HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1929-12-05, Page 515.2;x.. elflatilt35 CARDS Du-m.4w E.Houvizs •A*RISTZA, sane 'TOR, war IIRT PUBLIC, ETC, W?F1C$-- ll sm It Street, 11101 oft . $91$1ie0 •GebritItE, Onterio. NOTICE rite, For Found Netiee Et Ad IN Tina aoDVINIO sow Epeeist attention to Co1#naol aatl TO CONSIDER S iT LA'W A Coat Workk MEETING' OF COUNCIL fir. Kot» mp bta r°»I$ od ' at 'fake notice that a 13y -law for tl6oilegrih ' b ,elaintirs e a+I. P} e� ze rt, lsa��g �r"z 00D:00 " .under the prr - law of The ,Tile , Drainage Act, will, 'p be taken into consideration by the Dr, H. B. COWEN L. D. S;D. O S,, , DENTAL SURGEON, At DEITZ "BLOUJ ZURICH. yar r:,Tharatta ;:- POW,' S'tburday- at itAl tTI l " . .tVN; tatiktiliVOOD Every Monday, Tnay iedneaalay_ • A.0 -C -T-1 : i -E E•R OSCAR KLOPP ' ersilu to Carey AL Jonas Nat- -Earl School at .I W tioneawriag• Try Est, for Registered Live Stock, tl 7ae.da). Tonna is keeping tettit prevailing pricer-. Choice Roma far safe. 'Mu 'wit auythini AnyOkere, - Luri• SIMI* 11H, -t1 or IMO, Licensed Auctioneer ,pg HURON is MIDDLESEX ,. IN ♦ POSITION TO CON- ,ant ON- ,aa+y; a? ion Rale, regardleas alt' SO Itas or. •article to veil.,1 ■Weil your budd.sar and 12: ct tiia cheat 'wIU make so charge's tar •, Weller -- Dwl weed. RiMO -11-"Sy 0 29x4:40 •3Ox3 Tubbs. , 'Lilt `Prices It0WW Ea W.O. sII1�i.I1 ZariCh=ular •. MEAT •''MARKET ANNOUNCING °S ILT WE' HAVE PV1tC.H,I•SED V OF YLTNGBLUT # DEICHE13T. THIS WELL ESTAB SASHED' MEAT BUSINESS. AND 301 1T .;YOUR: PATRONAGE 1929 Announcement illiPAING PRICES NOW IN EFFECT canton •Coal t , Coke Alberta Coe aid Safi' GOal l► SPEC1Ala'DISCOUNT OF 5A' Cts. '4r Toa+ tiwwUf t #r�ifeir d for c+is jt. , lariat ' ° " wil raiiwca tri `3wiiea F1Ws.• • .04 Son. • HEMSALt: OU -IL R Y 'V'VANT' 3D sat.. wir.i7 day, till w'elook p, .'rw. 41111 IIS4 Pawl Bessie i arrainx *et MO Irreftilt ha. Highest Cask Prices 4-4,ANIN 1,04-4 Cream -and Eggs W. O'BrienAiLts1101116 Uttar., Municipal Council of the Township of Hay,. at the Town Hall, Zurich, on the 13U day of January, 1930, at the hour of tire'o'clock in the after - z • AA. Ir NESS, Clerk Township Of Hay. • NOTIE' • e spe.jairxe ,on • ,•rhe' following: Ford�rara ssi`oii Linings. Ford ,. Enda; Ford Spfiags ,,'F•ord... "Valves eGrii ib g; Brakes re -lined on all makes mi Cars; We give special attention on oiling and greasing- all makes of cars; Radiator anti -freeze attention, Tire Jeepsiring; Have your spring's oiled; ' ". Leonard Prang,, Zurich. WANTED A limited number of cattle taken for Whiter Feeding For particu- lars apply to.; Theo. McAdams, R.R. 3. Zurich. " ZURICH FLOUR MILLS Beginning November 26th, 'Chopp- ing and Rolling will be done on Tues- day, Thursday and Saturday all day. FARM FOR SALE " ' In Hay Township, Bronson Line, consisting of 133 acres of choice clay loam. Farm is well fenced and all drained. ' 13 acres of wheat, 30 ae- xes" plowed, the balance in grass, 8 Acres' of'bush,'3 acres of orchard, 1 jOna Val- 141tritifil ;:• a well at house, both are ueverfaii- ing, good brick house, and the follow ing outbuildings: Barn 47x75, with straw. shed 61x41; hen house 24x20; sheep pen 24x16; drive shed 52x20; waad shed"`.24k111,'ltite.henl.,6x14 And the house 37x30 feet. For further particulars apply to proprietor, Christ, Zirk, R. R. 3, Zurich. I am -in a' p'iisition 'Intake in ;a liunibe3 ol`•cattle for „Winter, For 'further' particulars apply to: Henry .h/per, Parr Line, Hay. FOR SALR .. A good., yewig Holstein cow, due on April 213th next. Apply to ' , Henry Ctausius, Zurich. • FOR SALE Knotter Knitting Machine; nearly new. Apply ' at Koine of Mr. C. Schrag Miss Nancy Gingerich, own- er, R.R.2, Zurich- tf-22 • Produce Wanted Highest cash prices paid for cream, Eggs and Poaltry. Thain a• ftIp r., ,, .• , Phone /1W.4 Enrich. The ImperialLife ',Assurance Co. of Canada !SAD OFFICE — TORONTO E. E. Wuerfh--Agent ZURICH Phony It -11 ialtant4W alta lctidigt IsVgurai ci. 'ideal aria Wow* * Or iaGanade COLD PAYS • I;Ta • YES, TN, C4?Idl i lIA1 S •ARE HERE AG AINi . itRE ,YOU '"REPAREDI r11''Ei'41't'E' +aced. a targe ►1 x•' ,. HIGit GRADE FUELS Gann ane 'Screntmt Anthracifte, Sol. ;way Cola*, Miner% Calmat Soft, )Pocaiu.ntas, Cannell, Oalt AIt,lprta and; Small Pea Coal for Snaking :DISCOUNT' of Stfe per ton allowed /or Ca.5n P'. Yfll: ADT ONLY HEN Aa_,t ONT, uilihe pitma2,44.. Via. Alamo lib, Only 'three more; weeks till Chas. Do your shopping now, at Missher hM, omeD, vetteinsmore erie Sund, ay • Mr. Herb Mousseau made a busin- ess trip to London, on Monday: Mr, Gilbert D.ucharme, of Detroit, spent the week -end with his parents on the Goshen Line south. D <r, Lloyd McBride was at Wind-. "sor the past week, returning' home with a new Ford Coach. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Weber, and Mrs. W. C. Wagner were .week end visitors with relatives in Detroit. • • Mr. and Mrs. Burl E. Weido. -and Dorothy, were Sunday visitors at Goderich. IVlerrsr.. Wm. Lamont, and Chas. ;Fritz were Sunday `visitors at: •the lioine ,"of: Mr: and Slims.'. Alex. iMcCon=• nell of Varna. ' Rew E, Neudoerffer of "Waterloo College; conducted both German' and English services in the Lutheran ch- urch on Sunday. , Hay Council' met for the -first Dec- ember meeting on Monday, and the last scheduled meeting • will be en. Monday, December 16th. ;, Mr. and Mrs. .Rheinaman Kalb- fleisch of Detroit, were week -end vis- itors with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. C, Kalbfleisch. Mr. Newel Geiger, who is attend- ing Toronto • University, spent the week -end at his home here. Also attending the funeral of :his grand- mother, Mrs. S. Rennie. • Tell your friends , how 'we' serve you. Sandy Elliot, the home of the Ford, we stock genuine Ford Parts all models /912 to 1929_ Miss Gladys Guenther, R. N., who had been, in care of her grandmother, Mrs. S. Rennie, for some weeks, left on Wednesday_ for Preston, where she is nursing in a hospital. Our merchants of town have in a very fine showing of Christmas tioodst which Ioek very attractive Mitt_ the buying pul,lie LiVe no need of going out of town to do their Xmas. shopping. Patronize , your home merchant for good value. Saturday, December 14th ' is the last- ty:in 'dish taxes of Bay Town- ship are payable at pais'YBtet• After that day 4% penalty will be added, And we sure do not wish to pay the penalty. The Iocal Bank , manage- ment advises us that the payments of taxes are coming in quite freely at present, but hardly_ a quarter, of, the 1929 tares: -have 'been paid to' date, R The. Selling Out Sale of Mr. T. L. Wurin, local merchant, is still going on and regardless of the first big rush or invasidii, `eeery`'da- is bring- ing new customers as N-e1I as new specials, until everything is sold to the bare walls. The big slogan of this sale' is: "The more you buy, the more you save. Be sure and act at once before all the real bargains are picked up. Tell your neighboks a- bout this gigantic • money saving event and come real often 'yourself. The funeral of the - late Mrs. S. Rannie'was held on Friday afternoon and was indeed largely attended, al- though the Weather:Iwas rather' in clement, but the large Evangelical auditorium was well filled. Rev; F. B. Meyer, of Bridgport, and :a 'term- er pastor of the departed,. assisted • Rev. W. Y. Dreier , in the' services. The floral tributes were numerous and costly, and her memory will ling- er long with everyone 'whom the departed came in contact ?with. Truly she ‘ was' • an honourable lady well worthy of these tributes and an entrance to, the celesta city, . where the great eternity will he all :peace and Joy: ,Ari • admirable personality is theleast•4ee`"can say, . ;y We have :expecienceil sotxie deal winter- weather over, the Week-ejid, and truly. we •must say, We are right in .the Midst _of winter. While town there rs,,enough snow, for good sleighing, yet ,in the open country there are many bare spots Tlie highway;ironic Seaforth tq Stratford is. full• of snow and only, the snow plow •will make it passable, aind the. highway freni•• Stratford to5I ondori is also fiffed, ' Ivhile the ran+ freim here to Londpn is•.:040 ,ate sah;e; and in a few days she ild be"-osF it the' weather behaves: Th the Water Highway to Godejch is'.• Open as a.•number' of large trucks plowed through and ;opened the road. , lie do not remember of having §o nfuah zero weather so early in Deoemlier, and if. we are `going to avoid in baht ing a very long winter, , It surely must be cut short in the spring; for it seems to have :got an - early 'start. 900 Turkeys Raised .. Approximately. 900 turkeys have been raised at the Ontario Govern- ment Turkey Farnt near Foretsvilie in Norfolk County during the past year. About one-half of these will come under the axe • prior to the holiday season, The 'better type of birds, however, are retained for breeding purposes. Very valuable information with respect to t,'rkov ,..rising, particularly the conditions cinder which turkeys thrive, has been >bta.rood since the farm was establish ed -_ years AP* NRR.AI la Mr. Ervin SchWat spent a few days• Et last week in Toronto, • •We are sorry to learn that Mr. '* John Fuss is not enjoying good ilea- ith at the present. • Messrs. Wellington Johnston and Gideon Koehler, were to Landon re- eptly, and while there Mr. Johnston exchangedhis Pontiac sedan, for a good used Buick coach. The Zurich Branch of the Wom- en's Institute held their monthly me- eting on Monday evening, Deeember 1,nd, with twenty-five ladies present. i'he meeting was opened by song and prayer with Mrs. C. Fritz in the chair. Master Ross Johnston ;;ave a -very 'pleasing piano solo, which was followed with a reading by Pearl Wurtz on Christmas, Mrs, Klopp Shen gave a very good report of the Womens' Institute Convention which :vas Held at London' recently. Dr. A. I. MacKinnon' Was then "called on -to give an •address.,which was much ap- preciated by the ladies present. The Secretary, Mrs. ;MacKinnon was then called on to give the minutes of the last meeting. A number of items of business were • transacted- It was moved and seconded that five dollars be sent to the Sick Children's Hos- pital, London. The roll call was then answered with -Christmas Cake rec- ipes. PRESENTATION The. Luther League pleasantly surprised Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Kalb- 8eisch by . aisembling in their home andspending the evening there. During the course of the evening Mr. Ivan Yungblut presented them with a beautiful silver flower basket and Miss 'Gertrude Schilbe read the foI- lowing address: - Dear Iran and Veeia:-- We could not let this oppor- tunity pass without personally bring- ing our" felicitations upon the occas- ion of your wedding, a little belated perhaps, but none the less, sincerely. Tp the years that you have heen our fellow -workers in the Luther League, I s M 11,•••••••••••••••••••••1101/ you have endeared yourselves to all, ; f the one 'as our president, the other as one of our most loyal members. You- were ever willing and ready to assist in'' any way where assistance was needed, and we trust you will continue your good work in our 1010* I,MIE INS �+ ►,..,11,i, N+►M', f',, 4•••••••••tA1►/iN►1►Q•'O+i►f11•• 'm Imp1emer*s W I ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR FARM IMPLRMENTS, AND • W• ILL. BE GLAD TO SUPPLY YOU WITH JUST THE KIND OR 4 MACHINERY THAT YOU NEED THE MOST, AND THAT WILL; • GIVE YOU MOST VALUE UE PER DOLLAR OF COST. i , CARRY A FULL LINE OF PUMPS; PIPING AND FITTING a . AND RESIDES WE INSTALL OUR PUMPS. ► LET YOUR NEXT CREAM SEPARATOR BE A DELAVAL to.•:, Wo have the Agency far this District. GARAGE SUPPLIES s s, • WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF GARAGE SUPPLIES, AND CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH ALMOST ANY FIND OF AUTO ARTS AND BES• • PARTS, , RESIDES CAN,sAYE.YOU .MONEY' O " DO EXPERT `' $`AIS£$ w N DAMR _ ar I" 'Wt,J„�trK„ .:Olit ,REPAIRING AND RE's, $UILI 1NG- BATTERtgs " ' YOUR PATRRNAGGk ,SOLICITED tires, Tubes, Gas,Oils and Greases, e a • • • 1 •i s L. A. Prang _ Zurich ♦o•••fa•••••••••••••••••••e•••••••••••••••••••••••4•N I The Winter Season • 1S THE IDEAL TIME' TO REPLACE OLD FASHIONED FLOORS OR DOORS WITH- THE MODERN HARDWOOD FLOOR OR FRENCH DOORS LET 113 QUOTE YOU ON COLONY HOUSES ALL SIZES AND • KIND BUILT 1J? AT THE MILL FOR SPRING • DELIVERY - Io • 0• KALBPLES-CR..PHONE .._..... 69 - ZURICH 40•444,444.44.444.•,44.+.4.4.••••••••• •44.44ti.••••14 f •4M M!••f•4#}.+#ib4•••Mi•1•• i ... StookFoods, midst with' united strength, mindful)JLDr. 1 J Hess' Stock:';'&n d- Poultry Food of that popular song: 1.: ALSO MASTER BRAND LAYING MASHES,, !IG CHO* CJ'. COW; And when I get the girl I love, We'll go • to League together; May God's richest Blessings rest on ou, on the new borne you "have es- blished and 'oil all your .undertak- Alngs. ' May we ask you to accept this little gift, not for its value, but as a tokne of our warm friendship for you The Luther League of St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Zurich. ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church "A, Changeless Christ for • chang- ing World." Friday, 8h: Luther League. Saturday—Choir Practice. , 10. a. m: ,Garman Service. 11.'.5 Sunday School. 7:20: English Service. Everybody Welcome to ail $rcvies*. E. Tuerklieitn. Pastor. Evangelical Church Notes ZURICH +- ONT. Enthusiastic Religion Religion is impotent and useless when "it becomes formal. It must ev- er be a- "divine spark struck from God's'az vil, living on and inspiring us .to itiereased devotion. 'You -say you are a believer; what kind? A. belief ' that answers God's requirement must be enthusiastic. How much fire do you carry in your belief. A fireless spark plug and a fireless belief are alike, mere junk. No •christian influences the world like ours forgood, unless his soul glows, a your soul is' not on fire,- it - vifit collectmoral rubbish and it will foul •yonr life, but if your altar, fire burn unceasingly by you will light up the world for ,God and his Chili!. The ideal, 'Christian lives,' thrills ,and thrpbs'With a god -given vitality and purpose.-- He comes'to his ;dying day ful1..and.bulgitng with life. This rode out enthusiastic religion 'is a serious, duty,•. a dii'ine command, "and a hum- an 'experience that is filled with joy" pnspeakable,. ` Tnuday► 7.16 p. u. -4t. League. Thursday 'Lai -Prayer sad. Parise. At_the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Koehler. Friday t,$i p.ni.--1laniar League Friday t.3s p.at.--Choler Practice SUNDAY MIVICRM Wand ap 1f A. M. Subject—Godliness with content- ment Part II. CHOW. REEF SCRAPS, OYSTER SHELLS, ETC. YOUB 1929 COAL NOW IS THE REST TIME OF THE YEAR TO PUT IN YOUR ISUPPLY OF COAL FOR NEXT WINTER. OURSPECIALIN• . DUCEMENT IS 50 CENTS OFF FOR CASH SALE, AND BESIDES WE HAVE THE LOWEST PRICES FOR SUMMER DELIVERIES ACT NOW! L. Schilbe & Son • \ A R. •••111101110000111000111.111008011.0008110111611414101100411.14l R"� .Mt.OM ,1lAl!Illiansae WAWI �{: Wfift�W Zurich DrugStore CHRISTMAS GIFTS. We have a nice assortment of articles which will make beautifut and useful Christmas GIFTS Toilet ets, . , Manicure Set 'Military Brushes. Perfumes Toilet Waters and Perfum. 1 Ee1ri,. Fine Stationery and Fountain Pens. it KQDAKS AND FILIMmir elS cre,--,I3ible School, Si J". 11. Gartebo, Superintendent. J ilP rt Worship: 7.30 P. M. Dr a MacKinnon, ilk Dohs , •i•is it �guuiide int%-=7-;alliblY1 yam/***lot. f■l