! �`,'7tillkllJtlloiJifr NOTICE! AI to Tops Buggy Tops Viragm Rapairirhg, Painting, Etc. Second andel Buggies, HESS - ZURICH Is ilV hn i1111ni1i i+,111'?t", ;";„L+ ti..t111 a.,::.:urJE t acf'h;lwgN111171'�ifigsmi t 3:.a.musi tiatlNCtlitCl! „i'i141(!ttatm si t ANNOUNCEMENT ! t ZURICH AND VICINITY FOR TELE FOLLOWING LINES OF TRIED AND PROVEN PRODUCTS Off+ 1 We have been. appointed Agents direct for WItLLY'S OVERLAND LTD. OF TEE LOW PRI - WHIPPET FOuR CED FIELD.T SEB IT; DRIVE IT; COMPARE IT WITH ANYTHING AT THE PRICE. A TRIED AND PROVEN PRODUCT OP QUALITY F THE LOWEST PRICED SIX ON It WmI: °TT . S I. X THE MARKET. A. CAR WIITH. A 1' BOUND REPUTATION - • illys KlhTWO PROVIDED VEtTHE FAMOUR SLERVE VALVE MOTOR. IF IN NEED OP A CAR ARRANGE TO SSM Oa BEFORE BUYING ELSEWHERE. 'A SATISFACTORY DEAL } ASSURED, BESIDES: 4. "WE GIN/Ell-YOU SERVICE" 4. i• L. Moasseau Zurich 4. f 1 1444,44+1144444+44444.44+++.1i•4444444444+++.4.4444•44++ iretwilleitiffoloowooriegRatiogtoomostwooseewololsoiMEt 4. +� • f �▪ 1! d .>r i ale L. i HERALD OFFICE Do, You KnowUtir THAT WE ARS ALWAYS AT, YOUR SERVICE FOB • 0000 retor NQ THAT WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH PRINTED • WEDDING INVITATIONS• AND ANNOUNCEMENTS. TEAT" WS PRINT CALLING CARDS; STATIONERS, SUCB &S LIMTERISEA.DS, BILLHEADS, ENVE{LOPRS AND STATEMENTS TWAT WE - ARE AGENTS FOR TWO LEADING ITANUFAQt N P Y ANY QUANTIITY AND SiZ 4f' MMS OF COUNTER CHECK CNECE AND SO SUP- Ii00K* TE,A;T WE CARRY IN STOCK WRITING PAPERS, NNV1WI- OPES IN ALL SIZES, dARt) PAPERS, CARBON .0* 'PRAMS PAPER, SHIPPING 'T'KOs, MEMORIAM BT' ATIONNR?, .NOTE BOOKS, RECEIPt EOOK$ INTWO SAGE, FOOLSCAP, ETC., sri'G ' 'rami WE. l~ iLIL YOUR ORDINARY'SIZE INK SOTTO AVITB 400D FOVN'PAIN PEN Wit R ac LARD GER esTrruss AT BIGGER Rib EFCT>dO s WE PRINT POSTING BILLS, Joiroo&`EON $ALB POW THAT TEA IIERCANT/LE POSTERS ASD ALL Oinnt'RAL PFsxETI1!I'OI iMR SL'; *MAIM( 6.4++'44+4+4tit'•+4* ***+ L*4+* ".+ + 4 P+4+44+, *$*++'444